A list of 20 words by skipvia.
- huzbghwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- gishwas added by skipvia and appears on 7 lists
- fwooshwas added by skipvia and appears on 7 lists
- nnngkgkkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- ghackhggwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- gckkhhkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- piffwas added by skipvia and appears on 11 lists
- ffttwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- ohh hahh ohh hahhwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- wum wum wumwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- greep gorkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- whoonkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- thbbtpthbbwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- thpwipbthwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- kapowwwwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- wonnkkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- splopp blipp bloop blibbwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- gruntchwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- nmphwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- ploonkwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Directions: Pretty obvious. Match Bill Waterson's creative and spot-on onomatopoeia to the action being described. It helps to try and say the onomatopoeia aloud.
Warning: Do not attempt if you suffer from word apnea, wordsomnia, or any of the several stages of Wordie addiction. Side effects may include droplets of spittle on your monitor and concerned stares from your coworkers. In rare cases, participants have hopped up on a table, donned a lampshade, and waved their bikini top over their head. Should this occur, call me immediately and I'll be right over. (Not you, uselessness.) Do not attempt if you are also attempting one of sionnach's quizzes, as comparison may cause extreme humiliation for the author of this quiz.
1. ploonk
2. thbbtpthbb
3. nmph
4. nnngkgkk
5. whoonk
6. gruntch
7. splopp blipp bloop blibb
8. greep gork
9. wum wum wum
10. fwoosh
11. wonnkk
12. gish
13. kapowww
14. thpwipbth
15. huzbgh
16. ohh hahh ohh hahh
17. fftt
18. piff
19. gckkhhk
20. ghackhgg
A. Hobbes blowing his nose
B. Calvin as a tyrannosaurus rex
C. Filling up a water balloon
D. Hobbes snoring
E. Stone hitting the water
F. Calvin waking up from a deep sleep
G. Dad making a "slitting throat" motion as he is leaving Calvin with Rosalyn (aka Babysitter Girl)
H. A water balloon breaking on Susie Derkin's head
I. Hobbes attacking Calvin at the front door
J. The battery-powered rotor on Calvin's new beanie
K. Mom's car crashing into a ditch
L. A sound of disgust, anger, or resignation used by all characters
M. Sound made by the loathsome bat-webbed booger being
N. Calvin and Hobbes playing in the mud
O. Calvin's good physical manifestation disappearing after having an evil thought
P. A sled hitting a snow drift
Q. Calvin spitting out food
R. Calvin hoching up a loogie
S. Calvin breathing through a snorkel
T. The sound of the washing machine giving Hobbes a bath
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Who's Calvin? Isn't he the guy who goes around measuring temperatures?
December 15, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Calvin is the French protestant theologian who...
In the event that you're not joking, Calvin the 6-year old in the Calvin and Hobbes comics.
You were joking, weren't you?
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
I probably don't read enough comics :-/
December 15, 2007
uselessness commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
I like this game. If I had more time, I would play. And I'm sure it will be over by the time I get back here next. :-(
December 15, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
OK, I'm going out on a limb here, because I don't actually read C&H that often. But I'll give it (like my bikini top) a whirl.
1. E
2. A
3. L
4. F
5. P
6. K
7. N
8. O
9. J
10. H
11. D
12. S
13. I
14. Q
16. M
19. B
I would answer the rest but I took a Benadryl recently and now must pass out. Cool idea, skipvia!
December 16, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Thanks for participating! Here are the results:
1. E Yes; Stone hitting the water
2. A Nope...
3. L Yes; A sound of disgust, anger, or resignation
4. F Nope...
5. P Nope...
6. K Yes; Mom's car crashing into a ditch
7. N Yes; Calvin and Hobbes playing in the mud
8. O Nope...
9. J Nope...
10. H Nope...
11. D Yes; Hobbes snoring
12. S Nope...
13. I Yes; Hobbes attacking Calvin at the front door
14. Q Yes; Calvin spitting out food
16. M Nope...
19. B Nope...
I'd say that's pretty good for being in a Benadryl haze. I could take a rain check on the bikini top...
December 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
No bikini tops or Benadryl involved for me. But here are my guesses:
2. J
4. F
5. A
8. M
9. T
10. H
12. C
15. R
16. S
17. O
18. P
19. G
20. B
December 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Thanks for playing, reesetee. OK. Here's how you did:
2. J Yes: The battery-powered rotor on Calvin's new beanie
4. F Nope...
5. A Yes; Hobbes blowing his nose
8. M Yes; Sound made by the loathsome bat-webbed booger being
9. T Yes; The sound of the washing machine giving Hobbes a bath
10. H Nope...
12. C Nope...
15. R Nope...
16. S Yes; Calvin breathing through a snorkel (I love this one)
17. O Yes; Calvin's good physical manifestation disappearing after having an evil thought
18. P Yes; A sled hitting a snow drift
19. G Yes; Dad making a "slitting throat" motion as he is leaving Calvin with Rosalyn (aka Babysitter Girl)
20. B Yes; Calvin as a tyrannosaurus rex
You've proven yourself as a true Waterson aficionado. Only a couple left unmatched. That should increase he odds a bit...
December 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Here are the remaining unsolved onomatopoeia:
4. nnngkgkk
10. fwoosh
12. gish
15. huzbgh
To make things easy, I'll just list the remaining actions:
C. Filling up a water balloon
F. Calvin waking up from a deep sleep
H. A water balloon breaking on Susie Derkin's head
R. Calvin hoching up a loogie
No hints, though...
December 17, 2007
oroboros commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Oh, man! Just discovered this and with minimal perusal am awreddy in love of it! Great idea, and when I get up tomorrow morn, will prolly mebbe have some...sort of appropriate 'n impressive something or other. Right?
December 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
There's still an opportunity to finish the remaining quiz items that chained_bear and reesetee started, ororboros. Go for it!
December 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Thanks, skipvia! And I wasn't even cheating. ;-)
You ask me, 10 and 12 are virtually interchangeable. (Oops. Was that a hint?)
December 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Well, #10 and #12 involve the same object in different states, so to speak. Not to put too fine a point on it... :-)
December 17, 2007
trivet commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
I don't believe I missed this! For the dregs:
4. - R
10. - C
12. - H
15. - F
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
On the nosey, trivet! Maybe there will be a part two someday. These examples barely make a dent in the list of possibilities.
Thanks for playing!
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Thanks to trivet, reesetee, and chained_bear, the Match the Onomatopoeia contest is officially ended. Trivet correctly matched the following to finish the list:
4. Calvin hoching up a loogie
10. Filling up a water balloon
12. A water balloon breaking on Susie Derkin's head
15. Calvin waking up from a deep sleep
December 18, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Wow. I got a lot right for not really reading C&H at all... Maybe the Benadryl *helped*...
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
I dunno, c_b, but I got an awful lot of work done today after taking a Sudafed. Hmm....
Thanks, skipvia--that was great fun.
December 18, 2007
mollusque commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Strange, I was on Sudafed too. Wordie's a great way to spend a sick day.
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Uh oh. Before you know it, we'll have a Wordie drug cartel.
Feel better, mollusque. And c_b. (Me, I was just trying to stay awake and breathe.)
December 18, 2007
oroboros commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Hey! Here's a good one I just ran across in my Calvin & Hobbes--the complete collection: PHBBTTBB-- Hobbes doing an armpit fart! (Calvin's just go PHUPP)
December 30, 2007
skipvia commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
Sweet, oroboros! Maybe we should start a new contest...
December 30, 2007
reesetee commented on the list contest-match-the-onomatopoeia
You may also wish to consult chained_bear's excellent and thoroughly researched How to Spell Plththththth. Have a screen wipe nearby.
December 31, 2007