Ablaut (aka apophony) occurs across Indo-European, and is the reason behind English sing / sang / sung / song. While umlaut (aka regressive metaphony) occurs in Germanic, and is the reason behind English foot / feet.
Per this research, originally meaning “to hesitate” (cf. startle), it later acquired idiomatic contronym status in the Scottish dialect of English. “He didn’t tartle me” and “He tartled at me” both mean roughly “He didn’t recognize me”.
Also “daily active users”, a metric of internet popularity, or “dumbest assumable user” (from German „dümmster anzunehmender User“; cf. GAU), the demographic target for some approaches to product design.
Spoken, uncensored, in the 2012 movie The Avengers, causing the English and Anglophiles in the audience at our viewing to question the film’s MPAA rating.
The difficulty of naming the color in which a word is printed, if that word is the name of a different color. For example: If the word red is printed in green, it will be harder to say that it is green.
A symbol composed of multiple interlocking infinity symbols. First used to describe Doctor Who’s Seal of Rassilon in The Infinity Doctors, by Lance Parkin.
“A number whose existence can only be defined as something other than itself.” For example, the agreed-upon time of arrival at a restaurant is the one time at which it can be guaranteed no one in the party will actually show up. Coined by Douglas Adams in Life, the Universe, and Everything.
“The heady mix of partisan hackery, character assassination, and manufactured outrage” generated by Fox News. Coined by John Stewart on The Daily Show, May 2011.
Comments by heypacksees
heypacksees commented on the word ablaut
Ablaut (aka apophony) occurs across Indo-European, and is the reason behind English sing / sang / sung / song. While umlaut (aka regressive metaphony) occurs in Germanic, and is the reason behind English foot / feet.
August 21, 2020
heypacksees commented on the word glairy
resembling an egg white
September 9, 2019
heypacksees commented on the word tartle
Per this research, originally meaning “to hesitate” (cf. startle), it later acquired idiomatic contronym status in the Scottish dialect of English. “He didn’t tartle me” and “He tartled at me” both mean roughly “He didn’t recognize me”.
April 30, 2017
heypacksees commented on the word brochette
Confusing this for a croquette can lead to a very disappointing birthday dinner.
September 22, 2016
heypacksees commented on the word drider
a dark elf / spider “centaur”, from Dungeons & Dragons
November 15, 2015
heypacksees commented on the word wuxia
kung fu fiction
August 14, 2015
heypacksees commented on the word DAU
Also “daily active users”, a metric of internet popularity, or “dumbest assumable user” (from German „dümmster anzunehmender User“; cf. GAU), the demographic target for some approaches to product design.
August 7, 2015
heypacksees commented on the word allistic
Non-autistic. But see also this abstract.
June 16, 2015
heypacksees commented on the word niephling
An alternative for nibling that doesn’t invoke chewing. See http://www.wordspy.com/index.php?word=niephlings .
April 21, 2015
heypacksees commented on the word floccipaucinihilipilification
A variant of floccinaucinihilipilification.
October 30, 2014
heypacksees commented on the word callus
Do not confuse with callous.
June 1, 2014
heypacksees commented on the word venomous
“If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.”
April 15, 2014
heypacksees commented on the word dodrans
Also a three-quarters anniversary, or three quarters of an hour (45 minutes).
February 25, 2014
heypacksees commented on the word hoplophile
A lover of weapons; a gun nut.
July 1, 2013
heypacksees commented on the word ptisane
May 9, 2013
heypacksees commented on the word quim
Spoken, uncensored, in the 2012 movie The Avengers, causing the English and Anglophiles in the audience at our viewing to question the film’s MPAA rating.
March 2, 2013
heypacksees commented on the word Stroop effect
The difficulty of naming the color in which a word is printed, if that word is the name of a different color. For example: If the word red is printed in green, it will be harder to say that it is green.
November 11, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word stirge
A creature from Dungeons & Dragons, somewhere between a mosquito and a bat.
November 4, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word dudoyer
To address as “Dude”. (cf. French tutoyer)
June 14, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word omniscate
A symbol composed of multiple interlocking infinity symbols. First used to describe Doctor Who’s Seal of Rassilon in The Infinity Doctors, by Lance Parkin.
April 24, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word chode
See also grundle, taint, perineum.
March 9, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word escutcheon
Also, the medical term for the distribution of human pubic hair. Do try to resist the opportunities rife with low-brow humor this provides.
March 6, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word wrack
Wrack and ruin, but rack one’s brains.
February 13, 2012
heypacksees commented on the word thane
also spelled “thegn”
December 7, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word autonymous
Onymous, but not pseudonymous. Not to be confused with autonomous.
November 30, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word neritic
Part of the littoral, beyond low tide but before the pelagic & benthic. Shallow waters.
November 21, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word littoral
Before the pelagic & benthic. The shore. From the high water mark to the continental shelf; includes the splash, intertidal, and neritic.
November 21, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word pelagic
Beyond the littoral, above the benthic. The open sea.
November 21, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word benthic
Beyond the littoral, below the pelagic. The sea floor.
November 21, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word recipriversexclusion
“A number whose existence can only be defined as something other than itself.” For example, the agreed-upon time of arrival at a restaurant is the one time at which it can be guaranteed no one in the party will actually show up. Coined by Douglas Adams in Life, the Universe, and Everything.
July 14, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word distaff
Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Supergirl, Lady Deadpool, Scorpia, Ms Marvel… comic-book writers love to spin off distaff counterparts
June 21, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word millinery
What I should have said about half the time I’ve used the word “haberdashery”.
June 20, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word attributive
noun as adjective (cf. gerund, participle)
May 28, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word Foxygen
“The heady mix of partisan hackery, character assassination, and manufactured outrage” generated by Fox News. Coined by John Stewart on The Daily Show, May 2011.
May 17, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word asklepian
Asclepius’ staff, one snake & no wings, symbol of medicine (cf. “caduceus”, Hermes’ staff, two snakes & wings, symbol of commerce)
May 2, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word quellazaire
a cigarette holder
April 3, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word gerund
verb as noun (cf. participle, attributive)
January 23, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word participle
verb as adjective (cf. gerund, attributive)
January 23, 2011
heypacksees commented on the word capital
venture capital, capital city, capital knockers… but capitol building
November 3, 2010
heypacksees commented on the word hassock
A legless Ottoman.
May 29, 2010
heypacksees commented on the word occlupanid
May 29, 2010
heypacksees commented on the word sarconym
chicken: pullet (poulet)
calf: veal (veau)
cow: beef (boeuf)
deer: venison (venesoun)
pig: pork (porc)
sheep: mutton (mouton)
April 22, 2010