Hey, I'm not exactly sure what a nutloaf is -maybe there's an American equivalent I might be familiar with? If it's a meatloaf substitute you're in search of, I do have a pretty good "neatloaf" recipe from a Vegan Kids cookbook, and you can use it as leftover for sandwiches.
I'm going to our local vegan fast food place tonight for the Philly "chick'n cheeze-steak" with vegenaise and a side of peanut oil fried fries. Nothing like really greasy, totally overpriced, vegan counter food when you're starving. :)
But the silken can be good as a scrambled egg substitute or for The World's Best Chocolate Pudding (blend silken tofu with cocoa, raw sugar and vanilla). That's orgasmic.
Yeah baby! I could LIVE on grits (having acquired the taste for them during my 6 years in Atlanta, Georgia). I do remember that in my pre-vegan days, nothing beat a bowl of cheddar cheese grits topped with a fried egg.
These days it's a heap of organic Smart Balance and lots of salt & pepper to compliment my critter-friendly bowl of grits. They still taste fantastic!
When I see this word, I am forced to think of that really stupid song that my children's great-aunt insists on singing to them all the time, about Little Bunny Foo-foo. ...Dear God, why!?!?! Make it stop.
Totally remember this from a Kids In The Hall episode where a flirty businessman (played by Bruce McCullah) introduces himself to a business partner's wife at a company party with, "Heaveno. ...With you, 'hello' just wouldn't be right".
He proceeds to hit on her with equally witty distortions of grammar, as I recall.
I'm just glad I am not a celebrity else you merciless wordies would ridicule the names of my children, as well.
Sometimes my husband and I take our brood to the playground and jokingly call them names like "Jaiden, Jacob and Aiden", just to dabble with what being mainstream feels like.
I liked the commentary I heard form the head of the ASPCA following the defacing and ripping off of the hands of the friend of the owner of the chimp from the Old Navy commercials. He said that "The owning of chimpanzees as pets is an example of colossal human stupidity".
With all the recent vegan-esque entries, I'm lost as to who else is vegan around here now. Any hints?
Oh yes, and I totally agree with your comment that it's BS when chefs make a big deal over cooking vegan meals. Sometimes I suspect omnivores just feel judged by the very existence of vegans and lash out accordingly, even if unprovoked.
Holy cow, madmouth! Sheik Nefzaoui is like a gentle Marquis De Sade. I just hope I can keep a strait face next time I do my husband and not be too distracted thinking about this colorful excerpt.
Music with absolutely no spine, no message, no decent rhymes, but that gets stuck in your head (like gum on the bottom of your shoe) until you get an excorcist (in the form of GOOD music) to extract it.
Since when does Wordie have pop-up ads? This page features the first I've seen. Maybe I've been away too long... I can't imagine it hasn't been discussed.
fbharjo, I don't think we've met but I LOVE your wordie style! I'll have to investigate your previous wordie doin's because this list is freakin' brilliant.
Ironically, the most predominant image of Cher burned into my memory is from that time she played for the troops, and was conspicuously underwear free. ...Anybody else remember that?
I hate when people refer to themselves as "diva" even when they HAVE been to the opera.
And another thing, those shirts for tweens that say "princess" or "sexy" on them in studded letters (you know the ones) might as well say "punch me in the face" because that's the action I have to resist taking when I see them.
Hahahah. Yup, hot topic / hot button, but please don't be put off by my disclosure about my father. I shared that with everyone last time this came up (see uncircumcised) as a matter of personal experience, but it's not meant to be a conversation killer; on the contrary, I would encourage everyone to openly explore why they feel the way they do about the issue, ESPECIALLY if you are in a position to make this decision for another human being. It might be your call, but it's his body.
My father is a circumcised man currently dying of AIDS, so this is an emotional topic for me. I feel that gambling protection from HIV infection is a worthless reason to mutilate a child's genitals, and by the way, children are still dying in American hospitals from routine infant circumcisions, as I'm sure the sites you listed would describe.
As the mother of 3 intact boys, I can tell you hospitals are still peddling the procedure because it's sure money and many parents are very ignorant about the dangers and psychological implications of removing a part of their newborn's body. A new mother has to be tough and intelligent to navigate the societal pressures to circumcise her baby.
On the bright side, I've heard most insurance companies, in a surprisingly progressive move, are billing circumcision as "cosmetic surgery", reflecting the pure absurdity of the alteration.
Besides, foreskin on a man is extremely sexy and makes "adult time" much more fun.
I have kids, therefore I have (multiple copies of) the Giving Tree. The thing that always bugged me is that it looks nothing like an apple tree -more like some inexplicably fruit-bearing combination of beech tree and willow tree. Very strange!
--bilby --Thanks for bringing my attention to this conversation, as it touches on the origin of my name.
--CB --Funny you should point out the frequent "Arcadia vs. Acadia" mix up that I have been struggling to rise above for a lifetime of being called the French version of my Greek name.
--Bilby, Dhæro is well! He's a true toddler now, not talking verbally much yet but he knows 30+ ASL signs!
That's an option I hadn't noticed, but yes it worked, thanks. In another context, isn't it sort of sad, an option to "remove word from favorites?" It's like breaking up with a word you once loved. How can it go from being a "favorite" to being "removed"? So abrupt.
Every time I hear the phrase "car czar" on the radio, I instantly think of that line from Fiddler on the Roof, where the mother says, "MY Czittle?" and matchmaker sarcastically says to the mother, "No, the Czar's Czittle, of course YOUR Czittle!"
This is awesome. The Tappet Bro's would be perfect for the job! Once they became the Car Czars, they could blame each other if anything else went wrong, and have all of us laughing.
PS: I know this is late, but CONGRATS on the arrival of your daughter!
--plethora, there may be a difference in which song it is, but there's not a difference in the question being asked. Ooo, ooo, time to plug my forthcoming list of grammatical redundancies...
--Sarra, thank you, yes, that's the one I thought was being quoted. Never seen the video before now but how appropriate your use of the word "unfortunately". I'm still laughing. (Oh, and it's "Mrs.)
--Bilby, Yeah, it's always great when a band's name is "apt". ...Anybody have a list like THAT yet? (Bands with fitting names they wouldn't want to admit fit).
reesetee- I like what you (jokingly?) said about the way the old lever machines FELT. Actually, here (Philadelphia) we had gentle push buttons, and I longed for something more substantial, something that felt like "Ok, that was it. Wow". A creaking or banging would have helped.
I used to be obsessed with the name Soren (spelled with the slash through) but decided there was a conflict of interest in naming our son Soren after the God of War. ...We're pacifists.
A person who participates in an activist group or as an individual for the rights of children to remain genitally intact retaining their foreskin the frenulum and ridged band also called Taylor's band
"Bookends" is the nickname I have for my oldest and youngest boys when they are doing something with each other, but apart from their mutual middle brother: "The Bookends are playing nicely" or, "Hey, babe, I'm going to the store with Middleman, you keep an eye on the Bookends". Etc...
Well, I am a Beatles fanatic. To me, they are little gods, and Liverpool (John Lennon would appreciate this comparison) is my Jerusalem.
It was exciting to stumble upon this list (of course it's been added to my favorites). I can't wait for the new one you hinted would be forthcoming, I just hope I catch it in time.
--yarb-- I followed your instructions for removing the extra postings, but it didn't give me the delete option you promised. I'll try again but please don't banish me for this blunder just yet.
--Prolagus-- The subtle political indication with my mention of Alaska was intentional, thanks for catching it! How I laughed at your reply. :)
Tomatoes are fruit, but "freak" fruit, the way Alaska is a "freak" state.
I have 3 children who have never eaten store bought baby food, mostly because that is totally disgusting stuff, but also because making baby food is wonderful, and helped me cope with the process of having my babies nurse less and less as they started on solids.
When one is cutting up the raw food for one's self, and cutting OUT any dark or questionable parts, it has to click that the machine that makes Gerber's baby food isn't so concerned with blemishes, so you never know WHAT you are feeding them really. And, of course, all the preservatives and sugars they add can't be good.
We have a manual baby food grinder, so I just boiled the fruits and veggies, ran them through the grinder, and scooped that into ice cube trays, which make perfect infant portions. Defrost with warm water, not the micro-wave, of course.
Isn't the "bloody" a reference to the blood Christ shed during his crucifixion? I understood "bloody" to be derived from phrases like "bleeding Christ".
Swearing by the blood of a dying person, especially the Divine, is understandably quite offensive to a Christian, or even any opponent of capital punishment.
So, I'm torn between the two videos: I mean, that's a pretty sweet flute in the Starbucks song, but the jazzy sax is amazing in Microsoft's song, too. ...How do you find this stuff?
I took sionnach's advise, and burnt off some steam before responding. This gave him a chance to take back the word "disgrace" which is nice, but enough was left for me to respond to in a less off-the-cuff way.
I will never apologize for giving voice to the voiceless, rising to the defense of the defenseless, and generally creating a visual for the atrocities that are kept out of sight. I appreciate that sionnach remembers our former "good terms" and isn't going to hold my convictions against me, because I like him, too.
friendly So, what are you implying is done with the bodies of billions of spent dairy cows / goats and laying hens if not slaughter for meat? No sarcasm is meant here, but do tell.
pterodactyl-- you're admittedly newer to this site than I, though I'm no veteran, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I disagree with your assertion that there can be a right and wrong place to speak to an injustice. I didn't enter this word, nor did I make an appearance until many people with various degrees of knowledge on the subject, made theirs in the conversation that falls under this heading.
Besides, we're all adults here. I just hope you are willing to administer the same harsh criticism to the sexual conversations that have taken place on this site, and believe me, there are many!
For the record, I will be celebrating 5 years as a strict vegan this June, so I'm qualified to respond to this madness. I am horrified, saddened, shocked and disheartened by the misinformation and total BS some of you seem to be guilty of using to support your views on veganism.
First, the industries in which eggs and milk are taken from animals to feed humans cause significant and hellish pain and suffering for animals. Most of the meat eaten in this nation is that of spent dairy cows and laying hens. Most of the billions of male chicks that hatch in hatcheries are thrown away alive and suffocate in trash bags with their dead and dying brothers. Their sisters are forced into slavery as laying hens. Most of the male calves and billie goats born in this nation are barbarically slaughtered on sight or the calves are kept alive for 2 months in excruciating anemic states, until they are slaughtered for veal. They scream for their mothers every day that they endure this separation.
Second, it is absolutely ABSURD to assert that milking cows does them a favor. Give me a break!!! Why not get a campaign to milk ALL the wild mammals lactating in the the woods. If, in nature, a cow has a calf, she nurses him (just like humans who nurse their children) and her body creates EXACTLY the amount of milk necessary to sustain HER calf until he is weaned.
Dairy cows are impregnated (with a semen dipped stick jammed into them by a "breeder") annually. Once born, their calves are taken and slaughtered or forced into slavery, and the cows suffer horribly for their whole miserable lives. As a breastfeeding mother, I can imagine no torture more crippling than if my son was taken and killed, and I was forced into a stall and strapped to a milking machine 3 times a day by the lifeforms who had taken my child. The cow KNOWS she gave birth. She MISSES her young.
Third, I am so mad right now I can barely see the screen. I will answer more of these questions later.
Just watch "Meet Your Meat" so you can make informed comments in the future.
Dhaero is magical and amazing. He is 2 months shy of 1 year old, and can already stand without holding onto anything, which means walking isn't far off. And he just started signing back (we teach all our babies ASL before they can speak), he signs "change" when he's getting a clean diaper.
Hi old friends. I've been gone for a while but a new list idea has drawn me back. Glad to see some familiar faces. I've missed you all. Where's uselessness?
Hey, thanks for helping me with the "æ" so I can finally type my son's name the way it's meant to be: Dhæro!
I've been avoiding Wordie for a few months cuz when I joined, I became instantly addicted, and was finding myself on here 3, 4 hours a day. That might be how much time people with TV spend watching mindless crap so at least I was actively learning stuff not zoning out like most Americans, but my other responsibilities were suffering as a result. I laid off my favorite site until your message called me here again, but I should ease back in gradually, like an alcoholic sipping wine.
However, I'd like to know more about this, "pedant's corner" of which you speak.
Anyone here seen the film "Palindrome"? It's very disturbing, but in the end one of the characters explains what a palindrome is and then recites one that is classic. -Definitely the best laugh of an otherwise dark drama.
--Uselessness, that means a lot. I guess these apply to dealings with the majority of large corporations, but these guys are the worst offenders, in my experience.
The "service" has been crapping out on us ever since we signed up, but when dropped connections prevent me from finishing a thought/ comment on Wordie, that's when I get really MAD. :[
But Treeseed didn't write it so my critique isn't aimed at her. ...I like Treeseed, and Treeseed knows that. :)
I'm just stickin' up for the critters, is all. MOST of these old nursery rhymes are violent and scary if you pay attention to the words. This one's no exception.
I realize the following comment is so 3 hours ago, but I gave that Starbucks song a listen and it was, in fact, the worst song in history, as John warned. It was atrocious from the start, but just as you think the torment is coming to a welcomed end, it morphs into an even more soulless advertising vehicle when that haunting voice starts speaking over the music and singing. Wow. What were they thinking?!?
That nursery rhyme is among the cruelest. Pardon a vegan mother, but hunting, milking, silk, and animal skin are the very last things I want to sing of to my babies. Mother Goose was a sicko. :(
--skipvia, As a die-hard Beatles fan (even been to Liverpool to kiss the ground they first trod) I hold any song celebrating the John/Yoko union as anathema, for obvious reasons.
-- SoGro-- Honey Don't is sung by my fave Beatle, Ringo, on the "Beatles For Sale" album. The song exposes Ringo's Country-Western music propensity, which I would rather remain in denial about.
--SoG, perhaps you never heard of a little song called "The Ballad of John and Yoko". THAT'S the worst Beatles song, with the possible exception of "Honey Don't."
Epic is right! Just this list alone is epic, containing mostly nouns and adjectives, imagine adding all the other parts of speech to hold it together. You're poem would give Homer a run for his money, for sure.
How the huckleberries did you manage to "fill in the rest of mi-vox's profile?!?" I was stunned to see all your suggestions actually taken. (Well the ones that were allowed, anyway). The mi-vox has eyes!
What's a list of Britishisms without mate, and the insulting: Sod off and wanker? This list is too friendly. ..And isn't it "jolly good" rather than "jolly well"? Maybe both.
Thanks. Hey, my middle son shares HIS middle name with that of the Beatles album we had playing while he was being born. I mention it because it appears on your page under "words".
For some reason I feel compelled to remind everyone about "pickled punks" (miscarried fetuses put in jars for sideshow and freak-show attractions) -especially since Asativum alluded to "pickled vegans" yesterday. But I don't recommend you put this on your list, at least not as a luncheon meats side food.
--bilby, thanks for those. A few of them I haven't heard of, but a few of the others I can't believe I forgot! (Rice milk can be SOOO good). Nutmeat sounds gross, can't bring myself to add it, even though it's harmless.
I'm trying to keep my list to just the stuff omnivores generally DON'T eat. Well, I threw in "fruits" and "vegetables" because they seemed necessary. And then I added Oreos because they are a surprising vegan treat.
WOW, this is starting to remind me of a Simpsons or Sienfeld episode, something about mixing up audio tapes and learning the wrong language or something. Anywho, I think this benefit of mi-vox is especially exciting:
"And just imagine being able to effortlessly order food and wine at the poshest foreign restaurants, either in your home country or overseas".
The poshest foreign restaurants, that's my stomping grounds! How did it know???
I would TOTALLY take cynyc if I had a place to put 'er. Is it an alternative spelling for "cynic"? If it IS a "real" word, it belongs in a palindrome list, which I'm sure somebody must already have.
Congrats, Julia. Now the pressure's is on the rest of us to step up and do the right thing by these poor remaining waifs.
I'm eyeballing mistreatments for my "hospital" list, but he looks like a troublemaker who might negatively effect the rest of my words if I take him home. Can he be trusted?
--uselessness-- try Arcadia, Greece, next time, and you'll probably have more to "write home about". The original is always better. I suspect this "Arcadia, FL" of which you speak is a classic example of intentional misleading place naming, a la "Greenland".
Gasp! Tofurkey! Asa, you know of it? I can't believe I neglected to put that on my "stuff vegans eat" list and it took the "luncheon meats" author to remind me. Well, that's irony for you!
Yeah, my husband and I prefer "whatever engorges your genitals" just to push past the euphemisms. (OK, it's crude but we're all 18+ here, aren't we?) That one's for AbraxasZugzwang.
seanahan-- oh, it's polite to say something. As somebody with three pregnancies under my belt (quite literally), I can testify that if a person doesn't wish to have their pregnancy addressed, they won't mention it themselves. However, if a person implies that they ARE expecting, it's a green light to congratulate them. That being said, if it is not perfectly clear that the woman IS in fact pregnant, follow this common rule of thumb: Best not to ask until you see the baby coming out of her body. ^_^
You, sir (or madame, I haven't been paying attention) are a sardonic genius. But watch out, if he's smart, mi-vox might try to recruit you. I know I would. ^_^
Now you've all gone and offended the vegan. Very well, I shall retaliate with my own brand of "luncheon" menu, in the interest of fair and balanced wordie-ing. ^_^
uselessness--- Sorry to keep recommending deviating from this site but you have GOT to google "placenta recipes". I want your reaction. It's hilarious how all these sites pop up being completely serious, and it's gonna be especially shocking to you since you just found out about the practice (of eating it) 3 minutes ago.
Anyone familiar with the tradition of gathering family and friends to eat the placenta (in a stew) as a weirdo celebration of the birth of a baby, (that one's for you, yarb)? Personally, I don't have the stomach for eating it, (I don't even have the guts to try my own breast milk) so we had decided to bury the placenta, HOWEVER, now I'm thinking I might wanna put it in my hair. ...Naw, I'll just bury it.
Dhaero is pronounced "Dhare-oh", similar to "Dare-oh" but the "D" is slightly softer.
Glad you're a fellow Dr.Paul supporter. I'm smitten by him, and am one of the "band of loyal supporters" creating tiny, colorful, handmade signs to stick around town. But it's not looking good for him. :(
John-- The Jerky Boys quote you reminded me of is from when Frank Rizzo calls about his "drinking problem"; the receptionist asks "And how is this temper of yours when you're not drinking?" He promptly replies, "Eh! My temper is always flaring up like a pack of hemorrhoids". Great imagery, no?
john: We named our new baby Dhaero Jubilee. His brothers are Odyssey Nova and Meridian Mystery (Mystery for the my favorite Beatles album, the one I was singing along with as he was born).
If Dhaero had been a girl, he would be Juniper Sunshine. (That's right, we're shameless neo-hippies). Since Odyssey and Meridian are both words, I was very attached to a word-name for number 3, but nothing fit so I made up the first name he now has. The middle name, Jubilee, is intended to signify mental and emotional emancipation from societal expectations, such as hospital birth.
Forgive me, but was the "flaring hemorrhoids" remark a Jerky Boys reference?
Yeah, homeschooling is good (Vote Ron Paul if you care to protect that option) and it sounds like your mom rocked, besides the circ thing. But I have to warn you, if you're ambivalent about this issue going into parenthood, your son(s) could be at risk.
My middle son was born early and hospitalized in incubation for 6 days after birth. I roomed with him through it all, and a day never passed when I wasn't harassed by the staff about getting him circumcised. If he'd been my firstborn son, it may have been even harder to stand up to the pressure. I found it totally distasteful the way they hovered like vultures ready to pounce on him if I'd given the word. And it really all comes back to money with them.
and, to chained_bear's PS, please add "unnecessary" to the "safe hospital procedure" google search. It makes such a difference.
John! I feel I've "arrived" now that you've joined a conversation I spawned. Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful site. I'm relieved that this particular conversation meets with your approval since it's relatively "adult" in nature (I haven't been here long enough to know the limits, if any).
That's lovely news that you're expecting a baby. Since you know the gender, is she named? I have 3 (intact) children, all boys. I actually joined Wordie in my search for a word name for my newest.
Anyway, not trying to be sensational here, but I have a loved one dying of AIDS who is circumcised. Even if the risk is reduced, it's still stupid to rely on that alone.
uselessness, I like you, but I'm gonna have to challenge your use of the words "fully functional", well, the word "fully" anyway. It's like saying a tongue without taste buds is "fully functional"; sure, you can still use it to lick, move food, swallow, and speak, but it's not as nice to eat with (as you'll know if you've ever burned your tongue - except foreskin never grows back).
WOE. Does everybody here understand that the amount of skin removed from an infant male (within the first week of life) contains nerves and stretches to the size of a 3x5" index card? Does everybody realize that a step in a traditional circ procedure is medically referred to as "tearing of the glands"?
Also, male vs. female circ arguments are controversial because our language limits the terms. Pointing out that there is a difference in how they are done does not change the fact that BOTH procedures fall under the heading "circumcision".
Forget the cleanliness myth, BOTH male and female circs are done to decrease sexual pleasure, though the effects on the female are arguably more devastating. American male circumcision became popular when the Puritans convinced themselves it would eliminate masturbation. I would argue that it hasn't, just as it won't stop the spread of AIDS, which is the current myth.
Thanks for compliments on Dhaero's name. I created the word but the root is "aero". (That's meant to be a diphthong in there, however, I don't yet know how to type it as such because I'm a technology looser).
Hey friend. I was sad to hear you'd be "scarce" this month but it's nice to see you're not altogether missing... We named our baby "Dhaero". It's what uselessness would call "madeupical", but it fits like, like, like a name that fits really well.
Pretty much anything with the first name "Imma" or "Iva" works. I knew a Mennonite girl named "Iva-Jane" who married a guy named "John Payne". It's true.
Comments by arcadia
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Hey, I'm not exactly sure what a nutloaf is -maybe there's an American equivalent I might be familiar with? If it's a meatloaf substitute you're in search of, I do have a pretty good "neatloaf" recipe from a Vegan Kids cookbook, and you can use it as leftover for sandwiches.
I'm going to our local vegan fast food place tonight for the Philly "chick'n cheeze-steak" with vegenaise and a side of peanut oil fried fries. Nothing like really greasy, totally overpriced, vegan counter food when you're starving. :)
October 25, 2009
arcadia commented on the word quip
I love this word. I love asking people to "tell me what you mean, without the quips".
September 27, 2009
arcadia commented on the user uselessness
This is the best news I've come across in recent memory: Uselessness returns to Wordie!
September 27, 2009
arcadia commented on the word orgasm tofu
But the silken can be good as a scrambled egg substitute or for The World's Best Chocolate Pudding (blend silken tofu with cocoa, raw sugar and vanilla). That's orgasmic.
September 24, 2009
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
September 22, 2009
arcadia commented on the word ungodly
I also like "unholy". The two can be used interchangeably in most cases.
September 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the word he-pussy
What is THIS?!
September 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the user thesaraheffect
Your comment on "head cheese" is just gonna have wordie vegans coming up with clever ways to entice you to become one of us. "One of us! One of us!"
September 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the word cheese grits
Yeah baby! I could LIVE on grits (having acquired the taste for them during my 6 years in Atlanta, Georgia). I do remember that in my pre-vegan days, nothing beat a bowl of cheddar cheese grits topped with a fried egg.
These days it's a heap of organic Smart Balance and lots of salt & pepper to compliment my critter-friendly bowl of grits. They still taste fantastic!
September 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the list little-miss-different
Nice list. I'm expecting and if she's a she, I'll be consulting this list in a few months time.
September 15, 2009
arcadia commented on the word goon
--bilby, A little late to confirm, isn't it?
When I see this word, I am forced to think of that really stupid song that my children's great-aunt insists on singing to them all the time, about Little Bunny Foo-foo. ...Dear God, why!?!?! Make it stop.
September 10, 2009
arcadia commented on the list prayerware--2
But at least the spammer representing Sharon Hallaran has done us the great service of making this an OPEN list. So we can have fun with it.
September 10, 2009
arcadia commented on the word waldo
My husband had a friend who was cooking up the idea of Where's Waldo books on tape. Think about it, cuz it's pretty funny. A sampling:
Astronaut. Scientist. Alien waitress. Waldo. Octopus-man. Space cop. Waldo's cane. Cyclops. etc.
PS: I live in PA but I haven't met Wally yet.
September 4, 2009
arcadia commented on the word heaveno
Totally remember this from a Kids In The Hall episode where a flirty businessman (played by Bruce McCullah) introduces himself to a business partner's wife at a company party with, "Heaveno. ...With you, 'hello' just wouldn't be right".
He proceeds to hit on her with equally witty distortions of grammar, as I recall.
September 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the word a turning
August 10, 2009
arcadia commented on the word phonetics
"Hukt on fonix wurkt for me!"
August 10, 2009
arcadia commented on the list kitten-is
Feel free to make contributions based on your knowledge of kittens and kitten behavior.
August 4, 2009
arcadia commented on the word bubbies
Hahaha. Also plural for "Jewish Grandmother" in Yiddish.
July 27, 2009
arcadia commented on the word terpsichore
Oh man, advertising? Good call, CB.
July 24, 2009
arcadia commented on the word tree of life
I like when this is used as an alternate term for placenta.
July 24, 2009
arcadia commented on the word simple
It's A Shame That A Family Can Be Torn Apart By Something As Simple As A Pack Of Wild Dogs
-Ed Gein album
So, I dunno which came first, but I prefer Jack Handy's version (below). In any event, great use of the word "simple".
July 24, 2009
arcadia commented on the word simple
It's too bad that entire families have to be torn apart by something as simple as wild dogs.
-Jack Handy
July 23, 2009
arcadia commented on the list carlin-s-words
I just teared up a little missing him.
July 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
Kimya Dawson (of Juno soundtrack fame) named her daughter "Panda". ...Is that anything?
July 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
How about the couple who named their children Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell & Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell?
July 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
*loves the idea*
July 18, 2009
arcadia commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
I'm just glad I am not a celebrity else you merciless wordies would ridicule the names of my children, as well.
Sometimes my husband and I take our brood to the playground and jokingly call them names like "Jaiden, Jacob and Aiden", just to dabble with what being mainstream feels like.
PS: Zappa = Genius.
July 18, 2009
arcadia commented on the word pilot inspektor
Yeah, but com'on, this name IS kinda' cool.
July 18, 2009
arcadia commented on the list morbid-curiosity-words-you-should-be-very-hesitant-to-use-image-search-on
hahaha, "bot flies"...
July 17, 2009
arcadia commented on the word three-toed tree toad
Always loved this poem...
July 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the list three-is-compoundy
Wow, so many great contributions! I'm especially fond of "psycho the rapist", dunno why....
July 12, 2009
arcadia commented on the word chimpanzee
I liked the commentary I heard form the head of the ASPCA following the defacing and ripping off of the hands of the friend of the owner of the chimp from the Old Navy commercials. He said that "The owning of chimpanzees as pets is an example of colossal human stupidity".
July 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the list three-is-compoundy
Also note that "hitherto" spells out "hit her to" which is like the beginning of the sentence :Hit her to prove you're a jerk" or something like that.
July 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the list three-is-compoundy
Exactly. Not unlike "attendance". Thanks yarb!
July 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the word johnnycake
Food shortages persisted until the army was reduced to living on johnnycake and corn dodger.
July 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the word sylvia poggioli
Hells yeah Sylvia Poggioli!!!
July 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the list i-murdered-i-you-say
hahaha: "goes and gets herself killed" ...Great entry!
July 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the user bilby
With all the recent vegan-esque entries, I'm lost as to who else is vegan around here now. Any hints?
Oh yes, and I totally agree with your comment that it's BS when chefs make a big deal over cooking vegan meals. Sometimes I suspect omnivores just feel judged by the very existence of vegans and lash out accordingly, even if unprovoked.
July 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the word herbivore men
I married one and birthed three. Herbivore men rock.
July 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the list wordie-challenge
I'm only getting my invite now. Must be a glitch in the Matrix or something... But thanks!
June 26, 2009
arcadia commented on the word michael jackson
I just heard from a friend and thought it was a joke. Crazy.
June 26, 2009
arcadia commented on the word vegan rage
I celebrated my SIX-year vegan anniversary this month, and I'm only now being made aware of this phrase? Why?!
*squinting at Bilby and waiting for an explanation*
June 25, 2009
arcadia commented on the word little man in boat
Holy cow, madmouth! Sheik Nefzaoui is like a gentle Marquis De Sade. I just hope I can keep a strait face next time I do my husband and not be too distracted thinking about this colorful excerpt.
June 17, 2009
arcadia commented on the word little man in boat
June 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the word bubblegum music
Music with absolutely no spine, no message, no decent rhymes, but that gets stuck in your head (like gum on the bottom of your shoe) until you get an excorcist (in the form of GOOD music) to extract it.
June 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the word barbecue
Since when does Wordie have pop-up ads? This page features the first I've seen. Maybe I've been away too long... I can't imagine it hasn't been discussed.
June 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the word howling vegan slugmudgeon
I feel obligated to comment, even though I have nothing to say.
April 26, 2009
arcadia commented on the list if-wordie-were-a-movie-or-tv-series-it-would-be-called
Oh ever enticing "If wordie were a movie or TV series" list, how I wish I could quit you.
April 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the list if-wordie-were-a-movie-or-tv-series-it-would-be-called
Can't get this list outta my head.
April 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the list johntgraham-s-list
Strange and stranger still.
April 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the list if-wordie-were-a-movie-or-tv-series-it-would-be-called
fbharjo, I don't think we've met but I LOVE your wordie style! I'll have to investigate your previous wordie doin's because this list is freakin' brilliant.
April 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the word sassywood
Sassywood?! Please tell me this is real ...and then also where I can get some.
It makes me think of that SNL character played by the late / great Phil Hartman, a notorious fan of "sass".
April 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the word what in the name of gandhi's swimfins are you talking about
Haha. Well, it comforts me to know I'm not the only one suffering from the memory of that image. ;)
April 3, 2009
arcadia commented on the word memory
Steven Wright = comedic genius. That's right up there with "A little pain never hurt anyone". ...Can't remember who originally said that.
April 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the word what in the name of gandhi's swimfins are you talking about
Ironically, the most predominant image of Cher burned into my memory is from that time she played for the troops, and was conspicuously underwear free. ...Anybody else remember that?
April 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the word diva
I hate when people refer to themselves as "diva" even when they HAVE been to the opera.
And another thing, those shirts for tweens that say "princess" or "sexy" on them in studded letters (you know the ones) might as well say "punch me in the face" because that's the action I have to resist taking when I see them.
April 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the word circumcision
Hahahah. Yup, hot topic / hot button, but please don't be put off by my disclosure about my father. I shared that with everyone last time this came up (see uncircumcised) as a matter of personal experience, but it's not meant to be a conversation killer; on the contrary, I would encourage everyone to openly explore why they feel the way they do about the issue, ESPECIALLY if you are in a position to make this decision for another human being. It might be your call, but it's his body.
April 2, 2009
arcadia commented on the word circumcision
My father is a circumcised man currently dying of AIDS, so this is an emotional topic for me. I feel that gambling protection from HIV infection is a worthless reason to mutilate a child's genitals, and by the way, children are still dying in American hospitals from routine infant circumcisions, as I'm sure the sites you listed would describe.
As the mother of 3 intact boys, I can tell you hospitals are still peddling the procedure because it's sure money and many parents are very ignorant about the dangers and psychological implications of removing a part of their newborn's body. A new mother has to be tough and intelligent to navigate the societal pressures to circumcise her baby.
On the bright side, I've heard most insurance companies, in a surprisingly progressive move, are billing circumcision as "cosmetic surgery", reflecting the pure absurdity of the alteration.
Besides, foreskin on a man is extremely sexy and makes "adult time" much more fun.
April 1, 2009
arcadia commented on the word the giving tree
I have kids, therefore I have (multiple copies of) the Giving Tree. The thing that always bugged me is that it looks nothing like an apple tree -more like some inexplicably fruit-bearing combination of beech tree and willow tree. Very strange!
March 20, 2009
arcadia commented on the word went
What about "Wendt", as in "George"?
March 20, 2009
arcadia commented on the list words-that-makes-a-good-day
Oh heck yeah, coffee!!!
March 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the word suicide
Yeah, leave 'em laughin', right? I guess you could say he did Carlin proud. Perhaps Life is Worth Losing was the kid's inspiration...
March 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the word suicide
True (morbid) story: My husband's classmate senior year committed suicide by hanging himself. His note simply read "Got rope?"
March 19, 2009
arcadia commented on the word participant form
That Choo. Will he ever win?
March 16, 2009
arcadia commented on the word weewee
Once Upon a Potty, anyone?
March 11, 2009
arcadia commented on the user bilby
I checked it out and left a comment. Thanks for roping me back in. I always miss this place!
February 28, 2009
arcadia commented on the word gallimaufry
--bilby --Thanks for bringing my attention to this conversation, as it touches on the origin of my name.
--CB --Funny you should point out the frequent "Arcadia vs. Acadia" mix up that I have been struggling to rise above for a lifetime of being called the French version of my Greek name.
--Bilby, Dhæro is well! He's a true toddler now, not talking verbally much yet but he knows 30+ ASL signs!
February 28, 2009
arcadia commented on the list silence-is-golden
Very cool.
February 7, 2009
arcadia commented on the word facebook activism
February 6, 2009
arcadia commented on the word decaffeinate
Sac-religious! I never understood the point.
January 31, 2009
arcadia commented on the list alternative-names-for-new-yorkers
January 14, 2009
arcadia commented on the word whey-faced
What is going on here?!!?
January 9, 2009
arcadia commented on the list picture-this-on-your-marquee
Thanks. "Jukebox For Sale" is still my favorite.
December 31, 2008
arcadia commented on the word iraqi shoe-thrower
Hahahah, so true. :)
December 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word chocolate-covered anything
December 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the word iraqi shoe-thrower
Allow me to wax political: This man is my new hero! ...OK, that's all the "waxing" for now. More later.
December 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the word bamboozle the bilby
I like it! Rolls off the tongue.
December 15, 2008
arcadia commented on the word wiener dog
What an ADORABLE Dutchhound! Were I not a vegan, I'd wanna gobble him up!
December 15, 2008
arcadia commented on the word mr.morton was very nervous
Schoolhouse Rock, anyone?
"Mr.Morton is the subject of my sentence, and what the predicate says, he does".
December 15, 2008
arcadia commented on the list portmanteau-neologisms
This doesn't totally fit the bill here, but I like referring to a Freudian sex, instead of "slip".
December 15, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
That's an option I hadn't noticed, but yes it worked, thanks. In another context, isn't it sort of sad, an option to "remove word from favorites?" It's like breaking up with a word you once loved. How can it go from being a "favorite" to being "removed"? So abrupt.
December 15, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Could / would somebody please tell me how to delete a word that I added, say, four times instead of once, to my favorite words column?
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word dragons live forever, not so little boys
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word all i suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest
I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
--Bilby was right.
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word a complete unknown
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word all i suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest
Oh man, you might be right. I'll double check.
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word you're shaking my confidence daily
December 14, 2008
arcadia commented on the word car czar
Every time I hear the phrase "car czar" on the radio, I instantly think of that line from Fiddler on the Roof, where the mother says, "MY Czittle?" and matchmaker sarcastically says to the mother, "No, the Czar's Czittle, of course YOUR Czittle!"
December 10, 2008
arcadia commented on the word car czar
This is awesome. The Tappet Bro's would be perfect for the job! Once they became the Car Czars, they could blame each other if anything else went wrong, and have all of us laughing.
PS: I know this is late, but CONGRATS on the arrival of your daughter!
December 10, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Thanks for the redundant additions. When I get more time I'll sift through and add the jewels.
December 8, 2008
arcadia commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
Ah, bilby, thanks for dusting off my prized list! Sadly, those are all madeupical.
December 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word telephant
An old favorite. :)
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word sheep circles
Wow, that's incredible! What does it all mean? Maybe sheep are more advanced than we previously knew. Move over dolphins...
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word housemate
ah HA HA HAH! Though not vegan, this is good stuffs!
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the list a-home-for-fleas-a-hive-for-bees
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the list department-of-redundancy-department
Mostly lifted from the Oxford American Dictionary. These ones either make me cringe or make me chortle.
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
--plethora, there may be a difference in which song it is, but there's not a difference in the question being asked. Ooo, ooo, time to plug my forthcoming list of grammatical redundancies...
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
--Sarra, thank you, yes, that's the one I thought was being quoted. Never seen the video before now but how appropriate your use of the word "unfortunately". I'm still laughing. (Oh, and it's "Mrs.)
--Bilby, Yeah, it's always great when a band's name is "apt". ...Anybody have a list like THAT yet? (Bands with fitting names they wouldn't want to admit fit).
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word ostriches
There's a tape of me as a 2 year old, talking about the "ah-swidge" at the petting zoo. I love that pronunciation, even now.
December 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word where do you go to my lovely
Are there actually any other verses to this song? Oh yes:
I wanna know!
December 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word if you want me to, i will
Love you forever, and forever,
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart.
For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same
December 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word mrs brown you've got a lovely daughter
If she finds that I've been 'round to see her,
Tell her that I'm well and (doin' or feelin') fine
Don't let on
Don't say she's broke my heart...
December 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word much of what i say is meaningless
Still I say it just to reach you, Julia.
December 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the list trinkets
What the???
December 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Three things:
First, thanks for pointing me to Treeseed's list. I started the Toys of the 80's one myself and there's a couple things I might lift from her's.
Secondly, that was a brave thing you did making mention to specific Wordies to commemorate your 10,000th comment.
Third and lastly, should I be offended I didn't make your commemoration list? Geeze, I thought we were friends!
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word belligerent
One of the greatest words ever to describe a person's attitude. Fun to say, too!
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word internet search
That article neglects to point out that America has, once again, elected another white guy as president.
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Does anyone know of an existing list of toys from the 1980's? I want to start one but would be just as happy to contribute to an existing one.
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word poppelganger
--Prologus, Yeah, I'm 99% sure it's true. Once one suspects this, one realizes they actually look very similar. (Care Bears and Popples, that is).
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word conservatory
Nice one.
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word hello
Exactly what I meant. So, is it?
December 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word hello
Is this actual?
December 1, 2008
arcadia commented on the word poppelganger
I remember Popples... big in the 80's and by the creators who brought us the Care Bears. I wonder if there's a connection...
December 1, 2008
arcadia commented on the word pug
Just Say NO to Pugs!
November 26, 2008
arcadia commented on the word pug
pug-fugly, anyone?
November 26, 2008
arcadia commented on the word 一概
November 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the word dead meat v toast v history
Crap, will somebody remind me how to delete my redundant entry? This happened before and disgruntled certain Wordies.
November 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the word dead meat v toast v history
I think generally it's more like you say they are going to BE toast.
This is an hilarious concept (the verses, verses thing). Nice one!
November 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the word dead meat v toast v history
I think generally it's more like you say they are going to BE toast.
This is an hilarious concept (the verses, verses thing). Are there more?
November 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the word lever voting v electronic voting
reesetee- I like what you (jokingly?) said about the way the old lever machines FELT. Actually, here (Philadelphia) we had gentle push buttons, and I longed for something more substantial, something that felt like "Ok, that was it. Wow". A creaking or banging would have helped.
November 5, 2008
arcadia commented on the word ø
I used to be obsessed with the name Soren (spelled with the slash through) but decided there was a conflict of interest in naming our son Soren after the God of War. ...We're pacifists.
November 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the user lampbane
I liked that "This f***ing election bit. All but the "Ron Paul overlution" part. ...OK, never mind, that was pretty funny, too. ...Write him in!
October 31, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Yeah, I've never seen anyone who looked like that at any of our vegan potlucks.
October 30, 2008
arcadia commented on the word obamageddon
At least it's funny.
Hi John! How's the fam?
October 29, 2008
arcadia commented on the word bilby
Love it!
October 28, 2008
arcadia commented on the word suck
Vampires and abortions.
October 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the word skip level meeting
I really loved the way the initial comment by Prakash was posed and I secretly hoped it was another of those delightful spam-bots. Oh well.
October 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list prakashanand-s-list
October 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list cnn
This is a good match to my "Joe the Plumber" list: lots of crossover. Check it out. :)
October 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word drill, baby, drill
And irresponsible!
October 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user whichbe
Thank you SO much for all the excellent additions to my "Joe the plumber" list. Big smiles from me!
October 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word feeling two foot small
Yeah, except in Yoko's case, beauty isn't a factor. How the heck did he find a pug-fuggly Japanese woman? It's quite a feat.
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
see intactivist
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word intactivist
A person who participates in an activist group or as an individual for the rights of children to remain genitally intact retaining their foreskin the frenulum and ridged band also called Taylor's band
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word lactivist
Not to be confused with intactivist, which I also am.
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the list potential-barack-obama-slogans
I'm tempted to do a Ron Paul spin off. Probably won't be as clever though. I wish Uselessness was still around...
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
What's this "private note" feature that seems to have sprung up in my absence? And how are Wordies making musical notes with their comments?
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word feeling two foot small
If only he and she really HAD hid their love away ... might have prevented that succubus from destroying the fabbest band of all time.
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word zoot suit
So THAT'S what a zoot suit is.
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the list a-whooshing-of-turpentine-up-my-nostrils
One need only watch that delightful film "Sideways" to complete this list.
October 6, 2008
arcadia commented on the word ain't got nothin' but love babe
I am SHOCKED that nobody guessed this one.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word viva las vega
I like Eco Elvis's parody with the cruelty-free twist, called: "Viva Las Vegans".
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the list bookends
"Bookends" is the nickname I have for my oldest and youngest boys when they are doing something with each other, but apart from their mutual middle brother: "The Bookends are playing nicely" or, "Hey, babe, I'm going to the store with Middleman, you keep an eye on the Bookends". Etc...
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word i'll make a point of taking her away from you
The way you treat her, what else can I do?
You're gonna lose that girl...
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the list list-9
Well, I am a Beatles fanatic. To me, they are little gods, and Liverpool (John Lennon would appreciate this comparison) is my Jerusalem.
It was exciting to stumble upon this list (of course it's been added to my favorites). I can't wait for the new one you hinted would be forthcoming, I just hope I catch it in time.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Applesauce as egg re-placer! Now I know you're a vegan! ...Good to "see" you again, by the way.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
yarb-- thanks, it worked.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
--yarb-- I followed your instructions for removing the extra postings, but it didn't give me the delete option you promised. I'll try again but please don't banish me for this blunder just yet.
--Prolagus-- The subtle political indication with my mention of Alaska was intentional, thanks for catching it! How I laughed at your reply. :)
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the user yarb
Thanks. I'll try. I didn't know about the
"saving" part, which is obviously why my previous attempt to simply "edit and delete" resulted in yet another post of the same comment. Thanks again.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Would somebody remind me how to delete a posted comment? I certainly didn't mean to post that thrice!
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
WOE, sorry
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
Tomatoes are fruit, but "freak" fruit, the way Alaska is a "freak" state.
I have 3 children who have never eaten store bought baby food, mostly because that is totally disgusting stuff, but also because making baby food is wonderful, and helped me cope with the process of having my babies nurse less and less as they started on solids.
When one is cutting up the raw food for one's self, and cutting OUT any dark or questionable parts, it has to click that the machine that makes Gerber's baby food isn't so concerned with blemishes, so you never know WHAT you are feeding them really. And, of course, all the preservatives and sugars they add can't be good.
We have a manual baby food grinder, so I just boiled the fruits and veggies, ran them through the grinder, and scooped that into ice cube trays, which make perfect infant portions. Defrost with warm water, not the micro-wave, of course.
October 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word we all want to change your head
Which version? Personally, I favor the White Album take.
October 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the list list-9
I only wish I would have seen this a month ago before you gave away all the answers.
October 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word good evening and welcome to slaggers featuring denis o'bell
Past Master, Vol. Two.... Wow, only the truest of the true fans know this little gem.
October 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the list list-9
I think I'm in love. Who ARE you?
October 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the word now today i find, you have changed your mind
Treat me like you did the night before.
Last night is a night I will remember you by,
When I think of things we've done, it makes me want to cry...
October 2, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Donnybrook, eh? ...Thanks for reeling me back in. ...*tearfully* I still adore this site so, so much.
July 8, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Belated congratulations from me, as well.
May 9, 2008
arcadia commented on the word husband
I defer to sionnach; "helpmate" IS better. And I like the biblical tone it lends.
May 8, 2008
arcadia commented on the user sionnach
May 8, 2008
arcadia commented on the user sionnach
I hope this works:
May 8, 2008
arcadia commented on the word husband
In my opinion, "hubby" is no good. I would never call my husband that. It's like him calling me his "gal". We prefer "lover".
May 7, 2008
arcadia commented on the word bloody hell
Isn't the "bloody" a reference to the blood Christ shed during his crucifixion? I understood "bloody" to be derived from phrases like "bleeding Christ".
Swearing by the blood of a dying person, especially the Divine, is understandably quite offensive to a Christian, or even any opponent of capital punishment.
April 27, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Thank you my friends!
April 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
HELP! How can I go to a user's profile who hasn't made an appearance in a while?
(in this case, Mi-vox)
April 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the list kangaroo-words
How about giANT? (Kangaroo word with joey antonym, if you ever start that list).
April 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Wait, so are you, yourself, Aboriginal?
April 25, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
I meant to ask earlier what the "Dhadiwuy" are. I like the word because it shares the unusual letter combination that Dhaero's name begins with.
April 23, 2008
arcadia commented on the word venti
So, I'm torn between the two videos: I mean, that's a pretty sweet flute in the Starbucks song, but the jazzy sax is amazing in Microsoft's song, too. ...How do you find this stuff?
April 22, 2008
arcadia commented on the word venti
Hey John! Please tell me you're about to reference that incredible "We built this Starbucks" song for those who may have missed it.
April 22, 2008
arcadia commented on the word vegetarian
I took sionnach's advise, and burnt off some steam before responding. This gave him a chance to take back the word "disgrace" which is nice, but enough was left for me to respond to in a less off-the-cuff way.
I will never apologize for giving voice to the voiceless, rising to the defense of the defenseless, and generally creating a visual for the atrocities that are kept out of sight. I appreciate that sionnach remembers our former "good terms" and isn't going to hold my convictions against me, because I like him, too.
friendly So, what are you implying is done with the bodies of billions of spent dairy cows / goats and laying hens if not slaughter for meat? No sarcasm is meant here, but do tell.
pterodactyl-- you're admittedly newer to this site than I, though I'm no veteran, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I disagree with your assertion that there can be a right and wrong place to speak to an injustice. I didn't enter this word, nor did I make an appearance until many people with various degrees of knowledge on the subject, made theirs in the conversation that falls under this heading.
Besides, we're all adults here. I just hope you are willing to administer the same harsh criticism to the sexual conversations that have taken place on this site, and believe me, there are many!
Thats all for tonight.
April 21, 2008
arcadia commented on the word lactivist
That would be me!
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
So, I just lost it over that vegetarianism conversation. What is going on around here?
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word vegetarian
Wow, I guess I came back just in time!
For the record, I will be celebrating 5 years as a strict vegan this June, so I'm qualified to respond to this madness. I am horrified, saddened, shocked and disheartened by the misinformation and total BS some of you seem to be guilty of using to support your views on veganism.
First, the industries in which eggs and milk are taken from animals to feed humans cause significant and hellish pain and suffering for animals. Most of the meat eaten in this nation is that of spent dairy cows and laying hens. Most of the billions of male chicks that hatch in hatcheries are thrown away alive and suffocate in trash bags with their dead and dying brothers. Their sisters are forced into slavery as laying hens. Most of the male calves and billie goats born in this nation are barbarically slaughtered on sight or the calves are kept alive for 2 months in excruciating anemic states, until they are slaughtered for veal. They scream for their mothers every day that they endure this separation.
Second, it is absolutely ABSURD to assert that milking cows does them a favor. Give me a break!!! Why not get a campaign to milk ALL the wild mammals lactating in the the woods. If, in nature, a cow has a calf, she nurses him (just like humans who nurse their children) and her body creates EXACTLY the amount of milk necessary to sustain HER calf until he is weaned.
Dairy cows are impregnated (with a semen dipped stick jammed into them by a "breeder") annually. Once born, their calves are taken and slaughtered or forced into slavery, and the cows suffer horribly for their whole miserable lives. As a breastfeeding mother, I can imagine no torture more crippling than if my son was taken and killed, and I was forced into a stall and strapped to a milking machine 3 times a day by the lifeforms who had taken my child. The cow KNOWS she gave birth. She MISSES her young.
Third, I am so mad right now I can barely see the screen. I will answer more of these questions later.
Just watch "Meet Your Meat" so you can make informed comments in the future.
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the list on-tha-s
--scurrying to Wikipedia for answers--
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the list on-tha-s
But does it qualify as a metaphor? If so, for what?
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word eleventeen
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Dhaero is magical and amazing. He is 2 months shy of 1 year old, and can already stand without holding onto anything, which means walking isn't far off. And he just started signing back (we teach all our babies ASL before they can speak), he signs "change" when he's getting a clean diaper.
How've you been???
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Hi old friends. I've been gone for a while but a new list idea has drawn me back. Glad to see some familiar faces. I've missed you all. Where's uselessness?
April 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
Glad to see Jermajesty (Jackson) already on this list, along with other favorites.
Surprising Apple (Gwen Paltro's daughter) didn't make your list, although I LIKE that name for a girl, people considered it shocking that she used it.
Is this list restricted to celebs only, cuz there's a guy that named himself: TroutFishingInAmerica. Worst name EVER!
March 12, 2008
arcadia commented on the user frindley
Hey, thanks for helping me with the "æ" so I can finally type my son's name the way it's meant to be: Dhæro!
I've been avoiding Wordie for a few months cuz when I joined, I became instantly addicted, and was finding myself on here 3, 4 hours a day. That might be how much time people with TV spend watching mindless crap so at least I was actively learning stuff not zoning out like most Americans, but my other responsibilities were suffering as a result. I laid off my favorite site until your message called me here again, but I should ease back in gradually, like an alcoholic sipping wine.
However, I'd like to know more about this, "pedant's corner" of which you speak.
March 12, 2008
arcadia commented on the word swedish fish
reesetee-- I feel your pain. Our Trader Joe's is 30 minutes away, but we would be lost without it.
February 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word new labour pain
Hmmm, I wonder how it compares to "pain of labouring a new" person into the world, of which I've some experience.
February 4, 2008
arcadia commented on the word once flew over the cuckoo's nest
That would be much funnier if R.P.MacMurphey actually made it out of there alive. It's still funny, though.
January 30, 2008
arcadia commented on the word æ— ï¿½??�? (pinyin: wú mÃngshì)
That's great.
January 30, 2008
arcadia commented on the word palindrome
Anyone here seen the film "Palindrome"? It's very disturbing, but in the end one of the characters explains what a palindrome is and then recites one that is classic. -Definitely the best laugh of an otherwise dark drama.
January 30, 2008
arcadia commented on the word puke bowl
Takes me back to the days of "morning" sickness, which lasts all day and night. My receptacle of choice was often the kitchen sink.
January 24, 2008
arcadia commented on the word puke bowl
This is very funny and incredibly gross all at once.
January 24, 2008
arcadia commented on the list mi-vox-s-list
Oh my gosh, uselessness, this RULES. I can't believe I missed this when it first went up. Thank YOU!
--skipvia-- Damn. You beat me to "poshest". Oh well, at least it's up there. ;)
January 24, 2008
arcadia commented on the list bizarre-exclamations
Here's 5:
I've heard "Brittish Nikes!" and "Good night!" as exclamations. What about "Upon my soul" and "I'll be damned"? Too common? And lastly, "Hells yeah".
January 23, 2008
arcadia commented on the list the-earthlink-experience
--Uselessness, that means a lot. I guess these apply to dealings with the majority of large corporations, but these guys are the worst offenders, in my experience.
The "service" has been crapping out on us ever since we signed up, but when dropped connections prevent me from finishing a thought/ comment on Wordie, that's when I get really MAD. :[
January 23, 2008
arcadia commented on the user arcadia
Sorry about that message showing up twice. My Internet service freaks out on me occasionally. :{
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word bunting
But Treeseed didn't write it so my critique isn't aimed at her. ...I like Treeseed, and Treeseed knows that. :)
I'm just stickin' up for the critters, is all. MOST of these old nursery rhymes are violent and scary if you pay attention to the words. This one's no exception.
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word we built this city
I realize the following comment is so 3 hours ago, but I gave that Starbucks song a listen and it was, in fact, the worst song in history, as John warned. It was atrocious from the start, but just as you think the torment is coming to a welcomed end, it morphs into an even more soulless advertising vehicle when that haunting voice starts speaking over the music and singing. Wow. What were they thinking?!?
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word bunting
That nursery rhyme is among the cruelest. Pardon a vegan mother, but hunting, milking, silk, and animal skin are the very last things I want to sing of to my babies. Mother Goose was a sicko. :(
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word ob la di ob la da
--skipvia, As a die-hard Beatles fan (even been to Liverpool to kiss the ground they first trod) I hold any song celebrating the John/Yoko union as anathema, for obvious reasons.
-- SoGro-- Honey Don't is sung by my fave Beatle, Ringo, on the "Beatles For Sale" album. The song exposes Ringo's Country-Western music propensity, which I would rather remain in denial about.
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the list the-earthlink-experience
jennarenn-- yeah, that's true. I wasted most of my online college years in ridiculous Simpsons chat rooms. What was THAT all about?
January 20, 2008
arcadia commented on the word ob la di ob la da
--SoG, perhaps you never heard of a little song called "The Ballad of John and Yoko". THAT'S the worst Beatles song, with the possible exception of "Honey Don't."
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the list words-covered-in-faery-dust-x-y-z
Still, I'd read it. ;)
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the list words-covered-in-faery-dust-x-y-z
Epic is right! Just this list alone is epic, containing mostly nouns and adjectives, imagine adding all the other parts of speech to hold it together. You're poem would give Homer a run for his money, for sure.
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the word wanker
Like the American version: jerk. Think about it.
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the user skipvia
How the huckleberries did you manage to "fill in the rest of mi-vox's profile?!?" I was stunned to see all your suggestions actually taken. (Well the ones that were allowed, anyway). The mi-vox has eyes!
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the list across-the-pond-2
What's a list of Britishisms without mate, and the insulting: Sod off and wanker? This list is too friendly. ..And isn't it "jolly good" rather than "jolly well"? Maybe both.
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the user treeseed
Well, I don't think anyone will accuse a person who's son is named "Woodstock" of lacking creativity. :)
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the user treeseed
Thanks. Hey, my middle son shares HIS middle name with that of the Beatles album we had playing while he was being born. I mention it because it appears on your page under "words".
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the word hair loss
One of the many unspoken side effects to being an earthlink customer.
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the list words-covered-in-faery-dust-x-y-z
What a charmingly poetic list.
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the user treeseed
Welcome! I like your user name and also the idea that your son's middle name is "woodstock". What's his first name?
January 19, 2008
arcadia commented on the list in-a-pickle
For some reason I feel compelled to remind everyone about "pickled punks" (miscarried fetuses put in jars for sideshow and freak-show attractions) -especially since Asativum alluded to "pickled vegans" yesterday. But I don't recommend you put this on your list, at least not as a luncheon meats side food.
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list stuff-vegans-consume-instead-of-critters
--bilby, thanks for those. A few of them I haven't heard of, but a few of the others I can't believe I forgot! (Rice milk can be SOOO good). Nutmeat sounds gross, can't bring myself to add it, even though it's harmless.
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the user asativum
asativum-- dammit, I can't stay mad at you. You have that winning Wordie charm. ^_^
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list stuff-vegans-consume-instead-of-critters
Assativum-- That old, tired "joke"? I'm surprised to get the "pickled vegan" from a Wordie. :-(
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list stuff-vegans-consume-instead-of-critters
But oyster mushrooms aren't.
I'm trying to keep my list to just the stuff omnivores generally DON'T eat. Well, I threw in "fruits" and "vegetables" because they seemed necessary. And then I added Oreos because they are a surprising vegan treat.
--Asa, are you of the veggie persuasion?
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the user mi-vox
WOW, this is starting to remind me of a Simpsons or Sienfeld episode, something about mixing up audio tapes and learning the wrong language or something. Anywho, I think this benefit of mi-vox is especially exciting:
"And just imagine being able to effortlessly order food and wine at the poshest foreign restaurants, either in your home country or overseas".
The poshest foreign restaurants, that's my stomping grounds! How did it know???
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list adoption-agency
OK, OK, I kidnapped mistreatments while nobody was looking. I just didn't want to deal with the paperwork. But it has a home, now. I thank you.
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list adoption-agency
Well, I have reservations about mistreatments but I am almost CERTAIN that carnal knowledge is a trouble maker.
yarb-- will you make with the definition of "cynyc" so that, if it's good, I can snag it before anyone else does?
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the word lerve
YESSSS! Great word from a comic genius. Allen's the man.
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list adoption-agency
I would TOTALLY take cynyc if I had a place to put 'er. Is it an alternative spelling for "cynic"? If it IS a "real" word, it belongs in a palindrome list, which I'm sure somebody must already have.
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the word liger
"So it's mother is a lion and it's father is a tiger?"
"What?! Nho! You're thinking of a ti-on. They're totally lame".
(Something like that, it's been a while since I saw that on the N.D. special features).
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list adoption-agency
Congrats, Julia. Now the pressure's is on the rest of us to step up and do the right thing by these poor remaining waifs.
I'm eyeballing mistreatments for my "hospital" list, but he looks like a troublemaker who might negatively effect the rest of my words if I take him home. Can he be trusted?
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list metaphorical-places
--uselessness-- try Arcadia, Greece, next time, and you'll probably have more to "write home about". The original is always better. I suspect this "Arcadia, FL" of which you speak is a classic example of intentional misleading place naming, a la "Greenland".
January 18, 2008
arcadia commented on the list luncheon-meats
Gasp! Tofurkey! Asa, you know of it? I can't believe I neglected to put that on my "stuff vegans eat" list and it took the "luncheon meats" author to remind me. Well, that's irony for you!
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list metaphorical-places
Glad to see my name made it on this list, for it's poetic attributes I suppose, since Arcadia IS an actual, geographical place one can visit.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user kewpid
Word. (Now you have a comment). =^+^=
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word whatever floats your boat
Yeah, my husband and I prefer "whatever engorges your genitals" just to push past the euphemisms. (OK, it's crude but we're all 18+ here, aren't we?) That one's for AbraxasZugzwang.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user mi-vox
hey reesetee-- that's some pretty sexy editing. Way funny. I totally overlooked the typo my first read, if it WAS a typo...
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
seanahan-- oh, it's polite to say something. As somebody with three pregnancies under my belt (quite literally), I can testify that if a person doesn't wish to have their pregnancy addressed, they won't mention it themselves. However, if a person implies that they ARE expecting, it's a green light to congratulate them. That being said, if it is not perfectly clear that the woman IS in fact pregnant, follow this common rule of thumb: Best not to ask until you see the baby coming out of her body. ^_^
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user sionnach
You, sir (or madame, I haven't been paying attention) are a sardonic genius. But watch out, if he's smart, mi-vox might try to recruit you. I know I would. ^_^
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user mi-vox
Wait, this could be good. I've always wanted to "sparkle and shine like the star" I "really" am.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user mi-vox
Oh Mi-Vox, will you ever win?
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list luncheon-meats
Now you've all gone and offended the vegan. Very well, I shall retaliate with my own brand of "luncheon" menu, in the interest of fair and balanced wordie-ing. ^_^
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user mi-vox
OK, "The player itself can lie next to you or tucked under ...bikini bottoms"??? What? That's awesome!
--sionnach, --yarb, --uselessness, you guys are KILLING me. These parodies are BRILLIANT. I like our new friend. I vote to keep him!
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list p-is-for
The following word shall totally upstage my suggestion of "placenta" on this list.
Behold: Placentophagy: The eating of the placenta.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list p-is-for
uselessness--- Sorry to keep recommending deviating from this site but you have GOT to google "placenta recipes". I want your reaction. It's hilarious how all these sites pop up being completely serious, and it's gonna be especially shocking to you since you just found out about the practice (of eating it) 3 minutes ago.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the list p-is-for
Anyone familiar with the tradition of gathering family and friends to eat the placenta (in a stew) as a weirdo celebration of the birth of a baby, (that one's for you, yarb)? Personally, I don't have the stomach for eating it, (I don't even have the guts to try my own breast milk) so we had decided to bury the placenta, HOWEVER, now I'm thinking I might wanna put it in my hair. ...Naw, I'll just bury it.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the user uselessness
Dhaero is pronounced "Dhare-oh", similar to "Dare-oh" but the "D" is slightly softer.
Glad you're a fellow Dr.Paul supporter. I'm smitten by him, and am one of the "band of loyal supporters" creating tiny, colorful, handmade signs to stick around town. But it's not looking good for him. :(
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
John-- The Jerky Boys quote you reminded me of is from when Frank Rizzo calls about his "drinking problem"; the receptionist asks "And how is this temper of yours when you're not drinking?" He promptly replies, "Eh! My temper is always flaring up like a pack of hemorrhoids". Great imagery, no?
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word hemorrhoid
Sphincter is such a cool word.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
john: We named our new baby Dhaero Jubilee. His brothers are Odyssey Nova and Meridian Mystery (Mystery for the my favorite Beatles album, the one I was singing along with as he was born).
If Dhaero had been a girl, he would be Juniper Sunshine. (That's right, we're shameless neo-hippies). Since Odyssey and Meridian are both words, I was very attached to a word-name for number 3, but nothing fit so I made up the first name he now has. The middle name, Jubilee, is intended to signify mental and emotional emancipation from societal expectations, such as hospital birth.
Forgive me, but was the "flaring hemorrhoids" remark a Jerky Boys reference?
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
Yeah, homeschooling is good (Vote Ron Paul if you care to protect that option) and it sounds like your mom rocked, besides the circ thing. But I have to warn you, if you're ambivalent about this issue going into parenthood, your son(s) could be at risk.
My middle son was born early and hospitalized in incubation for 6 days after birth. I roomed with him through it all, and a day never passed when I wasn't harassed by the staff about getting him circumcised. If he'd been my firstborn son, it may have been even harder to stand up to the pressure. I found it totally distasteful the way they hovered like vultures ready to pounce on him if I'd given the word. And it really all comes back to money with them.
and, to chained_bear's PS, please add "unnecessary" to the "safe hospital procedure" google search. It makes such a difference.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
John! I feel I've "arrived" now that you've joined a conversation I spawned. Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful site. I'm relieved that this particular conversation meets with your approval since it's relatively "adult" in nature (I haven't been here long enough to know the limits, if any).
That's lovely news that you're expecting a baby. Since you know the gender, is she named? I have 3 (intact) children, all boys. I actually joined Wordie in my search for a word name for my newest.
Anyway, not trying to be sensational here, but I have a loved one dying of AIDS who is circumcised. Even if the risk is reduced, it's still stupid to rely on that alone.
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
uselessness, I like you, but I'm gonna have to challenge your use of the words "fully functional", well, the word "fully" anyway. It's like saying a tongue without taste buds is "fully functional"; sure, you can still use it to lick, move food, swallow, and speak, but it's not as nice to eat with (as you'll know if you've ever burned your tongue - except foreskin never grows back).
January 17, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
WOE. Does everybody here understand that the amount of skin removed from an infant male (within the first week of life) contains nerves and stretches to the size of a 3x5" index card? Does everybody realize that a step in a traditional circ procedure is medically referred to as "tearing of the glands"?
Also, male vs. female circ arguments are controversial because our language limits the terms. Pointing out that there is a difference in how they are done does not change the fact that BOTH procedures fall under the heading "circumcision".
Forget the cleanliness myth, BOTH male and female circs are done to decrease sexual pleasure, though the effects on the female are arguably more devastating. American male circumcision became popular when the Puritans convinced themselves it would eliminate masturbation. I would argue that it hasn't, just as it won't stop the spread of AIDS, which is the current myth.
January 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the user uselessness
Thanks for compliments on Dhaero's name. I created the word but the root is "aero". (That's meant to be a diphthong in there, however, I don't yet know how to type it as such because I'm a technology looser).
January 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the word uncircumcised
I stand by my definition. Google images of the "quick, safe, hospital procedure" and see how you feel. :)
January 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the user bilby
Hey friend. I was sad to hear you'd be "scarce" this month but it's nice to see you're not altogether missing... We named our baby "Dhaero". It's what uselessness would call "madeupical", but it fits like, like, like a name that fits really well.
January 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the list fun-phrases-idioms
Really charming list! How about: Cloak and dagger, Pell Mell, Shoot the breeze, Chew the cud, Up stage, Speak of the devil?
January 16, 2008
arcadia commented on the list dewey-cheatham-and-howe
Pretty much anything with the first name "Imma" or "Iva" works. I knew a Mennonite girl named "Iva-Jane" who married a guy named "John Payne". It's true.
January 15, 2008
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