modern media having addled one's subconscious, I'm picturing those handsome, shirtless Egyptians chasing down Moses' flock on wheels, in "Prince of Egypt"
conversely the munchruffbin is the of name a consonant-switchy whose cluster is separated (the munchruffbin has just been invented. by me). the mouthfeel, while fine, is likely not up to the tasty brunchmuffin
at the bottom of the "lists" section there'll be a "New List" option - click that! You'll have to input the word again, though; despite that listing a word starts a list, it shows empty
"The linguistic nature of the Romani language strongly suggests that it began as a composite military lingua franca (under the same circumstances that gave rise to the Urdu language), and for which the name Rajputic has been proposed."
is what the label said on the enormous red plastic dish which could do as a baby bath but around these parts (including mine) is where you mix a righteous batch of spicy pickles. The mustard leaf and young radish turned out especially well.
In a parade, the ladies (mostly this is who makes the merry din) have very different thwacking postures under their huge ceremonial headgear; some thwack wearily, some a-focus, some proud as the naked emperor, but there's always a bouncy one that inflects with the hop-thwack.
as in music - the mementoes from the symphony my life direction is playing right now. Traveling to Yugo for the first time in 20 years and seeing lots of weird/familiar things :D
I witnessed a street dog turf war in front of my uncle's building in a wee Bosnian town with a street dog problem. It was the most exciting social event to date.
Cecil Mucophagous Stuffed down his esophagus Muculent treat After muculent treat, Pickled or fried; It can't be denied - His okrish exploits Were told far and wide
I am clenching my invisible balls at that image, not that 'snotsucker' wouldn't be a fun band name. Disconcerting care practices
clearly picking one's nose isn't pathological and barbequing oneself or another is, but it seems more like a spectrum than a line. Mammals, at any rate, enjoy eating regenerable aspects of the body - breastfeeding, licking wounds, the whole amniotic process, golden showers, chewing off flaky skin parts, etc.
I'm pretty polyhedral, don't worry ^^ that was what Santa Griselda said when I related the story of New Drunkest Tuesday Ever, whose nightcap snack was cold liver crumbled urgently into wasabi mayonnaise; whose wake-up revelation was two shrivelled contacts next to their cases (though it was well worth it; as these things so often go, it was right about time to dispose of that pair anyway, and I taught really well the next morning due to the strong motivating energy of atonement) yarb, you sowed a thwarting seed into poor Joyce's grave right about now, though I have long appreciated the Wordie list as a succinct literary technology
despite my long-standing love of offal and related liquids, I do imagine sometimes we run a shop somewhere called "Bars of Euphony" (that is a sophisticated allusion to "13 ways of looking at a blackbird"), serving vegan seed-and-nut confections alongside piano pop
as I recall, Mr. Wilde also denied the allegations against him... also, any aesthetic tweaking is fine by me, ry. I have come to accept, through lengthy long-sufferingness, that not everyone is addicted to hyphens
My father, an incurable Slavic article-dropper, says "chewing fat" instead of "chewing the fat" (though most of his ragchew moments also feature a square of pancetta in his mouth)
OED suggests this is a variant on the spelling of "wraths", "wrath" being the name of this fish as derived from Cornish. A beautiful exclamation when a single wrath will not do, also compoundable, e.g. wrasse and ires! Of course it is a different meaning, but beautifully suggestive nonetheless
a suffix onto "dogođaji" (events) that creates the meaning "blah blah eventcakes" or "big fat useless events". Perhaps one could term it a dismissive suffix, akin to that evident in Hindi in "filmi-shilmi" and "beauty-shooty" (e.g. "who cares about your beauty-shooty salon?")
Wiki: "Phallus impudicus, commonly known as the stinkhorn, is a widespread fungus recognizable for its foul odor and its phallic shape when mature, the latter feature giving rise to several names in 17th-century England. "
yes, I'm ignoring the intended grammar of the phrase, but the rusty steppe is a dreamy sort of image - a plain traversable only by mares of the oil-hoof clan...
matacaballo - killhorse, rather (as per list title ^^)
sionnach, you're probably right, but I don't delete words from free-for-all lists because it makes me sad. call it a besetting sin.
chokestuff is one for Hoptoads, being something like "stuff that chokes", yes? foreign schmoreign; I think mollusque is more permeable than that
as for Dotheboys Hall, I think it should go in a big glorious Fictional Proper Nouns That Mean Stuff list (provisional name only), along with Prunesquallor and Sourdust and Stilton Cheesewright and Lord Monomark and John Beaver and all the other glorious markers of the English imagination
does Spanish have a word for that structure? some language must; I warrant this is a compounding strategy that occurs elsewhere also - too intuitive not to.
also - reasonably fun bilingual game! perhaps even really fun if one were fluent enough in both. gonna give 'er a crack: buscavida = seeklife; cuentagota = dropcount. in this way garden-variety compound nouns in Spanish could be refurbished into punchy new English ones?
Comments by madmouth
Show previous 200 comments...
madmouth commented on the word kvetchup
you di'n't!
January 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word hogchoker
unlikelihood compounds as this young lady puts one on her face
January 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word lurgy
Also lurghee
January 18, 2016
madmouth commented on the word napoo
January 15, 2016
madmouth commented on the word napoo
How do you say "I hit/kill him"?
January 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word dried cat
Things that Look Like Mick Jagger
January 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word dried cat
Outsider Art
January 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word dried cat
Hard to Digest
January 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word dried cat
Street Drugs of Antiquity
January 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word 우유
cf. 주유 - petrol or gas
it is an adorable looking word isn't it
January 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word napoo
cf. napoo finny (il n'y en a plus - finis)
January 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word candleshine
"her pubis glowed purply, like prose waxed by candleshine"
January 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word spin-dry
you and all your friends blow on it for a really long time
January 11, 2016
madmouth commented on the list skins
as the poet said -
I hit skins for the hell of it
just for the yell I get
mm, mm, mm - for the smell of it
January 6, 2016
madmouth commented on the list forkerism
January 6, 2016
madmouth commented on the word essjaydubs
January 6, 2016
madmouth commented on the word fatberg
also used as a political metaphor, e.g. "...a fatberg that might hope for the end of austerity, without realizing the impossibility of this demand."
December 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word gubu
I'll take GUBU over SNAFU any day
November 30, 2015
madmouth commented on the word petunse
it reminds me of Lord Dunsany and his heart of fine-grained stone
November 13, 2015
madmouth commented on the list bher--to-bear-or-carry
I like dhu-
I've also listed "plot twist! that child is Jesus", girl
November 12, 2015
madmouth commented on the word cumberer
gosh that's cute
do you like pachinko bajingo?
November 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the word cumberer
so in an alternate, more alliteration-friendly universe, a burden on society would have been a civic cumberer?
November 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the word shallowing malfortune
I happen to have a postdoc in this (as well as a doctorate as a punani engineer)
November 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the list forkerism
if Spoonerisms switch the onsets of a compound, Forkerisms explode the crystal
November 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word car-warrior
modern media having addled one's subconscious, I'm picturing those handsome, shirtless Egyptians chasing down Moses' flock on wheels, in "Prince of Egypt"
November 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word etymologis
ie. the yogis of etymology
November 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word shim
the hard one we'll call a shiv
November 5, 2015
madmouth commented on the user bilby
how about a five-toad?
November 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the word way-way
it was the 8th day, Australiar
November 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the word way-way
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
abbr. Graduate in Pharmacy
I see
November 2, 2015
madmouth commented on the word the bride with white hair
to tragic results!!
October 30, 2015
madmouth commented on the list industrial-cockblock
pahdon me, I fahted on the genderless utopia ^^
as for fictional sludges - overruning a decent list with unseemly madeupicals is the sport of kings eh
October 29, 2015
madmouth commented on the list sorry--no-tweets-found
what a good way to stick it to the internet
October 29, 2015
madmouth commented on the word pronunciation spelling
an old friend, on Chaucer - he spelt how he felt
October 29, 2015
madmouth commented on the list industrial-cockblock
Mr. Hughes, salubricities and salutations
October 28, 2015
madmouth commented on the word paradise loaf
ye loaves of paradise, stuffed thicker of raisins than a pin-head wi' angels
October 28, 2015
madmouth commented on the word chaparral-cock
hokay -
I don't have access to the OED no mo tho T.T
October 28, 2015
madmouth commented on the word chaparral-cock
TURN?! I gotta change mine!
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word obscure gal subtribe
apropos of Ereshkigal
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word chaparral-cock
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Namtar
rarely is a word so metal both forwards and backwards
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word syllable sensitivity
a prosodical sort of lactose intolerance kind of thing
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word cousinage
course at the phonological level if we discount the schwa as a cute nothingness, this word has only 1 vowel!!!
thusly it hurtles toward the final consonant in a very charming way.
October 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word brunchmuffin
conversely the munchruffbin is the of name a consonant-switchy whose cluster is separated (the munchruffbin has just been invented. by me).
the mouthfeel, while fine, is likely not up to the tasty brunchmuffin
October 22, 2015
madmouth commented on the word ratfucking
the implied typology of what Nixon's people called ratfucking dizzies the moral fabric
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the user Garm
Wordnik singularity
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word oriscent
ha! and me wi'out my talking trombone
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word oriscent
Marshal arts?
this is outsider art.
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Wordnicize
how about Wordnick or Wordnock?
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word SeppuKuma
bear-induced identity crisis
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word fraq
at the bottom of the "lists" section there'll be a "New List" option - click that! You'll have to input the word again, though; despite that listing a word starts a list, it shows empty
October 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word like a shadowy fourth branch of government
ie. developers
October 17, 2015
madmouth commented on the word makdous
cousin of imam bayildi - fainting imam
October 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the word feels
I loves the smell of morphological prejudice in the morning
October 14, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Ice Cube
I am not a fan of these jokesy scientists y'all
October 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word gynoid pornofuture
ie. Hajime Suroyama
September 21, 2015
madmouth commented on the list pathology-of-urination
your mind is unconventionally beautiful
September 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the word VAG
usage: "the VAG"
September 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the word kiviak
declarative nostalgia
September 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the word sando
cf. distro; inspo/thinspo
September 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word talesman
September 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word beseechling
September 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the user 8k78nxip
I am saving this entire text as DadaCyborg.txt
September 1, 2015
madmouth commented on the word spunktrumpet
"when up shit creek on a douchecanoe
no paddle? a spunktrumpet will do"
- Edward Gorey
August 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the list jumbo-shrimp
bonus points to the e-cosmos, I guess for cropping up "dwarf champion pea" in the related images!!!!
August 11, 2015
madmouth commented on the word soldo
cf. dialectal croatian from the Istrian peninsula, šoldi (same meaning)
August 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Rajputic
"The linguistic nature of the Romani language strongly suggests that it began as a composite military lingua franca (under the same circumstances that gave rise to the Urdu language), and for which the name Rajputic has been proposed."
The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature
July 28, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Brittonic fish-scrap
a fine insult I must say
July 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the word slut your eyes and bonk of England
cf. slut your eyes and kink of England
July 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the word spats in the pelfry
pelfry is madeupically derivated from pelf
July 1, 2015
madmouth commented on the word shagbark
the most valuable nut producer of all the hickories has a real "emperor of ice cream" charm to it
June 27, 2015
madmouth commented on the word genocidaire
found re: Jeremy Heaton
June 17, 2015
madmouth commented on the word peameal bacon
Google the sandwich.
You will never be thin again.
You will die in flavor country.
May 26, 2015
madmouth commented on the user bagelwhizz
the extra 'z' stands for 'robot'
May 21, 2015
madmouth commented on the word resurrection men
"The resurrectionist goes plying
Without ado his humble trade
Material is always dying
And got with nothing but a spade"
May 19, 2015
madmouth commented on the word spacecake precinct
it's a British thing. I remember Agatha Christie novels making reference to purple hemp c. 70s - they roll
May 18, 2015
madmouth commented on the word spacecake precinct
You get there via ganjola ^^
May 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the list she-died-as-she-lived
shucks! I favor the image in Brooks' poem:
"a substantial citizeness. Whose trains clank out across her swollen heart.
Who, arms akimbo, almost fills a door"
May 15, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Albertastan
...cause Lord knows you can't have fun IN Albertastan am I right??
May 12, 2015
madmouth commented on the word pecten
The most semantically diverse word one has never heard of
May 12, 2015
madmouth commented on the word 목
as a suffix, it appears to mean joint, featuring in the word for 'ankle' and 'wrist'
May 11, 2015
madmouth commented on the word eftest
...eftsoon this word coined he
May 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the word lady basket
May 10, 2015
madmouth commented on the word lady basket
is what the label said on the enormous red plastic dish which could do as a baby bath but around these parts (including mine) is where you mix a righteous batch of spicy pickles. The mustard leaf and young radish turned out especially well.
May 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word the funky drummer
In a parade, the ladies (mostly this is who makes the merry din) have very different thwacking postures under their huge ceremonial headgear; some thwack wearily, some a-focus, some proud as the naked emperor, but there's always a bouncy one that inflects with the hop-thwack.
May 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word it's not safe to smile in North Korea
Winning sentence of the semester.
May 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word NIMBY kryptonite
You get a double-headed festival drum. Practice diligently to impress the elfin janggu master. Wait for the passive aggressive notes (that never come)
May 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Agatsuma
Adorably Misdefined
May 8, 2015
madmouth commented on the word koshe
Like, "too much vag around here, mates"?? Imagining this pronouncement from the lips of Minogue would make me titter on my deathbed!
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list the-foods-of-england
Shandygaff, though - they're a dancehall outfit no doubt.
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word bogoho
On what would "There's a bogoho" not captionally fit. I ASK YOU
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list the-foods-of-england
I'll be here all night, helping white people name their shitty music, folks
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word common grey disco
a.k.a. Morrissey's entire ouvre
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word taghappy
Useful for today's world
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word koshe
also verrrry cute synonym for 'kosher', a la ute for The Womb
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list made-up-words--5
Moreover - it makes sense that a Camaydian would scan better than a Caymadian; visiting Canucks are not known for poeting up a place of visit
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list made-up-words--5
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Rakshasa harassments theolog
I tell you it's a research gap
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word unpityingly imageless
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word furigana spacewalk
I want royalties for Will Gibson's next hit novel
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list name--a-novel
it's the finest attack of the randomites I've ever seen, in a row
May 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the list made-up-words--5
Camaydian scans so much better, though
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word misogynerd
An instance of recursive oppression
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word trephination
odd usage came up in "Parade's End"; the wife says, "I'm sorry I trepanned you" - meaning ambiguous from context; possibly "bored" as a violent pun?
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word rumpy
"Pump will follow rumpy - just add scrumpy"
- The bards of Gin Alley
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the list the-foods-of-england
I think 'soldier' is mighty weird, and 'spotted dick' on principle
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word frogged coatee
also Hendrix was into them
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word rumpy
NtbC with scrumpy
May 6, 2015
madmouth commented on the word ㋩
not sad butoh
March 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the list house--1
Viv Stanshall is up in you, bilbers
March 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the list ity--1
astuciously compiled!
March 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the list bits-and-pieces
I like the grammar-mirror across 2 axes there, actually
The Badmouth of Yorkshire: A tragicomedy
I've been Madmouthed by the Fuzz
March 9, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Glossary of curling
*wipes a single Canadian tear*
March 4, 2015
madmouth commented on the word noncat
v. uncat
March 3, 2015
madmouth commented on the word proof of life
I immediately thought, "still-warm pellets"
February 11, 2015
madmouth commented on the word orenda
Au contraire, the pudenda is vastly understudied. It's perhaps the greatest failure of democracy thus far ^^
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Krautrock
Elektro-kosmische ist not kraut enough
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word loveria
I imagined a Lotteria where love (our favorite airborne disease) might be sold
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word katexic
Katexic they may be, but they outshine the Bosnian clade by a good wink
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word consensus gentium
C.f. consent gentian
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word splorky
I want it to be a noun real bad
Don't tell any splorkies!
It's a splorky kind of world on Wednesdays
I'm splorked up to me boots this trail hates the human foot do bad
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word apple-catchers
Do they fulfill their fate in the presence of an apple bottom?
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word orgiophant
C.f. bukkake facilitator
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word Googie
Perfectly complemented by the musical stylings of Googoosh
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word living room
Heian lit discusses the lying-in room, where aristocrat babies are delivered
February 7, 2015
madmouth commented on the word proppants
inapproppants on ssaturday
January 1, 2015
madmouth commented on the user bilby
Where did "Community" go? Is it just my computer?
December 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word aphotic
Shall we congregate on the word of the day, then?
December 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word hell cannon
wildly inaccurate weapons has a hideous charm to it :/
December 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word shac-shac
I hear Love Shack on shac-shac is a face-melter
November 26, 2014
madmouth commented on the word gallopade
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word glacis
a weekend in glacis is bad for your homeostasis
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word tweeties
speaking of -
in a hitherto-unprecedented grassroots shift from a more to less risque meaning, 'twinks' (in some internets) apparently means "twitter links" now.
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word mailout cosmetician Kalidasa
I could see it as a character name for a very pomo TV sho
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list attack-of-the-randomites
let us then drink unto perpetuity!
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word archon Panjabi
not to be confused with Archie Panjabi
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list and-then-there-were-none
November 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list mating-ball-and-other-fun-configurations
it doesn't show up for me when there's an accidental quadruple listing or something; it's a one-sided anxiety
November 9, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
and I you with a waistband of tittering finches. Don't disillusion me!
November 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word TOSes
a helping of SPAM in your TOSed salad, sir?
November 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
Happy belated selfie day, old bean.
November 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-life-of-madmouth
there'll be a Flickr link in it for you, b-thing, when the time comes. I just got a very gay haircut; the season is all kinds of ripe
October 21, 2014
madmouth commented on the list wallah
fuchkawallah - maker of sweets
October 7, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Triple Crown
macho velo
October 2, 2014
madmouth commented on the word petuti
this isn't patootie?
September 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the word dumpcano
September 18, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Burberry man
There's a scandal on at the moment involving a high-placed prosecutor who kept exposing himself to teenage girls (on CCTV, no less)
August 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the list attack-of-the-randomites
of wedding-day sluttiness?
August 21, 2014
madmouth commented on the word punctuation carollers
poetry of data
August 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the list zilchberg-takes-all
one of the tiles has Liberace vomit in the kiddie pool and the whole tilewall goes back into the bag - that is the crowning honour
August 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the list new-key
as in music - the mementoes from the symphony my life direction is playing right now. Traveling to Yugo for the first time in 20 years and seeing lots of weird/familiar things :D
August 18, 2014
madmouth commented on the word gramogram
This was funny even after two Googlings
August 15, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Jaffa cake ice cream
sadly, disappointing. The Twix flavour was much better, almost as good as the Toblerone. God bless European capitalism
August 15, 2014
madmouth commented on the user hwaitobeck
Bee! Pollen! Pills! Mall! is a new Sailormoon attack
August 15, 2014
madmouth commented on the list new-key
if I see them!!
August 8, 2014
madmouth commented on the word the Wire with an all-dog cast
I witnessed a street dog turf war in front of my uncle's building in a wee Bosnian town with a street dog problem. It was the most exciting social event to date.
August 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word vicissitude
it doesn't scan, but best use of "dude" in a limerick I've seen in me days
July 21, 2014
madmouth commented on the word pentaholic
the prominence of the lotus in Eastern religious iconography could be a highly aestheticized symptom of pentaholism
July 7, 2014
madmouth commented on the word punkie
Night of the Glowing Swedes...innit just Tuesday up north?
June 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the word fractals
June 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word shelte
why, thank you
April 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word yardbird
not so much with the smack and the horn, but much the same Byronic charm xD
April 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word vaginahelicopter
whatever it is, The Tick could drive it
April 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the list beyond-the-binary
April 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word yardbird
Apparently the 'bird' in Charlie "Bird" Parker is this one!
April 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the user Made4thisMoment
April 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word hindsighting
And would you punch him out if he were using it in proper Indonesian slang like our twitterfriends?
April 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word shelte
what conspiracies did the Irish tinkers have to hide in argot?
April 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-best-tweets-of-yugoyouth
Loud poor Europe, potating fruitlessly
April 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-best-tweets-of-yugoyouth
to potate, meaning regardless, is better than to impotate
April 4, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-best-tweets-of-yugoyouth
April 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-best-tweets-of-yugoyouth
Bilby's Vegan Sausage
April 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the word lajt motiv mi je mixed feelings po pitanju svega u poslednje vreme
"mixed feelings" is my leitmotif vis-a-vis everything these days
April 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the word stupid-head
a poet once talked of making a brown eye blue...
April 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the word stupid-head
the hyphenfree version has been
April 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-best-tweets-of-yugoyouth
all of Serbia'll hear about it the next day the way them go on
April 2, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
...for of Afghan chutney is her soul compact
April 2, 2014
madmouth commented on the word sleeveface
and Mr. Tweet on the side is like, "Las selfies son muy de principios de 2014"
April 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list badderlocks
gesundheit m8
April 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list badderlocks
grand photographic gestures?
April 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list okra
will render listful the heretofore listless quicker than you can say gumbo
April 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list badderlocks
nice adjectival serenade m8
March 31, 2014
madmouth commented on the word okra fondlers
fine words butter no parsnips, but the right vegetable gets you near enough to the knickers of your intended?
March 28, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
Now you've done it
March 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word muculent
Cecil Mucophagous
Stuffed down his esophagus
Muculent treat
After muculent treat,
Pickled or fried;
It can't be denied -
His okrish exploits
Were told far and wide
March 26, 2014
madmouth commented on the word autophage
mucilagenous alternatives for your mucosal pathology!
March 26, 2014
madmouth commented on the word bogie
defined matchlessly by the Creepy Paparazzo of Spice World (Richard O'Brien!!!) - "here's you in the lift pickin yer nose...another bogie breakfast"
March 26, 2014
madmouth commented on the word autophage
I am clenching my invisible balls at that image, not that 'snotsucker' wouldn't be a fun band name. Disconcerting care practices
clearly picking one's nose isn't pathological and barbequing oneself or another is, but it seems more like a spectrum than a line. Mammals, at any rate, enjoy eating regenerable aspects of the body - breastfeeding, licking wounds, the whole amniotic process, golden showers, chewing off flaky skin parts, etc.
March 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word autophage
is skin flesh? if you chew off someone else's hangnail, are you a cannibal?
March 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word culero
alternately, bolero with ramped-up booty quotient
March 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the user yarb
2 words:
March 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word hotsauce scale
commprising the intervals or triads singers use for the phrase 'hot sauce'
March 25, 2014
madmouth commented on the word jean dimmock
HOT COCK RUN AMOK would be the sriracha chase headline in the best English rags
March 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-life-of-madmouth
1. rock top: also have
2. fuck word count
March 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word institutionalized drinking problem heritage
not just 'Bosnian', but so many cultural backgrounds encode this
March 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the list the-life-of-madmouth
I'm pretty polyhedral, don't worry ^^
that was what Santa Griselda said when I related the story of New Drunkest Tuesday Ever, whose nightcap snack was cold liver crumbled urgently into wasabi mayonnaise; whose wake-up revelation was two shrivelled contacts next to their cases (though it was well worth it; as these things so often go, it was right about time to dispose of that pair anyway, and I taught really well the next morning due to the strong motivating energy of atonement)
yarb, you sowed a thwarting seed into poor Joyce's grave right about now, though I have long appreciated the Wordie list as a succinct literary technology
March 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word moss piglet
a.k.a. Dalek buttonhole
March 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the word jean dimmock
catchphrase for a more posh dwile flonking round?
March 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the word immaculatte
can't spell 'cult' without...
norther, bilby - norther!
March 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the list polychronic-liquidators--cyf
100% LOVED
March 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Umm Nyolokh
Serge will bring them
doesn't too much chia give you...a sleek and healthy coat?
March 21, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Umm Nyolokh
despite my long-standing love of offal and related liquids, I do imagine sometimes we run a shop somewhere called "Bars of Euphony" (that is a sophisticated allusion to "13 ways of looking at a blackbird"), serving vegan seed-and-nut confections alongside piano pop
March 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the word TEDster
hah! is this apropos of the TEDificiation of the city these days?
March 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the list phraseologue---x-the-y
as I recall, Mr. Wilde also denied the allegations against him...
also, any aesthetic tweaking is fine by me, ry. I have come to accept, through lengthy long-sufferingness, that not everyone is addicted to hyphens
March 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the word 4-wind solo
well, when you're looking for it I get performance anxiety
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list words-to-know--11
All hail the great puntiff!
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list words-to-know--11
Some decisive victory will have been won if this one stays empty!!
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word 4-wind solo
when I play mahjong against myself, myself, myself and I
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word dulce et gabbana est
but seriously - where is the fake latin list?!
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list retro-encabulator-tech-specs
mathematics...of wonton...burrito meals
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the word luncheon
what Little Edie Bouvier calls the cats out to
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the user deinonychus
you had to wait a while, but traumatic insemination lives to live again
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the list eye-dialect
this Venn diagram STRONGLY overlaps with Popeye speak
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the user ruzuzu
I vote we name the inherent sound of fun ruzuzurrus
March 19, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
oh, he do
March 14, 2014
madmouth commented on the list gut--1
Heavy foregut on each Gorgut;
B'lieve in cream instead of yoghurt;
Riffs and screaming thrice a day;
At 46 still drinking in Longeuil
March 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the user bilby
a) that's exactly right
b) I think of you as the only near-whitey invited ^-^
March 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the list gut--1
gut- != -gut
March 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the word camofleur
I submit personal starvateur - a must in achieving that Hollywood waste-line
March 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the word hell-bent for leather
sweet tooth fairy denoting a kink?
March 12, 2014
madmouth commented on the list ute
drive-in sex box is the logical extension of the coffee drive-thrus staffed by the bikini-clad...or does it already exist?!
March 11, 2014
madmouth commented on the list quaintnesses
puppy water - beauty's help
distilled from Tripsy's darling whelp!
March 11, 2014
madmouth commented on the list its-like-1997-all-over-again
I am awed by this list's brevity, wryness, and the fine glint of Waughsian foreign-correspondent lunacy in its eye
March 7, 2014
madmouth commented on the list filled-bread-in-north-west-england
cf. South African sarmie:
"Fokken larney
Nutella on my sarmie"
March 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
the thing is less tasty than the concept, I warrant - unlike corn dogs
March 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the list languages-of-the-world
I want an Ethnologue-combing app, too! Or did you - gasp - comb it yourself?!
March 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word mummyberry
I didn't know that heretofore I had lived to witness "This reminds me of that zombie ant fungus"
What sentence can top it now?!
March 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the list killjoy-et-al
I am reading your slides and snaffling up compounds for the list, yaar
you're an admirable stafflist
March 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word liberal
oh, you!
March 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list a-dram-too-many
lushed up to the nuts is a very tasty concept
March 1, 2014
madmouth commented on the list old-school-internet
I strongly suspect we are of a generation!!
February 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word boomslang
the -slang is cognate to 'schlong', which if isn't a key to fun madeupical compounds I don't know what is
February 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the list labiodental-fricative
I am taking the opportunity to add words that have lots of fricatives in them - if this is not what it's meant for, do complain!!
February 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the list old-school-internet
February 24, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Fanta Caramel
shrink gun, kuntilanak, gryphoemia
February 10, 2014
madmouth commented on the word vowel bigot
the mouthfeel is meant to outweigh the cringefactor, b/c "consonant esteemer" doesn't scan so tasty.
Consonant Steamer? The good ship Slavograph
February 10, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Fanta Caramel
it's a mushin injection; absent of will or willfulness
spotted dick, cat bus, shrink gun,...
February 8, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Fanta Caramel
it's the Chris Morris of sweet tooth fairies
incubus, spotted dick, cat bus, ...
February 7, 2014
madmouth commented on the word mother's friend's son
This is - IMHO - the much more pungent Korean idiom for "golden boy". Omma-chingu-adeul
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list door-jam
Gustave Doore?
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list frequentative
I hadn't meaningfully interpreted CCle yet - thank you!!
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word the man who was totally Babylon Zoo, The Chungwit, the biff-boff and the puff pastry hangman
it's a legitimate Tardis Scrabble word, though
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list benedict-cumberbatch
I just bust a lung over Convict Wristwatch
And bilbyfilth..ersnatch
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the user Allen09
on the 09th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Husky Demon
also a love letter to an ex-neighbor husky named Demon, who moved away when his dude did :(
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list nomenclature-of-the-pole
Because being good at nudity also pertains to Arctic temperatures and your bum-steak would freeze first!
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Fanta Caramel
complete this sequence:
soft drink, incubus, ...
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list nomenclature-of-the-pole
not to be confused with the language of the Arctic expeditions
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Fanta Caramel
to be pronounced with a thick Brazilian Portuguese inflection
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word bear garlic
Plz to invent Bilby's Ramson n' Damson Chutney
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word predatory pyrotechnics
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the word the Kongs don't even need equipment!
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list divers-irritations--1
February 5, 2014
madmouth commented on the list remarkable-wikipedia-categories
Extreme temperatures in Vatican City!!!
February 3, 2014
madmouth commented on the user patrickjki
I never SAW such SPAM in my LIFE
January 30, 2014
madmouth commented on the word svastika
in SBC, this refers (misogynistically?) to one's sister-in-law
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word FaceTime
ECAFFACETIME is how I mathed y'all concepts
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the list doctor-who--1
Humans are quite my favourite species, said the 4th Doctor
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the list british-columbian-terms
skypigs, Burquitlam, Queen E park
I heard before there is some regionalistic term for the pill bug, but I forgot it
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word FaceTime
I've witnessed the verbing of this!
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word psychocosmogram
Tbe category mandalas and such belong to, according to the editor of my book of Mughal paintings. Useful though unwieldy!
January 27, 2014
madmouth commented on the word buckness
a.k.a. Krump dance (see troupe Buckness Personified)
January 23, 2014
madmouth commented on the user RevBrently
psst - you can create a word list named after a book you're reading and disburden thereby the comments section of repetitive citations
January 22, 2014
madmouth commented on the word how time flies like nostalgia
January 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the list what-flies-like-a-what-what
I concur - well-informed copypasta especially
January 20, 2014
madmouth commented on the word pterodactyl flies like millions of years ago
January 18, 2014
madmouth commented on the list what-flies-like-a-what-what
well, shucks and welcome to your hoo-ha
January 18, 2014
madmouth commented on the list what-flies-like-a-what-what
January 17, 2014
madmouth commented on the list gk-chesterton-collection
The perfect crime - a Christmas crime!!
January 16, 2014
madmouth commented on the word soever
"In what torn ship so ever I embark,
That ship shall be my emblem of Thy ark;
What sea soever swallow me, that flood
Shall be to me an emblem of Thy blood"
-Donne's trip to Germany
January 13, 2014
madmouth commented on the word Torontarded
I love the Mercer, but this is a weak offering from His Mouthness
January 9, 2014
madmouth commented on the user willitobin
Brave Knights of Spam
January 9, 2014
madmouth commented on the word orthopraxis
a.k.a. zen's $5 cousin
January 8, 2014
madmouth commented on the word predictive policing
January 8, 2014
madmouth commented on the user dropofocean
yep. Apparently a good chunk of English words take antepenultimate stress but we can't tell because they don't have enough syllables
January 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word coprolalial
Does it alternate with coprolalic or poss. coprolaliacal?
January 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word ragchew
My father, an incurable Slavic article-dropper, says "chewing fat" instead of "chewing the fat" (though most of his ragchew moments also feature a square of pancetta in his mouth)
January 6, 2014
madmouth commented on the word git surfing
it's the next Dwile Flonking
will the 2060s be as groovy as their predecessor?
December 29, 2013
madmouth commented on the list top-500-shower-curtains
I can't believe I've lived without "dim-lit shot of dangling balls" so far
December 27, 2013
madmouth commented on the list stretches
December 27, 2013
madmouth commented on the word CVCCC
December 27, 2013
madmouth commented on the list who-hid-the-keys
they consider themselves people enough for a hundred people's considerations. cat ego is almost a unit of measurement
December 27, 2013
madmouth commented on the word crumbling saltine feelings
hurt feelings when clumsy cultural appropriation is pointed out - coined by a guerilla commenter
December 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the word hour of effortless plenty
the breastfeeding age, from "Esme", Joanna's gift to her friend's newborn.
December 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the word poundshop
nothing the swinish multitude loves better than cooking up a tasty language meal!
Nok Nok
Who's there?
Dudes, mostly
December 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the word shelfie
I envision a hard-hitting documentary of shelves shelfie-ing in public and how that is EXACTLY WHAT WE LOOK LIKE DOING IT
December 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the word I was all horns and thorns sprung out fully formed, knock-kneed and upright
I first heard this line pat to the moment, having that evening seen a film full of baby goats
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the list pregnancy
see Sylvia Plath's "Metaphors"!
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the list charming-words-sung-by-joanna-newsom
I have homaged your idea with Newsom Strings, because her phrasing gets me even more than her vocab
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word she doles out hurt like a puking bird
ie. mother Nature
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word wrox
to decay; rot - or cause the same.
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word gyling-fat
'gyle' being an obs. form for "brew"
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word poundshop
in the filthy America, this could easily be synonymous to Cupid's house of commerce ^^
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word jargaunt
schmancy old form of "jargon"
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the word mordication
Apparently the obsolete meaning of this is akin to 'rash'
Much more sophisticated, that. "I can't go anywhere til I get some medication for my mordication"
December 23, 2013
madmouth commented on the list absolute-piffle
Here's a party game in the spirit of Absolute Piffe (Piffle Absolut?):
Each row contains one fake and one real Japanese band, directionality being no hint. Guess!!
December 18, 2013
madmouth commented on the word IBU
a unit of measurement both madeupical and unfrivolous - world first; you got it from hernesheir
December 18, 2013
madmouth commented on the word plumsome
likelihood of being a Cute Word increases 30% with the addition of "plum" to anything (cf. plumptious)
December 18, 2013
madmouth commented on the user qms
the meter is funky - a bit to the left of the limerick
I like it!
December 18, 2013
madmouth commented on the word boll-weevil
Says Nina Simone, of a gentleman she disenjoys: "You're funkier than a mosquito's tweeter
You've got a mouth like a herd of boll-weevils"
December 14, 2013
madmouth commented on the list magic-ingredients
LOVED - on the strength of retchwort alone!
December 12, 2013
madmouth commented on the list the-many-names-of-chub-chub
Yo, it's an open list now. The people's love will not be stopped!!
December 12, 2013
madmouth commented on the word brode
It has that goopy autological mouthfeel
November 29, 2013
madmouth commented on the list names-from-dinosaur-comics
November 28, 2013
madmouth commented on the word fracksy man enjoys environmental catastrophe
...expects Nobel Prize for viscous deviltry
November 28, 2013
madmouth commented on the word a 13-tog duvet of celebrities and cartoon characters and elevator music
13-tog celebrity duvet fling could be a new Sailor Moon attack - like dwile flonking, but more relevant
Let Elizabeth May cast the first duvet
November 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the list fancy-man-enjoys-tea
November 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the list fancy-man-enjoys-tea
Calling all Wordniks!
November 26, 2013
madmouth commented on the list actual-japanese-shop-brand-names
sadly, the google offers me no clothing samples from Violence Jack Off
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the list gorey--1
Collapsed Pudding, Mortshire
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the list insulting-thee-so-foreignly
fakat, a Yugo dialectal form of fakt (meaning "fact") sounds when articulated exACTly like f*ck it
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the list flatus
Acronym awaaaard
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the list arise-hippikins-and-hippettes
getting salty
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the list towns-in-essex
Well, the Queen is watching - Huggles only!
October 5, 2013
madmouth commented on the user oroboros
Thank you kindly for Futility Closet!
April 16, 2013
madmouth commented on the list insulting-animals
Capt. Haddock's dream brother lexicon
April 16, 2013
madmouth commented on the word wrasse
OED suggests this is a variant on the spelling of "wraths", "wrath" being the name of this fish as derived from Cornish. A beautiful exclamation when a single wrath will not do, also compoundable, e.g. wrasse and ires! Of course it is a different meaning, but beautifully suggestive nonetheless
April 16, 2013
madmouth commented on the list english-words-derived-from-hindi
so good for mouthfeel!
of interest is the obverse:
March 22, 2013
madmouth commented on the word dogodavštine
a suffix onto "dogođaji" (events) that creates the meaning "blah blah eventcakes" or "big fat useless events". Perhaps one could term it a dismissive suffix, akin to that evident in Hindi in "filmi-shilmi" and "beauty-shooty" (e.g. "who cares about your beauty-shooty salon?")
March 22, 2013
madmouth commented on the word krvna loza
lit. blood-vine, meaning "family line" or "lineage"
March 22, 2013
madmouth commented on the word yarsagumbu
is a-a-u-u Antipodean for hubba-hubba?
March 19, 2013
madmouth commented on the word yarsagumbu
great stats both as regards mouthfeel and meaning
March 19, 2013
madmouth commented on the word the sound of a dictionary falling down
Apropos of Dylan Thomas' "Now"
March 10, 2013
madmouth commented on the word thirtytwomo
This one wins the word game by basically inventing criteria for lexical coolness - there is nobody in thirtytwomo's freaky league
November 29, 2012
madmouth commented on the word fattrels
fattrels and cant! fattrels and cant!
November 29, 2012
madmouth commented on the list quaintnesses
bosoms awry!
November 29, 2012
madmouth commented on the user seraphim7210
We need a word for the beauty of a user with 1 list with 3000+ items (of good quality!!) on it!
November 29, 2012
madmouth commented on the list zoomorphic-weapons
most excellent
November 24, 2012
madmouth commented on the word hoddy
Archaic term for 'cheerful', lending in compound to hoddypoll a.k.a. cuckold or fool (with noddypoll and doddypoll having roughly the same meaning)
November 18, 2012
madmouth commented on the list quaintnesses
have done, with its buddy unbosom, which serves also perhaps as a very funky noun.
November 13, 2012
madmouth commented on the word rayah
it trickled into Bosnian (sp. 'raja') to mean rabble (folk) and/or buddies. I don't know what you'd call tax-exempt buddies, though
August 25, 2012
madmouth commented on the word venomous porridge
c/o Dylan Thomas, from the longer but more sublime "venomous porridge unknown to toxicologists"
August 25, 2012
madmouth commented on the user madmouth
I back now. In time for blackberry season - will likely be wording about trifle before long
What's new in the marsupial world?
July 7, 2012
madmouth commented on the word English riding coat
archaic euphemism for Dr. Condom's marvelous invention
July 6, 2012
madmouth commented on the user lamxung
o what can ail thee, spam-at-arms,
alone and palely festering?
July 6, 2012
madmouth commented on the word veronicle
variant of vernicle with more kicks to the humerus
March 13, 2012
madmouth commented on the list white-winter-hymnal
great title!
December 29, 2011
madmouth commented on the word catechumen
if mispronounced, fun to say. catachoomin! cata-cumin!
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word The church even asked von Hagens to plastinate the heelbone of Hildegard of Bingen.
insufferable gynocrats, the lot of 'em
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Johnson noise
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word keeps your sand worm company
as a preteen I fantasized about having a sandworm for a pet, those big scary ones from Beetlejuice...and a big giant roomful of sand for it. yeah.
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word tail-napkin
good work, foxy - combining gooses and cabooses
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word sod off shotgun
once again fbjarjo rides in on his Magnificent Incomprehensibilitator...mortals beware ^-^
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Londons under siege
I am smelling the composition on voles in Waugh's Scoop all over this, yarb old boy
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word thews
my, how thy thews shew in the snew
...but the shrews in your trews disagrews?
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word dwine
has occasioned dwive, poss. d'wive, a hypothetical abbreviation of a more gender-specific synonym for 'divorce' :D
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word If Ruzuzu is infinitely powerful, can she also be infinitely good
the mark of Can?
November 17, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Londons under siege
that one is getting odder as one ages is a comforting thought ^^
ruzuzu, there needs to be a title for your special kind of assistance round these parts - Wee Wordie Wirgil?
November 10, 2011
madmouth commented on the word suckers born every two minutes
that's 1 sucker per second!
November 9, 2011
madmouth commented on the word halter
Apparently Yeoman of the halter is the hangman's assistant.
November 9, 2011
madmouth commented on the word yeoman of the mouth
"an Officer belonging to his Majesties pantry" (OED)
November 9, 2011
madmouth commented on the word airbrush, banana squash, enameled canning kettle
...was so aligned on the left as to make me think there was a cool new list with such entries as "airbrush, banana" and "squash, enameled"
November 9, 2011
madmouth commented on the word we possess very few authentic details about a people whose written annals were burnt by the ignorant "conquistadores"
"daddy, why aren't you in bed yet?"
"I can't sleep...someone on the internet is wrong"
-Eddie Campbell
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word in the best of clothes to sit shivah
all sculptures I have seen seem to indicate that Shiva sits you, not the other way around ^^
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word wadmeal
with wadmeal gloves, yes? or would that be 'yaaaairs' a la White
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word wadmeal
how does one, now that the profile comment function is as dead as the list comment function, get hold of a bilby? it is the sad of all
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word shrab
cf. sharaab
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word an enomoty of Spartans
where is that list of madeupical collective nouns?
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word dright
Not to be confused with Mright
November 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word herpes grinch
def.: one who wishes herpes upon another. as coined by a dear friend
October 11, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Godspeed and may life give you sausages
or GSYBE! cover band composed entirely of butchers?
October 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word banaba
distant faunal cousin of the bonobo
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word apple fruit crinkle
fun to say, at any rate ^^
I wouldn't wish anthracnose on anyone really
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word fessways
in no way like arsiversie? this makes me sad
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word apple fruit crinkle
eerily eligible for the list of cutest words ever made o.0
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word pea stunt
what that princess pulled, eh?
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word list of mustard diseases
is there a list for Weird Wiki Pages?
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word mustard orchid
the literal translation for 'kai lan'
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word sausage party
and hereby is born the to-be-well-known salutation of departure:
"Godspeed and may life give you sausages"
October 3, 2011
madmouth commented on the word succorrhea
no! How. Can. You. Be. Real??
September 6, 2011
madmouth commented on the word rusty steppe moss
she forgot ayrak - the best/worst part!
September 6, 2011
madmouth commented on the word electrified cat's tail moss
exciting alternative naming strategies - cast the I Ching
Preponderance of the Great Moss (it's weak at the top, you see)
September 6, 2011
madmouth commented on the word cow pie
there is something really...all-encompassing about "cow pie", isn't there? o.0
September 6, 2011
madmouth commented on the word woolly catterpillar
duly corrected.
and now -
I admit it - I've 'ad tea. Indian tea!
September 6, 2011
madmouth commented on the word devil's stinkpot
Wiki: "Phallus impudicus, commonly known as the stinkhorn, is a widespread fungus recognizable for its foul odor and its phallic shape when mature, the latter feature giving rise to several names in 17th-century England. "
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word devil's bedpost
4 of clubs in slang!
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word viper's bugloss
apparently bugloss derives from the Greek meaning "ox tongue", making this a double candidate for Love Across Kingdoms :D
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word brown-eyed sunshine
an unprepossessing specimen to say the least
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word cow pie
a lichen, diploschistes muscorum
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word bloody heart
a lichen not to be confused with bleeding-heart. Genus mycoblastus sanguinarius
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word woolly catterpillar
a moss type
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word rusty steppe moss
yes, I'm ignoring the intended grammar of the phrase, but the rusty steppe is a dreamy sort of image - a plain traversable only by mares of the oil-hoof clan...
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word electrified cat's tail moss
Oddly Specific o.0
September 5, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Prokudin-Gorskii Turkmen with camel
OMG Wordnik Currency Exchange needs to be listerated!!
August 23, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Prokudin-Gorskii Turkmen with camel
I bet they pay the pompadourists in...sand dollars?
you know, camels? sand? anyone?
*bitter shame*
August 19, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Prokudin-Gorskii Turkmen with camel
I have a terrible pun to unload but it's too bad for that, even
August 18, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Prokudin-Gorskii Turkmen with camel
yes and yes, also - squinty.
August 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the word Prokudin-Gorskii Turkmen with camel
this guy right here
August 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the word cobbler's awl
a.k.a. avocet
August 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the word mundungus
Beyoootiful! Always something new to love
July 29, 2011
madmouth commented on the list t9-you-crazy-diamond
it's starting to look a bit like Watership Down in here, come to think of it
July 29, 2011
madmouth commented on the list fanciful-self
ho ho! Wordniky vindication is mine!
July 13, 2011
madmouth commented on the word rubymeated
Specifically, "the rubymeated hearts that hung within them".
Odd word, "meat". It arrests the ear so.
June 22, 2011
madmouth commented on the word just a bunch of carp-hucking monkeys
I'm a nut-shucking junkie, myself.
June 16, 2011
madmouth commented on the list killjoy-et-al
matacaballo - killhorse, rather (as per list title ^^)
sionnach, you're probably right, but I don't delete words from free-for-all lists because it makes me sad. call it a besetting sin.
chokestuff is one for Hoptoads, being something like "stuff that chokes", yes? foreign schmoreign; I think mollusque is more permeable than that
as for Dotheboys Hall, I think it should go in a big glorious Fictional Proper Nouns That Mean Stuff list (provisional name only), along with Prunesquallor and Sourdust and Stilton Cheesewright and Lord Monomark and John Beaver and all the other glorious markers of the English imagination
June 16, 2011
madmouth commented on the word honey badger
cf. honey buzzard
June 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the list hoptoads
go Anglo-Saxon, go!
June 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the list killjoy-et-al
does Spanish have a word for that structure? some language must; I warrant this is a compounding strategy that occurs elsewhere also - too intuitive not to.
also - reasonably fun bilingual game! perhaps even really fun if one were fluent enough in both. gonna give 'er a crack: buscavida = seeklife; cuentagota = dropcount. in this way garden-variety compound nouns in Spanish could be refurbished into punchy new English ones?
June 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the user madmouth
HOT DOG. second to the OED, you're my favourite thing about the internet, bilby
June 15, 2011
madmouth commented on the word no money's too black to buy grog for lags
oh yes oh yes oh yes
Patrick White put me on a hot trail after Aussie authors
June 14, 2011
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