Well, looks like I couldn't find any esplanades or promenades either. However, I did discover this link to the USPS "official" list of street abbreviations.
A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn't please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.
If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years?
How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well they can't carry berries (which could make you very wary) but a bare berry carried is more scary!
Comments by inkhorn
inkhorn commented on the word crème brûlée
The world's most sinful dessert.
January 4, 2007
inkhorn commented on the word wiki
"Contrary to popular belief, not invented by Wikipedia."
...or Will Smith
"Wiki wiki wild wild west"
December 22, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word sanguine
This is odd - this word seems have been added to 17 Wordie lists in the last week, but it is a the bottom of the list, not the top.
December 20, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-are-sexy-to-my-ears
Vermilion? Pomegranate?
December 20, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word snozzwanger
No I believe that's snozzberry. As in, "Who's ever heard of a snozzberry!?"
December 20, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word dictionary
Another fun fact:
Modern English is rooted almost equally in Latin, French and Germanic. The percentages, provided by Oxford Dictionaries, are below:
Latin, including modern scientific and technical Latin: 28.24%
French, including Old French and early Anglo-French: 28.3%
Old and Middle English, Old Norse, and Dutch: 25%
Greek: 5.32%
No etymology given: 4.03%
Derived from proper names: 3.28%
All other languages contributed less than 1%
December 20, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word dictionary
Fun Fact about English:
There are somewhere between 450,000 and 600,000 unique words in the various English dictionaries (OED, MW).
December 20, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word circumflex
Then I'd suggest using the French version, which sounds sexier: circonflexe.
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list dies-irae
It's the second stanza from Verdi's 'Dies irae' and a fantastic choral piece, second only to O Fortuna. Have a link. ;)
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word tilde
Tilde Accent: jalapeño
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word umlaut
Umlaut Accent: naïve
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word circumflex
Circumflex Accent: crêpe
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word cedilla
Cedilla Accent: façade
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word grave
Grave Accent: vis-à-vis
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word acute
Acute Accent: resumé
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word breve
Breve Accent: măr
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word apercu
Didn't know the cedilla was an option. Thanks!
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list chillin-with-the-villains
Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow man!
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word fib
A &%*$@ Illinois bastard. Wisconsin retort to cheesehead.
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the user papageno
Your myspace quote/tag seems oddly familiar - where have I heard that headline before?
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the user stpeter
Like your website. Very avant.
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list dies-irae
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando iudex est venturus
cuncta stricte discussurus!
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the user pedalinfaith
Aha! I discovered your secret cache of hyperlinks on del.icio.us! ;)
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
I've never been able to get my tongue around the word vehement, no matter how many times I hear it.
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
I like this list. I even like the URL. Beastly.
December 19, 2006
inkhorn commented on the user john
Just a thought, but it might be interesting to have a page with some Wordie stats. For example,
- Avg words per Wordie (Total Words/Wordies)
- Avg words per List (Total Words/Word Lists)
- Avg unique words per Wordie (Unique Words/Wordies)
- Avg unique words per List (Unique Words/Word Lists)
- Overall percentage of unique words (Total Words/Unique Words)
- Avg number of lists per Wordie (Word Lists/Wordies)
et cetera...
December 18, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
Well, looks like I couldn't find any esplanades or promenades either. However, I did discover this link to the USPS "official" list of street abbreviations.
December 18, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word epistemology
Touché ;)
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list there-is-no-x-in-espresso-words-butchered-by-americans
Fak-sim-uh-lee, NOT fax-a-mile.
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word epistemology
The most fascinating (albeit confusing) subject I have ever studied.
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word ecstasy
What I feel when listening to Bach's BWV 1043 Allegro. Pure radiant bliss.
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list where-the-streets-have-a-name
esplanade? promenade?
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list a-tree-grows-in-brooklyn-and-elsewhere
ash? cypress? juniper?
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list give-me-a-head-with-hair
How about flaxen?
December 16, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list watch-your-language-young-man
cheese and rice
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list fcc-epithets-from-tv
Glad you like. ;) I'll keep looking for more, or if anyone knows of one I missed, let me know.
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list that-mean-thing
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Here are some more:
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word poutine
There's so much material here for me to make a snarky remark, yet I can't think of a single one.
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word laudanum
Poe's nepenthe and poison hemlock.
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list yummy-words
December 15, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-are-also-movies
"House (yes, there was a movie, about an evil house) "
That's so crazy - I ...ahem... downloaded that movie last night because it scared the bejeezus out of me when I was 8.
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
How about "malignant" or "protuberance"?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word nepotism
Actually I was referring to the Stroger clan, but now that Daley's running for mayor again, I guess we all have to go through the motions, right?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
Nice addition John!
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list localisms-don-cha-know
Um dare I ask what anal-snapping is?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
If I hear someone say nuk-uh-lir one more time, I'm going to explode.
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word vagillionaire
Wasn't there a short story by Philip K Dick like this?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word pedantic
Example: "Well, Lois, since you asked, I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic."
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word refenestration
Would that be the act of catching someone through a window?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
Wow it's getting hot in here...
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
Ok here's three:
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word nepotism
The primary means of political promotion in Chicago.
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
Actually it was an obscure reference to a Dane Cook tirade. I'll dig deep into my id and find some good ones for ya.
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the user john
Wow, you're adding functionality faster than Google. (no offense wilamette).
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-that-sound-sexy-whether-they-relate-to-the-act-or-not
How about "taste the rainbow"?
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list bushisms-where-wings-take-dream
Wow. If anyone needs a definition of "upbraid", we have an example. ;)
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list she-blinded-me-with-pseudoscience
To arms! *munching popcorn*
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-i-absolutely-can-not-stand
How about lugubrious? It sounds like a can of something you spray on a squeaky door hinge...
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list inconceivable-the-most-misused-words
I would rather go down in history as someone who "gained ironic status"...
December 14, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list mondegreens
"No problem -- finally prompted me to truncate long words or phrases on the front page, which I've been meaning to do. So thanks :-)"
My pleasure. If I can help you break your site in any other ways, just let me know. ;)
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list names-of-fish-that-end-in-fish
swordfish? whitefish? You might like this if you get stumped: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fish_common_names
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word wordnerd
A portrait of myself.
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list mondegreens
nice! sorry for messing up the main page with my lyrics everyone :)
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list i-d-rather-have-a-bottle-in-front-of-me
"Let us raise our glasses to the queer old Dean!"
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list tongue-twisters
A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn't please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word [clandestine]
Zounds, another NPR junkie! I agree, we need some more of the BBC lovin' on this side of the pond.
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list tuesday
And interestingly, the most productive. ;)
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word parameter
While I agree, it seems that this battle has already been fought and lost. See #4 at
December 13, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list words-to-avoid
How about leverage or synergy?
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word interocitor
"..incorporating greater advances than hitherto known in the field of electronics"
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word samoflange
I think you use it to put together an interocitor?
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list non-denominational-spirit
Don't forget about Klordny and good ol' RamaHanuKwanzMas!
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word portmanteau
Good news, everyone! I've taught the toaster to feel love!
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list wordsmithing-part-deux
"wordsmithing part deux"
...electric boogaloo?
December 12, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list pants-related-words
corduroys? capris? lederhosen?
December 11, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list pants-related-words
December 11, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list latin-is-fun
How about good old 'canis meus ardet' - throw that one out at your next Latin slumber party.
December 9, 2006
inkhorn commented on the list tongue-twisters
If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years?
How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well they can't carry berries (which could make you very wary) but a bare berry carried is more scary!
December 8, 2006
inkhorn commented on the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconeosis
Best damn word in the English dictionary.
December 8, 2006