
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A woven fabric, especially one on a loom or just removed from it.
  • noun The structural part of cloth.
  • noun A latticed or woven structure.
  • noun A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.
  • noun Something intricately contrived, especially something that ensnares or entangles.
  • noun A complex, interconnected structure or arrangement.
  • noun The World Wide Web.
  • noun A radio or television network.
  • noun A membrane or fold of skin connecting the toes, as of certain amphibians, birds, and mammals.
  • noun The barbs on each side of the shaft of a bird's feather; a vane.
  • noun Baseball A piece of leather or leather mesh that fills the space between the thumb and forefinger of a baseball glove.
  • noun Architecture A space or compartment between the ribs or groins of a vault.
  • noun A metal sheet or plate connecting the heavier sections, ribs, or flanges of a structural element.
  • noun A thin metal plate or strip, as the bit of a key or the blade of a saw.
  • noun A large continuous roll of paper, such as newsprint, either in the process of manufacture or as it is fed into a web press.
  • transitive verb To provide with a web.
  • transitive verb To cover or envelop with a web.
  • transitive verb To ensnare in a web.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To cover with or as with a web; envelop.
  • To connect with a web, as the toes of a bird; render palmate.
  • noun That which is woven; a woven fabric; specifically, a whole piece of cloth in course of being woven, or after it comes from the loom.
  • noun Same as webbing, 1.
  • noun The warp in a loom.
  • noun Something resembling a web or sheet of cloth; specifically, a large roll of paper such as is used in the web-press for news papers.
  • noun Any one of various thin and broad objects, probably so named from some similarity to the thin, broad fabric of the loom.
  • noun The blade of a sword.
  • noun The blade of a saw.
  • noun The plate (or its equivalent) in a beam or girder which connects the upper and lower fiat or laterally extending plates.
  • noun The corresponding part of a rail, between the tread and the foot. See cut under rail.
  • noun The flat part of a wheel, between the nave and the rim, as in some railway-wheels—occupying the space where spokes would be in an ordinary wheel.
  • noun The solid part of the bit of a key.
  • noun The part of an anvil below the head, which is of reduced size.
  • noun The thin, sharp part of the colter of a plow. See cut under plow.
  • noun A canvas cloth used in a saddle.
  • noun The basketwork of a gabion. See cut under gabion.
  • noun In a vehicle, a combination of bands or straps of a stout fabric, serving to keep the hood from opening too far.
  • noun The arm of a crank.
  • noun In ornithology, the blade, standard, vane, or vexillum of a feather: so called from the texture acquired through the weaving or interlocking of the barbs by the barbules with their barbicels and hooklets.
  • noun The plexus of very delicate threads or filaments which a spider spins, and which serves as a net to catch flies or other insects for its food; a cobweb; also, a similar substance spun and woven into a sort of fabric by many insects, usually as a covering or protection. See bag-worm, web-worm, and tent-caterpillar.
  • noun Figuratively, anything carefully contrived and elaborately put together or woven; a plot; a scheme.
  • noun In anatomy, a connective or other tissue; any open structure composed of fibers and membranes running into each other irregularly as if tangled, and serving to support fat or other soft substances. See tissue and histology.
  • noun In zoology, the membrane or fold of skin which connects the digits of any animal; especially, that which connects the toes of a bird or a quadruped, making the animal palmiped, and the foot itself palmate, as occurs in nearly all aquatic birds (hence called web-footed), and in many aquatic mammals, as the beaver, the muskrat, and ornithorhynchus. Webs sometimes occur as a congenital defect of the human fingers or toes. The relatively largest webs are those of the bats' wings. In birds the extent and special character of the webs (technically called palamæ) are taken into some account in classification, and some conditions of the webs receive special names. See web-footed, and cuts under bat, duckbill, flying-frog, Œdemia, otary, palmate, semipalmate, and totipalmate.
  • noun In coal-mining, the face or wall of a long-wall stall in course of being holed and broken down for removal.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete A weaver.
  • noun The world-wide web; -- usually referred to as the web.
  • transitive verb To unite or surround with a web, or as if with a web; to envelop; to entangle.
  • noun That which is woven; a texture; textile fabric; esp., something woven in a loom.
  • noun A whole piece of linen cloth as woven.
  • noun The texture of very fine thread spun by a spider for catching insects at its prey; a cobweb.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English, from Old English; see webh- in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Old English webb, from Proto-Germanic *wabjan, from Proto-Indo-European *webʰ- (“weave”).


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  • As you may have already know, Digia @web browser is first and only fully finger touch controllable web browser

    News From Symbian Smart Phones World... 2008

  • Now, while our _idea of God_ thus tells us that God has in his hand all causal chains in the world, and its million-threaded web in constant omni-surveying presence and in all-controlling omnipotence, our reflection on the _world_ and its substance and course also leads us from the _a posteriori_ starting-point of analytical investigation precisely to the same result; it even leads us to a still more concrete conception of this idea -- namely, to the result, that not only the _causal chains, in their totality and in their web_, but also _all single links_ of these chains,

    The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Rudolf Schmid

  • $web - full web including parents, such as "Engineering/Techpubs/Apps"

    TWiki.Codev The contributing authors of TWiki 2010

  • $web - full web including parents, such as "Engineering/Techpubs/Apps"

    TWiki.Codev The contributing authors of TWiki 2010

  • $web - full web including parents, such as "Engineering/Techpubs/Apps"

    TWiki.Codev The contributing authors of TWiki 2010

  • $web - full web including parents, such as "Engineering/Techpubs/Apps"

    TWiki.Codev The contributing authors of TWiki 2010

  • $web - full web including parents, such as "Engineering/Techpubs/Apps"

    TWiki.Codev The contributing authors of TWiki 2010

  • In this context the term web services is clear enough.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • Please also rate the article as it will help us decide Hmm, I'd like to agree with Andy and say a minimum requirement would be straight up visual design but the term web designer seems to be taking on a broader meaning every …

    Smashing Magazine Feed Kat Neville 2010

  • Here at WebWorkerDaily, our definition of the term web worker has always been "anyone who works using the web" - which is admittedly rather broad.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0 2010

  • The “doc web” refers to the networked set of public documents and spreadsheets that people publish to the Internet.

    We’re All (Folk) Programmers Spencer Chang 2024


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  • For a use of it that made my Spidey sense tingle, see floodgate.

    November 7, 2012