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  • The word muxe is thought to derive from the 16th century Spanish word for “woman”.

    and before i forget – « Love | Peace | Ohana 2007

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • While staying with family, they attend a neighbourhood basketball game, for the 'muxe' league.

    Page 2 2009

  • But she would always have this one, this child of two spirits, muxe.

    Where Toucan Fly - A Short Story Beth 2008

  • But she would always have this one, this child of two spirits, muxe.

    Where Toucan Fly - A Short Story Beth 2008

  • In Zapotec cultures of Oaxaca (southern Mexico), a muxe (or muxhe) is a physically male individual who dresses and behaves in a ‘feminine’ manner; they may be seen as a third gender.

    and before i forget – « Love | Peace | Ohana 2007


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  • “The local Zapotec people have made room for a third category, which they call ‘muxes’ (pronounced MOO-shays) — men who consider themselves women and live in a socially sanctioned netherworld between the two genders.�?

    The New York Times, A Lifestyle Distinct: The Muxe of Mexico, by Marc Lacey, December 6, 2008

    December 7, 2008

  • Was just coming to add this, John. Thanks.

    December 8, 2008

  • Muxes – Mexico's third gender:

    Oaxaca-specific gender category.

    June 11, 2024