not sure if i spelled it correctly. i first heard it on Red Dwarf, a late 80's-early 90's Britcom. since RD was famous for made-up words, i'm not sure if this is a real word or another bit of Red Dwarvian creativity.
yes, yes it does. thanks for the prompt! smeg seems to have been an all-purpose word on Red Dwarf. it would replace shit and fuck a lot and then there was the odd "Smeg-a-roonie" from Rimmer once or twice. oh darn! i'll just have to watch Red Dwarf until i can find that quote again! ;-)
first time i heard this was on Red Dwarf, the late80's-early 90's britcom. yes, i spelled it with a "z". the rest of the world would probably use an "s". ;-)
the smaller type on top for the lists is good, but i was in a hurry last night at work to find a list and it was harder to read. on the other hand, the smaller type *is* more aesthetically pleasing. the best solution would probably be for me to get newglasses. ;-) (yes, i ;-) with impunity.)
as for guidelines, i have to vote for the anarchy rules. one of the biggest joys of this site for me, has been finding all these silly, made-up words that other people have come up with. (with cuntificate and gaytard high on my list) and if i knew how to link from the comments, i'd link to Thunderfoot's Characters for a Jewish Star Wars as a really hellacool example of creative wordie-ing.
as for features, how about some sort of voting thingy for each word page? ('s "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" comes to mind) something where we could vote for favorites and see the results on the words' page. x people voted (positive response), y people voted (negative response) out of z total responses would be nifty.
another one that comes to mind is the ability to do wildcard searches for words. i don't know if a wiktionary would be practical (since my programming knowledge is nil plus zero) but it'd be fun to do a search for aa* (or whatever) to see how many words beginning with the letters "aa" (or whatever) are in wordie at any given moment.
again, if i haven't said it recently, a huge THANKS for everything you do, John! this site is really a ton o' fun and i can't thank you enough for creating it.
too much fun! unfortunately i'm at work and can't read too much of the 47 site, but i'm still adding it in. and after thwip, i'm just going to have to add blam to the list. heh. thanks again!
thanks! i snatched up the ones i knew and i added wookie, too. i'm not familiar with the others though... what are 47 and thwip from? i've heard liger and pikachu before but the other 2 are new to me.
nether lips i've heard of, "furnace mouth" is new. (too funny!) if you liked cuntificate you might like crunt. (crunt = crabby old lady) and thanks for reminding me! i just added crunt to wordie.
communist? crotch? dammit!janet, now i'm going to have to make a whole new list. ;-) (and cuntificate *has* to go at the top of it. i love that word!)
seriously though... there are a ton of them i could use, but i'm looking for slang words that are also used for other objects and/or concepts. the idea came from one of George Carlin's bits where he talks about the Seven Words you can't say on tv. i've forgotten most of it, but the phrase "I'm going to snatch that pussy and shove it in a box stuck with me.
and... yeah. quim amuses me too. though my favorite is
"lunch at the Y". ;-) i'm always happy to have new slang and/or euphemisms!
thanks for the list description option! i noticed that the names of lists at the top is in a smaller font size. is that planned? (not complaining, just curious.)
- the act of a "Type A" personality snapping their bear-claw trap anus at a "Type B". kinda like cuntificate (i really love that word!) only more anal.
thanks for the pecker, DreamieGrl! erm, well, you know what i mean. ;-)
thanks for the link, angharad! i'm only up to the E's and ... i'm in awe. who knew? favorites that are too long to list for wordie (my opinion):
Eight inches of pink throbbing Jesus, Hammer of Thor (there's an old joke with that one), He Who Must Be Obeyed (i think i used to date him) and Honk the Magic Goose.
whenever you get around to it... is there anyway to make a text field that would go at the top? something we could use to add a list definition (if wanted or needed) at the top would be nice. please? :-)
Minnesota, southern Minnesota and Rice County Minnesota words. things i've overheard locally in others' casual conversations. words that you wouldn't expect to hear in this area, but that i have heard utterred out loud. in public. words that we use on a regular basis that amuse me.
my inner 12 year old still finds them funny. suggestions welcome. i'm looking for single words only. 2 maximum. so even though "one-eyed trouser trout" cracks me up, i'd rather not include it.
something so STUPID, an individual with mental retardation has looked at me and said, "That's Stupid". i will not get into the politics of the who and what. ;-)
there's this guy i've known since the late 80's-early 90's that is the definition of an anal-snapping lemonass. and yes, my friends and i did everything humanly possible to make his anus snap. and we made it snap very LOUDLY. ;-)
by and large, this is where these sets of words comes from. we love him dearly and he really is a good sport about all of this.
the beauty of this word is that i really don't have to tell you what a "lemonass" is. as soon as i say "LemonAss" you can think of 3 to 5 examples. especially if i say "Puckered Lemonass".
if that doesn't help you, think of an anal sourpuss and you should get the idea.
i'm suprised you don't have slatch listed. i'm not sure if it'd go under The Mariner's Record or I do not think it means what you think it means, but its a wonderful little word.
Comments by whatever1013
whatever1013 commented on the word parmageddon
i snatched this from the alarmageddon definition from bilby. he/she wrote: "a cheesy apocalypse scenario". and i *really* like that one.
May 11, 2009
whatever1013 commented on the word twonk
not sure if i spelled it correctly. i first heard it on Red Dwarf, a late 80's-early 90's Britcom. since RD was famous for made-up words, i'm not sure if this is a real word or another bit of Red Dwarvian creativity.
May 10, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list red-dwarf
yes, yes it does. thanks for the prompt! smeg seems to have been an all-purpose word on Red Dwarf. it would replace shit and fuck a lot and then there was the odd "Smeg-a-roonie" from Rimmer once or twice. oh darn! i'll just have to watch Red Dwarf until i can find that quote again! ;-)
March 12, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word divestipolychromatocryptovestimentsphilia
I could get behind that. *blink*
March 10, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word love noodle
local euphemism for ... well, partner, spouse or someone you're romantically involved with.
March 7, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word redheaded gooseberry ghost
love this! had to add it.
March 7, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list my-little-_____
Love Noodle?
March 7, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list x-files
i can't believe i missed "spooky"! i might have to cash in my Phile Card.
March 2, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list technobabble-2
Love. Adore. Favorited.
February 4, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list name-calling-for-fun-and-profit
thank you! creative name-calling is one of my favorites.
February 4, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word vomitization
first time i heard this was on Red Dwarf, the late80's-early 90's britcom. yes, i spelled it with a "z". the rest of the world would probably use an "s". ;-)
February 4, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word modo
from Red Dwarf, the late 80's-early 90's britcom.
February 4, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word twaddle
first heard this one on Red Dwarf -- a late 80's-early 90's britcom.
February 4, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word quagaars
from a tv show in the late-80's / early-90's.
February 3, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list the-intertubes
yes, yes i did. thanks for catching that!
February 3, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word gelf
from the TV show Red Dwarf. it's an acronym for Genetically Engineered Life Form.
January 16, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the word nanarchy
Nanarchy is an episode title from Red Dwarf. the images that it conjures up makes me giggle.
January 16, 2007
whatever1013 commented on the list science-fiction-double-feature
love it! i have to favorite this list. :-)
December 24, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word stemwinder
where i live, stemwinder has a whole different meaning. and to see someone else add it? priceless.
December 19, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list a-bit-old-fashioned
me too! i miss my Grandma, she was quite the flapper in her day and used to use some of these words. :-)
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list stuffie-metamorphosis
yes, but my inner 12 year old had to snicker a little. ;-) btw, i really love the stuffie lists. they are a ton of fun to read!
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list stuffie-metamorphosis
underwear? i hope. ;-)
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
the smaller type on top for the lists is good, but i was in a hurry last night at work to find a list and it was harder to read. on the other hand, the smaller type *is* more aesthetically pleasing. the best solution would probably be for me to get new glasses. ;-) (yes, i ;-) with impunity.)
as for guidelines, i have to vote for the anarchy rules. one of the biggest joys of this site for me, has been finding all these silly, made-up words that other people have come up with. (with cuntificate and gaytard high on my list) and if i knew how to link from the comments, i'd link to Thunderfoot's Characters for a Jewish Star Wars as a really hella cool example of creative wordie-ing.
as for features, how about some sort of voting thingy for each word page? ('s "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" comes to mind) something where we could vote for favorites and see the results on the words' page. x people voted (positive response), y people voted (negative response) out of z total responses would be nifty.
another one that comes to mind is the ability to do wildcard searches for words. i don't know if a wiktionary would be practical (since my programming knowledge is nil plus zero) but it'd be fun to do a search for aa* (or whatever) to see how many words beginning with the letters "aa" (or whatever) are in wordie at any given moment.
again, if i haven't said it recently, a huge THANKS for everything you do, John! this site is really a ton o' fun and i can't thank you enough for creating it.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word himbo
where i live, we usually refer to the guys as bimbobs. but i had to had himbo as one of my newer favorites.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word bimbob
a male bimbo, or see himbo.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list characters-for-a-jewish-star-wars
oy! don't *do* that when i'm trying to drink, okay? i'm not sure which is my favorite. Oi Vader or Jabba the Schmuck.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list fan-o-rama
too much fun! unfortunately i'm at work and can't read too much of the 47 site, but i'm still adding it in. and after thwip, i'm just going to have to add blam to the list. heh. thanks again!
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word 42
I knew there was something fundementally wrong with the universe. ;-)
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list happy-hour
how about The Dirty Girlscout?
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list boxing-the-compass
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the user annabethblue
*waves* hi! nice to see you over here. (deb/whatever1013 from librarything)
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word gaytarded
absolutely brilliant! you are my new hero!
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list fan-o-rama
thanks! i snatched up the ones i knew and i added wookie, too. i'm not familiar with the others though... what are 47 and thwip from? i've heard liger and pikachu before but the other 2 are new to me.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list happy-hour
Psonic Screwdriver: vodka, sour & 7 in a tall glass. really lovely in the summer and fun for Dr Who marathons.
December 17, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list ward-i-m-worried-about-the-beaver
nether lips i've heard of, "furnace mouth" is new. (too funny!) if you liked cuntificate you might like crunt. (crunt = crabby old lady) and thanks for reminding me! i just added crunt to wordie.
December 16, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word crunt
from a joke: What do you call a crabby old woman?
December 16, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list ward-i-m-worried-about-the-beaver
communist? crotch? dammit!janet, now i'm going to have to make a whole new list. ;-) (and cuntificate *has* to go at the top of it. i love that word!)
seriously though... there are a ton of them i could use, but i'm looking for slang words that are also used for other objects and/or concepts. the idea came from one of George Carlin's bits where he talks about the Seven Words you can't say on tv. i've forgotten most of it, but the phrase "I'm going to snatch that pussy and shove it in a box stuck with me.
and... yeah. quim amuses me too. though my favorite is
"lunch at the Y". ;-) i'm always happy to have new slang and/or euphemisms!
December 16, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word 42
Not a strictly word, more of a visual representation of a concept. Now... what was the definition of word again? ;-)
December 16, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word ass clown
From the movie "Badder Santa".
December 16, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list fcc-epithets-from-tv
I absolutely adore this list! i have to add it to my favorites along with the Archaic words. Thanks!
December 15, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word smeghead
From a tv show in the 80's.
December 15, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
thanks for the list description option! i noticed that the names of lists at the top is in a smaller font size. is that planned? (not complaining, just curious.)
December 15, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list localisms-don-cha-know
the act of being a puckered lemonass.
- the act of a "Type A" personality snapping their bear-claw trap anus at a "Type B". kinda like cuntificate (i really love that word!) only more anal.
December 15, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list have-you-met-dick
thanks for the pecker, DreamieGrl! erm, well, you know what i mean. ;-)
thanks for the link, angharad! i'm only up to the E's and ... i'm in awe. who knew? favorites that are too long to list for wordie (my opinion):
Eight inches of pink throbbing Jesus, Hammer of Thor (there's an old joke with that one), He Who Must Be Obeyed (i think i used to date him) and Honk the Magic Goose.
December 15, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
whenever you get around to it... is there anyway to make a text field that would go at the top? something we could use to add a list definition (if wanted or needed) at the top would be nice. please? :-)
December 14, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list localisms-don-cha-know
Minnesota, southern Minnesota and Rice County Minnesota words. things i've overheard locally in others' casual conversations. words that you wouldn't expect to hear in this area, but that i have heard utterred out loud. in public. words that we use on a regular basis that amuse me.
December 14, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word unruhe
its supposed to mean "unrest" in German. i just like the word. i also liked the episode.
December 14, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list have-you-met-dick
my inner 12 year old still finds them funny. suggestions welcome. i'm looking for single words only. 2 maximum. so even though "one-eyed trouser trout" cracks me up, i'd rather not include it.
December 14, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word mulderite
X-Files, a fan of the character Fox Mulder.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word krychekian
X-Files Krychek fan.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word scullyist
word given to a fan who focused on and sympathized with the character Dana Scully.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word plam
the word given to the pig-stickery-thingy that killed aliens. coined in atxf by ... laura capp i think.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list i-don-t-give-a-damn
Bill? Mark? do you want to count Calendar names like April, May, June? btw, i really do love your lists.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list i-don-t-give-a-damn
Bob? Tanner?
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list vanished-lands
people just liked it better that way.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word fucktard
something so STUPID, an individual with mental retardation has looked at me and said, "That's Stupid". i will not get into the politics of the who and what. ;-)
also, something fucking retarded.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word anal-snapping
the act of being a lemonass.
there's this guy i've known since the late 80's-early 90's that is the definition of an anal-snapping lemonass. and yes, my friends and i did everything humanly possible to make his anus snap. and we made it snap very LOUDLY. ;-)
by and large, this is where these sets of words comes from. we love him dearly and he really is a good sport about all of this.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word lemonass
the beauty of this word is that i really don't have to tell you what a "lemonass" is. as soon as i say "LemonAss" you can think of 3 to 5 examples. especially if i say "Puckered Lemonass".
if that doesn't help you, think of an anal sourpuss and you should get the idea.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the user nkocharh
i'm suprised you don't have slatch listed. i'm not sure if it'd go under The Mariner's Record or I do not think it means what you think it means, but its a wonderful little word.
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the word slatch
The lull between storms or a brief pause in a windstorm.
December 8, 2006