I once received a chain email full of spoonerisms.. my favorite was a waiter trying to say " Let me show you to your seats" that instead said " Let me sew you to your sheets".
An interesting book, that, while fiction, talks about synaesthesia, is The Name Of This Book Is Secret. I liked it al ot and found the extreme synaesthesia interesting.
I hate this word with a passion.It is ugly-sounding for one, and sounds kind of derogatory in my opinion. I prefer "Expecting", as "with child" sounds kind of old-fashioned
Comments by wordlover42
wordlover42 commented on the list the-teen-years
okay.. nicely disrespectful.. that's okay..
June 27, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list the-teen-years
Same here plethora!
June 26, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word spoonerism
I once received a chain email full of spoonerisms.. my favorite was a waiter trying to say " Let me show you to your seats" that instead said " Let me sew you to your sheets".
June 25, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word gifthorse
I first looked at this word thinking the "th" was a syllable, and I was thinking.. gifTHorse.. what on earth.. now I get it.
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word synaesthesia
An interesting book, that, while fiction, talks about synaesthesia, is The Name Of This Book Is Secret. I liked it al ot and found the extreme synaesthesia interesting.
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word synaesthesia
I get word-color ,sound-color, and number-color synaesthesia pretty strongly. I find the topic very interesting.
fer_k has it as well, just based on a comment of theirs I read on gloaming
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word gloaming
Gloaming.. for some bizarre reason I always think of jello when I hear this word.. I have no idea why.
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list creative-onomatopoeia
what about serene?
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the user fer_k
Noticed your comment on oneiric. Words have colors for me, too. Same with sounds. There's actually a name for it- synesthesia.
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word flump
I love this sound. FLUMP!
June 24, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word preggo
I get what you mean by the rolling "r".I think.Is it kind of in your throat? The French use it too.( I speak French).
June 21, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word infanticipate
It's like a cross between infanticide and anticipate.. maybe it should mean when you know about an infanticide in advance.
June 21, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word 42
I am not Dara Torres!
June 21, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word 42
I assure you, I knew nothing about this discussion when I created my username, and I am NOT Dara Torres.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word vendetta pinata
Vendetta pinata..hmm... any guesses?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word xenohomonecropedapyrobestiality
Fun word! Adding this to my favorites.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the user wordlover42
No, I am not Dara Torres. What makes you think that?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word what is this
A phrase you never want to hear in the presence of a doctor or when cleaning your closet
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
how about influenza? Or what is this?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the user wordlover42
I actually never read the book, but I just requested it from the library after googling "Douglas Adams 42". Thanks for an inadvertent book suggestion!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word squirrel covers
Okay then, I won't.Are you going to tell us what they are or do we not want to know?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word sardoodledom
There's a hilarious video of one of the 2007 spellers getting this word on youtube.Just search sardoodledom.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word sardoodledom
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word sardoodledon
Whoops.. it's actually Sardoodledom. I listed it wrong the first time
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the user wordlover42
Thank you.I don't know what drew me to it, but it's been my favorite number for a while.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word oneiric
Cool word! Now how to fit this one into a conversation.. "I had the weirdest oneiric vision last night as I was speelping"
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word squirrel covers
Now when will that be?
Is it something used to cover a squirrel nest?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word triskaidekaphobic
Love this word.. though I don't have it, not being a superstitious sort of person.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word squirrel covers
Blankets used for injured squirrels saved by the humane society?
(Is that any closer?)
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word schadenfreude
Love this word.. taking pleasure in others' misfortune
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word youpi!
You should create one, madmouth.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word squirrel covers
Umm... Blankets for hiding the squirrel invasion from party guests?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word mcjob
Really!? I can't believe they would sue over that.People sue over anything these days.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word stochastically
It means "In a random manner"
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word youpi!
Love this word.I just imagine this little French boy in a beret jumping up and shouting youpi!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word cacoethes
Love this word.It was on the Round One Test for the National Spelling Bee last year.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list confused-spelling
What about angel and angle?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word quite
Quite has always seemed like a very proper, classic "British" word to me.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list vive-la-france
Great list!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word pushymuchu
Love your definition, bilby!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word pissenlit
Umm... the translation for this one is not very pleasant.. "pee in bed"
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word allopecia
The losing of one's hair
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word email
The original usage of email, before computers came along, was as the name of a blue-green color.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word c'est la fin des haricots
Literal translation: It's the end of the green beans. Oh No! The end of the green beans is coming! Whatever shall we do?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list archaic-colours
What about "email"? It's pronounced aymy and it's a blueish green.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list wordlover42-s-favorites
Yes, all the words on my list are real.They are listed in the dictionary.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word bric-a-brac
I just love this word, for no particular reason.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word execute
"Let's get executed" !? Umm, suicidal much?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word blurk
The sound yogurt makes when you pour it out of its container.. this word was invented by me!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word phenolphthalein
Interestingly spelled word...
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word beguile
I just love the way this word is spelled. It looks pretty.If that makes any sense.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word vascular sizood
Sizood? that is quite possibly one of the funniest words I've ever heard. Or in this case, read.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word splenetic
I love your definition, whichbe!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word apple-polish
hmm.. apple-polish... why have I not heard this word before?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word wanderlust
This word's one of my favorites. It was on one of the lists I studied for spelling, and I took a liking to it.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list a-southern-season
What about "fixin' to"?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word twee
love this word
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word ramener ses fraises
translates to.. "to bring back one's strawberries"? Huh?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word beautiful
I LOVE the word evanescent. ( from 100 most beautiful words)
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word preggers
I hate this word with a passion.It is ugly-sounding for one, and sounds kind of derogatory in my opinion. I prefer "Expecting", as "with child" sounds kind of old-fashioned
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word ovoviviparous
cool word!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word seraphic
Ooh.. this word sounds pretty.. almost like the name serafina.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word kukukuku
kukukuku.... the sound of a cuckoo clock that won't shut up! LOVE this word!
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word וְ�?ָהַבְתָּ, �?ֵת יְהוָה �?ֱלֹהֶיךָ, בְּכָל-לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל-נַפְשְ�?ךָ, וּבְכָל-מְ�?ֹדֶךָ.
I love to see Hebrew written.It has a beautiful alphabet.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list phth
cool! My personal favorite is phthongometer.It's just fun to say.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word fufluna
fufluna? Awesome word chained_bear! Now how does one pronounce it? Maybe like foofloonuh?
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the word anagram
Anagrams are too funny.. here are my personal favorites of my name:
A whaleboat jean zips
A jalapeno beats whiz
A plaza jawbone heist
Azaleas jab whine pot
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list favorite-words-that-arent-really-words
Hmm... is "thwonk" a real word? I love that one.
June 20, 2009
wordlover42 commented on the list phth
Wow.. I never knew there were so many words that had phth!
June 20, 2009