from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially.
- intransitive verb To grasp or grip.
- intransitive verb To capture physically; seize.
- intransitive verb To seize with authority or legal right.
- intransitive verb To get possession of (fish or game, for example) by capturing or killing.
- intransitive verb Sports To catch or receive (a ball or puck).
- intransitive verb Sports & Games To acquire in a game or competition; win.
- intransitive verb Sports & Games To defeat.
- intransitive verb To engage in sex with.
- intransitive verb To remove or cause to be absent, especially.
- intransitive verb To remove with the hands or an instrument.
- intransitive verb To cause to die; kill or destroy.
- intransitive verb To subtract.
- intransitive verb To exact.
- intransitive verb To affect in a strong or sudden manner as if by capturing, as.
- intransitive verb To deal a blow to; strike or hit.
- intransitive verb To delight or captivate.
- intransitive verb To catch or affect with a particular action.
- intransitive verb To carry in one's possession.
- intransitive verb To convey by transportation.
- intransitive verb To lead or cause to go along to another place.
- intransitive verb To be as a path or course for; provide a way for.
- intransitive verb To receive into or on the body, as.
- intransitive verb To put (food or drink, for example) into the body; eat or drink.
- intransitive verb To draw in; inhale.
- intransitive verb To expose one's body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example).
- intransitive verb To make use of or select for use, as.
- intransitive verb To move into or assume occupancy of.
- intransitive verb To choose for one's own use; avail oneself of the use of.
- intransitive verb To require the use of (something).
- intransitive verb To use or require (time).
- intransitive verb To use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation.
- intransitive verb To use (something) as a means of safety or refuge.
- intransitive verb To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle.
- intransitive verb To undertake, make, or perform.
- intransitive verb To perceive or become aware of by one of the senses.
- intransitive verb To commit and apply oneself to the study of.
- intransitive verb To study for with success.
- intransitive verb To accept, receive, or assume, as.
- intransitive verb To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly.
- intransitive verb To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit.
- intransitive verb To provide room for; accommodate.
- intransitive verb To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example).
- intransitive verb To submit to (something inflicted); undergo or suffer.
- intransitive verb To put up with; endure or tolerate.
- intransitive verb To receive into a particular relation or association, as into one's care or keeping.
- intransitive verb To assume for oneself.
- intransitive verb To agree to undertake or engage in (a task or duty, for example).
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word take.
Many of them applied to me my parents threaten to take my PC out of my room..take the Internet Modem I love WoW and its Bloody addictive, But yeah still have a social life.
The failure of the US to take seriously whats going on in Darfur is another face of racism let those folks take care of their own.
On finding he has fairly grinned himself into your good graces, he formally prepares to take leave, endeavouring at the same time to _take_ likewise what you are probably less willing to part withal -- namely, a portion of your cash.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 270, August 25, 1827 Various
QUOTATION: There, take, says Justice, take ye each a shell;
Quotations 1919
You write that I take your feeling for me too lightly and that I take the whole affair too lightly.
Chapter 14 1918
I like you, take Tromp (confound it!) take Vautrins word for it.
Paras. 500599 1917
There was no doubt that Snowball wanted to take a hand in the sport -- or perhaps it would be better to say _take a horn_.
The Tale of Snowball Lamb Arthur Scott Bailey 1913
If you take a photograph, _take_ a photograph, and don't try to do a pastoral play at the same time.
About Peggy Saville George de Horne Vaizey 1887
I didn't tell him then I loved him, but now I take this chance, I _take it_ GLADLY before you!
The Climbers A Play in Four Acts Clyde Fitch 1887
"Aren't you going to take advantage of me, man -- aren't you going to _take_ it?"
The Finer Grain Henry James 1879
Related Words
synonyms (750)
Words with the same meaning
- OD
- abduct
- abide
- absorb
- abstract
- accede
- accede to
- accept
- accommodate
- accompany
- account as
- accroach
- acknowledge
- acquire
- act
- admit
- adopt
- advocate
- affect
- agree to
- allow
- allow for
- allure
- and
- annex
- annihilate
- apply
- appreciate
- apprehend
- appropriate
- arrogate
- ask
- assault sexually
- assent
- assimilate
- assume
- astonish
- astound
- attack
- attract
- avails
- bag
- bamboozle
- be afraid
- be agreeable
- be blooded
- be brought down
- be felled
- be seized of
- be struck down
- be successful
- be traumatized
- be with one
- bear
- bear with
- beard
- beat
- beat it
- become airborne
- behave
- believe
- belittle
- bewitch
- bilk
- blackmail
- blast off
- blaze
- blaze up
- blink at
- board
- bolt
- boodle
- book
- boom shot
- boost
- booty
- borrow
- box office
- brave
- break bread
- break out
- bring
- bring up
- brook
- burlesque
- burn
- burst into flame
- buy
- call for
- capital gains
- captivate
- capture
- caricature
- carry
- carry away
- carry off
- carry on
- cart
- catch
- catch cold
- catch fire
- catch on
- catch on fire
- catch up
- challenge
- charm
- chase
- cheat
- choose
- chouse
- chronicle
- claim
- clap hands on
- clasp
- claw
- cleanup
- clear
- clear profit
- clench
- click
- clinch
- close-up
- clutch
- collapse
- collar
- combust
- come by
- come down with
- come in for
- come into
- come off
- commandeer
- commissions
- compass
- comply
- comprehend
- comprise
- con
- conceive
- conclude
- condone
- conduct
- confiscate
- connect
- connive at
- conquer
- consent
- consider
- construe
- consume
- contain
- contend against
- continue
- contract
- convey
- convoy
- cop
- copy
- corral
- cotton
- count calories
- court
- cover
- cozen
- crave
- credit
- credits
- crib
- crook
- cull
- daresay
- deal with
- debase
- decamp
- deceive
- deduce
- deduct
- deem
- define
- deflate
- deflorate
- deflower
- defraud
- degrade
- delineate
- deliver
- demand
- depart
- deprecate
- depreciate
- derive
- derive from
- describe
- deuce shot
- devirginate
- devour
- diagnose
- diddle
- diet
- dig
- digest
- diminish
- disavow
- discard
- discount
- disgrace
- disparage
- disposable income
- disregard
- dividend
- dividends
- divine
- do
- do the trick
- document
- doff
- down
- drag down
- drain off
- draw
- draw back
- draw from
- draw off
- dream
- drink
- dupe
- earn
- earned income
- earnings
- eat
- effect
- elect
- embezzle
- embrace
- employ
- enchant
- encompass
- end
- endure
- engage
- enlist
- enmesh
- ensnare
- entail
- entangle
- enter into possession
- entertain
- entrap
- erupt
- escort
- espouse
- establish
- esteem
- estimate
- exact
- expect
- experience
- express
- expropriate
- extort
- extract
- face
- face the music
- fall to
- fancy
- fare
- farewell
- fascinate
- fathom
- favor
- feed
- feed on
- feel
- ferry
- fever
- fiddle
- fight
- filch
- fill up
- filthy lucre
- fit in
- flame
- flimflam
- fly
- fly off
- follow
- follow-focus shot
- fool
- foul
- freight
- full shot
- function
- gain
- gains
- gate
- gate receipts
- gather
- get
- get hold of
- get the drift
- get the idea
- get the picture
- gettings
- gleanings
- glom on to
- go
- go along with
- go away
- go great guns
- go into shock
- go off
- go on with
- go over
- go over big
- go through
- go to town
- gobble up
- grab
- grab hold of
- graduate
- graft
- grant
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- gross
- gross income
- gross profit
- gross receipts
- group shot
- guess
- guide
- gull
- gulp down
- gyp
- hack
- handle
- harpoon
- harrow
- harvest
- haul
- have
- have a hunch
- have an idea
- have an impression
- have an inkling
- have coming in
- have it taped
- have recourse to
- have the idea
- hire
- hit
- hit the road
- hoard
- hold
- hold as
- hoodwink
- hook
- hot goods
- hug
- humble
- humiliate
- hunger
- ignore
- imagine
- imbibe
- imitate
- implicate
- imply
- impose upon
- include
- income
- infer
- infringe
- ingest
- inhale
- inherit
- intake
- interest
- interpret
- involve
- judge
- ken
- kill
- killing
- kinescope
- knock off
- knock under
- know
- knuckle down
- knuckle under
- lampoon
- land
- lasso
- lay hands on
- lay hold of
- lead
- lead to
- learn
- lease
- leave
- leave unavenged
- let
- let be
- let in
- let it go
- liberate
- lift
- lift off
- like
- live with it
- lodge
- long shot
- look like
- look upon as
- loot
- lower
- lucre
- lug
- lure
- magnetize
- maintain
- make
- make a hit
- make allowances for
- make for
- make off with
- make use of
- makings
- manhandle
- mark
- master
- matte shot
- meal
- medium shot
- meet with success
- mesh
- mimic
- misappropriate
- mock
- motion picture
- mulct
- nab
- nail
- neat profit
- necessitate
- need
- net
- net income
- net profit
- net receipts
- nick
- nip
- nip up
- noose
- not resist
- note
- obey
- obtain
- occupy
- operate
- opine
- oppose
- opt for
- output
- overcharge
- overdose
- overhaul
- overlook
- overtake
- pack
- palm
- pan shot
- panoramic shot
- paper profits
- parody
- partake
- partake of
- pass
- pass over
- peculate
- peel off
- pelf
- perceive
- percentage
- perform
- perk
- perks
- perquisite
- pick
- pick up
- pickings
- picture
- pilfer
- pillage
- pinch
- pirate
- pitch in
- plagiarize
- play
- please
- plunder
- poach
- pocket the affront
- pork barrel
- possess
- possess sexually
- preempt
- prefer
- prefigure
- prehend
- presume
- presuppose
- presurmise
- prevail
- prize
- proceed
- proceeds
- process shot
- procure
- produce
- profit
- profits
- prosper
- provisionally accept
- public till
- public trough
- pull down
- purchase
- purloin
- pursue
- put down
- put forth
- put in writing
- put into effect
- put up with
- quaff
- qualify
- quarter
- raise
- rake-off
- rap shot
- rape
- ravish
- reach
- react
- read
- read into
- realize
- reap
- recant
- receipt
- receipts
- receivables
- receive
- reckon
- record
- regard
- regard with indulgence
- relent
- relish
- remind one of
- remove
- rent
- repudiate
- repute
- require
- resemble
- reserve
- resign
- resort
- resort to
- resume
- retain
- retake
- retract
- return
- returns
- revenue
- rip off
- rival
- rob
- rope
- royalties
- run a temperature
- run after
- run away with
- run for
- rustle
- sack
- satirize
- savor
- savvy
- say
- score
- scram
- scrounge
- secure
- see
- seize
- seize the meaning
- seizure
- select
- send up
- sense
- sequester
- serve
- set down
- set down as
- shame
- shock
- shoplift
- shot
- sicken
- simulate
- single out
- skedaddle
- snag
- snap up
- snare
- snatch
- sniggle
- snitch
- spear
- split
- spoil
- spoils
- spoils of office
- sponsor
- spoof
- squeeze
- stand
- startle
- steal
- stealings
- stick
- stolen goods
- stomach
- store
- strike
- strip off
- study
- submit
- submit to
- subsume
- subtract
- succeed
- succumb
- suffer
- support
- suppose
- surmise
- surprise
- survive
- suspect
- swag
- swallow
- swallow an insult
- swallow it
- swallow the pill
- swindle
- swipe
- tackle
- take aback
- take after
- take away
- take back
- take by assault
- take by storm
- take down
- take effect
- take for
- take for granted
- take from
- take hold
- take hold of
- take ill
- take in
- take it
- take it that
- take off
- take on
- take out
- take over
- take possession
- take possession of
- take to
- take to be
- take to mean
- take up
- take-in
- taken
- takings
- tangle
- tangle up with
- taste
- terminate
- thieve
- think
- till
- tolerate
- torment
- tote
- transcribe
- transport
- trap
- travel shot
- travesty
- treat
- trick
- trow
- trucking shot
- turn aside provocation
- turn to
- undergo
- understand
- understand by
- undertake
- unearned income
- use
- use up
- vie with
- view as
- violate
- voice
- waft
- walk off with
- wealth
- weather
- ween
- whip up
- whisk
- wile
- win
- wing
- wink at
- winnings
- wipe out
- withdraw
- withstand
- wolf
- woo
- work
- work well
- work wonders
- write down
- yield
- zoom shot
equivalents (3)
Other words for 'take'
hypernyms (74)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- Passover
- acquire
- act
- affirm
- apply
- ask
- assert
- aver
- avow
- bang
- be
- be intimate
- become
- bed
- bonk
- buy
- call for
- cover
- cross
- cut across
- cut through
- demand
- do work
- doit
- eff
- employ
- experience
- feature
- find
- fuck
- get
- get across
- get it on
- get laid
- get over
- go
- have
- have a go at it
- have intercourse
- have it away
- have it off
- have sex
- head
- hump
- incur
- involve
- jazz
- know
- lie with
- love
- make love
- make out
- move
- necessitate
- need
- obtain
- postulate
- purchase
- receive
- require
- roll in the hay
- screw
- sleep together
- sleep with
- swan
- swear
- track
- traverse
- use
- utilise
- utilize
- verify
- win
- work
hyponyms (255)
Words more specific or concrete
- Degas
- ablate
- accept
- adopt
- amputate
- arrogate
- aspirate
- assume
- attach
- audit
- bail
- bail out
- bale out
- beacon
- bear
- bear away
- bear off
- bone
- booze
- brush
- bur
- burl
- burr
- call in
- call-back
- cancel
- cannibalise
- cannibalize
- carry away
- carry off
- carve out
- cast
- cast-off
- chip away
- chip away at
- circumcise
- claim
- clean
- clear
- clear away
- clear off
- clear out
- clear up
- clutch
- co-opt
- collect
- compel
- condense
- confiscate
- cost
- cream
- cream off
- crumb
- cry for
- cry out for
- cut into
- cut-off
- de-iodinate
- de-ionate
- debone
- decalcify
- decarbonise
- decarbonize
- decarburise
- decarburize
- decoke
- decorticate
- defang
- defuse
- dehorn
- delete
- delouse
- delve
- demineralise
- demineralize
- depilate
- deprive
- descale
- desorb
- despoil
- detoxicate
- detoxify
- detusk
- dig
- disburden
- discharge
- disembowel
- disinvest
- dislodge
- dismantle
- divest
- do drugs
- draw
- draw away
- draw off
- draw out
- dredge
- drill
- drink
- drive out
- drop
- drug
- eat
- eliminate
- empty
- enucleate
- epilate
- eviscerate
- exact
- excavate
- exenterate
- exercise
- expectorate
- extirpate
- extort
- extract
- feed
- fill
- flick
- foray
- free
- fuddle
- get down
- get out
- govern
- grab
- gut
- habituate
- hand
- harvest
- head
- hit
- hollow
- hull
- husk
- hypophysectomise
- hypophysectomize
- imbibe
- impound
- knock out
- lade
- laden
- ladle
- leach
- lead astray
- lift
- lift out
- loot
- misdirect
- misguide
- mislead
- muck
- offsaddle
- partake
- pick
- pillage
- pit
- plunder
- practice
- practise
- prehend
- prepare
- pull
- pull off
- pull out
- pull up
- ransack
- ream
- reave
- recall
- recapture
- relieve
- replete
- repossess
- rescue
- resect
- retake
- rifle
- sack
- sample
- sate
- satiate
- scale
- scalp
- scavenge
- scoop
- scoop out
- scoop up
- seed
- seize
- sequester
- shake off
- shed
- shell
- show
- shuck
- skim
- skim off
- smoke
- snaffle
- snap up
- sop up
- spoon
- steal
- stem
- stone
- string
- strip
- suck in
- suck out
- sup
- swallow
- take away
- take back
- take out
- take-in
- take-up
- takeoff
- takeover
- taste
- tear away
- tear off
- throw
- throw-off
- throwaway
- tip
- touch
- train
- try
- tryout
- turnover
- tusk
- unburden
- undock
- undress
- unhinge
- unpack
- unsaddle
- unstring
- unveil
- use
- usher
- usurp
- wash
- wash away
- wash-off
- washout
- wear away
- wear off
- weed
- winnow
- wipe away
- wipe off
- withdraw
same context (55)
Words that are found in similar contexts
- add
- after
- agree
- auferre
- call
- child
- come
- cut
- day
- do
- fall
- far
- farm
- find
- give
- go
- gone
- have
- hear
- into
- keep
- kept
- kill
- know
- like
- look
- make
- mark
- move
- need
- neologism
- not
- note
- pass
- pay
- possession
- read
- redimere
- return
- rise
- run
- say
- selleth
- sent
- show
- talk
- thing
- through
- throw
- to-day
- try
- understand
- went
- whether
- write
cross-references (170)
- accept
- act
- adopt
- affect
- appropriate
- assume
- attract
- breathe
- buy
- bytake
- capture
- catch
- chooser
- consider
- consume
- contract
- copy
- derive
- exact
- fat take
- from
- get
- go
- hands
- inherit
- intake
- jump
- maker
- mistake
- move
- need
- occupy
- one
- one's self
- outtake
- overtake
- please
- quote
- remove
- spit take
- stick
- strike
- take care
- take ink
- taken aback
- taking
- takings
- that
- to be taken in the mainor
- to be taken sick
- to give and take
- to make one take the dust
- to take a leaf out of one's book
- to take a long breath
- to take a name in vain
- to take a season
- to take a stand
- to take a thing in snuff
- to take aback
- to take account of
- to take action
- to take advantage of
- to take after
- to take aim
- to take air
- to take amiss
- to take arms
- to take back
- to take bail for
- to take battle
- to take bearings
- to take bog
- to take breath
- to take by storm
- to take captive
- to take check
- to take down
- to take earth
- to take effect
- to take exception
- to take fire
- to take for granted
- to take french leave
- to take ground
- to take harbor
- to take heart
- to take heart of grace
- to take heed
- to take hold
- to take horse
- to take huff
- to take in
- to take in hand
- to take in patience
- to take in the slack
- to take in with
- to take into account
- to take into one's confidence
- to take into one's head
- to take issue
- to take it ill
- to take it out of
- to take land
- to take leave
- to take nams
- to take occasion
- to take off
- to take offense
- to take on
- to take on one
- to take on the broadside
- to take one down a buttonhole
- to take one napping
- to take one tardy
- to take one's bells
- to take one's chance
- to take one's ease
- to take one's gait
- to take one's life in one's hand
- to take one's mark amiss
- to take one's part
- to take one's self seriously
- to take one's turn
- to take opportunity
- to take order
- to take out
- to take over
- to take pains
- to take pepper in the nose
- to take pity upon
- to take the air
- to take the back track
- to take the bent
- to take the bit in the teeth
- to take the bull by the horns
- to take the coif
- to take the ground
- to take the laboring oar
- to take the law of
- to take the mantle
- to take the oath
- to take the road
- to take the say
- to take the wall of
- to take the wind out of one's sails
- to take time by the forelock
- to take to
- to take to heart
- to take to one's bosom
- to take to one's heels
- to take to pieces
- to take to task
- to take to the road
- to take turns
- to take up
- to take up a quarrel
- to take up arms
- to take up bees
- to take up short
- to take up the cross
- to take up with
- to take upon
- to take wind
- to take with
- to take with a grain of salt
- uptake
- use
- with
- withdraw
- works
gangerh commented on the word take
Recording of a scene or part of a scene.
July 31, 2008
malagrowther commented on the word take
I was looking for confirmation of take as an intransitive verb, and cannot find it here, in the sense of, being suitable to a base and surviving, as in "When enthusiasts for health insurance tried to graft the German system to the United States, the graft did not take". So I think that other subjects could be substituted for graft, meaning the same thing. The sentence I wanted to write goes something like: "This new art practice took well on the principles of...."
March 3, 2015
bilby commented on the word take
For me, your new example doesn't work. I mean take.
March 3, 2015
ry commented on the word take
see above in the Wiktionary entries:
"intransitive v. To have the intended effect; operate or work: The skin graft took."
March 3, 2015