A list of 56 words by palooka.
- chowderheadwas added by palooka and appears on 18 lists
- okey-dokeywas added by palooka and appears on 10 lists
- niminy-piminywas added by palooka and appears on 15 lists
- jibber-jabberwas added by palooka and appears on 19 lists
- rama lama ding dongwas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- hoity-toitywas added by palooka and appears on 45 lists
- hokey-pokeywas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- lickety-splitwas added by palooka and appears on 25 lists
- mishmashwas added by palooka and appears on 34 lists
- sufferin' succotashwas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- muddle-headednesswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- sourpusswas added by palooka and appears on 14 lists
- mumbo jumbowas added by palooka and appears on 36 lists
- grand poobahwas added by palooka and appears on 6 lists
- screaming meemieswas added by palooka and appears on 13 lists
- rabblerouserwas added by palooka and appears on 16 lists
- skedaddlewas added by palooka and appears on 83 lists
- oodleswas added by palooka and appears on 31 lists
- fripperywas added by palooka and appears on 109 lists
- flimflamwas added by palooka and appears on 72 lists
- bamboozlewas added by palooka and appears on 110 lists
- ballyhooingwas added by palooka and appears on 5 lists
- razzle-dazzlewas added by palooka and appears on 30 lists
- blatheringwas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- brouhahawas added by palooka and appears on 201 lists
- gobbledygookwas added by palooka and appears on 68 lists
- frumpywas added by palooka and appears on 40 lists
- twaddlewas added by palooka and appears on 80 lists
- bumbershootwas added by palooka and appears on 40 lists
- fopwas added by palooka and appears on 80 lists
- blatherskitewas added by palooka and appears on 82 lists
- fussbudgetwas added by palooka and appears on 57 lists
- lollygaggingwas added by palooka and appears on 31 lists
- bugaboowas added by palooka and appears on 75 lists
- toadyishwas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- rigamarolewas added by palooka and appears on 54 lists
- hoodwinkedwas added by palooka and appears on 14 lists
- gloppywas added by palooka and appears on 7 lists
- zoot suitwas added by palooka and appears on 8 lists
- mealy-mouthedwas added by palooka and appears on 9 lists
- addlepatedwas added by palooka and appears on 72 lists
- heebie-jeebieswas added by palooka and appears on 34 lists
- rapscallionwas added by palooka and appears on 162 lists
- squabblerswas added by palooka and appears on just this list
- blunderbusseswas added by palooka and appears on 3 lists
- twitwas added by palooka and appears on 67 lists
- stumblebumwas added by palooka and appears on 18 lists
- swankywas added by palooka and appears on 36 lists
- mugwumpwas added by palooka and appears on 68 lists
- agogwas added by palooka and appears on 152 lists
- jabberwockywas added by palooka and appears on 66 lists
- blabberingwas added by palooka and appears on 4 lists
- hornswogglewas added by palooka and appears on 92 lists
- discombobulatedwas added by palooka and appears on 130 lists
- flapdoodlewas added by palooka and appears on 56 lists
- flummoxedwas added by palooka and appears on 80 lists
chained_bear commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Love this list!
February 3, 2007
palooka commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Thanks chained_bear!
February 3, 2007
kingtaj commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
This list is nothing more than a bunch of razzmatazz.
June 23, 2008
dontcry commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
You have to say that with jazz hands for the best effect.
June 23, 2008
rolig commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
I think this list lacks pizzazz.
June 23, 2008
palooka commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Thanks all. I was hoping this list was more razzle-dazzle than razzmatazz kingtaj.
What are jazz hands dontcry?
I've always disliked the word pizzazz rolig. Guess because I'm generally in a state of torpidity.
June 23, 2008
dontcry commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
jazz hands are when you hold both of your hands up to either side of your face, fingers spread apart, and wag your hands back and forth rapidly about 3 times. It punctuates whatever you just said or did with that final bit of razzmatazz so often lacking in work-a-day conversations.
June 23, 2008
palooka commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Thanks dontcry. That would definitely add razzmatazz to conversations as long as people don't think you have the heebie-jeebies which I often do.
June 24, 2008
rolig commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Okey-dokey, pal. It's your list. I guess you don't want things to get too rambunctious.
June 24, 2008
palooka commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Okey-dokey it is rolig.
June 24, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
dc: Good call on the jazz hands. It would have never crossed my consciousness, but they really do have an expiration date, and it's after approximately three repetitions.
June 24, 2008
dontcry commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Thanks for noticing, jenn! i put some time into that and decided that two just looked like a spaz attack and four looked like you just walked out of a public bathroom that had run out of paper towels.
Also, I got caught in the middle of my research by my 12-year-old son who just backed slowly out of the room. What we don't do for our Wordie, eh?
June 24, 2008
bilby commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Painstaking research pays off again. Game show hosts will be most interested in the results.
June 24, 2008
asativum commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Oh, pshaw. You're just a stick-in-the-mud party-pooper.
June 24, 2008
bilby commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Don't listen to Asa's scuttlebutt.
June 24, 2008
asativum commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Phooey. Enough of this fol-de-rol; just a bunch of balderdash to my reckoning. I'm going to skedaddle.
June 26, 2008
thtownse commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
Wow - how can I say I have lived without knowing of this wonderful list! Every entry is an extravaganza of verbal vim!
December 2, 2010
reesetee commented on the list funny-fun-to-say
It is a jewel. Check tags, too--I think "fun to say" might bring up other tasty treats.
December 3, 2010