The most common form of fundraising in my school. Currently there are about 8 boxes in the boarding house alone, and more besides in the day school. If I eat another Freddo, or Caramello Koala, I'll explode.
True. Which is why I don't use them. But these girls obviously don't care what information they spread across the internet. And most school computers have decent anti-virus, anti-spyware software.
A girl I once knew plays the harp, and is even building her own. I watched her perform so many times over 3 years that a harp would seem loud to me even if it were barely audible.
kewpid, just wait until you see their dance in the school talent show. They do the same thing every year.
This one time, Kelseyy punched me in the face. It was awesome. Also, I think Bonnie is mad at Brennah because she's the only one who knows about her nose job.
I can't wait to not be a teenager any longer so I don't get lumped in with people like that purely because of age.
I'll be honest. The "warum hassen Sie..." bit was easy, very simple German. I just couldn't be bothered looking up freedom in the dictionary. And I couldnt have used du anyway, because I was talking to two people.
Now that it's over, I kind of wish that I actually had said it. Still, it actually went pretty well. The moderators were really friendly and the woman got really worked up over my Intensiv Studie.
Well, I was in a rush this morning so I didn't brush my top left cuspid properly and then the last wisdom tooth has come up only half way through my gum. That's a serious penalty. They suggested I buy a motorised toothbrush - even recommended one. It's called "Super sparkle spinning plaque destroyer!™"
I strongly dislike this word. Not because of the meaning, and not because I'm sick of year 12 English (although I am that, too), but because its mouthfeel is just so unpleasant.
I quite like that song, but I'll admit that it can be a rather annoying earworm. Fortunately, the music I am listening to at the moment is catchy enough that just reading the lyrics isn't enough to get the song lodged in my head.
We have one of those. It's a mouli mill in my household and we use it for our tomato soup. Mum's keeping it, so anyone can feel free to buy me a great big one as a housewarming gift when I move out. I wants it, I needs it.
A sommelier knife or waiter's friend is a corkscrew in a folding body similar to a pocket knife. An arm extends to brace against the lip of the bottle for leverage when removing the cork. Some sommelier knives have two steps on the lever, and often also a bottle opener. A small hinged knife blade is housed in the handle end for removing the foil wrapping the neck of many wine bottles. These are often considered to be the fastest corkscrews.
Tonight there were candles, tear, speeches, tears, presents, tears, the symbolic letting go of the balloons, tears, and did I mention the tears? Oh, and so many photos.
Afterwards, we went out for coffee, on the boarding house's credit card. More photos. I'm still hyped up.
It's not banned everywhere. There are some schools that still allow it. All the private schools in Adelaide still had it up until last year. I think the pig's head that someone from Sacred Heart brought to school may have contributed to its banning.
Our school has a new head of senior school, and with her came the banning of huge number of our traditions, one of them being Muck Up Day. Don't even get me started on how angry we are, haha.
The main reason I didn't finish the exam is because I obsessively look up everything about which I have the slightest doubt in the dictionary. And that uses up all my time.
Plus, it's very humbling to go from a class of 6 to an exam hall of 40, and to be the only caucasian in the room. Especially after my Korean friends had just finished telling how close Japanese and Korean are and that that was why most of the people studying Japanese were Korean. I'll be honest. I was shit-scared.
I think crying is healthy. Depending on the reason behind it, I have been known to enjoy it. I pick movies purely because I know they'll make me cry.
Besides, if I didn't let myself cry to release the stress occasionally (increasingly, as the end of highschool and my exams draw nearer, tbh), I'd be a wreck.
Obviously if there's something unpleasant making you cry, that's not a good thing. But tears come hand-in-hand with so many emotions that I think the worst thing about crying is that it messes up your make-up.
Trivet, I cannot tell you how many illustrations on pencil cases, folders, lunch boxes etc I have taken a Sharpie to. It's great fun, I can understand your cousin's motivation.
I'm not sure. I suppose the teacher assumed that we were trying to get out of reading, because really, who reads a dictionary word by word?
What she didn't get is that we both loved reading. While our classmates were struggling through their BSC and "Aussie Bites", 100 page novels (and hating every minute), we were reading adult fiction, which found so absorbing that we couldn't just read for 15 minutes and then stop (I still can't do that. It's torture).
Plus, we were having fun and learning new words (and partly we were doing it to be smart arses. Fun was discouraged whenever possible, and I think the teacher hated having to mark our spelling words each week because she didn't know what half the words meant, herself.
Perhaps you could mention reverse dictionaries, pter? I have always found them fascinating for some reason.
When I was in year 6, we had 15 minutes of compulsory reading time every day. My equally book-nerdy friend and I both felt that 15 minutes wasn't enough time to enjoy any sort of narrative, so we each brought in a dictionary and started reading at A. We only lasted a week before we were told off and our dictionaries confiscated.
My favourite dictionary is the Macquarie, I must say.
The Slitheen were a family of Raxacoricofallapatorians who attempted to create nuclear war on Earth with an aim towards complete destruction. They intended to sell the remains as fuel (Aliens of London/World War Three).
Later, a survivor of their clash with the Doctor became Mayor of Cardiff and proposed the building of a nuclear reactor with intentional faults in order to blow up the Earth (Boomtown).
The Silurians were Earth's first sentient beings. They were technologically advanced and had a third eye that gave them telepathic powers. They first appeared in Doctor Who and the Silurians.
The Racnoss are a race destroyed by the Gallifreyans before the formation of the Earth. The survivors fled in a ship which created the gravitational pull to form the Earth and have hibernated there since. In the 2006 Christmas special, the Empress of the Racnoss used huon particles to attempt to awaken the rest of her race but the Doctor drowned them all by draining the Thames.
A blood-sucking near-human. A plasmavore calling herself "Florence Finnegan" appeared in Smith and Jones. She used a red and white straw to suck her victims dry. It was she that the Judoon were seeking.
Rhinocerous-headed Galactic police-for-hire. Or, as the Doctor put it, "interplanetary thugs". In Smith and Jones, they transported the Royal Hope Hospital (conveniently containing the Doctor and Martha Jones) to the moon to seek out a plasmavore.
The macra are a race of giant crab-like creatures who feed on a gas that is toxic to humans. They first appeared in The Macra Terror with the Second Doctor who fought to free a colony of humans they kept as slaves. After billions of years, they degenerated into feral creatures who lived at the bottom of the motorway and fed off exhaust fumes and stray humans (Gridlock).
An entirely female species who follow a science based on words so that they are thought of as witches. They rewrote the final lines of a Shakespeare play in order to summon the rest of their race to Earth.
The Cult of Skaro genetically modified humans to create a race of slaves. The pig slaves then captured more humans and those of low intelligence were converted into more pig slaves.
Appeared in Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
Humanoids with an endo- and exoskeleton who controlled a third of the Earth's population through blood control and threatened to kill them unless the Earth surrendered to being sold into slavery.
The Sycorax leader cut off the Tenth Doctor's right hand in a sword fight. But he was only 15 hours into his regeneration cycle so it grew back. Yep.
Appeared in the 2005 Christmas special, The Christmas Invasion.
A race of cyborgs first appearing in the serial The Tenth Planet, which was the last to feature the First Doctor (William Hartnell). Cybermen originated Earth's twin planet Mondas as an attempt by Dr Kit Pedler to prolong life.
In New Who, they were created by John Lumic on Earth in a parallel universe. They also crossed into our universe where they proceeded to trash talk some daleks.
A race of blobs of fat. Originally, they came from the planet Adipose III, which was taken by Davros. After they lost their home planet, they started breeding on Earth.
Appeared in season 4, episode 1, Partners in Crime.
All those paradoxes are why I have a love/hate relationship with this language. It's fascinating, but it can be a pain in the proverbial.
A friend who was in Germany on exchange recently told us that in her host sister's English class they were learning about homonyms and such. She was asked to read a poem similar to that list and she was completely lost.
I have the greatest sympathy with anyone learning English as a second language. Kudos.
Oh, that is sad! What a horrible thing to happen to such an fantastic building.
I'll be honest: as a teenager, my main gripes with Supre are the music, the sluttiness and the fact that the sizing is such that anyone past puberty can't fit into their clothes.
I was deprived of a cubby house in my childhood. I was always jealous of our neighbours, whose father built one for them. The worries of a seven-year-old :)
I love this list. I love roses. When I was a kid we had a huge garden full of roses, lovingly slaved over by my mother. My two favourites are called winsome and blue moon.
I wish I'd been old enough to enjoy this properly when it was on. I remember watching it with my mum, and probably laughing, but I doubt I ever got the jokes.
How recently is recently, b? Because I've accidentally added the same word to one list twice numerous times: when I've been impatient with my internet and hit the add button twice. So it's been possible the couple of months I've been active.
Prompted the first use of the phrase Doctor who? When Susan's teachers - Ian and Barbara - meet the Doctor, Ian calls him Doctor Foreman and he says 'Hmm? What's that? Doctor who?"
Would you mind adding me as a contributor? As I said, I've been watching a lot of DW lately and I could add worlds and monsters etc as I encounter them...
Not these days, Pro. The greatest privilege of year 12 is having to share only a bathroom and with just one person. And although my bathroommate is a slob who occasionally locks me out and always leaves the light on, it's worth it for the 2am Doctor Who and homework sessions.
As for whether we're moving, westward or otherwise, I have no authority to speak on the matter.
I am actually going to bed now. I have a Chem test in the morning.
Hmm, what to do? I could a) go to bed and have a 70/30 chance of laying awake pretending/wishing it were possible for me to sleep before at least two a.m. or b) watch another episode of Doctor Who on youtube.
A friend of mine is having me do a sleep log for her psychology class. I should be able to give her some interesting results.
How about WorldWideWeb, the first ever browser? They renamed it later, I think, to avoid confusion. I can't remember what the name was changed to and I'm too tired to look it up.
This is what I found on my roommate's bathroom counter when I walked in this afternoon. Presumably she's taking them from the dining room, because I didn't think we had that many cups in our upstairs kitchen. Or any salt, for that matter. The question of why she has them is one I'm not quite well enough to delve into.
Indeed. The staff like to refer to it as the Big Weekend In, at least when talking to the parents, but we all know the truth.
Ostensibly the point is to help the everyone get to know each other and whatnot, but in reality it's a way of wearing out new girls so they don't have the energy to miss their parents and to prevent older girls from going to Big Day Out.
Also, I meant to hyphenate this. It should be lock-in weekend.
When I build my dream house, it's going to have one of these. It may not even be a guest room; I might just want to go hang out there occasionally and warm myself at the kotatsu.
As a kid, I found this term very upsetting. Mum uses it as a joke, but siblings and family friends turned it into a weapon against me. Maybe I was (am) just an over-sensitive kid.
I am also a lefty, rt. Let us unite in the name of cacky-handers everywhere!
There is a strange pattern of lefthandedness in my family actually. I'm a lefty, as is my Auntie C. C has an auntie who is lefthanded and and I believe she has a lefty aunt too. That's as far back as I know my family tree, alas. I'm just waiting for a niece!
Er.. *shifty eyes* I may not have actually been in Italy. There's a Carnevale festival here every year, but this is South Australia, so perhaps it's not the most authentic Italian cuisine... But the bloke selling them was a first generation Italian immigrant. I knew his wife, so he used to sometimes just give me random food. It was quite good.
They weren't quite like that Pro, they were just long sticks. I am beginning to get the suspicion that Dom just made them up.
As long as it tastes good, who cares if it's a doughnut or a donut hole??
Personally, I like these long Italian doughnut-sort-of things that I had at Carnivale a few years ago. I can't remember what they're called though. Maybe Pro can help out?
I had a smart arse answer for this when I was a kid. I said "Mum, Jesus was born in a barn." And she looked at me in that way that only a mother can and said, "Yes, and look where it got him."
I like this word because it reminds me of The Wizard of Oz.
I think I need to create an Oz list, actually. It's pretty much consuming my brain at the moment, and will continue to do so until I've finished school.
Unfortunately she still considers the internet to be nothing more than a tool. Oh, and a way to swap email jokes.
I really need to start writing the things she says down when I'm on the phone to her. I always notice them, but by the time I get near Wordie again, I've forgotten.
Clearly, I did not define my point well enough. The general gist of your second paragraph matches what I was saying: that in order for the label "eternal" to no longer apply, there must be one chosen answer, no matter how clearly that answer is defined.
However, I would have to say that the word "answer" is an ambiguous one. Can the 20 candidates for the answer to the eternal question still be referred to as "answers"?
They're not answers, though, they're just possible answers. So the question remains eternal because people are eternally trying to decide which of the 20 clearly defined answers is the most suitable.
I don't think so rt, but when I was searching for a link for this page, I did discover that apparently you also get to celebrate National Chocolate Cupcake Day (18 October) and National Lemon Cupcake Day (15 December), although their authenticity seems questionable.
There are just not enough confectionary related holidays in the world.
This is another of those situations where I couldn't tell you which spelling I favour, just because I've never really thought about it, it just comes to me.
I actually prefer violet crumble to crunchie, because crunchie has that thicker, chewier stuff at the edges, and that's what gets stuck in my teeth. Whereas violet crumble is, well, crumblier.
This reminds me of an episode of a TV show I watched as a kid called "Round the Twist". The lead girl threw out a doll from her childhood that walked and said "cuddle me" when it was turned on. Then it stalked her and she heard its voice all over the place. It did get pretty by the end, actually.
What wikipedia calls sponge toffee is called honeycomb here, but that's the stuff that is in Crunchies and Violet Crumbles (yum, btw) which is not the same as what's in Maltesers.
Jeeves (at used to answer this with "Which do you mean - African or European swallow?" but Jeeves is now gone and so are all his Easter eggs :(
Thanks, rol. Now if I could just remember the question that sparked the idea late on Thursday night... It was hilarious, but it continues to escape me :(
Oh, yeah, about that... *scuffs toe of her shoe on the ground* y'see, my phone bill is already quite high, and the parental unit is this close to confiscating it, and... well, I'm sorry, ok?
I accept, thou sodden-witted whoreson, ere I trounce thee so that priests must become mockers, if they shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you.
I sometimes have to be forcibly ejected from people's rooms during prep time. Fortunately, my current roommate is as bad as me, and we just chat all the time. Neither of us get anything done but we enjoy ourselves.
I think this kicks in for me at about the time I decide I am going to go to bed. I refresh a couple of times, then go brush my teeth. Then I refresh some more, then I put on my pajamas. Then I refresh and make sure my room is vaguely tidy so I don't have to rush in the morning. Then I refresh 893465 more times and then I close my laptop and go to bed.
Hmm, well, UD says something about drinking in car parks or something (Netfox blocked the full definition), but to me it brings to mind a sort of convoy of 4WDs...
I don't think so, I don't get an error message, and there's nothing in the URL that Netfox is likely to block. I just get 5.jpg where the photo should be...
Edit: I don't know what changed, but I can now see it. I'm definitely in for group ponchoing.
In my school environment. Overused because I think it's fun, amusing word in a childish way, (and also in a Potter Puppet Pals kind of way), but it is too often used in the context of teenage girls talking about their latest sexual exploits, and it just bothers me that this juvenile word is connected with something that's supposed to mean that they're all grown up and stuff.
Somewhere I'm not surrounded by nasty, inconsiderate teenage girls.
There are places I could go if I ever did run away from the boarding house. I have family and friends in the city who would take me in. In reality, I doubt it'll ever happen. Getting out is not the hard bit, it's getting back in that's the problem.
Current bane of my life and destroyer of my upcoming weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love Hamlet, I just don't want to get up and talk to the class about his incestuous, murdering uncle on Monday.
Weirdnet: (v): dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced
A friend of mine ran spell check through her A Streetcar Named Desire essay and unwittingly allowed it to change all the instances of Blanche to Blaise. To make matters worse, it went unnnoticed until the teacher handed it back with question marks all over it and a rather verbose comment at the end.
@dontcry: As a 21st century teenager, I feel I should contribute this: don't lose hope. My generation may be easily distracted and far too involved in our TV and computer games, but not all of us. I am a voracious reader, as are a lot of my friends. And keeping books in the forefront of your kids' minds is the best way to encourage their reading. That's what did it for me. There were shelves and shelves full of books in my house. My mother is a librarian and I used to go to her library after school a lot and just pick books from the shelves at random. The love really is passed down from the parents.
re the whole passive tense thing: I hate it. I really really hate it. I hate it in English and in German. I hate it in German because it confuses me, and I hate it in English because I find it so dull and... clinical? I'm not sure that's the word I'm looking for. It reminds me of written procedures in text books and whatnot. "0.25M of hydrochloric acid is added to the beaker. A milky precipitate is formed". *hork*
I started reading this thread with intent of posting my own opinion at the end. But I have read from and for so many times by now that I'm uncertain which sounds right. I suspect I use far be it for me but I believe far be it from me makes more sense.
The enforcers don't call it anything in particular, the zones are our invention.
The penalties aren't anything really terrible, ususally just a telling off. But periodically our whole year level is taken aside for a stern talk, because we continue to ignore the rule. Occasionally individual people have been screamed at, but that's rare.
Upon returning from the mid-year school holidays on Monday, I discovered that the small fridge in our upstairs (year 12s only) kitchen, which was emptied and cleaned with disinfectant at the end of last term, had been switched off at the power point and left closed for two weeks. The result is obvious: large amounts of green fungus had taken up residence in our fridge. It was not a safe place for my food.
Would that Wordie had been around when I was eleven, jenn. It would've made a few years a lot more fun. Although I was even more irritating then than I am now :P
If I'm honest, it's not the first time this particular girl has had a malodorous room, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.
I believe turkey bacon is some sort of faux bacon product that is actually made of turkey. There is also a soy bacon product available. Whether or not either product actually tastes like bacon remains to be seen.
Pies don't often do well when made gluten-free, I've found. The pastry tends to fall apart too easily. Also, I'm not sure pork pies are really worth the effort of seeking out a coeliac bakery.
It's just that piece of plastic that joins two sections of carpet together, in a doorway for example. It is possible, if the feet are placed heel-to-toe, for two people to stand on the zone itself, facing each other and leaning against the door frame, but often there's about 6 of us, so we sit in our own zones and just have a toe or something in the purple zone.
We sang this at our school assembly today (something we should do more often IMHO) and as the first strains played, a friend was heard asking "What's this song?"
One of the more ridiculous rules of my boarding house forbids girls of different year levels being in each others' upstairs areas, invitation or no. The year eleven area and the year twelve area share a doorway (in fact, it is necessary to walk the length of the year 11 floor to get to the year 12 rooms). The purple zone is the thin plastic greyish-purple strip joining the red zone (the year 12 floor with red carpet) and the blue zone (the year 11 floor with blue carpet). This is where we meet to chat.
Edit: It is probably pertinent to add that we do have common areas, but they are two flights of stairs away and most of our chats take place when the year elevens are confined to their floor because they're meant to be getting ready for bed.
Well, were it not for the fact that the only food in her room is chocolate and that we would probably be crucified if we had meat upstairs, I would've thought so. But it appears logic plays no part in the aroma pervading her bedroom.
The same way most internet plans have limited monthly downloads, our school has limited credit. I assume it's put in dollars and cents so that the technically challenged among us can more easily understand how much has been used and how much is left.
Net credit is particularly significant to boarders because we always run out first. Thankfully Wordie doesn't use much because so light on images.
Netfox is the network software that our school uses to police our Internet. It counts down our net credit and blocks particular URLs and pages with certain keywords. Luckily they have not yet gotten to Wordie, possibly because I am the only one that uses it. I do find the occasional page blocked, though.
Despite having rather ocker tendencies, Mum values manners and grammar quite highly. Whenever we became too Stralyan as children, this phrase came out accompanied by an expression of mock-disgust.
According to that article nang is an Australianism. As an Australian teenager I can honestly say I have never heard that word in my life, except in the context of ning nang nong.
I agree that four is excessive in most cases. I think two is right for thinking, as in: "Hmm, I think the answer is 42." But three is for questioning, like when someone says something to you and you're only half listening. So it really should be Hmmm?
I think the reason our googlipresence has dropped is that we don't have the actual word basonym mentioned enough per comment to make up for all the other stuff. So everyone just needs to add basonym into their comments.
Shevek! Teach me your html tricks! Please? *puppy dog eyes*
And, sionnach, I'm not sure I get the meaning, either.
Am I the only one who thought sionnach's picture looked tasty?
And those chocolate buttons with the hundreds and thousands? They're only called buttons when they're dodgy, cheap as chips brand. When they're, say, Allen's brand, they're called freckles. And that's good chocolate, they're very tasty.
I think he means that by saying something is worse than coitus interruptus, you're implying that coitus interruptus is bad to begin with. So why is it bad?
A prejudice of my hometown. A-Graders are born and raised in the town. B-Graders move to the town and are only accepted if they marry an A-Grader. For a long time, A-Graders were always chosen above any other candidates for jobs, particularly on the mines. The problem was that they were not always qualified for the job.
Thankfully, this rather nasty tradition is dying out.
That song is a musical masterpiece. I don't think I know an Australian who can't sing it on command, haha. I tried to find the original ad with the cute little children who are even more persuasive, but it evaded me.
And I totally agree that marmite is festy, but I maintain that vegemite is fantabulous.
IAWTC, mollusque. I don't know anyone personally who has Asperger's, though.
As for ADHD, there may be extreme cases that actually do need to be diagnosed and treated, but I think it is far too often used as an excuse for bad behaviour. When I was about 10, I was bullied horribly at school. One of the perpetrators apparently had ADHD and therefore I was told I had to excuse all his nastiness because he couldn't help it.
As it was, I could almost excuse his behaviour a little because I knew his home situation. Even at the age of ten I could tell that he didn't need medication, he needed someone to help him deal with the fact that his mother was dying of cancer. It is obvious that whoever diagnosed him did not look very deep into his life and just decided that there could only be one reason for his acting out: a behavioural disability. I'm certainly no expert, but I would think that a lot of kids who are diagnosed with ADHD really just have other things going on in their lives that they are acting out against
The problem, I think, with adjusting class structure is that it is impossible to cater to every child and every learning style.
Nursie: "You almost were a boy, my little cherry pip.."
Queenie: "What?"
Nursie: "Yeah, out you popped out of you mummy's tumkin and everyone shouted, 'It's a boy! It's a boy!', then somebody said, 'but he doesn't have a winkle.' Then, I said, 'A boy without a winkle? God be praised it's a miracle: a boy without a winkle!' And then, Sir Thomas Moore pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. And everyone was really disappointed.."
It's all very well to observe them in terms of social interactions and cultures, but there's too much hate and wank. And all the intolerance just makes me angry.
The only good thing about those comms is that they inspire f_w.
Ok, my brain just exploded. ML, this is my brother's name. I could not imagine why you would be listing it. And then I noticed the next item on the list was Brian Kinney, and it all made sense.
I started reading Harry Potter when I was nine years old and in year four. My teacher read Stone to us and I loved every minute of it. I bought book four when it came out two months later and never looked back. I have been waiting outside the bookshop at seven in the morning for the 8:31 release for the last three books. I would've slept outside the bookshop had I been in the city, but in the middle of July I'm in Smalltown, NSW, so it wasn't necessary.
BUT. I have been at the first screening of every movie, too. I see them at the movies four or five times each and buy the DVDs the day they are released. I pick apart, analyse and discuss every single detail of every film including how true they are to the books. When I was eleven years old and the first film was released, yes, I was rather annoyed that Neville was not there when they discovered Fluffy, but I was a pedantic obnoxious child (as opposed to the pedantic, slightly-less-annoying teenager that I am now). I've grown past that irritation now, but I still feel it's worth discussing.
I quote both book and movie regularly and sometimes don't even realise I'm doing it until someone laughs.
I love both mediums, and not only when it comes to HP. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The reason I think books should be read before movies are seen is because once the image of a chracter is in your head, it's often very difficult to change. When I read GoF, I still see my Hermione in her blue dress robes, not Emma Watson in her pink dress. But I read LotR after seeing the movies and I will never shake Orlando Bloom as Legolas, which is unfortunate.
The object of the Game is to forget that you are playing the Game.
If you remember the Game, you lose the Game.
When you lose the Game, you must announce this, and explain the rules to anyone who asks about it, thereby infecting them with the Game.
When you have lost the Game, you then have a grace period (~30 minutes) in which to forget the Game, at which point you resume playing the Game once more as outlined above.
Those two gave me hell when I was about 13. I never had speech therapy, but my parental units declared my lisp gone after a couple of years. Nevertheless, I continued to lisp occasionally into early high school and year 7 maths was a lot of statistics so I had to work really hard to be able to say it.
I thtill lapthe thometimeth. Ith not helpful that my name thtarth with Eth.
I think it has its uses. Sometimes you only have enough fresh asparagus to make one dish, and you think you'd really rather save it for the meal where you know the difference will be obvious, instead of, say, the crepe filling.
By the by, chicken and asparagus crepes are to die for!
I think something around my school promotes increase of this hormone. We eat so much toast. Or it could be because we eat our feelings. Or because we're lonely and don't have parents.
Well, no, because Territory Day is a celebration of the territory as a whole. The same way Invasion Day Australia Day is a celebration of Australia, and as such is not called First Fleet Day. The first of July is just an appropriate day to do hold the Territory Day celebration because something significant happened on that day.
Bilby, I have to thank you for stopping my spam. I used to get tons of it, and a lot of it was hilarious. But since you started this list I have been waiting for something amusing to add but my spam-flow is almost nonexistent!
I am in the middle of exam week and I think my brain has already liquified and dribbled out of my ears. How can I make the most of my study time without wanting to impale myself?
I also lurked for a long time before I started commenting. And now sometimes I revert to lurker status because I can't be bothered thinking of anything to say.
Well, it does come from Urban Dictionary, which gives it a fairly low standard to live up to (not that I don't love UD, sometimes). I admit I had to read it a couple of times myself to understand exactly what it was saying.
Maybe it'll make more sense if I read when it's not 4 o'clock in the morning?
This one? "This growing movement of men into frot who disown anal sex is not simply a matter of sexual taste."
Poorly worded, I think. But I believe it means that there's a growing number of men who don't have anal sex any more, and it's not necessarily because they don't like it.
I never claimed not to be argumentative, actually I proudly admit to it :) Besides, I'm a teenager, it's my job. But I still don't think I'd make a good lawyer because I'm too emotional, and have a tendency to resort to insults when I'm losing :D
I have a pencil case that my friend brought me from Germany from a shop called Sheep World and it says "Ohne dich ist alles doof" meaning, "Without you everything is stupid." It then has little pictures that are all labelled "doof". It's adorable. But the point is, that's what I think of whenever I hear ohne. And considering I learn German, that's pretty often.
Clearly I have been Wordie-less too long, considering how much I just rambled about my pencil case.
My mother wants me to be a lawyer, purely because I'm argumentative. I plan to become an interpreter/translator but my secret dream is to be an etymologist.
I don't find it offensive, and I don't honestly think most people would these days, but I think it's frowned upon in formal/polite settings out of habit.
No, I think WeirdNet's right about this one. I don't think of a snicker as highpitched, to me it the sort of laugh you have at someone else's expense. And it's usually done behind your hand, too.
I had my first Wordie dream last night. But it wasn't a dream. It was a place, and you and you and you... and you were there.
It honestly just involved me sitting at the computer and being involved in a spirited Wordie conversation. And then some other non-Wordie stuff happened, but that's not important. But I wish I remember what we were talking about, it was fascinating.
Well, I don't really follow the footy either. I do a bit of tipping and have a few light-hearted arguments with people for the fun of it, but if AFL disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really care.
Japanese has three alphabets (well, Kanji only kinda an alphabet but that's beside the point). Hiragana is for words that were originially Japanese, kanji is for words borrowed from Chinese symbols and katakana is for words borrowed from other languages. For example, the words lettuce and potato. And the Japanese word for bread is "pan" from the French, and the word for a part time job is "beito" which comes from arbeit the German word for work.
So, what I'm trying to say in my round about way is yes, they are just Japanesizations. But no, it's not unusual and it's nothing to do with the Japanese diet. :)
Did anything I just say make any sense, or help at all?
Yuk, frin, I hate those lolly bananas. Our icecream van man used to use them for the mouths of the funny face icecreams and I always picked mine off and threw it away. Yuk.
Everything I know about Chinese symbols I learned from Japanese kanji, but looking at the symbol I can see how that would work. It looks like this if anyone's interested: 麻
Gah. I think it's because I'm used to much faster internet than I'm using at the moment. I did actually refresh this page to check if my edit had created a whole new comment, but it didn't show up :(
My friends and I used to enjoy interpreting it as "ewes" and holding loud conversations/searches for sheep over the top of whatever the person was trying to say to us. I was such an obnoxious child. Still am.
I keep reading ricocereal as "rice-o-cereal" on the comments feed on the homepage and thinking "What has that got to do with anything??" Yes, I'm very smart.
Frin, that Joyce version sounds a bit sus, if you ask me.
I, myself, am far too young to have known the non-PC version, or even to know it ever existed. I was ready with an indignant response when I read the first comment :D
I don't think drugs are involved, I think I read somewehere or other that cows just produce more milk when they are being milked regularly. A wild, free, roaming cow who was not being used for milk would only produce as long as the calf needs it.
The same thing happens with humans. If you breastfeed your child until they're 2 years old (don't, ew), you will keep producing milk for that long.
And to play the role of dismissive carnivore for a moment, yes, farm animals are often treated cruelly, but not eating eggs for the rest of your life is not going to stop breeders from cutting chickens' beaks off.
And c_b's point about cochineal prompted a memory for me :)
My sister has a lot of vegan friends and was right into finding vegan recipes for a while there. One of them was a rather delicious chocolate cake, which she decorated with pink icing. When my mother and I came to visit, she asked the meaning of the cochineal written on the front of the food dye bottle. She was, of course, horrified at the answer.
Comments by plethora
Show previous 200 comments...
plethora commented on the word freddo
Mmm... Haigh's. *drool*
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word freddo
The most common form of fundraising in my school. Currently there are about 8 boxes in the boarding house alone, and more besides in the day school. If I eat another Freddo, or Caramello Koala, I'll explode.
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-end-is-nigh
Not for much longer, John.
Adventures, I can take. 4 more weeks in this joint, I'm not too sure about.
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-end-is-nigh
Thanks rt, I'm sure you haven't jinxed me.
Although, if I fail my Chem exam, I'm blaming you (much easier than admitting I haven't done any work in Chem all year).
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word german exam
Easier than I expected.
November 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word ute
Clearly your sister is not from the country, frin. Country teenagers love a ute.
November 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word a many-splendored thing
See bug boy.
November 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word apprentice jockey
See bug boy.
November 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word ute
If you play with Australians, they'll surely allow it.
November 6, 2008
plethora commented on the list strewth-mate-or-the-antipodean-anhang
Blue heeler? Pfffffft, kelpie all the way.
November 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word different
That sounds like my cousin learning to say cordial, elgiad.
He would repeat each syllable after his mother perfectly, but when the time came to say the whole word it was always cordigal.
November 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word when the revolution comes
When the revolution comes, this joke:
"'Sire, sire, the peasants are revolting!'
'Yes, they certainly are.'"
will be funny again.
November 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word elder v older
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of olderberries!
November 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word punchbowl
Yeah, me too. Much of the most popular content on YouTube sort of makes me despair for the world.
November 5, 2008
plethora commented on the user bonnie
I gave up on hacking the school network when NetFox began its attack. Not worth the time. Plus, y'know, all that studying I have to pretend to do.
November 5, 2008
plethora commented on the user bonnie
The end is indeed nigh.
But too late for what, exactly?
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word punchbowl
Home to interesting characters such as Trent from Punchy.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the user bonnie
True. Which is why I don't use them. But these girls obviously don't care what information they spread across the internet. And most school computers have decent anti-virus, anti-spyware software.
Excellent, thanks. The more you know.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word queue
More polling booths are needed, methinks.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word english reasearch paper
Well, I was watching you then, too.
But I mean that other thing.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word english reasearch paper
Yes, reesetee. Yes I am.
And I saw what you were doing this morning, too. I'm onto you.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the user bonnie
Riiiiiight. Except that these girls can't even spell each others' (other's?) names.
There are a hundred million proxies on the net. Pretty ad-rich, but as soon as the school blocks one you can find a new one.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word internet secretary
All my webcomics have gone political lately.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word fun things to do with your mom
That never would've happened with colour.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word english reasearch paper
Yes, it's a very useful word. I, for one, am always losing my rea.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word english reasearch paper
Nonsense, dc. Sleep is for the weak.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word when the revolution comes
I shall finally have vengeance. Muahahahaha!
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word harp
A girl I once knew plays the harp, and is even building her own. I watched her perform so many times over 3 years that a harp would seem loud to me even if it were barely audible.
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word english reasearch paper
The drama always happens when I sleep. I'm never sleeping again.
Kudos, John :)
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word new york friendship
I like that song :)
November 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word eomer
I don't know, having a dodgy name can be pretty bad. Trust me, I know from experience. Not the worst thing, maybe, but certainly not fun.
I hear Eomer and all I can think is how in the movie he looked like an aardvark.
November 3, 2008
plethora commented on the list emo-ti-cons
:'( ?
November 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word english studies exam
Could've been worse.
November 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word kitty v kitten
I think you just made my day, sionnach.
November 3, 2008
plethora commented on the user payton
Good to know, Payton :)
November 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word books
Every potential wordie list is an existing wordie list :D
November 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word vodila
@bilby: bow chicka wow wow.
November 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list phrases
Why do you hate freedom?
November 1, 2008
plethora commented on the user bonnie
Dc, I love that song! I haven't heard it in ages though.
I, too, am beginning to miss Brookdale_chick.
November 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word peer pressure
kewpid, just wait until you see their dance in the school talent show. They do the same thing every year.
This one time, Kelseyy punched me in the face. It was awesome. Also, I think Bonnie is mad at Brennah because she's the only one who knows about her nose job.
I can't wait to not be a teenager any longer so I don't get lumped in with people like that purely because of age.
November 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Lately when I post a comment I get a 500 error. I have to refresh to see my comment.
October 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word books
There needs to be a list of Bushisms.
My favourite is: "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
October 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word german oral exam
I'll be honest. The "warum hassen Sie..." bit was easy, very simple German. I just couldn't be bothered looking up freedom in the dictionary. And I couldnt have used du anyway, because I was talking to two people.
Now that it's over, I kind of wish that I actually had said it. Still, it actually went pretty well. The moderators were really friendly and the woman got really worked up over my Intensiv Studie.
October 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word wayward wordie
My comment count is about 100 behind my word count. I'm sure I can fix that.
October 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word german oral exam
My lord, I have a cunning plan.
Can someone teach me to say "why do you hate freedom" in German?
I'll just answer every question with that tomorrow and they'll be put off asking me anything else.
October 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word japanese oral exam
October 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word japanese oral exam
Well, I was in a rush this morning so I didn't brush my top left cuspid properly and then the last wisdom tooth has come up only half way through my gum. That's a serious penalty. They suggested I buy a motorised toothbrush - even recommended one. It's called "Super sparkle spinning plaque destroyer!™"
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word �??�?
It's Picasso's <3.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word honey pie
You are making me crazy!
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word year twelve assembly
Hehe. I suppose that's one way to look at it.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word japanese oral exam
I just came back from this, about 5 minutes ago.
Epic fail. That's all I can say.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word graduation slash valedictory ceremony
Badly organised, but still excessively emotional. 70 teenage girls produce a lot of tears. It was the musical performances that did it for me.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word year twelve assembly
I messed up the video that was supposed to play so the assembly was about half the length it was supposed to be. My bad.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word graduation dinner
The most remarkable part of the night was the cannelloni. It was so tasty.
Plus there were some speeches, I gave out some awrds, we took lots of photos. The usual drill.
October 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
I've had the same message. Actually, this is the first time in hours that I've been able to get onto Wordie at all.
October 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word slitch
The house began to pitch, the kitchen took a slitch
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch
Which was not a healthy situation for the Wicked Witch
-- Munchkins, The Wizard of Oz (1939).
October 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word assonance
I strongly dislike this word. Not because of the meaning, and not because I'm sick of year 12 English (although I am that, too), but because its mouthfeel is just so unpleasant.
October 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word snurfle
I'm allergic to teh kittehs.
October 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word unwashed miscreant
I'm related to a few miscreants, washed and un.
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word bug boy
John's going to need his own list, soon.
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
Just putting my two bob in :)
I actually have to find some music to listen to right now before either of these songs lodges itself in the cavity where my brain should be.
October 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word who wants to be a millionaire
I do!
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
I quite like that song, but I'll admit that it can be a rather annoying earworm. Fortunately, the music I am listening to at the moment is catchy enough that just reading the lyrics isn't enough to get the song lodged in my head.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word mouli grater
A cheese grater looks like this, rt. Or occasionally like this (although we generally use that one when zesting).
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word potato ricer
We have one of those. It's a mouli mill in my household and we use it for our tomato soup. Mum's keeping it, so anyone can feel free to buy me a great big one as a housewarming gift when I move out. I wants it, I needs it.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
Gooooiiiin' to the chapellll of luuuuuurve!
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word scungies
I had completely forgotten that these existed. I had some as a kid, in school uniform colours.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word umbrage
I'm not sure I knew the word pre-Harry Potter, to be honest. I was but 12 when Dolores made her debut.
The one and only, bilb. What a rag.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word umbrage
I take umbrage at seeing this written umbridge, which happens disappointingly often. One columnist I know of does it regularly.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word fernando poo
I haven't commented here yet, so I'd just like to say: BAHA!
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word alphabet
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word waiter's friend
A sommelier knife or waiter's friend is a corkscrew in a folding body similar to a pocket knife. An arm extends to brace against the lip of the bottle for leverage when removing the cork. Some sommelier knives have two steps on the lever, and often also a bottle opener. A small hinged knife blade is housed in the handle end for removing the foil wrapping the neck of many wine bottles. These are often considered to be the fastest corkscrews.
-- Wikipedia
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the list x-s-y-where-x-is-not-somebody-s-name
Waiter's friend?
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word morton's toe
My second toes is longer than my big toe. I wouldn't call it a "condition/disorder", though.
October 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word schrödinger's cat
Schrödinger's lolcat.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word brioche
Yes, and that is why they executed her. She got icing all over them!
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word year twelve boarders' last chapel
Tonight there were candles, tear, speeches, tears, presents, tears, the symbolic letting go of the balloons, tears, and did I mention the tears? Oh, and so many photos.
Afterwards, we went out for coffee, on the boarding house's credit card. More photos. I'm still hyped up.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word many more of them live next door
*band begins to play*
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word underpants
Very few Wordies have underpants, actually.
I wonder if that says anything about us, as a group.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-end-is-nigh
inorite! It's just not cricket.
Maybe I should give Bob a call and have him come talk to the school authorities.
He can come to our parties, too. Any man who can chug a yard glass in eleven seconds is welcome.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word muck up day
It's not banned everywhere. There are some schools that still allow it. All the private schools in Adelaide still had it up until last year. I think the pig's head that someone from Sacred Heart brought to school may have contributed to its banning.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-end-is-nigh
Our school has a new head of senior school, and with her came the banning of huge number of our traditions, one of them being Muck Up Day. Don't even get me started on how angry we are, haha.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
Cassini ring.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word hawaiian shirts
I had a black and white one when I was kid, dc.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-end-is-nigh
Actually Asa, at this point, that sounds preferable to what I have to do.
Pro! Thank you! I just couldn't think of the word last night.
October 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word japanese exam
The main reason I didn't finish the exam is because I obsessively look up everything about which I have the slightest doubt in the dictionary. And that uses up all my time.
Plus, it's very humbling to go from a class of 6 to an exam hall of 40, and to be the only caucasian in the room. Especially after my Korean friends had just finished telling how close Japanese and Korean are and that that was why most of the people studying Japanese were Korean. I'll be honest. I was shit-scared.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the user bilby
I'm loving these palindromes, bilb. Highly amusing.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word japanese exam
Two and a half hours. 23 pages. I didn't finish.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word cry
I think crying is healthy. Depending on the reason behind it, I have been known to enjoy it. I pick movies purely because I know they'll make me cry.
Besides, if I didn't let myself cry to release the stress occasionally (increasingly, as the end of highschool and my exams draw nearer, tbh), I'd be a wreck.
Obviously if there's something unpleasant making you cry, that's not a good thing. But tears come hand-in-hand with so many emotions that I think the worst thing about crying is that it messes up your make-up.
P.S. That quote is pretty depressing, c_b.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word suck
Not at all, c_b. Lady Macbeth is teh alsome. I can see why she'd stick in your mind.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word cheesed off
I don't care how fucking runny it is - hand it over with all speed.
He was definitely cheesed off.
October 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word winnie-the-pooh
Willy nilly silly old bear.
October 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
�?��?��?��?� is definitely Japanese. It's pronounced hodot�?i.
October 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word fille
That would be fillies (singular: filly).
October 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word shepherd's pie
I don't know, shepherds tend to be pretty hairy.
October 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word vorpal
No way. He totally invented D&D.
October 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word only time will tell if i am right or i am wrong
We can work it out.
October 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word vorpal
Charles Dodgson :)
October 8, 2008
plethora commented on the list that-could-have-gone-better
How about bomb or bungle?
October 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word grandfather paradox
Martha: It's like in the films! You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race!
The Doctor: (Bemused) I'll tell you what then, don't.... step on any butterflies. What have butterflies ever done to you?
Martha: What if.... I dunno! What if I kill my grandfather?!
The Doctor: Are you planning to?
Martha: No.
The Doctor: Well, then.
Doctor Who, The Shakespeare Code (2007).
October 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word she's a big teaser, she took me half the way there
I tried to please her.
October 7, 2008
plethora commented on the list my-little-phonies
Trivet, I cannot tell you how many illustrations on pencil cases, folders, lunch boxes etc I have taken a Sharpie to. It's great fun, I can understand your cousin's motivation.
October 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word 37
October 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word suddenly, i'm not half the man i used to be.
So am I, Pro.
October 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word suddenly, i'm not half the man i used to be.
That was rude of her.
October 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word suddenly, i'm not half the man i used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
October 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word orientated
I think I say disoriented but use orientated in other situations.
October 5, 2008
plethora commented on the user pterodactyl
I'm not sure. I suppose the teacher assumed that we were trying to get out of reading, because really, who reads a dictionary word by word?
What she didn't get is that we both loved reading. While our classmates were struggling through their BSC and "Aussie Bites", 100 page novels (and hating every minute), we were reading adult fiction, which found so absorbing that we couldn't just read for 15 minutes and then stop (I still can't do that. It's torture).
Plus, we were having fun and learning new words (and partly we were doing it to be smart arses. Fun was discouraged whenever possible, and I think the teacher hated having to mark our spelling words each week because she didn't know what half the words meant, herself.
October 5, 2008
plethora commented on the user pterodactyl
Perhaps you could mention reverse dictionaries, pter? I have always found them fascinating for some reason.
When I was in year 6, we had 15 minutes of compulsory reading time every day. My equally book-nerdy friend and I both felt that 15 minutes wasn't enough time to enjoy any sort of narrative, so we each brought in a dictionary and started reading at A. We only lasted a week before we were told off and our dictionaries confiscated.
My favourite dictionary is the Macquarie, I must say.
October 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word emu parade
In my country town School o' Ferals, known as scab duty.
October 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word jean dimmock
October 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
I have been known to...
*shifty eyes*
October 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word cornobble
Must be a halibut named Eric.
October 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word moist
There's a Facebook group.
October 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word coleslaw
Ew, the second definition has that horrible m-word in it! As if I needed any other reasons to hate coleslaw.
October 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word pronunciation filter
Well, if I hadn't already gone PRO, I would for this.
October 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word queer
This word will always remind me of Enid Blyton. Always.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word slitheen
The Slitheen were a family of Raxacoricofallapatorians who attempted to create nuclear war on Earth with an aim towards complete destruction. They intended to sell the remains as fuel (Aliens of London/World War Three).
Later, a survivor of their clash with the Doctor became Mayor of Cardiff and proposed the building of a nuclear reactor with intentional faults in order to blow up the Earth (Boomtown).
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word silurian
The Silurians were Earth's first sentient beings. They were technologically advanced and had a third eye that gave them telepathic powers. They first appeared in Doctor Who and the Silurians.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word racnoss
The Racnoss are a race destroyed by the Gallifreyans before the formation of the Earth. The survivors fled in a ship which created the gravitational pull to form the Earth and have hibernated there since. In the 2006 Christmas special, the Empress of the Racnoss used huon particles to attempt to awaken the rest of her race but the Doctor drowned them all by draining the Thames.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word plasmavore
A blood-sucking near-human. A plasmavore calling herself "Florence Finnegan" appeared in Smith and Jones. She used a red and white straw to suck her victims dry. It was she that the Judoon were seeking.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word judoon
Rhinocerous-headed Galactic police-for-hire. Or, as the Doctor put it, "interplanetary thugs". In Smith and Jones, they transported the Royal Hope Hospital (conveniently containing the Doctor and Martha Jones) to the moon to seek out a plasmavore.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word macra
The macra are a race of giant crab-like creatures who feed on a gas that is toxic to humans. They first appeared in The Macra Terror with the Second Doctor who fought to free a colony of humans they kept as slaves. After billions of years, they degenerated into feral creatures who lived at the bottom of the motorway and fed off exhaust fumes and stray humans (Gridlock).
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word carrionite
An entirely female species who follow a science based on words so that they are thought of as witches. They rewrote the final lines of a Shakespeare play in order to summon the rest of their race to Earth.
Appeared in The Shakespeare Code.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word pig slave
The Cult of Skaro genetically modified humans to create a race of slaves. The pig slaves then captured more humans and those of low intelligence were converted into more pig slaves.
Appeared in Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word sycorax
Humanoids with an endo- and exoskeleton who controlled a third of the Earth's population through blood control and threatened to kill them unless the Earth surrendered to being sold into slavery.
The Sycorax leader cut off the Tenth Doctor's right hand in a sword fight. But he was only 15 hours into his regeneration cycle so it grew back. Yep.
Appeared in the 2005 Christmas special, The Christmas Invasion.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word cyberman
A race of cyborgs first appearing in the serial The Tenth Planet, which was the last to feature the First Doctor (William Hartnell). Cybermen originated Earth's twin planet Mondas as an attempt by Dr Kit Pedler to prolong life.
In New Who, they were created by John Lumic on Earth in a parallel universe. They also crossed into our universe where they proceeded to trash talk some daleks.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word adipose
A race of blobs of fat. Originally, they came from the planet Adipose III, which was taken by Davros. After they lost their home planet, they started breeding on Earth.
Appeared in season 4, episode 1, Partners in Crime.
October 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word complimentary skin-care kit
I'll have one of those. But hold the moist.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word english
All those paradoxes are why I have a love/hate relationship with this language. It's fascinating, but it can be a pain in the proverbial.
A friend who was in Germany on exchange recently told us that in her host sister's English class they were learning about homonyms and such. She was asked to read a poem similar to that list and she was completely lost.
I have the greatest sympathy with anyone learning English as a second language. Kudos.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word shower roster
As in using.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word beetroot
Hehehe, classic. No worse than Lube Mobile, though.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word beetroot
Americans don't use root the same way we do, do they? So it wouldn't be considered taboo?
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word beetroot
I'm indifferent to beetroot. But I've never eaten it.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word extra-slanty italics
I hope that this won't be added to the some html is allowed window. We don't want the plebs finding out about it.
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list ugly-words-3
*gasp* How could you malign squid?
Wordies love squid
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word random
Noone says "like, wow."
October 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list •-wordie-pro
I'm going to have nightmares about this list tonight.
September 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word always be right
*taps foot, waiting for gangerh*
September 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word bulk add
Make it stop!
September 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word fuck
It would be tricky to build up the momentum necessary to jump Dara Torres the 13.75ft into this conversation.
September 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word cold pizza for breakfast
I think I actually like cold, post-party breakfast pizza more than I like it fresh. Leftovers are definitely the best part of the morning after.
September 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
I'm with you, yarb.
September 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word :-(
September 28, 2008
plethora commented on the list please-add-these-words
I like fuck. I don't think I agree with this idea.
But I do agree that monsyllabic words are underrated. I quite like dearth, now that you mention it, yarb.
September 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word suprecilious
Oh, that is sad! What a horrible thing to happen to such an fantastic building.
I'll be honest: as a teenager, my main gripes with Supre are the music, the sluttiness and the fact that the sizing is such that anyone past puberty can't fit into their clothes.
September 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word suprecilious
Looking with disdain at those who shop at Supre.
September 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word world of warcraft
You lived with my cousin?
September 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word say you don't want no diamond ring
I don't care too much for money.
September 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word cubby house
I was deprived of a cubby house in my childhood. I was always jealous of our neighbours, whose father built one for them. The worries of a seven-year-old :)
What are they called everywhere else?
September 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word esky
What about the hills hoist?
September 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word �? �? �? ▬ ▬ ▬ �? �? �?
I'll send an �? �? �? ▬ ▬ ▬ �? �? �? to the world.
September 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word clink
Someone does now, c_b.
September 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word arse about tit
See also arse over tit - upside down. This was another one I got from my mum: "Stop running! You'll fall arse over tit in a minute."
September 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word blue moon
Without a song in my heaaaaaaart, without a love of my ooooooooown!
September 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list rose-varieties
I love this list. I love roses. When I was a kid we had a huge garden full of roses, lovingly slaved over by my mother. My two favourites are called winsome and blue moon.
September 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word 11:11
I always look at the clock at 11:11 as well.
I have a friend who sees the number eleven everywhere. She freaks out whenever she sees it. I suppose this is her least favourite time of day.
September 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word insomnia
Last time I checked the clock, it was half past eleven!
September 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list yes-minister
I wish I'd been old enough to enjoy this properly when it was on. I remember watching it with my mum, and probably laughing, but I doubt I ever got the jokes.
September 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
How recently is recently, b? Because I've accidentally added the same word to one list twice numerous times: when I've been impatient with my internet and hit the add button twice. So it's been possible the couple of months I've been active.
September 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word google
Working fine on my side of the planet, Pro :D
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word help!!
Thanks to you, she, now I find I've changed my mind; I've opened up the doors.
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word 0_o
It's sort of surprised/wtf. Y'know, that look people get when they find something disturbing.
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word help!!
Are you finding, seanahan, that you need She like you've never done before?
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the list words-that-have-del-regenerated-del-flourished-magnificently-into-queen-or-beatles-or-johnny-tillotson-songs
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word revolution
We all want to change the world.
Don't we?
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-doctor-doctor-who
Good idea.
September 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word foreman
Prompted the first use of the phrase Doctor who? When Susan's teachers - Ian and Barbara - meet the Doctor, Ian calls him Doctor Foreman and he says 'Hmm? What's that? Doctor who?"
September 9, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-doctor-doctor-who
Nice list, Lampbane :)
Would you mind adding me as a contributor? As I said, I've been watching a lot of DW lately and I could add worlds and monsters etc as I encounter them...
September 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word git
Stylistically, I prefer the look of -ie to -y. I spell my nickname with an -ie, and I really hate seeing it written with a -y. But that's just me.
Git is definitely an appropriate descriptor for the Dr.
September 9, 2008
plethora commented on the list glory-glory
September 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word insomnia
Not these days, Pro. The greatest privilege of year 12 is having to share only a bathroom and with just one person. And although my bathroommate is a slob who occasionally locks me out and always leaves the light on, it's worth it for the 2am Doctor Who and homework sessions.
As for whether we're moving, westward or otherwise, I have no authority to speak on the matter.
I am actually going to bed now. I have a Chem test in the morning.
September 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word doctor who
It occurs to me that there is not a DW list on Wordie. At least not one that I can find.
Unfortunately, I am too much a newbie to the fandom, and too busy watching old episodes, to make one myself :P
September 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word insomnia
Hmm, what to do? I could a) go to bed and have a 70/30 chance of laying awake pretending/wishing it were possible for me to sleep before at least two a.m. or b) watch another episode of Doctor Who on youtube.
A friend of mine is having me do a sleep log for her psychology class. I should be able to give her some interesting results.
September 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word help!!
Maybe. But now those days are gone and he's not so self-assured.
September 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word going swimmingly
I once had a teacher who delighted in saying this at every single swimming carnival our school had.
September 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word help!!
Help her get her feet back on the ground.
September 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word advertising
The most amusing ad I've seen on Wordie is one for weight loss over on hummus.
September 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word ttly
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word ttyl
Talk To You Later.
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word no money no talk
Is "just take it and leave me alone" still forbidden if you're being mugged?
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list surf-it-scroll-it-click-it-load-it
How about WorldWideWeb, the first ever browser? They renamed it later, I think, to avoid confusion. I can't remember what the name was changed to and I'm too tired to look it up.
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word why do you hate freedom
Haha, probably not, b. And I've got about another 5 on top of it.
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list surf-it-scroll-it-click-it-load-it
Hee! Good one gangerh!
September 4, 2008
plethora commented on the list http-www-orbitmerchantsolutions-com
Wasn't the first example of the Wordie Treatment mi-vox's profile? That was purely comments.
September 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word why do you hate freedom
Well, I for one am a Martian. And I get the distinct feeling bilby is as well. Those ears are definitely not earthly.
September 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bakeneko
Does being viscous make shapeshifting easier or harder?
September 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word seven empty cups and a salt shaker
This is what I found on my roommate's bathroom counter when I walked in this afternoon. Presumably she's taking them from the dining room, because I didn't think we had that many cups in our upstairs kitchen. Or any salt, for that matter. The question of why she has them is one I'm not quite well enough to delve into.
September 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word lock in weekend
Indeed. The staff like to refer to it as the Big Weekend In, at least when talking to the parents, but we all know the truth.
Ostensibly the point is to help the everyone get to know each other and whatnot, but in reality it's a way of wearing out new girls so they don't have the energy to miss their parents and to prevent older girls from going to Big Day Out.
Also, I meant to hyphenate this. It should be lock-in weekend.
September 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
All characters are looking fine on my end.
But yes, the homepage is borked by about two hours. The last comment I see is mollusque's on c_b's Words of Dinosaurology list.
August 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word grand rapids, michigan
Yeah, but then we'd all have to go live in Tasmania...
August 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word grottsville
My bathroom. My roommate is a filth wizard.
August 30, 2008
plethora commented on the list mandles-candles-for-men
I quite like the aptly named dad's gum. I remember my father always smelling like chewies as well.
August 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word sports injury
Ew, imagine filling your house with the scent of Deep Heat or Tiger Balm. *hork*
August 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word cack
I've only ever used this, or heard it used, as in cacked myself laughing.
August 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word cack-handed
Feels good.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word wronghander
Hoyes. She will be trained from her youngest days, as I suspect Auntie C trained me.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word washitsu
When I build my dream house, it's going to have one of these. It may not even be a guest room; I might just want to go hang out there occasionally and warm myself at the kotatsu.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word cacky-hander
As a kid, I found this term very upsetting. Mum uses it as a joke, but siblings and family friends turned it into a weapon against me. Maybe I was (am) just an over-sensitive kid.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word wronghander
I am also a lefty, rt. Let us unite in the name of cacky-handers everywhere!
There is a strange pattern of lefthandedness in my family actually. I'm a lefty, as is my Auntie C. C has an auntie who is lefthanded and and I believe she has a lefty aunt too. That's as far back as I know my family tree, alas. I'm just waiting for a niece!
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word wronghander
Everyone is born right-handed. Only the gifted overcome it.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word rainbow nation
Coined by Desmond Tutu to describe post-apartheid South Africa.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word fructed
I thought Fructus was a shampoo.
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word double rainbow
Ooh, so pretty!
August 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word frisjoli longhi
They look really tasty.
August 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word munchkin
Er.. *shifty eyes* I may not have actually been in Italy. There's a Carnevale festival here every year, but this is South Australia, so perhaps it's not the most authentic Italian cuisine... But the bloke selling them was a first generation Italian immigrant. I knew his wife, so he used to sometimes just give me random food. It was quite good.
They weren't quite like that Pro, they were just long sticks. I am beginning to get the suspicion that Dom just made them up.
August 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word supercalifreakinawesome
Oh but there is a connection: His name is Manny Toppings!
Y'know, cause the ad is about lots of toppings on your pizza... um, yeah, sounds stupid when you write it out, but I still love this word.
August 27, 2008
plethora commented on the user chained_bear
Yay! Congratulations c_b!
What was your ten thousandth word?
August 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word munchkin
As long as it tastes good, who cares if it's a doughnut or a donut hole??
Personally, I like these long Italian doughnut-sort-of things that I had at Carnivale a few years ago. I can't remember what they're called though. Maybe Pro can help out?
August 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word hir
I pronounce this like I'm speaking German - the same as hear.
August 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word my generation
OMG, lyuds, sounds like we're like, part of the same like, generation. That's hott, lololol.
August 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word my generation
"People try to put us down"...
Quite frankly, sometimes I can't blame them.
August 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word were you born in a barn
I had a smart arse answer for this when I was a kid. I said "Mum, Jesus was born in a barn." And she looked at me in that way that only a mother can and said, "Yes, and look where it got him."
-- Wil Anderson
August 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word orly
ya rly!
August 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word gaytarded
Ugh. I hate the use of gay as an insult. Unfortunately it's mostly my generation that's popularised it. "Like, omg, ur so gay!" Just, no.
I agree rt, it's definitely not brilliant. What a horrible word.
August 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word munchkin
I like this word because it reminds me of The Wizard of Oz.
I think I need to create an Oz list, actually. It's pretty much consuming my brain at the moment, and will continue to do so until I've finished school.
August 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word rain
I also love rain. Which is a good thing because it has pretty much rained all month in Adelaide.
August 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmorealise
I thought this had something to do with commemorating marmots.
August 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word 42
It took seven and a half million years to come up with the answer. You can't just expect me to know the question off the top of my head!
August 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word 42
But what exactly is the question?
August 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word airbag-induced corneal flap
Sounds like a Sailor Moon attack, if you ask me.
Also, ew.
August 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word corn
That's odd. I also pronounce it "corn".
Funny old world, innit?
August 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word bmx
Ahaha, Steven Bradbury, what a champ!
August 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word scaramouche
Will you let him go?
August 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word scaramouche
Spare him his life from this monstrosity.
August 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word chuck norris
Chuck Norris can believe it's not butter.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word wrbl
*catches the cupcake in her mouth* *chomp*
Hungermonger? Ha!
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word wrbl
*tucks in*
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word wrbl
Ooh, some for me too, please!
I'm absolutely starving. That's what I get for sleeping through dinner.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
*picks up butterfly sponge and dusts it off*
Still good! *nomnomnom*
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list words-and-phrases-i-picked-up-from-my-mother
Unfortunately she still considers the internet to be nothing more than a tool. Oh, and a way to swap email jokes.
I really need to start writing the things she says down when I'm on the phone to her. I always notice them, but by the time I get near Wordie again, I've forgotten.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
Leftover cupcakes?
What a ludicrous idea!
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list eternal-questions
Nope. I have a feeling it's lost forever, b.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word bubble wrap
The Stupid Test.
Any idea how many colours there are for that ball, frin? I managed to change it twice.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
nom nom nom.
August 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word beauty-disadvantaged
Mt Isa needs help with advertising.
What's it got going for it at the moment - desperate men and high lead levels? Sign me up!
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
Clearly, I did not define my point well enough. The general gist of your second paragraph matches what I was saying: that in order for the label "eternal" to no longer apply, there must be one chosen answer, no matter how clearly that answer is defined.
However, I would have to say that the word "answer" is an ambiguous one. Can the 20 candidates for the answer to the eternal question still be referred to as "answers"?
Why thank you, my good bear. Don't mind if I do.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
It is an indefinable evil. It is more addicive than the strongest narcotic.
Personally, my life depends on its continued existence.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word sea holly
zelena zelena :)
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
The internet knew, apparently.
The internet knows all...
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
They're not answers, though, they're just possible answers. So the question remains eternal because people are eternally trying to decide which of the 20 clearly defined answers is the most suitable.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word does a bear shit in the woods
Here we go again.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word what shall we do with the drunken sailor
Well, if there was a clearly defined answer, it wouldn't be eternal, would it?
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
I don't think so rt, but when I was searching for a link for this page, I did discover that apparently you also get to celebrate National Chocolate Cupcake Day (18 October) and National Lemon Cupcake Day (15 December), although their authenticity seems questionable.
There are just not enough confectionary related holidays in the world.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word artefact
This is another of those situations where I couldn't tell you which spelling I favour, just because I've never really thought about it, it just comes to me.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word rspca
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the list creative-phone-answering
Does that happen even if they were added by two different people?
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word maltesers
... I knew that. I was just testing you.
*shifty eyes*
haha, thanks :)
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word national cupcake day
Today (18/08/2008) is National Cupcake Day, as I just heard on the radio. It's a fundraising initiative for the RSPCA (how appropriate).
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word maltesers
I actually prefer violet crumble to crunchie, because crunchie has that thicker, chewier stuff at the edges, and that's what gets stuck in my teeth. Whereas violet crumble is, well, crumblier.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word always and forever
This reminds me of an episode of a TV show I watched as a kid called "Round the Twist". The lead girl threw out a doll from her childhood that walked and said "cuddle me" when it was turned on. Then it stalked her and she heard its voice all over the place. It did get pretty by the end, actually.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word maltesers
Someone's half-eaten Crunchie.
Honeycomb is the stuff in Crunchies. It's yellower, denser and gets stuck in your teeth more easily. IMHO.
August 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word maltesers
What wikipedia calls sponge toffee is called honeycomb here, but that's the stuff that is in Crunchies and Violet Crumbles (yum, btw) which is not the same as what's in Maltesers.
Edit: Cross section of a Malteser.
Edit2: Apparently I can't create two external links in one comment?
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the list eternal-questions
Don't think I haven't considered it, Pro, but I'm running out of net credit fast. Besides, I'm not even sure if it was on Wordie...
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Someone actually attempted to figure it out.
Jeeves (at used to answer this with "Which do you mean - African or European swallow?" but Jeeves is now gone and so are all his Easter eggs :(
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the list eternal-questions
Thanks, rol. Now if I could just remember the question that sparked the idea late on Thursday night... It was hilarious, but it continues to escape me :(
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the list creative-phone-answering
*ahem* pit of despair has been added twice :D
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word maltesers
Honeycomb? Isn't it malt? Hence the name maltesers?
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word the great question of life, the universe and everything
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word limerance
I think I've found my word for the next Identify the Wordie!
August 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word palaver
August 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word slouch hat
Bilby, you need to bracket supercalifreakinawesome plskthx.
Double the toppings right to the edge!
August 15, 2008
plethora commented on the list scambiguous
Milosrdenstvi, I think something's wrong with your link :)
August 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word insomnia
I have the world's longest weekend ahead of me. I need to go to sleep. *attempts to knock self out with heavy folder*
August 14, 2008
plethora commented on the list roy-g-biv
August 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word synchronized proper q-tip use
A cotton bud?
August 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word wet bread
Of course there is. It's Wordie.
August 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word synchronised fawning over michael phelps
There's a gold medal winning team for this one in the boarding house. They also participate in synchronised googling pictures of eamon sullivan.
August 13, 2008
plethora commented on the list roy-g-biv
Thanks rt and skip, excellent contributions :)
August 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word has had less sleep than anyone
Pro, apparently.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word rainbow squid
I wish these existed.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list roy-g-biv
Aw, cute!
Thanks, bilby. My life's goal is to discover a rainbow squid down in the depths.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word miru
I caught a whiff at the age of about 11. That was enough for me, actually. Still, there'd be worse tortures.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word how the birds got their colours
A dreamtime story. I suspect I loved the picture book because it was so colourful.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word miru
Death by Kava doesn't sound too bad a way to go.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word dial-a-squid hotline
Oh, yeah, about that... *scuffs toe of her shoe on the ground* y'see, my phone bill is already quite high, and the parental unit is this close to confiscating it, and... well, I'm sorry, ok?
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word tailgating event
Well, it's about time I made a tappen joke, I think :P
Sorry, c_b.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word swiss army knife
Apparently the Swiss soldier left Wordie.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word axolotl
I've always wanted a pet axolotl.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word poncho
Everything has to be huge with you, doesn't it rt?
Huge head, huge desk... tsk.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word paternity claims, please place your genitals on the receiver and press firmly
I hope you've got some disinfectant wipes ;)
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word tailgating event
To prevent untimely tappen ejections?
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word c-3po
Poor Threepio, abandoned again. Without even R2-D2 to keep him company.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word shakespearean insult service, thou gleeking, beef-witted moldwarp
I accept, thou sodden-witted whoreson, ere I trounce thee so that priests must become mockers, if they shall encounter such ridiculous subjects as you.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word shakespearean insult service, thou gleeking, beef-witted moldwarp
Peace, fat guts. The tartness of thy face sours ripe grapes.
P.S. I'm an excellent dodger. Noone is nailing me with any rotten fruit. Not that they'd want to, I'm also an excellent actor :P
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word shakespearean insult service, thou gleeking, beef-witted moldwarp
Thou ape of death! All that is within thee does condemn itself for being there.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word shakespearean insult service, thou gleeking, beef-witted moldwarp
I bite my thumb at thee bilby.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list betarish-s-words
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word shakespearean insult service, thou gleeking, beef-witted moldwarp
Every potential Wordie list is an existing Wordie list :)
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegemite
Oh great, now that song is going to be suck in my head all day! *hums*
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word digressive consultive
You're not the only one, rt.
I sometimes have to be forcibly ejected from people's rooms during prep time. Fortunately, my current roommate is as bad as me, and we just chat all the time. Neither of us get anything done but we enjoy ourselves.
August 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word brent
I was just on my way over to pow to ask what this meant. You read my mind, bilby.
Are you, by any chance, The One?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word informavore
One who devours information, I presume?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word analphabet
Of course not! Outrageous joy in the face of new words - that's what Wordie is all about :D
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word chronic refresher syndrome
Hehe. Unfortunately, I don't.
That's to do with insomnia, though.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word chronic refresher syndrome
I think this kicks in for me at about the time I decide I am going to go to bed. I refresh a couple of times, then go brush my teeth. Then I refresh some more, then I put on my pajamas. Then I refresh and make sure my room is vaguely tidy so I don't have to rush in the morning. Then I refresh 893465 more times and then I close my laptop and go to bed.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word saleratus
There's a first time for everything, rt.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word tailgating event
Hmm, well, UD says something about drinking in car parks or something (Netfox blocked the full definition), but to me it brings to mind a sort of convoy of 4WDs...
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word poncho
I don't think so, I don't get an error message, and there's nothing in the URL that Netfox is likely to block. I just get 5.jpg where the photo should be...
Edit: I don't know what changed, but I can now see it. I'm definitely in for group ponchoing.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word poncho
I cannot see that picture. Weird.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list me-and-my-life
This is me not laughing at your list.
P.S. See Wordie Treatment.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word bonnie doon
How's the serenity.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
Bonnie Doon?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word digressive consultive
I am this person!
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
I don't think you ruined it, but maybe the fun does need to be drawn out a little longer :)
You want to put two giant stainless steel hollow balls on someone's pelvis?! Ouch.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word yak shaving
Could it have been on yak-shaving?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
That's a crazy, outlandish idea you've got there c_b, I don't think it'll work.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list wrap-sheet
Do ponchos count?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
They might be stolen...
Nothing against Coober, of course.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-mind-baubles
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word tuppie
You and I must have the same friends, bilb.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
So, I'll meet you at the Shrubbery Balls?
No, I don't think that sounds right...
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word obsidian
Often used to describe the colour of eyes.
Or perhaps that's just in the fanfic I read.
I'm sure I've read it somewhere else, though.
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-mind-baubles
You have food?
I need food.
Is there caffeine in it?
I need caffeine!
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
Well, why don't we name it after the place we're going to put it?
Where are we going to put it?
August 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word stainless steel hollow ball
Stack two on top of each other and you've got an excellent meeting place.
August 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word deplore
THIS is the words I was trying to think of on Friday! *headdesk* Why, why, WHY would it not come to mind?
August 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word apparitional eatery
August 10, 2008
plethora commented on the user john
I protest!
August 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word pangolin
whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa!
Dc, no... what?
No retiring, plzkthx.
Let's not let this page become another repeat of vegetarian, kk, everyone?
August 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word almira gulch
By the time I finish my individual study for English this year, I suspect I will know Oz backwards.
August 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word mary sue
Mary-Sue wouldn't wear crocs! She's far too stylish/gothic.
August 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word duck shit
August 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word bullet-proof bra
Do tell, dc.
August 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word Ȫ
I saw a diamond ring first, but I can see the anger as well.
Maybe it's angry about its monobrow.
August 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word pear shaped
I've heard it a lot in Australia, but my original love for pear shaped comes from The Thin Blue Line.
August 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word i do all the pleasing with you
*hangs head in shame*
I'm sorry. I've been trying to control my compulsions.
Take That did a cover, you know.
August 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word as rare as frog's penises
Rarer than hen's teeth.
I just realised I commented on frog penises 3 months ago but never listed this.
August 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word bullet-proof bra
Wait, so, how exactly is a normal bra dangerous when worn in combination with a bullet-proof vest?
August 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word [pastiche]
Hee! hehehe. Root! *is juvenile*
I wonder where busted comment IDs 95811-6 are...
August 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word i do all the pleasing with you
But you know there's always rain in my heart.
I do all the pleasin' with you.
It's so hard to reason with you.
Please Please Me.
Ha! I stole your MO, gangerh! Take that! :P
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word had
John, you slack bastard, leave some fairy cakes for the rest of us!
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word nakey
In my school environment. Overused because I think it's fun, amusing word in a childish way, (and also in a Potter Puppet Pals kind of way), but it is too often used in the context of teenage girls talking about their latest sexual exploits, and it just bothers me that this juvenile word is connected with something that's supposed to mean that they're all grown up and stuff.
Or something. I don't know.
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word frickin'
Why is this not on the mondegreens list?
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word scrapple
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word like
Is it amusing to anyone else that at the bottom of that poster the "e" has been left out of "awareness"?
August 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word tyramine
Whoa. No need to get so worked up! What's a little fatality between friends?
August 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word bunny
August 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word fire alarm
Awwwww! *is goo*
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word fire alarm
omigawd! Talk about drama.
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word burglar alarm
That's right!
We are now the Knights who say "Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing."
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word burglar alarm
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word burglar alarm
I'm sorry. I don't mean to bring my teen angst onto Wordie.
This is not the place for it.
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word burglar alarm
Somewhere I'm not surrounded by nasty, inconsiderate teenage girls.
There are places I could go if I ever did run away from the boarding house. I have family and friends in the city who would take me in. In reality, I doubt it'll ever happen. Getting out is not the hard bit, it's getting back in that's the problem.
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word burglar alarm
The only thing preventing my escape right now.
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word fire alarm
We had two last night, exactly 1 hour and 11 minutes apart. 2:11am and 3:22am. Luckily I have a really warm dressing gown.
August 3, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
Don't worry Pro, I suck worse :D
Sionnach is totally a stripper. And a peeler, too.
I defend sunflower as a logical choice for dontcry :P
Sunflowers turn with the sun to always get the most sunlight. That's how I picture dc on The Porch. Slowly turning the deckchair...
P.S. Thanks for setting this up, bilby :) Much fun was had.
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word uva
You can buy porn in the supermarket?
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word svelte
I think this is a really sexy word. I don't know why.
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
Ahahaha! epic fail!
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word uva
Ooh, burn!
XXXX is festy.
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list weirdly-pronounced-british-family-or-place-names
Like "strawn", usually. There are a bunch of variations on the spelling, I'm pretty sure, but I can never remember how to spell them...
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word toefl
Yay Pro! Way to kick toefl butt!
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list weirdly-pronounced-british-family-or-place-names
August 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
Darqueau, are you aware you have groovin' twice? :)
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word kala rau
I believe I once read/was read a picture book of this story in primary school...
I didn't know it was Balinese mythology, though.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word claudius
Current bane of my life and destroyer of my upcoming weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love Hamlet, I just don't want to get up and talk to the class about his incestuous, murdering uncle on Monday.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
Uh-huh. Me too.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word fee-ee-ee-ee-ww-ww-ww-kreng
Please elaborate. Under what circumstances did the opportunity to push a piano off a 3rd storey balcony arise?
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
The home page is broken?
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word the porch
Call out the Wordie Cleaning Squad!
When she wakes up, it will all seem like a terrible dream.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word rialto
Tip your waitresses! Tip 'em right over.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word a wedge of cheese
Well, that depends on how you pronounce again. For me it doesn't rhyme, for you it obviously doesn't rhyme, but for many people it does.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list wordie-house
Another addition to the Wordie neighbourhood!
Just a short walk from the Verbal Arms and the Psychedelicatessen is on the corner, next to the park where the Mandatory Picnic is being held.
...Someone needs to draw a map of this neighbourhood.
August 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word ∞
Ahahaha! That really shouldn't be that funny! Bed time, methinks.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word quisquilian
You could. But would you want to? Do you really want worthless muesli?
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word ∞
hehehe! That was atrocious!
So why am I laughing so hard?
Reminds me of:
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word ∞
That's what my kindergarten teacher actually told me it was when I asked. "It's a lazy eight. It's lying down and has fallen asleep".
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list summer-olympics-beijing-2008
Oh, yes, good idea! Very topical.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word hipster
Weirdnet, you are so far out of date that your meaning is the opposite of the current.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word wild-track
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word chunder
I had a friend once who, as revenge for always being the one supporting people while they horked their guts up, developed her own little ditty:
Chunderstruck! Yeah, yeah, yeah, chunderstruck!
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word boatel
It's a postcard... surely they could just put a fifty cent stamp on it, address it and mail it to you...
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
That's reassuring, then. Phew.
P.S. Sakhalinskii, I don't get it.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word bibble
And in Genoa, 'tis now the fashion to pin a live frog to the shoulder braid, stand in a bucket and go "bibble" at passers by.
-- Edmund Blackadder
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word a minge of badgers
Minge? Really?
How awkward.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word orthophobia
Fear of property, apparently.
What does that even mean?
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word levophobia
Fear of objectsto the left side of the body.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word geniophobia
Fear of chins.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word euphobia
Fear of hearing good news.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word deipnophobia
Fear of dining or dinner conversations.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word aulophobia
Fear of flutes.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word consecotaleophobia
Fear of chopsticks.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word arachibutyrophobia
Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word lamington
Ooh, yes, my school has lamington drives. I don't know what they use the money for, but they must get a lot, lamingtons sell fast.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word nipslip
See also wardrobe malfunction.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word the porch
:O Surely not!
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list lost-for-word
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the user whichbe
Well done whichbe! 10,000 words is quite the achievement.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word bee's knees
Think of a bee,
You are its knees.
You waft through me like a summer's breeze.
Can I come 'round Tuesday please?
-- Bernard L. Black, Black Books
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word netfox
Netfox is currently not allowing me to watch the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer. I have never hated it more.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word ground
Weirdnet: (v): dance by rotating the pelvis in an erotically suggestive way, often while in contact with one's partner such that the dancers' legs are interlaced
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
Nawww! I love you too, dc :)
Really, rt? That makes me feel a little weird... Here I was thinking paisley was normal.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word bumble bee
You took the words right out of my mouth, s.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
I'll be there.
Isn't it a little redundant to require everyone to wear 60s clothes, rt? Doesn't everyone dress like that all the time anyway?
I mean, surely I can't be the only one.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the word slangwhanger
I think I would die on the spot if my mother said slangwhanger in public. Not from embarrassment, from laughter.
July 31, 2008
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
What?? Sorry dc, man, I just totally spaced.
July 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word matryoshka
I have a Harry Potter matryoshka. They're rather horrible depictions of the actors. And for some reason, Hagrid is the smallest one.
July 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word skillagalee
I have a suspicion that this is a wine from around the Clare Valley. I'd verify, but I'm going to bed now.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word cupertino
A friend of mine ran spell check through her A Streetcar Named Desire essay and unwittingly allowed it to change all the instances of Blanche to Blaise. To make matters worse, it went unnnoticed until the teacher handed it back with question marks all over it and a rather verbose comment at the end.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word blunt spoon
Hee! I love that bit.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word elvendork
It's unisex!
From the short story JK Rowling wrote for Waterstone's "What's Your Story?" book.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word mattock
*wince* ouch
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word blunt spoon
Yes, but a blunt spoon would hurt more.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
That sounds like a plan, rt. I'll get onto that straight away.
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the user palooka
What are you going to use that $40 for, palooka? I've heard a hit of meth costs about $40...
July 29, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
There's no rhyme or reason to half of my answers, I just took a stab at the ones I thought I knew and toko much wilder stabs at the others.
bilby: relaxed
dontcry: sunflower
chained_bear: clinchpoop
frogapplause: hunky dory
pterodactyl: irreverent
whichbe: gravlax
john: thoughtful
darqueau: mojo
palooka: inexorable
yarb: pluripotent
prolagus: cavalier
gangerh: groovin’
rolig: esemplastic
asativum: ingenue
sionnach: stripper
seanahan: sigh
skipvia: yarb
oroboros: bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word me and bilby
*curtseys* Why thank you, kind marsupial. I am forever in your debt.
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word me and bilby
*sobs* Woe is me!
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word me and bilby
So am I (even if it's not in a marsupial kind of way)! I feel so rejected *eelpout*
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word me and bilby
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word haka
Boarders did the haka at Sports Day this year, before tug o' war. We were teh alsome.
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
Wow, there's an awful lot of Wordies to identify here! And some fun new words, too :)
Wait, are there red herrings as well?
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word insomnia
Apparently I'm turning into Pro.
I need to get up in three and a half hours.
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the word depeach
July 28, 2008
plethora commented on the user bray
Welcome, bray. Good luck.
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the user frindley
Frin! Welcome back!
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word danger: i am wearing blue suede footwear.
Haha! I wonder where this was listed originally...
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word smarm
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word mesopygion
Crack kills!
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word pov
From impoverished.
As in: "I can't come to the movies, I'm too pov."
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word plumber's crack
Here's a problem that World Vision really needs to fight. Please, your donation of just ten dollars could buy a boarder a belt.
We can't buy our own because we're too pov
July 27, 2008
plethora commented on the list psychedelicatessen
Er.. yes, Mia. Sugar, that's it.
July 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word take your protein pills and put your helmet on, tom
*hysterical laughter*
July 26, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
*blush* Why thank you. I do enjoy a good White Stripes song in my spare time.
July 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word poppyseed muffins
It is shameful how long it took me to figure out why this belonged on the list. Clearly I need to just take some panadol and go to bed.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list identify-the-wordie-2
*gets to thinkin'*
Er... describing myself in one word is more difficult than I thought. This could take some time, haha. Is there a deadline?
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word teeth
And ice cream, too, dc.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the user brookdale_chick
w00t! Not the youngest Wordie (physically)!
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word misspoke
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list sharks
Where's the great white shark (a.k.a. Jaws)?
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word just a skosh
I agree that the "u" is not voiced (similar to suki), but I have been taught to pronounce the "i".
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word the porch
*curls up, cat-like, in the sun*
*forgets worries*
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word ash-hole
I'm going to have to start using this. See swear jar.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word great firewall of china
Because... the definition comes from wikipedia and wikipedia was an example of the definition? I think?
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the user darqueau
if I could just hear your pretty voice I don't think I need to see at all *hums*
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word flesch-kincaid grade level
@dontcry: As a 21st century teenager, I feel I should contribute this: don't lose hope. My generation may be easily distracted and far too involved in our TV and computer games, but not all of us. I am a voracious reader, as are a lot of my friends. And keeping books in the forefront of your kids' minds is the best way to encourage their reading. That's what did it for me. There were shelves and shelves full of books in my house. My mother is a librarian and I used to go to her library after school a lot and just pick books from the shelves at random. The love really is passed down from the parents.
re the whole passive tense thing: I hate it. I really really hate it. I hate it in English and in German. I hate it in German because it confuses me, and I hate it in English because I find it so dull and... clinical? I'm not sure that's the word I'm looking for. It reminds me of written procedures in text books and whatnot. "0.25M of hydrochloric acid is added to the beaker. A milky precipitate is formed". *hork*
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word psychedelicatessen
Here, dc (et al). Go your hardest.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word that's for me to know and for you to find out
I really hate this expression. If it's for me to find out, and I'm asking you so that I can find it out, why won't you tell me?
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word way back
Somewhen two (or more) people go.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list you-know-what
And now for a pointless comment:
I was given cake today. It was very tasty.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word boop
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (See popcorn lung).
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word popcorn lung
I just like the acronym BOOP.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word far be it for me
I started reading this thread with intent of posting my own opinion at the end. But I have read from and for so many times by now that I'm uncertain which sounds right. I suspect I use far be it for me but I believe far be it from me makes more sense.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word hobson's choice
beggars can't be choosers.
July 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
I thought that was just me...
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word absolute obedience competition
Absolutely none taken, palooka! :)
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word absolute obedience competition
I'll enter if you want me to, palooka.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
In the staffroom, generally, dc.
That's a good idea, bilby! I wonder if there's a pork scented ester.
What's R&D?
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word coitus-à-la-vache-qui-rit
She's laughing because she knows that her cheese is delicious and she could dominate the world with it if she wanted to.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
The enforcers don't call it anything in particular, the zones are our invention.
The penalties aren't anything really terrible, ususally just a telling off. But periodically our whole year level is taken aside for a stern talk, because we continue to ignore the rule. Occasionally individual people have been screamed at, but that's rare.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
There is no such thing as under our beds, unfortunately.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word mouldy fridge
Upon returning from the mid-year school holidays on Monday, I discovered that the small fridge in our upstairs (year 12s only) kitchen, which was emptied and cleaned with disinfectant at the end of last term, had been switched off at the power point and left closed for two weeks. The result is obvious: large amounts of green fungus had taken up residence in our fridge. It was not a safe place for my food.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
Would that Wordie had been around when I was eleven, jenn. It would've made a few years a lot more fun. Although I was even more irritating then than I am now :P
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
Mostly indefinable things, yarb. There was one rather memorable term where it smelled like blocked plumbing.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
If I'm honest, it's not the first time this particular girl has had a malodorous room, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.
I believe turkey bacon is some sort of faux bacon product that is actually made of turkey. There is also a soy bacon product available. Whether or not either product actually tastes like bacon remains to be seen.
July 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
Pies don't often do well when made gluten-free, I've found. The pastry tends to fall apart too easily. Also, I'm not sure pork pies are really worth the effort of seeking out a coeliac bakery.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
It's just that piece of plastic that joins two sections of carpet together, in a doorway for example. It is possible, if the feet are placed heel-to-toe, for two people to stand on the zone itself, facing each other and leaning against the door frame, but often there's about 6 of us, so we sit in our own zones and just have a toe or something in the purple zone.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word coeliac disease
A gluten intolerance.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word coeliac
adj: Having coeliac disease.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
Unless you're talking about the hat, I doubt that very much. My friend is coeliac.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word procrastination now
This belongs on the Jumbo Shrimp list, methinks.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word swear jar
A controversial measure recently instated by one of our senior staff members.
20c for "minor swears"
$1.00 for "major swears"
Exactly what constitutes swearing has been the topic of many discussions in the last three days.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word girt
With golden soil and wealth for toil,
Our home is girt by sea.
-- Advance Australia Fair
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word advance australia fair
I think there are a couple of versions of that line over at ostriches.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
Possibly. Would I mind?
Not in the slightest.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the list words-and-phrases-i-picked-up-from-my-mother
She certainly is. It's her fault I'm like I am, too.
A country raised and educated librarian, she's a strange hybrid of grammar nazi and ocker.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word advance australia fair
The Australian national anthem.
We sang this at our school assembly today (something we should do more often IMHO) and as the first strains played, a friend was heard asking "What's this song?"
Sorrow, shame.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word if your auntie had balls, she'd be your uncle
Oh, you do, do you?
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word you can't make fig jam out of pig shit
You could try, rt, but technically if it's not made out of figs it's not fig jam.
...It might, bilby. But what would I know? I'm just an innocent teenage girl! *shifty eyes*
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word red zone
See purple zone.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word blue zone
See purple zone.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word purple zone
One of the more ridiculous rules of my boarding house forbids girls of different year levels being in each others' upstairs areas, invitation or no. The year eleven area and the year twelve area share a doorway (in fact, it is necessary to walk the length of the year 11 floor to get to the year 12 rooms). The purple zone is the thin plastic greyish-purple strip joining the red zone (the year 12 floor with red carpet) and the blue zone (the year 11 floor with blue carpet). This is where we meet to chat.
Edit: It is probably pertinent to add that we do have common areas, but they are two flights of stairs away and most of our chats take place when the year elevens are confined to their floor because they're meant to be getting ready for bed.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
Well, were it not for the fact that the only food in her room is chocolate and that we would probably be crucified if we had meat upstairs, I would've thought so. But it appears logic plays no part in the aroma pervading her bedroom.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word air conditioner wars
Someone keeps turning the air con up to 32 degrees. Not only is my room stifling, but I'm kind of afraid the air conditioner will blow up.
So I go out and turn it down. Half an hour later, it's been turned back up. I don't know who the enemy is, but I am incredibly stubborn. I will win.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word net credit
The same way most internet plans have limited monthly downloads, our school has limited credit. I assume it's put in dollars and cents so that the technically challenged among us can more easily understand how much has been used and how much is left.
Net credit is particularly significant to boarders because we always run out first. Thankfully Wordie doesn't use much because so light on images.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word pork
My friend's room smells like pork. We cannot figure out why.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word netfox
Whoops, sorry bilby, didn't see this before.
Netfox is the network software that our school uses to police our Internet. It counts down our net credit and blocks particular URLs and pages with certain keywords. Luckily they have not yet gotten to Wordie, possibly because I am the only one that uses it. I do find the occasional page blocked, though.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word stralyan
Of or pertaining to Stralya.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word like an owl peering through a bush
This is how you look/feel when your fringe is too long. I heard this one for the first time today, actually.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word who brung you
Despite having rather ocker tendencies, Mum values manners and grammar quite highly. Whenever we became too Stralyan as children, this phrase came out accompanied by an expression of mock-disgust.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word fair to middling
Answer to the question, "How are you?"
See also: not bad for an old broad.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word if your auntie had balls, she'd be your uncle
Well, I suppose that logically, that does follow.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word does a fullback stink
To which my auntie once replied "Depends what position he plays."
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word dry as a limeburner's boot
Very thirsty.
Or, increasingly in Mum's case, referring to her eyes, as she has a dry-eye problem.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word fish and visitors
The connection is that both go off in three days, apparently.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word late for breakfast
In full: "Call me anything you like, just don't call me late for breakfast".
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word baby number seven
Maybe she hasn't figured out what's causing it yet.
July 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word mle
According to that article nang is an Australianism. As an Australian teenager I can honestly say I have never heard that word in my life, except in the context of ning nang nong.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word pissed
Aus = both.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word tinkerer
WeirdNET cannot be trusted.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word children live
I read this originally in a "The Beatles: Live! (one night only)" sort of way.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word К�?К ОБ СТЕ�?КУ ГОРОХ
Where are these pictures coming from, sionnach? They're most excellent.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word if
Or, contrastingly, if your auntie had balls, she'd be your uncle.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word hmmmm
I agree that four is excessive in most cases. I think two is right for thinking, as in: "Hmm, I think the answer is 42." But three is for questioning, like when someone says something to you and you're only half listening. So it really should be Hmmm?
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmite
Cb, I'm with you all the way. I like a smooth peanut butter in my satay sauce, but with some chopped peanuts sprinkled on top.
And jenn, I love my pb with honey, but I find it difficult to eat without getting goo everywhere, so it can only be eaten when I'm alone.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word basonym
Ok, we're still not on the first Google page, but basonym minifying htmlotage is third.
July 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word basonym
I think the reason our googlipresence has dropped is that we don't have the actual word basonym mentioned enough per comment to make up for all the other stuff. So everyone just needs to add basonym into their comments.
Shevek! Teach me your html tricks! Please? *puppy dog eyes*
And, sionnach, I'm not sure I get the meaning, either.
July 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word nonpareil
Am I the only one who thought sionnach's picture looked tasty?
And those chocolate buttons with the hundreds and thousands? They're only called buttons when they're dodgy, cheap as chips brand. When they're, say, Allen's brand, they're called freckles. And that's good chocolate, they're very tasty.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word satay
Westernised, it usually means any sort of Asian-ish dish with a peanut sauce.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmite
Peanut butter and jam = yum.
Vegmite = delicious.
I will defend the above until death.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word onanism
I think he means that by saying something is worse than coitus interruptus, you're implying that coitus interruptus is bad to begin with. So why is it bad?
That's how I understood it, anyway.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word a-grader
Far West New South Wales.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word dr. horrible
I certainly am a Joss fan. I watched Dr Horrible just last night, actually.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word a-grader
A prejudice of my hometown. A-Graders are born and raised in the town. B-Graders move to the town and are only accepted if they marry an A-Grader. For a long time, A-Graders were always chosen above any other candidates for jobs, particularly on the mines. The problem was that they were not always qualified for the job.
Thankfully, this rather nasty tradition is dying out.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmite
That song is a musical masterpiece. I don't think I know an Australian who can't sing it on command, haha. I tried to find the original ad with the cute little children who are even more persuasive, but it evaded me.
And I totally agree that marmite is festy, but I maintain that vegemite is fantabulous.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word asperger's syndrome
IAWTC, mollusque. I don't know anyone personally who has Asperger's, though.
As for ADHD, there may be extreme cases that actually do need to be diagnosed and treated, but I think it is far too often used as an excuse for bad behaviour. When I was about 10, I was bullied horribly at school. One of the perpetrators apparently had ADHD and therefore I was told I had to excuse all his nastiness because he couldn't help it.
As it was, I could almost excuse his behaviour a little because I knew his home situation. Even at the age of ten I could tell that he didn't need medication, he needed someone to help him deal with the fact that his mother was dying of cancer. It is obvious that whoever diagnosed him did not look very deep into his life and just decided that there could only be one reason for his acting out: a behavioural disability. I'm certainly no expert, but I would think that a lot of kids who are diagnosed with ADHD really just have other things going on in their lives that they are acting out against
The problem, I think, with adjusting class structure is that it is impossible to cater to every child and every learning style.
July 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word petasecond
This is exactly what I mean when I say I'll be off the internet in a second.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word winkle
Nursie: "You almost were a boy, my little cherry pip.."
Queenie: "What?"
Nursie: "Yeah, out you popped out of you mummy's tumkin and everyone shouted, 'It's a boy! It's a boy!', then somebody said, 'but he doesn't have a winkle.' Then, I said, 'A boy without a winkle? God be praised it's a miracle: a boy without a winkle!' And then, Sir Thomas Moore pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. And everyone was really disappointed.."
-- Blackadder, Season Two, Episode 1: Bells
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegemite
Interesting that there are so many comments on Promite and Marmite, but none here.
"It tastes like spreadable beer!"
-- Mark Maron, on Good News Week, 21/04/08
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmite
Yes, dc, but you only had Marmite. Vegemite is delicious. And it even has a song!
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word death by oreos
That photo is brilliant. I especially like the glass of milk.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-i-de-facto-i-phonetic-alphabet
I always use f for freddy, but I suppose that comes from watching too much Wheel of Fortune as a kid.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word fanthing
It's all very well to observe them in terms of social interactions and cultures, but there's too much hate and wank. And all the intolerance just makes me angry.
The only good thing about those comms is that they inspire f_w.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word fanthing
fanficrants and ffrantsrants are just as bad. Talk about giving fandom a bad name.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list list-of-onyms
You can sort by alphabetical order at the top of the page.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word fanthing
I hate both those terms. Way too fandom_secrets for me.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word bang bang
Haha, nice tag.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-penis-game
Well, when you put it like that XD
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the list the-penis-game
I have never heard the word schlort before in my life.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word features
You could try some crow on toast, dc.
July 19, 2008
plethora commented on the word stitch
I think that usage comes from the idea of laughing so hard you get a stitch. Am I right?
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word utensil
I have honestly heard this used, non-ironically, as a penis euphemism.
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word male interfemoral infidel
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word principal boy
Peter Pan is traditionally played by a girl, yes?
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the list lions-and-i-tigers-i-andawell-just-lions-truthfully
She, re-read your list title :)
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word autohagiographer
This word should be in LiveJournal's mission statement.
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word nil carborundum
I have heard so many variations on this expression, jmp. My family used to sya nil desperandum illegitimos carborundum.
July 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word marmite
Marmite and Promite are abominations.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word crumpet
Pass on vegemite? *shock*
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word crumpet
I love crumpets.
Coincidentally, I was about to have some. With Vegemite, of course.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word sexual healer
I think Marvin Gaye was dating one of these.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word surprise butt sex
Silly! It's spelled butt secks.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the list sluts-and-bitches
Slurry. Moll.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word death muncher
It's bad!fic at it's finest.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word justin taylor
It was quite strange watching QAF to begin with, but I got used to it.
But I musn't be used to it any more, probably because it hasn't been on for so long and it's not something I discuss often.
Yes, it's pretty damn awesome.
July 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word merlin's pants
And what in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y-fronts was that about?
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word we're not going to use magic
"'We're not going to use magic?' Ron ejaculated loudly.
-- Order of the Phoenix, page 242 (American edition).
Disappointingly, my British/Australia edition says "exclaimed" instead.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word holy cricket
"Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! And, you are...?"
-- Hermione, Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
His real hair or his suave serpens wig?
Or his stylish Marvin look?
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word lerve
I do believe the two are interchangeable, c_b.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
How silly of me. Of course that's the purpose of this page.
Alan! *drool* *swoon* *censored*
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word shipper
She, have you ever encountered a Harmoanian?
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the list lispers-nemeses
Isn't she sewing silk shirts?
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word comments
I lerve it.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word punctuation
I cannot take credit for that coinage, I'm afraid :(
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word bugs
I was just on my way over to say the same thing, VO.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word death muncher
As in Vold's First Death Muncher Meeting?
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word justin taylor
Ok, my brain just exploded. ML, this is my brother's name. I could not imagine why you would be listing it. And then I noticed the next item on the list was Brian Kinney, and it all made sense.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
I started reading Harry Potter when I was nine years old and in year four. My teacher read Stone to us and I loved every minute of it. I bought book four when it came out two months later and never looked back. I have been waiting outside the bookshop at seven in the morning for the 8:31 release for the last three books. I would've slept outside the bookshop had I been in the city, but in the middle of July I'm in Smalltown, NSW, so it wasn't necessary.
BUT. I have been at the first screening of every movie, too. I see them at the movies four or five times each and buy the DVDs the day they are released. I pick apart, analyse and discuss every single detail of every film including how true they are to the books. When I was eleven years old and the first film was released, yes, I was rather annoyed that Neville was not there when they discovered Fluffy, but I was a pedantic obnoxious child (as opposed to the pedantic, slightly-less-annoying teenager that I am now). I've grown past that irritation now, but I still feel it's worth discussing.
I quote both book and movie regularly and sometimes don't even realise I'm doing it until someone laughs.
I love both mediums, and not only when it comes to HP. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.
The reason I think books should be read before movies are seen is because once the image of a chracter is in your head, it's often very difficult to change. When I read GoF, I still see my Hermione in her blue dress robes, not Emma Watson in her pink dress. But I read LotR after seeing the movies and I will never shake Orlando Bloom as Legolas, which is unfortunate.
And that's my thoughts on yaoi books vs. movies.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word lamington
I used to have a lamington for recess every day in primary school. I haven't had one in ages, though. Maybe I'll make some...
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word tom marvolo riddle
It is a mark of how much of a Harry Potter tragic I am that I laughed so hard at those.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word gideon checked out and he left in no doubt
Ah, I hate it when the reference material is wrong. So confusing.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word gideon checked out and he left in no doubt
Should this say "he left it"?
As in, Gideon checked out and left (his bible), no doubt, to help... etc.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
You haven't read them, c_b, but you have seen the movies. So you still know who Severus Snape/suave serpens is.
Ok, so maybe not everyone has read them, but being a fan is still not going to make anyone unique on the internet.
And as much as I see your point about seeing the movies first, I have to agree with bilby. Sacrilege.
July 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word shipper
The most common adjectives used in relation to shippers are batshit or batshit insane.
July 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word punctuation
My female parental unit bought me that lovely book for Christmas :)
July 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
Oh, come on. Has everyone read "Harry Potter"?
Considering Deathly Hallows was the fastest selling book in history, does that question even need to be asked?
Oh, Alan. *swoon*
July 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word the game
You cannot win. You can only lose.
July 15, 2008
plethora commented on the word draagbaar
I admit I found your logic a bit hard to follow the first three times I read that comment, s.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word powerpoint singalong
Oh, me too.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word the game
To know of the Game is to play the Game.
The object of the Game is to forget that you are playing the Game.
If you remember the Game, you lose the Game.
When you lose the Game, you must announce this, and explain the rules to anyone who asks about it, thereby infecting them with the Game.
When you have lost the Game, you then have a grace period (~30 minutes) in which to forget the Game, at which point you resume playing the Game once more as outlined above.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word bananaphone
I've been meaning to make this my ringtone for a very long time.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word suave serpens
Snape. Snape. Severus Snape.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word mod
Vince Noir, King of the Mods
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word fandom wank
Yes ML, but what are your thoughts on yaoi?
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word fanon
I'd call it a portmanteau of fan and canon.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the list lispers-nemeses
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word panadol
A paracetamol pain killer used as a generic term for all pain killers.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the list trade-names
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word unf
Why's that?
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the list words-to-have-topped-the-most-wordied-last-7-days-list-since-june-9-2008
That would be useful, pter.
July 14, 2008
plethora commented on the word whistersnefet
I really need to watch that again.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word shaken baby syndrome
I like the fourth one.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word eth
Thith ith how people with lithpth thay "S".
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the list lispers-nemeses
Those two gave me hell when I was about 13. I never had speech therapy, but my parental units declared my lisp gone after a couple of years. Nevertheless, I continued to lisp occasionally into early high school and year 7 maths was a lot of statistics so I had to work really hard to be able to say it.
I thtill lapthe thometimeth. Ith not helpful that my name thtarth with Eth.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word hoochie coochie
"We will dance the hoochie coochie,
I will be your tootsie wootsie,
If you will meet in St. Louis, Louis,
Meet me at the fair."
Meet Me in St. Louis, Judy Garland.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
Yes. I have, finally. Only 116 days until it all starts over again. 9 more days after that, and I've finished high school!
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word trichobezoar
I don't think this counts, c_b. It comes out the wrong end, generally.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word albatross
I'm a firefox devotee.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the user she
Is it a neighbor hater, bilby?
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word she
I think I'll start calling my mother that.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word toefl
Good luck Pro!
Maybe not caring is a good thing. You'll probably do better if you're not nervous. :)
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word opal
I'd like to go to Coober Pedy and go down one of the opal mines. Someday.
July 11, 2008
plethora commented on the word mercurial
This word was used a lot to describe me at about seven years old.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word balneophile
Well done, s!
I can only aspire to such verbosity.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word vast majority
Good point.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word albatross
Whoa, trippy.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word musket
I do! I want an Emmy.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word vast majority
I'm not sure I want to share with some of the stuff on your desk, rt. But at least there are no penis bones.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word thylacine
There's been a few attempts to clone them, over the years, but they've been unsuccessful, of course. The latest thing is Adding the DNA to the cells of genetically engineered mice.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word the porch
*nods off*
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word tappen
You're doing a lot of that lately, dc.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word shaken baby syndrome
I would add something, but I think Bilby's said it all.
Plus, I'm in stitches.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word sunday rose
Apparently she's named after Sunday Reed and Keith's grandmother.
Yes, it could've been much worse. Like Moon Unit.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word mia
Such easy humour.
How can I resist ya?
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word mia
*sigh* Here we go again.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word condoms wear streetpunk
Why? Why would you do that?
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word shaken baby syndrome
That's it, sionnach. My friends and I are coming after you with our boomerangs.
July 10, 2008
plethora commented on the word bagpiper's fungus
I would assume that by breathing into any sort of bag you would be promoting the growth of various fungi.
All the moisture from your breath would condense in there - yuck!
And then, of course, you'd breathe it back in and die.
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word child chimney sweep
Nobody is listing scrotal cancer. Why don't you?
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word murder by indigenous people
I always thought he was eaten in Haiti.
Shows how reliable my year four teacher was.
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word lead poisoning
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word bort
I thought it was a joke from the Simpsons.
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the user she
Earworm alert!
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word hitler beheaded
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word flock
Also a collective noun for sheep.
July 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word facepalm
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word festy
Oh, I already looked it up.
I'm going to start using zesty in everyday conversation.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word boundaries
I am!
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word facepalm
Close relative of *headdesk*
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word sparklypoo
This is the house I'm in! *flicks her long, black-with-blonde-red-and-chestnut-streaks hair out of her colour-changing eyes*
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word squick
Heh. See twincest. *shudder*
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word festy
As in festering, I assume.
I doubt many teenagers know the original meaning of feisty.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word boundaries
Someone call me?
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word flist
I have never heard this word used as a verb. Interesting.
Someone needs to make an LJ list.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word blitzkrieg
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word ice tea
Vitamin water is festy.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word festy
Gross, foul, offensive. Of appearance, odour, taste, humour, etc.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word tortoise shell
I had a tortoise shell cat until I was 15. She was older than I am now.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word film theory
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word sinnep
pennis! *giggles*
*has an excuse - is a teenager*
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word topiary elephants
Awww! How cute.
July 8, 2008
plethora commented on the word horkish
Ew, dc.
July 6, 2008
plethora commented on the word balut
Asa, do not sully the good name of cake by comparing it to... this.
July 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word wagon wheel
Mmm, jammy.
July 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word dudemanteau
Does a personteau get teau jam?
July 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word inconvenient behaviour
This makes me angry.
It's a good thing I don't live in Sydney, I'd probably be arrested.
July 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word every time i eat asparagus...
Cheeseburger-in-a-Can, anyone?
July 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word every time i eat asparagus...
Pickled, eh? Sounds like it's worth trying. Pickled things are tasty.
Except gherkins.
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word every time i eat asparagus...
I think it has its uses. Sometimes you only have enough fresh asparagus to make one dish, and you think you'd really rather save it for the meal where you know the difference will be obvious, instead of, say, the crepe filling.
By the by, chicken and asparagus crepes are to die for!
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word phonundrum
I don't think this happens so much anymore, since music-as-ringtones became the norm.
As for me, mine alternates between The Mysterious Ticking Noise and Word Disassociation both of which are fairly distinctive, so it definitely doesn't happen ot me.
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word toastosterone
I think something around my school promotes increase of this hormone. We eat so much toast. Or it could be because we eat our feelings. Or because we're lonely and don't have parents.
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list dear-abby
Dear Mediterranean stone dead pika XX century,
Watch it, you'll get Bilby's pet rock all upset again.
P.S. It really is butter: they're trying to trick you. But you didn't hear it from me.
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list dear-abby
Dear Suspicious,
A bilby is a small nocturnal marsupial made of chocolate. It eats puny weaklings like you for breakfast.
P.S. Here comes one now! Start running.
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the list dear-abby
Dear Abby,
Someone accused me of not being Dear Abby. What can I do?
July 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word screaming mimis
I eat way too many of them, I remember most of those little characters.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list dear-abby
Dear Tarted Up,
That's what you're here for. It's your purpose in life. Accept it.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word screaming mimis
Isn't it one of those cartoons on the front of Wizz Fizz packets?
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word victor lustig
This bloke "sold" the Eiffel Tower to a scrap metal dealer.
He also managed to con Al Capone.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word dead
Hey, I never said it was accurate, just that I was amused.
*pats stone* There, there.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word dead
I think the last definition is what you're looking for, yarb: "completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers".
I think my favourite is "as lifeless as a stone".
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word territory day
Well, no, because Territory Day is a celebration of the territory as a whole. The same way Invasion Day Australia Day is a celebration of Australia, and as such is not called First Fleet Day. The first of July is just an appropriate day to do hold the Territory Day celebration because something significant happened on that day.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
I am ever so honoured, gentlemen.
I may have nothing to do with deathly vs. deadly now, Pro, but rest assured that I will involve myself. Anything to help me not study.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word fudgsicle
Yeah, that's about it. Except for the freezer taste. Paddle pops taste like nirvana on a stick.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list spam--2
Bilby, I have to thank you for stopping my spam. I used to get tons of it, and a lot of it was hilarious. But since you started this list I have been waiting for something amusing to add but my spam-flow is almost nonexistent!
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list dear-abby
Dear Abby,
I am in the middle of exam week and I think my brain has already liquified and dribbled out of my ears. How can I make the most of my study time without wanting to impale myself?
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the user sionnach
That's brilliant.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word paddle pop
I am probably more envious of that than I have been of anything else in my entire life.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word paddle pop
So tasty. Except banana flavoured ones. They're an abomination.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word fudgsicle
Down under, I like to think of all of you as "America". Just sayin'.
And I'm not sure what this fudgsicle of which you speak is, but it sounds to me like a chocolate paddle pop.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the list francophilia
voulez vous coucher avec moi?
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word lurk
I also lurked for a long time before I started commenting. And now sometimes I revert to lurker status because I can't be bothered thinking of anything to say.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the user plethora
I have no shame.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word exam
See stress.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word stress
See exam.
July 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word waldo
Wally. His name is Wally.
June 29, 2008
plethora commented on the user she
This is me not making a "that's what she said" joke. It's tough.
June 29, 2008
plethora commented on the user jmcgrath
ooh, ah, jcmcgrath!
June 27, 2008
plethora commented on the list tunie-word-disassociation
Ha! I love this song.
June 27, 2008
plethora commented on the list elephants-amid-my-pages
Dang, I thought of a really good word for this earlier while I was doing homework. Now I've forgotten :(
June 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word emu train
It's new to me.
June 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word tow rag
Yes, I generally imagine it as being used to clean out you-know-what jam.
June 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word tow rag
But toe-rag has such a good ring to it. I much prefer it.
June 22, 2008
plethora commented on the list double-double-2
I can't imagine a sentence where elbuod appears twice.
I can:
elbuort dna liot elbuod, elbuod.
June 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word eentsy-weentsy
I always sang intsy-wintsy. A small but imporant difference :)
June 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word yeast
June 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word spoonerism
A shining wit.
June 21, 2008
plethora commented on the list bookmarks
Excellent idea for a list, Pro :)
June 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word strippable triangle
I tried Googling it, but the only result where the two words were used and seemed to have any connection to each other was this page :(
Now I'm really curious as to what this is.
June 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word strippable triangle
Nobody is listing edible undies? For shame, people.
June 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word definitely
I would definantly buy from that shop, jus perhaps not the "classic thong".
June 18, 2008
plethora commented on the word asterix
I've never liked the Asterix comics, myself. I find them rather boring. They're probably better in the original French.
June 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word �?
Bad. My Japanese is bad. I found it on one of my sheets of adjectives, because I couldn't be bothered putting good in the negative.
June 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word �?
�?�?�プレトラ�?��?�。 �?��?��?�?��?��?�。 �?��?��?�よ�?�?��??。�?�?�日本語�?��?る�?��?��?�。
June 17, 2008
plethora commented on the word frot
Well, it does come from Urban Dictionary, which gives it a fairly low standard to live up to (not that I don't love UD, sometimes). I admit I had to read it a couple of times myself to understand exactly what it was saying.
Maybe it'll make more sense if I read when it's not 4 o'clock in the morning?
June 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word frot
This one? "This growing movement of men into frot who disown anal sex is not simply a matter of sexual taste."
Poorly worded, I think. But I believe it means that there's a growing number of men who don't have anal sex any more, and it's not necessarily because they don't like it.
June 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word 行�??
to go.
June 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word features
Awww, I hate you too, Pro :)
June 13, 2008
plethora commented on the word daytime of the nights
fo sho.
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word daytime of the nights
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the list wordie-paradox
Wow, trippy. Does anyone have the secret to successfully reading the 12 comments?
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word lemon demons
Manufacturers of lemonic demonade.
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word dutch oven
Is it bad that this word brings back fond memories?
June 12, 2008
plethora commented on the word f-i-s-h
That's how you spell fish.
June 8, 2008
plethora commented on the list occupations
Apparently, American sign is very close to the French sign, and completely different to the British and Australian. Which is interesting.
June 7, 2008
plethora commented on the word heatwave
This word gives me nightmares.
I survived the Adelaide Heat Wave, but only just. I have never hated school uniforms as much as I did that fortnight.
June 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word skullduggery
skullduggery vs skulduggery.
June 5, 2008
plethora commented on the word furrie
Much vilified by fandom and outsiders alike.
June 5, 2008
plethora commented on the list what-should-i-be-when-i-grow-up
I never claimed not to be argumentative, actually I proudly admit to it :) Besides, I'm a teenager, it's my job. But I still don't think I'd make a good lawyer because I'm too emotional, and have a tendency to resort to insults when I'm losing :D
June 4, 2008
plethora commented on the word apple
From Family Feud a couple of years ago:
Bert Newton: Name a green vegetable.
Contestant: Umm... apple?
Me: *facepalm*
June 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word ohne
I have a pencil case that my friend brought me from Germany from a shop called Sheep World and it says "Ohne dich ist alles doof" meaning, "Without you everything is stupid." It then has little pictures that are all labelled "doof". It's adorable. But the point is, that's what I think of whenever I hear ohne. And considering I learn German, that's pretty often.
Clearly I have been Wordie-less too long, considering how much I just rambled about my pencil case.
June 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word jimjams
Clearly Wordie is lacking in the pyjama department.
June 3, 2008
plethora commented on the list what-should-i-be-when-i-grow-up
My mother wants me to be a lawyer, purely because I'm argumentative. I plan to become an interpreter/translator but my secret dream is to be an etymologist.
June 3, 2008
plethora commented on the word knork
Yes, but how did they cut that pear so smoothly in half, eh? Not with a knork, I'm betting.
May 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word voodoo
This reminds me of Labyrinth.
"You remind me of the babe."
"What babe?"
"The babe with the power."
"What power?"
"The power of voodoo."
"Who do?"
"You do."
"Remind me of the babe."
May 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word bristol stool scale
I should not have clicked on this page.
May 30, 2008
plethora commented on the word puppy-dog eyes
I have good puppy-dog eyes.
May 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word chuck norris
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.
May 16, 2008
plethora commented on the word sidewalk
I've never heard it have a name either. In my mind, a nature strip is the same as a median strip: the island in the middle of a wide road.
May 9, 2008
plethora commented on the word why do you hate freedom
Haha, I love this. I'm going to stary using it.
"Why haven't you handed in your essay?"
"Why do you hate freedom?"
May 2, 2008
plethora commented on the word he's-at-home
I totally agree, s. If it helps, I found it described as "six inches of cold hard plaster" :D
May 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word 1may08
How appropriate, I'm surrounded by yobs today.
May 1, 2008
plethora commented on the word truck nutz
*runs in late*
I'm with you, c_b: I think the idea of truck titz is teh alsome.
I think my favourite part of that first article is "Bull genitalia is currently in fashion."
April 29, 2008
plethora commented on the word hair on the palms of your hands
I don't know what you're talking about! *innocent whistle*
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word stimthought
I'm not sure, frin, but it's probably in there somewhere.
A new list, Pro? I don't know what you're talking about.
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word stimthought
The first sign of madness is talking to yourself. The second sign is arguing with yourself and the third sign is losing the argument.
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word two-up
It's a gambling game. The Aussie diggers used to play it, so it's a big part of ANZAC Day.
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the list oh-puck
I love this list.
How about Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes, and Gir of Invader Zim.
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the list aussie-rules
Thanks for adding beanie and scarf, kewpid. How could we forget the best part of the footy?
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word two-up
In my town, it's always legal.
April 27, 2008
plethora commented on the word bloody hell
I don't find it offensive, and I don't honestly think most people would these days, but I think it's frowned upon in formal/polite settings out of habit.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word bloody hell
Yeah, she does. But I like to pretend I hear "ya" instead, otherwise I cringe so hard my glasses fall off.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word bloody hell
As seen in the Australian tourism ad So where the bloody hell are ya?
Incidentally, the pub shown in the first shot of that ad is just out of my town. But the Mad Max car isn't there, for some reason :(
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word gaol
Such a shame. gaol is a much better word than jail.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word yabby
Make good pets. Not so tasty, yuk.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word frieden
Peace in German
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word snicker
No, I think WeirdNet's right about this one. I don't think of a snicker as highpitched, to me it the sort of laugh you have at someone else's expense. And it's usually done behind your hand, too.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word open or closed, we go both ways
see open lists.
April 26, 2008
plethora commented on the word dream a little dream of lists
I had my first Wordie dream last night. But it wasn't a dream. It was a place, and you and you and you... and you were there.
It honestly just involved me sitting at the computer and being involved in a spirited Wordie conversation. And then some other non-Wordie stuff happened, but that's not important. But I wish I remember what we were talking about, it was fascinating.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list anzac-day
The best part is the two-up. And the ANZAC biscuits.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word banana peel blaster
Fires off a round of super slippery banana skins to trip up the enemy.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the user arcadia
Try just going to your own profile and changing the url so it says mi-vox instead of arcadia.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list aussie-rules
Baha! Yep, definitely don't know anyone like that.
Maybe I'll check the library.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list aussie-rules
Hmm, I'm not sure I know anyone who gets the Australian...
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word aerial ping-pong
I love this.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word the club
The latest tour has John Wood in it, making even more people take notice of it.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list aussie-rules
Well, I don't really follow the footy either. I do a bit of tipping and have a few light-hearted arguments with people for the fun of it, but if AFL disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really care.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word collingwood vs essendon
Traditional AFL game played on ANZAC Day at the Melbourne Cricket Grounds. The best on field is awarded the ANZAC Day Medal.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word anzac biscuit
I had some very yummy ANZAC biscuits today.
They were also a good way to get the bit of nutritional value in the oats; they couldn't have bread because it was mouldy by the time they got it.
And yeah, as bilby said, they survived the mail from home because they're practically indestructible.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the list anzac-day
:( This list makes me sad. I didn't make it to our town's march this morning, which I regret, of course.
April 25, 2008
plethora commented on the word lettuce & potato (retasu poteto aisu)
I think that's taken as a given, c_b.
April 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word lettuce & potato (retasu poteto aisu)
Oh, I see your point. Well...
Japanese has three alphabets (well, Kanji only kinda an alphabet but that's beside the point). Hiragana is for words that were originially Japanese, kanji is for words borrowed from Chinese symbols and katakana is for words borrowed from other languages. For example, the words lettuce and potato. And the Japanese word for bread is "pan" from the French, and the word for a part time job is "beito" which comes from arbeit the German word for work.
So, what I'm trying to say in my round about way is yes, they are just Japanesizations. But no, it's not unusual and it's nothing to do with the Japanese diet. :)
Did anything I just say make any sense, or help at all?
April 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word lettuce & potato (retasu poteto aisu)
Wouldn't it be rettasu (レッタス)?
I'm not really sure what you're asking, Pro.
April 24, 2008
plethora commented on the list aisu
Which have you tried?
I have heard, from a friend of a friend, that wasabi icecream is actually quite tasty.
I take it you speak Japanese?
April 24, 2008
plethora commented on the word plethora
You want to beat me with a stick, bilby?
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word chained bear banana banshee
Yuk, frin, I hate those lolly bananas. Our icecream van man used to use them for the mouths of the funny face icecreams and I always picked mine off and threw it away. Yuk.
I have, however, made that particular ester.
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the list daffyd-demands-a-recount
Haha. I am such a pimp.
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word barcode
Maybe because my mother is a librarian, but that's what comes to mind when I think of barcodes, every time. :)
As for your other job... I'll have to think about it.
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word shenanigans
Sexy. Definitely sexy.
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word plethora
I don't think that you actually can have a plethora of piñatas. You can never have too many piñatas, in my humble opinion.
April 23, 2008
plethora commented on the word barcode
Are you a librarian?
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word plethora
*reads comments*
*reads tag*
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word precipitation
It took me far too long to see what you were getting at.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word meatbeard
Ew. That's creepy.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word br ak-in
You missed one :)
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the list hats-off
If it's here, it doesn't have a definition or any comments. Tomorrow I'll take a photo of it and see if anyone can help, maybe. :D
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the list •-words-i-often-hear-at-my-workplace
well, if you really want to hear the words I hear at school every day, you need only see my Overused list.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word nightcap
Thanks for the lesson in redundancy, Weirdnet
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the list hats-off
I knew this list would come in useful! I bought a new hat today, and I want to find out what it's called.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the list •-words-i-often-hear-at-my-workplace
I can't contribute to this list :( I don't have a job.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word comeuppance
In a word?
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word synechdoche
So did I.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word malcuntent
I think you'd need a couple of mirrors to do that skipvia.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word malcuntent
Wouldn't that be uncomfortable, bilby?
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word chained bear banana banshee
If bananas don't have seeds, does that make them vegetables instead of fruit?? That's how I learned to distinguish between the two as a kid.
April 22, 2008
plethora commented on the word malcuntent
I was coming to agree with you rt, and even to say something intelligent, but my attention was caught by the tags and now all I can think is "Win!"
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word bubble wrap
Oh man, I have hundreds of things for this page, haha.
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word bestia
Which is how?
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegetarian
There are only two words to describe what happenss when I play that cello game: epic fail.
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word ning nang nong
I have to say the mice are my favourite too.
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegetarian
A good Uranus joke skip? Surely the fun of Uranus jokes is that they're all so teriible? :P
April 21, 2008
plethora commented on the word self-emasculate
Does this happen?
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegetarian
@sionnach: thank you for saying what I didn't have the guts to.
P.S. Please ignore the atrocious grammatical structure of that sentence.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word six point six six
One hundredth of the number of the beast.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the list on-tha-s
on the blink
on the cards
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word 175
Hehehe, thanks Weirdnet
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word ning nang nong
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word on the rag
Ew. Yuk. Ew. I hate this expression.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word jennifer albatross
I think you just said it.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word moism
And when did moist become a noun?
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word jennifer albatross
Should this be Jessica Albatross?
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word wasabi green
Who would paint anything that colour? Ergh.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word moxie
Maybe it's like recreational drugs, as opposed to medicinal ones.
My daily intake of Coke, for caffeine, is necessary to my continued existence, not always for recreational purposes.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word trouble
Everything I know about Chinese symbols I learned from Japanese kanji, but looking at the symbol I can see how that would work. It looks like this if anyone's interested: 麻
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word old lambs fry
Lambs fry is not something I ever have any desire to eat. I quite like tomatoes, but it is rare that I eat them uncooked.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word vote
It is quite robust.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the user TechnoMom
Holy "also on" list Batman!
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word ostriches
That would be rather silly. I can think of much better things to do with Smarties.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word ambulance
Gah. I think it's because I'm used to much faster internet than I'm using at the moment. I did actually refresh this page to check if my edit had created a whole new comment, but it didn't show up :(
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word old lambs fry
Mmm, tasty.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word ambulance
I like how it's spread out too, John. Picking up little tidbits at random intervals makes them easy to remember.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word chained bear banana banshee
Bananas have seeds, don't they? What are those little brown things in the middle?
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word yous
My friends and I used to enjoy interpreting it as "ewes" and holding loud conversations/searches for sheep over the top of whatever the person was trying to say to us. I was such an obnoxious child. Still am.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the list lost-for-word
I keep reading ricocereal as "rice-o-cereal" on the comments feed on the homepage and thinking "What has that got to do with anything??" Yes, I'm very smart.
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word might could
Actually, Germans use 24hr time, so half seven actually means 6:30am :D
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word ostriches
Frin, that Joyce version sounds a bit sus, if you ask me.
I, myself, am far too young to have known the non-PC version, or even to know it ever existed. I was ready with an indignant response when I read the first comment :D
April 20, 2008
plethora commented on the word vegetarian
I don't think drugs are involved, I think I read somewehere or other that cows just produce more milk when they are being milked regularly. A wild, free, roaming cow who was not being used for milk would only produce as long as the calf needs it.
The same thing happens with humans. If you breastfeed your child until they're 2 years old (don't, ew), you will keep producing milk for that long.
And to play the role of dismissive carnivore for a moment, yes, farm animals are often treated cruelly, but not eating eggs for the rest of your life is not going to stop breeders from cutting chickens' beaks off.
And c_b's point about cochineal prompted a memory for me :)
My sister has a lot of vegan friends and was right into finding vegan recipes for a while there. One of them was a rather delicious chocolate cake, which she decorated with pink icing. When my mother and I came to visit, she asked the meaning of the cochineal written on the front of the food dye bottle. She was, of course, horrified at the answer.
Thankfully, it turned out to be artificial. :D
April 20, 2008
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