Once upon a time in the long, long ago, someone posted a list of common Wolof phrases and their literal translation in English. Now I can't find it - that'll teach me not to favorite things. Anyone know where it might be?
"Dix lit a cigarette and also surveyed the room. Nice people, healthy and wealthy. Normal as you and me. Normal as Sylvia when she didn't have the megrims."
It looked like a bathysphere: a ball of riveted metal, two meters in diameter, with a single porthole on one side. It stood on a low plinth, braced by struts. Cables were plugged into it all over its surface. -- The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding
What we usually do when there's a word missing is do a wordnik search for it, then put our definition in the comments (discuss) section. This makes it a searchable word.
Perhaps you should focus your ire on the unritzy states - they seem to be popular today. Or take a chance on the random word generator, which again seems to be functioning well as my personal Tarot card.
Ah, good! Wordnik is a wonderful place, or was once and shall be once we all get used to the changes, I hope. I took some time off to let things settle here, but I knew I'd be back.
I'd looked at The Last Werewolf before (my other addiction is Goodreads) but hadn't really been interested. Your quotes have changed my mind.
Your quotes from this book made me interested in checking it out, but I wonder if you mean The Last Werewolf, as that is the only title I can find with a similar name by that author.
Is anyone else having trouble hearing pronunciations? Chelster pronounced my request line word, but I can't hear it! A little gray bar runs along the top for a second, which makes me think it's playing, but no audio.
In my ESL group of Hmong kindergarteners, we were going around the table and practicing finishing the sentence "I like to eat ____." (What do you like to eat, Pajoua? I like to eat pizza!) and one of them said squirrels. No, he was quite serious. He added, "Yum."
Altricial, meaning "requiring nourishment", refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born. The word is derived from the Latin root alere meaning "to nurse, to rear, or to nourish", and refers to the need for young to be fed and taken care of for a long duration.
I most certainly did not have a teatowel for lunch, thank god. A suffusion of yellow would have been nice, however. Wouldn't have made me very replete though.
What was the question? That answer seems surprisingly meta (or the discussion there does). Sounds like a nice prediction for any question, though - unless your question was "What is the one thing I will never have, though I desire it?"
If those were intellectualists, they were mighty tasty and the FDA may want to investigate. And no, I would rather not patrilocate for Christmas, even temporarily. I suppose what my husband was doing could have been steelyard. He said he was going to the store for cough drops, but you never know.
Bilby, I see from your song that Wordnik was merely being merry, albeit slightly eccentric. Thanks for the insight.
Also, the random word generator is no longer capable of accurately predicting my future or answering my questions. I asked what I would have for lunch tomorrow, and it responded "glacière" and I asked what I wanted for Christmas and it gave me "meretriciously." I then asked what my husband is doing right now, which prompted "responsiveness" -- which is an outright lie.
Hm, this might be temporary, but I've found a bug: it used to be, when on a word page that you had traveled to from the community page, hitting the back button took you directly to where you were on the community page. That way you didn't have to scroll back down to find your place. Now, at least temporarily (*crosses fingers*), it hops up to the top of the word page and then back down to the comments, sending you on a merry little lap to end up where you were before you clicked back.
The number of years depends on the state, as do the rights appertaining to common law status. But on the whole, it's true that common law couples might not be granted the legal rights of spouses in most states. Civil unions, however, grant all legal rights of a married couple without the involvement of any god.
If you make a list of the words as you tag them, but just adding the words themselves without numbers, they will stay in the order you put them in. Then if you look at the tag for any individual word you would see your number.
Each sound has a number representing it so that strings of numbers can represent the sounds of words. I agree, though - tags would be much more manageable. You can't possibly list every word.
*hears echo* You can't possibly list every word.
Also, I see a technical difficulty: is it really possible to represent every sound with a two digit number?
The buttons at the top of the word pages are flaky. I'm sure everybody has noticed this, unless it's a browser issue. I click on "discuss" and it takes me down to comments, but then jumps back up and I have to click it again. Might be because the page has not completely loaded...?
It seems to me you have either been hacked or are speaking in tongues. Anyone else see the last 2 comments? Clicking on the Comments section of people's profiles doesn't work right now, so I don't know if there are more.
Is it just me, or is the lowercase t thing gone? Was the font changed and I didn't notice? Still using same platform and same browser, but not noticing it now. Nicer!
This list might be more useful if you list each word separately. Useful in that you would be able to add or delete words individually, rather than delete and rework the entire A or B list.
Not sure where this rumor came from, but I hear it all the time. Spanish for pillow is almohada. I bet the word for sopaipilla came from sopa, soup. I always like to eat my green chile stew or posole with a sopaipilla.
In the section where each word page shows the lists the word is in, do the lists appear in any order? In other words, we used to be able to click on the "recently listed" words and see who recently listed them - is the first list the most recent one?
Optical diffraction of monochromatic light, commonly blue, caused by exsolution lamellae in some labradorite samples; appears to come from within the sample. CF: labrador moonstone (Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
Goodness, sionnach's comment is in a larger font. What does this mean? Is it because the cloud he is sitting on is larger? Is he raising his voice but not yelling? Or is his voice bloated from scarfing the umbrage (with parsnips)?
3. I'm getting the impression from jean dimmock (and others) that we're only seeing a certain number of the comments for any given word. Will there be a way to see all of them/go to a page of just comments for a word, like we used to?
I thought the old interface was lovely and simple, and I'm sad. And the t tail thing annoys me. I like the possibilities of some of the new functions, but it's going to take a while for that to outweigh the unfamiliarity.
Ack, I've been gone for two weeks and come back to find all the word pages looking completely different! Is there a place that people are talking about the new layout? The font is weird; lowercase t is very distracting. Anyone agree?
Depends entirely on the dish (referring to the chile color)! Getting ready for a trip back to NM at the end of this week - New Mexican food, how I have missed thee.
I'm going to troll through here for additions to my ever-increasing plans for the weekend list. Fitting words will be stolen away under cover of the deep dark night. Er ... the vague light of the midnight sun, I guess.
You're right - abrupt/harsh or slow. That makes sense of a lot of the words listed. Not sure I can agree on cranberries, but maybe there's some etymology I'm missing out on. Care to enlighten us, 'zuzu?
Always insist on a sheathed cuke? Reminds me of the safe sex informational activities they held at my dorm when I was a freshman. We actually used cucumbers.
Strangely, when I typed "cuke" the autocorrect on my phone wanted to replace it with "vile"! Everybody has an opinion, I guess.
A cruciform-twinned crystal of staurolite, used as a curio stone without fashioning for adornment. The term is also applied as a syn. of staurolite, and esp. to the variety occurring in the form of a twinned crystal. See also: staurolite b. Any of various odd or fantastically shaped calcareous or ferruginous concretions formed in alluvial clays. (Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
A sentence composed by Noam Chomsky in his 1957 Syntactic Structures as an example of a sentence that is grammatically correct (logical form) but semantically nonsensical. The term was originally used in his 1955 thesis Logical Structures of Linguistic Theory. The sentence has no understandable meaning, and therefore demonstrates the distinction between Syntax and Semantics. As an example of a category mistake, it was used to show inadequacy of the then-popular probabilistic models of grammar, and the need for more structured models. (Wikipedia)
Hmm, when I think "madding" I automatically think "crowd," which is kind of what I'm going for here, but that might be just because that quote is used so often. Let me check examples.
Edit: looks like it's often used with the whole "far from the" intact, but not always. Added.
There are so many comments in strange places stating "plinth" like it's a battle cry, spoon-style , I thought for sure there would be fun comments here.
North American trail marks are sometimes called "ducks" or "duckies", because they sometimes have a "beak" pointing in the direction of the route. The expression "two rocks do not make a duck" reminds hikers that just one rock resting upon another could be the result of accident or nature rather than intentional trail marking.
Groaning board is unfamiliar to me, rolig - is it really very common in either speech or literature? And is it a collocation or a compound name for something (like tea chest)?
Comments by blafferty
blafferty commented on the list words-new-to-me-2020-NY4hVTZrcTi
I was so surprised to find, a few weeks ago, that there were no pandemic/COVID lists so far. Do you know of others?
May 7, 2020
blafferty commented on the word touch tool
Good add, scarequotes.
May 7, 2020
blafferty commented on the word meatus
Whoever originally madeupicalled this word probably still laughs about it to this day.
April 3, 2020
blafferty commented on the word badger
See spoon
May 12, 2018
blafferty commented on the word spoon
See badger-poking, for the use of
May 12, 2018
blafferty commented on the word I poked a blafferty with a spoon
See badger
May 12, 2018
blafferty commented on the word i poked a badger with a spoon
Update: has been looked up 469 times.
May 12, 2018
blafferty commented on the word plinth
Today I thought of plinths and missed you all.
May 12, 2018
blafferty commented on the word amafession
I'm afraid you'll have to add proteur, in that case.
January 1, 2014
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
I've been neglecting wordnik terribly, to my detriment. Anyone know of a shortcut to find the comment field for users on the mobile version?
January 1, 2014
blafferty commented on the word spam
My goodness, the spam is getting knee-deep around here.
December 31, 2013
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
Thanks! Yay!
December 12, 2013
blafferty commented on the word wolof
Once upon a time in the long, long ago, someone posted a list of common Wolof phrases and their literal translation in English. Now I can't find it - that'll teach me not to favorite things. Anyone know where it might be?
December 12, 2013
blafferty commented on the word trending words
I think marky just called me bilby. Shall I be flattered or offended?
March 7, 2013
blafferty commented on the word trending words
It's nice to come back after so many months and find that cat and jelly shoes are still trending.
March 7, 2013
blafferty commented on the word dung
I am surprised at the pictures here. I'm fairly sure only one of those features dung (the noun) in its most common usage.
March 7, 2013
blafferty commented on the word megrims
"Dix lit a cigarette and also surveyed the room. Nice people, healthy and wealthy. Normal as you and me. Normal as Sylvia when she didn't have the megrims."
From In a Lonely Place by Dorothy Hughes
March 7, 2013
blafferty commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
Oh gosh, it's back! I haven't been on in months! Eek.
March 7, 2013
blafferty commented on the word pantanoso
These pants are juuuuust right.
June 4, 2012
blafferty commented on the word hallux
First tweet right now:
“I will intercourse you so well that the PIP of your first ray will subluxate due to the hyperflexion of the Hallux!”
May 18, 2012
blafferty commented on the word sny
Also check this out.
April 29, 2012
blafferty commented on the word diaphonon
See WallyWeet
April 29, 2012
blafferty commented on the word second
You guys just made me say "second drug test" like 16 times.
April 10, 2012
blafferty commented on the user hunnypot03
April 10, 2012
blafferty commented on the word sastrugi
"The plains were rippled with sastrugi, great breaking waves, flash-frozen."
--The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding
April 3, 2012
blafferty commented on the word plinth
Plinth sighting!
It looked like a bathysphere: a ball of riveted metal, two meters in diameter, with a single porthole on one side. It stood on a low plinth, braced by struts. Cables were plugged into it all over its surface. -- The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding
March 31, 2012
blafferty commented on the word luncheon
Mayonnaise? MAYONNAISE?? Gaaaaah.
March 23, 2012
blafferty commented on the user WallyWeet
What we usually do when there's a word missing is do a wordnik search for it, then put our definition in the comments (discuss) section. This makes it a searchable word.
March 22, 2012
blafferty commented on the user westinynicy
March 20, 2012
blafferty commented on the user WallyWeet
diaphanous? diaphane?
March 20, 2012
blafferty commented on the word If Ruzuzu is infinitely powerful, can she also be infinitely good
It's my fault for requesting such tasty umbrage. Poor punderscore has been hiding under a porch somewhere and hasn't had any for so long.
Oo, I've been craving fufluns! Thanks!
March 20, 2012
blafferty commented on the word If Ruzuzu is infinitely powerful, can she also be infinitely good
I would love some, thanks for asking. Toasted, please, with just a little cheese and garlic.
You know you're in the right place when umbrage is offered, rather than having to be taken.
March 14, 2012
blafferty commented on the user reesetee
Thanks! You too, and nice to be back, although right now I'm mostly doing pop-ins.
March 14, 2012
blafferty commented on the word If Ruzuzu is infinitely powerful, can she also be infinitely good
Anyone who uses the word sinister is bigoted toward lefties, I think.
March 13, 2012
blafferty commented on the word national sleep awareness week
Perhaps you should focus your ire on the unritzy states - they seem to be popular today. Or take a chance on the random word generator, which again seems to be functioning well as my personal Tarot card.
March 13, 2012
blafferty commented on the user Louises
Ah, good! Wordnik is a wonderful place, or was once and shall be once we all get used to the changes, I hope. I took some time off to let things settle here, but I knew I'd be back.
I'd looked at The Last Werewolf before (my other addiction is Goodreads) but hadn't really been interested. Your quotes have changed my mind.
March 13, 2012
blafferty commented on the user Louises
Your quotes from this book made me interested in checking it out, but I wonder if you mean The Last Werewolf, as that is the only title I can find with a similar name by that author.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the word national sleep awareness week
Your target should depend entirely on your timezone, I believe.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the word locupletative
Seems like encirch should be a word.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the word hork
I found you, and your lists, dontcry. But I didn't realize profiles were gone except for our wordie tracks - that was a shocking development.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the word porching
dontcry is correct. All porch-related activities. Long-standing rule.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
I only see 2 pronunciations here now. :(
Oooh and they don't seem to work.
March 12, 2012
blafferty commented on the user bushalvin
January 23, 2012
blafferty commented on the word pocket-rider
Yep, me too. I've also heard "pocket dialing" in more polite company.
November 2, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Where did all the pronunciations on you're something of a hotdog, aren't you go?
November 2, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Is anyone else having trouble hearing pronunciations? Chelster pronounced my request line word, but I can't hear it! A little gray bar runs along the top for a second, which makes me think it's playing, but no audio.
November 2, 2011
blafferty commented on the word vampire
At least only one of the visuals is of Edward. Whew. But where is The Count?
November 2, 2011
blafferty commented on the word canned umbrage
... or like canned applause?
October 29, 2011
blafferty commented on the word concatenate
Love me some concatenate.
October 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word ground squirrel
I nominate uselessness to do sound effects.
October 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word alatricial
Eek, damn, sorry. My bad.
October 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Alaska divorce
Umbrage! Here in Alaska we call that "crab fishing."
October 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word piñata
*added to The Not Necessarily Complete Adventures of Bilby the Wordnik*
October 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word ground squirrel
In my ESL group of Hmong kindergarteners, we were going around the table and practicing finishing the sentence "I like to eat ____." (What do you like to eat, Pajoua? I like to eat pizza!) and one of them said squirrels. No, he was quite serious. He added, "Yum."
October 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word obseesed
How appropriate that the first example listed is a gushing note to the author of Twilight.
October 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word alatricial
Altricial, meaning "requiring nourishment", refers to a pattern of growth and development in organisms which are incapable of moving around on their own soon after hatching or being born. The word is derived from the Latin root alere meaning "to nurse, to rear, or to nourish", and refers to the need for young to be fed and taken care of for a long duration.
October 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Has anyone mentioned how sad it is that the word pages no longer show the first lister?
October 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word moneme
Oh! I thought you were describing this word, not defining it.
October 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word yarb
“The yarb will take the chill out of ye better than the pizen of the Dutchman.” - ----- Holiday Tales Christmas in the Adirondacks
(from the examples)
October 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word If there are no list comments, either comment on word pages or add coments to lists as though they were very long words. (The comments, that is, not the lists. You know what I mean.)
How did the woman (Magda?) so quickly become associated enough with this "word" that she is considered a visual for it?
October 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
I most certainly did not have a teatowel for lunch, thank god. A suffusion of yellow would have been nice, however. Wouldn't have made me very replete though.
October 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word a suffusion of yellow
Aww, no visuals.
October 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word bison
Heh heh
October 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
What was the question? That answer seems surprisingly meta (or the discussion there does). Sounds like a nice prediction for any question, though - unless your question was "What is the one thing I will never have, though I desire it?"
October 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Hmm, good point.
October 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
If those were intellectualists, they were mighty tasty and the FDA may want to investigate. And no, I would rather not patrilocate for Christmas, even temporarily. I suppose what my husband was doing could have been steelyard. He said he was going to the store for cough drops, but you never know.
Bilby, I see from your song that Wordnik was merely being merry, albeit slightly eccentric. Thanks for the insight.
October 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Also, the random word generator is no longer capable of accurately predicting my future or answering my questions. I asked what I would have for lunch tomorrow, and it responded "glacière" and I asked what I wanted for Christmas and it gave me "meretriciously." I then asked what my husband is doing right now, which prompted "responsiveness" -- which is an outright lie.
October 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Intelligence
Indeed, my Intelligence often leads me to excess.
October 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the word fessways
Sh, mention of whelks frightens off Mollusque!
October 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word jowlopped
October 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Lost for word is brooooooooooken!
October 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Google’s Favorite Wordnik Lists
Strange ... is this a list? It seems kind of list-y.
October 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Hm, this might be temporary, but I've found a bug: it used to be, when on a word page that you had traveled to from the community page, hitting the back button took you directly to where you were on the community page. That way you didn't have to scroll back down to find your place. Now, at least temporarily (*crosses fingers*), it hops up to the top of the word page and then back down to the comments, sending you on a merry little lap to end up where you were before you clicked back.
September 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word zibbidyzobbedyblaffertyzooks
The ayes have it. Motion carried.
September 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word zibbidyzobbedyblaffertyzooks
I vote bilby writes a children's book, a la Dr. Seuss. Who's with me?
September 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word inchoate
September 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
bilby, dear, this phrase nearly has my name in it. Should I take umbrage?
burblafizzin' magma of slurrytext
milosrdenstvi, tell us, tell us! What book?
September 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the word taint
Nice link, 'zuzu!
Also: the pics on this make you wonder, and the tweets make you wish you didn't.
September 11, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Wow. I left for a couple weeks in hopes that things would be resolved, but the pages now load slower even than they did right after The Change. :(
September 11, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Wait, don't you already have all of those jobs?
August 9, 2011
blafferty commented on the word fridge
August 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
I'll give you a hint, bilby: one of the goats is in the fridge.
August 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word kitchen table
You'll also need a knife and cutting board. Can I have a piece?
August 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word whiskey balls
No visuals?
August 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word fridge
August 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
Sorry, ruzuzu, were you eating that? It's in the fridge if you want it.
August 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word bregma
Not to be confused with smegma.
August 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word grace
Excellent visuals! Thanks, fbharjo!
August 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the word The Monty Hall Problem
That reminds me, I left my cheese in the car. I'll be right back.
August 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word worship
Texas, I think.
August 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
Suddenly I am unable to comment on people's profiles (except this one?) so:
tonlon0017 is a runaway spammer! Out of control.
July 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word start a new list, then realize you've already created that same list
Please add to the original sins list!
July 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the user shengxuan
Spam spam spammy spam
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the list 100-most-beautiful-words
It seems strange that you didn't add your beautiful words in the usual fashion, instead of putting them in the description of your list.
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word anti-spouse
The number of years depends on the state, as do the rights appertaining to common law status. But on the whole, it's true that common law couples might not be granted the legal rights of spouses in most states. Civil unions, however, grant all legal rights of a married couple without the involvement of any god.
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word almost Solveig
Mostly just reindeer. They take their upbrage shaken, not stirred.
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the user Khvalovsky
If you make a list of the words as you tag them, but just adding the words themselves without numbers, they will stay in the order you put them in. Then if you look at the tag for any individual word you would see your number.
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the user shengxuan
Spam alert
July 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word victual
None of these visuals are actually victuals.
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word almost Solveig
Whoops. My p is nowhere near my m - how did that happen?
Here in the frozen north we take upbrage because the umbrage freezes at too low a temperature.
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Shite Mega-Megahit
Did you mean shire mega-megahit?
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word almost Solveig
*takes upbrage at no one stopping by to visit on their way to the pole*
*gets out shotgun*
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word dog-whistle
Did anyone ever end up making a dog-whistles list?
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word involution
Wow, very interesting visuals here! Good catch, ruzuzu!
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word rainbows
It's cute though, dharma! Maybe you were tagging in your sleep. Have you been dreaming of rainbows?
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Yes, I like that!
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the user Kristianto2010
Oh, I see. Thank you. I don't think I had seen this user do that before.
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the list digital-english-vocabulary
Each sound has a number representing it so that strings of numbers can represent the sounds of words. I agree, though - tags would be much more manageable. You can't possibly list every word.
*hears echo* You can't possibly list every word.
Also, I see a technical difficulty: is it really possible to represent every sound with a two digit number?
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the list original-sins
Thanks, dharma!
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the list reverse-dictionary-chain
Great idea!
July 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the user cet664400
Spam spam spammy spam
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
I must admit I am enjoying some of the new features on the word pages (especially now that the font difficulty has apparently been fixed).
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word wifebeater
Fascinating conversation here.
I am adding this word to my bilby adventures list because of the lack of explanation, in hopes that he will return to the scene of the crime.
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
The buttons at the top of the word pages are flaky. I'm sure everybody has noticed this, unless it's a browser issue. I click on "discuss" and it takes me down to comments, but then jumps back up and I have to click it again. Might be because the page has not completely loaded...?
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the user biocon
I've certainly enjoyed your Wordnik additions! Thanks!
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the user Kristianto2010
It seems to me you have either been hacked or are speaking in tongues. Anyone else see the last 2 comments? Clicking on the Comments section of people's profiles doesn't work right now, so I don't know if there are more.
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sustainism
My goodness, those are lovely.
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word flay the fox
Unfortunately, I mentioned this meaning to a friend recently, having temporarily forgotten that his son's name is Fox.
July 26, 2011
blafferty commented on the word foiled chocolate baby bilby
Did you mean fooled chocolate baby bilby?
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the user gego
Ancient spam that somehow remains! Fossilized spam?
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sustainism
Hm, a google search of "bilby +site:wordnik.com" yields some very interesting footprints.
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sustainism
Gasp! There's not already one?
*runs off to check feasibility*
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the list recaptcha-words
Wow, I was totally considering making a list like this. It's true, every potential wordie list is an existing wordie list.
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sustainism
Does anyone have a list of bilby adventures?
July 25, 2011
blafferty commented on the word editor
Wow, rolig, it's true. Wordtrix makes me picture a woman in vinyl with a whip and a dictionary.
July 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the word qindarka
Ah, the poor thing. But look how many lists it's on!
July 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the word algorithm
Nice visuals! Good catch, fbharjo!
July 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the list visuals
It is strange, I agree!
July 24, 2011
blafferty commented on the list visuals
fbharjo, your additions don't seem to yield any results in Visuals. Any reason?
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word rhodopsin
Disappointment! No visuals?
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word One Froggy Evening
Kind of strange that no visuals come up for this, since a google image search comes up with plenty, all from that cartoon.
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Is it just me, or is the lowercase t thing gone? Was the font changed and I didn't notice? Still using same platform and same browser, but not noticing it now. Nicer!
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word thick-fingered
The examples for this are interesting. Might I suggest this for a two-word poem, in spite of the hyphen?
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the list digital-english-vocabulary
I'm not sure what you're doing here, but it's certainly interesting.
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word pointing the brie
Pointing the brie has been looked up 1,633 times.
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the word shrimpoluminescence
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the user zhongwoe
Who, me?
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the list trending-words
I wish my jelly shoes were as camphorous as Yesica's.
July 23, 2011
blafferty commented on the list trending-words
I'm surprised to see that the same words are "trending" since the redesign. I guess once a classic, always a classic, eh?
July 22, 2011
blafferty commented on the user zhongwoe
July 22, 2011
blafferty commented on the word oliver
Whew! My Olive is not green.
*spreads some on a warm pita*
Yum! I never knew umbrage could be so tasty.
July 22, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Random word
I am concerned: since the makeover, divining my future via the random word feature does not seem to be working anymore.
Strange visuals here, BTW.
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word the conical bearing of Gamhey
"The conical bearing of gamhey has been looked up 158 times."
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word oliver
I would adore some umbrage tapenade, thanks!
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the list transitive-verbs-only
Also, here's a list, although I don't know if it's complete. Certainly the format it's in is not very useful.
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the list transitive-verbs-only
This list might be more useful if you list each word separately. Useful in that you would be able to add or delete words individually, rather than delete and rework the entire A or B list.
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word williwaw
Hmm, this is a common street name up here in Alaska, and there's an elementary school with that name, too. I never knew what it meant.
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word bury
Oo, oo! Is there an unpredictable vowel list?
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the list the-adjacent-gauge
I'm a bit surprised enough isn't on here.
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the list visuals
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word slapstick
That's a great story! What interesting parents you must have had!
July 20, 2011
blafferty commented on the word oliver
I object. My daughter's name is Olive.
July 19, 2011
blafferty commented on the word thank you, cool list! bot
Visuals are funny on this.
July 18, 2011
blafferty commented on the list i-d-rather-have-a-bottle-in-front-of-me
There's always the classic "I'm not as think as you drunk I am."
July 18, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
I'm curious about jughandle left and even-toed ungulate since I don't hear them bandied about much ... or at all. Anybody?
July 18, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sopas
I heartily agree!
Wasn't aware of the Xopaipa origin, thanks.
July 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the word sopas
Not sure where this rumor came from, but I hear it all the time. Spanish for pillow is almohada. I bet the word for sopaipilla came from sopa, soup. I always like to eat my green chile stew or posole with a sopaipilla.
July 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
In the section where each word page shows the lists the word is in, do the lists appear in any order? In other words, we used to be able to click on the "recently listed" words and see who recently listed them - is the first list the most recent one?
July 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word labradorescence
Optical diffraction of monochromatic light, commonly blue, caused by exsolution lamellae in some labradorite samples; appears to come from within the sample. CF: labrador moonstone (Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
July 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word kidneys
A mineral zone that contracts, expands, and again contracts downwards. (Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
July 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word quesadilla
Well done, all of you.
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
Heading to Europe next week!
Amsterdam/Brussels/Paris/Zurich - recommendations for a fellow wordienik, anyone?
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the user fbharjo
You seem to have mentioned New Mexico several times recently. Do you live there?
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
It's back! Someone must have had an attack of conscience and returned it.
If you ever go to New Mexico, let me give you some recommendations! I used to live there but now only visit.
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the user hernesheir
Hmm. Going to need a little club soda, there.
Umbrage stains like crazy.
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the word l'appel du vide
Me too, milosrdenstvi. Very close to a compulsion to hurl myself off, though obviously so far I've managed not to! And I'm not even slightly suicidal.
July 3, 2011
blafferty commented on the word umbrage
Goodness, sionnach's comment is in a larger font. What does this mean? Is it because the cloud he is sitting on is larger? Is he raising his voice but not yelling? Or is his voice bloated from scarfing the umbrage (with parsnips)?
July 1, 2011
blafferty commented on the word catachrest
That's true.
July 1, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
*holds breath*
Well? Was it there?
Yes, I had a lovely time, thanks!
July 1, 2011
blafferty commented on the word fufluns
Visuals for this = awesome. But no grape riffles.
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
I was on vacay. Not much wifi in northern New Mexico.
Waaaaaaah! I can't find my Pebbles! Someone find my wotd!
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word quesadilla
The "Same Context" section for this word makes me feel like writing an impromptu poem.
Edit: Sorry, perhaps I meant that the Same Context section for this word seems like an impromptu poem.
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
3. I'm getting the impression from jean dimmock (and others) that we're only seeing a certain number of the comments for any given word. Will there be a way to see all of them/go to a page of just comments for a word, like we used to?
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word jean dimmock
I am so confused.
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the list gene-wolfe
Gene Wolfe is so creative with his words.
Oh, and ...
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word catachrest
Wouldn't it be fun if a picture came up for this?
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
1. How do we search for all words/phrases/lists that contain a word now? Just with wildcards?
2. Why do half the examples start with "wordnik.com" even if they're referring to a yahoo article?
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word hopped up
I had a friend who was always all hopped up on organic produce.
June 30, 2011
blafferty commented on the word alphabet
Awesome link, marky!
June 29, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
Hm, I'll have to test this.
June 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word plinth
Whoops. Sorry. Plinth-love, not plith-love.
June 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the word new interface
I thought the old interface was lovely and simple, and I'm sad. And the t tail thing annoys me. I like the possibilities of some of the new functions, but it's going to take a while for that to outweigh the unfamiliarity.
June 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
Thanks, Pro!
On the word pages, the lowercase t comes up with a thick little tail that kind of jumps out at you in the new font.
June 28, 2011
blafferty commented on the user blafferty
Ack, I've been gone for two weeks and come back to find all the word pages looking completely different! Is there a place that people are talking about the new layout? The font is weird; lowercase t is very distracting. Anyone agree?
June 27, 2011
blafferty commented on the word stultifying glurgebucket
I love them both. They are froody.
June 17, 2011
blafferty commented on the word stultifying glurgebucket
I'll second that snort. Is this from a Vogon love poem?
June 17, 2011
blafferty commented on the user seanhendry
June 17, 2011
blafferty commented on the word disbursement
ODB is Old Dirty Bastard, right?
June 17, 2011
blafferty commented on the word just a bunch of carp-hucking monkeys
I myself have been called a cat-snuggling honky.
June 16, 2011
blafferty commented on the word lollygagging
Hm, does all day sucker need brackets?
Dirtier and dirtier.
June 15, 2011
blafferty commented on the word epidoptometry
Epidermis + optometry?
Beauty is only skin deep, except for your epidoptometrist.
June 15, 2011
blafferty commented on the word red or green
Depends entirely on the dish (referring to the chile color)! Getting ready for a trip back to NM at the end of this week - New Mexican food, how I have missed thee.
June 15, 2011
blafferty commented on the list adoption-agency
I'm going to troll through here for additions to my ever-increasing plans for the weekend list. Fitting words will be stolen away under cover of the deep dark night. Er ... the vague light of the midnight sun, I guess.
June 14, 2011
blafferty commented on the word man up
That is very sweet of yarb. I might warn people in general not to adopt any cowboys, or let your words grow up to be cowboys, however.
June 14, 2011
blafferty commented on the word man up
Not to be confused with cowboy up.
June 14, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
June 13, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
But aren't tomatoes and pumpkins technically fruits?
June 13, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
Silly hair, though. And what's all this pretending to be tiny trees?
June 13, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
How about kale?
June 13, 2011
blafferty commented on the word lacrymator
Thanks, Wordplayer. Doesn't protect it from spam, though, apparently.
June 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
I think asparagus is very dignified.
June 12, 2011
blafferty commented on the word barometz
Oh dear lord, are those what I think they are, madmouth?
June 11, 2011
blafferty commented on the word barometz
Different time zones, I guess. I'm always disappointed when I get on after dinner and everyone's gone to bed.
Very fierce sheep there, sionnach. Good thing I didn't dream of counting barometz last night!
June 11, 2011
blafferty commented on the word barometz
June 11, 2011
blafferty commented on the list phonestheme--cr---or-kr
Oh, that's right. Rapacious Viking of a fruit. I apologize.
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word I dislike ampersands
I could get used to them if I trained myself to think "et" perhaps. Right now, "ampersand cetera" seems awkward.
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word glebe
a. A tract of land containing mineral deposits or ore. b. Obsolete term for a clod of earth, an ore, or an earthy mineral. Arkell
(Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the list memories-of-hk
*makes note to keep a word journal during next trip*
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the list phonestheme--cr---or-kr
You're right - abrupt/harsh or slow. That makes sense of a lot of the words listed. Not sure I can agree on cranberries, but maybe there's some etymology I'm missing out on. Care to enlighten us, 'zuzu?
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the list phonestheme--cr---or-kr
This is strange ... a lot of these don't seem to fit the phonestheme (at least in my opinion): crawl, cradle, cranberries?
Er, wait - what is the semantic association for /kr/?
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word unwholesome
Synonym for fun
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word by God's Grace
I wonder why grace is capitalized here.
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
Always insist on a sheathed cuke? Reminds me of the safe sex informational activities they held at my dorm when I was a freshman. We actually used cucumbers.
Strangely, when I typed "cuke" the autocorrect on my phone wanted to replace it with "vile"! Everybody has an opinion, I guess.
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Plinth
Ah! Thank you! Clearly I clicked on the wrong plinth! (I assume.) It's terrible to get caught clicking on somebody else's plinth, don't you think?
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word plinth
After reading all this plith-love, I can no longer take this word seriously.
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the word lacrymator
Why have you chosen this particular (misspelled?) word to opress with your spammish assault?
June 10, 2011
blafferty commented on the user jasmengleford
Disturbing image, thy name is SPAM ball.
June 9, 2011
blafferty commented on the user jasmengleford
June 9, 2011
blafferty commented on the word fairy stone
A cruciform-twinned crystal of staurolite, used as a curio stone without fashioning for adornment. The term is also applied as a syn. of staurolite, and esp. to the variety occurring in the form of a twinned crystal. See also: staurolite b. Any of various odd or fantastically shaped calcareous or ferruginous concretions formed in alluvial clays. (Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms)
June 9, 2011
blafferty commented on the word earth balsam
A variety of asphalt. How's that for irony?
June 9, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
A sentence composed by Noam Chomsky in his 1957 Syntactic Structures as an example of a sentence that is grammatically correct (logical form) but semantically nonsensical. The term was originally used in his 1955 thesis Logical Structures of Linguistic Theory. The sentence has no understandable meaning, and therefore demonstrates the distinction between Syntax and Semantics. As an example of a category mistake, it was used to show inadequacy of the then-popular probabilistic models of grammar, and the need for more structured models. (Wikipedia)
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
Hmm, when I think "madding" I automatically think "crowd," which is kind of what I'm going for here, but that might be just because that quote is used so often. Let me check examples.
Edit: looks like it's often used with the whole "far from the" intact, but not always. Added.
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word Plinth
There are so many comments in strange places stating "plinth" like it's a battle cry, spoon-style , I thought for sure there would be fun comments here.
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word huitlacoche
I was sure this was going to be an ancient aztec car. Or ... an Aztek
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
I wonder how many wordnik tabs I can have open on my browser at once.
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word wordie commandments
Oh no! I have repeatedly broken the 9th and 10th wordie commandments!
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the list please-pass-the-ly
Oo, no! Thanks! It's true, every potential wordie list is an existing wordie list!
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word moro reflex
I'm very curious why "fucking pro-mitts" was never bracketed. Or varying lengths of that sentence of Yarb's.
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word 867-5309
Mr. Prime Number Tester says yes.
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the word I dislike ampersands
*wishes cigarette breaks were called smokos here*
June 8, 2011
blafferty commented on the user feedback
Do wotds only appear on the people/wotds if they have subscribers? It would be nice to be able to see everyone's, even if no one was subscribing.
June 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word duck
North American trail marks are sometimes called "ducks" or "duckies", because they sometimes have a "beak" pointing in the direction of the route. The expression "two rocks do not make a duck" reminds hikers that just one rock resting upon another could be the result of accident or nature rather than intentional trail marking.
(Wikipedia: Cairn)
June 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the word full online keyboard
An epoch of transition as mountains of fracture.
June 7, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
Thanks! I did look it up, but haven't come across it before. Maybe I'm reading the wrong kinds of books.
June 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the word I dislike ampersands
I have difficulty not thinking "ampersand" instead of "and". The symbol doesn't seem to have anything to do with the word or the concept.
June 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
Groaning board is unfamiliar to me, rolig - is it really very common in either speech or literature? And is it a collocation or a compound name for something (like tea chest)?
June 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the word mackerel
Nice link, reesetee!
June 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the list spelling-bee-final-round
Thanks, actung! I subscribed to the tweet a while ago but didn't keep track of it. Great list!
June 6, 2011
blafferty commented on the list spelling-bee-final-round
Where did you find the list? Or did you add them as they went?
June 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the word barefaced liar
Wow. Molly Bloom's soliloquy = longest example ever.
June 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
Wow, thanks for all the contributions! The only one I'm not familiar with is neap tide.
I'll check out your amber list for yoinking.
June 5, 2011
blafferty commented on the word pedum
That's weird, I could swear when I posted that there were none!
Nice drumroll, by the way.
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the list collection-o-collocations
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the list enjoy-online-casino-bonus-casinos-and-casinos-internet
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word effortful
*wishes it were effortless*
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the user marook4767
I would go with a nice baling twine.
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word effortful
For some reason, I can't believe this is a real word.
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the user marook4767
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the list remarkable-wikipedia-categories
list of numbers
"This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness."
June 4, 2011
blafferty commented on the word comfortable
I say comfort-able, and people make fun.
June 4, 2011
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