A list of 41 words by chained_bear.
- prancy mcprancingtonwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- coneheadwas added by chained_bear and appears on 5 lists
- mister cutiewas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- winky mcwinkytonwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- lazy dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- mad-eye titowas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- one-eyed jackwas added by chained_bear and appears on 4 lists
- sausage dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on 4 lists
- winkywas added by chained_bear and appears on 7 lists
- little dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- little black dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- my other selfwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- dinkywas added by chained_bear and appears on 37 lists
- mister waggleswas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- grumpy mcpoopswas added by chained_bear and appears on 4 lists
- lazywas added by chained_bear and appears on 40 lists
- monkeydogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- barfy mcbarfingtonwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- barf dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- barky mcbarkingtonwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- barkywas added by chained_bear and appears on 6 lists
- pee dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- doofuswas added by chained_bear and appears on 27 lists
- gimpwas added by chained_bear and appears on 35 lists
- blanket dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- bean dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on 130 lists
- monkeywas added by chained_bear and appears on 80 lists
- muffinwas added by chained_bear and appears on 46 lists
- freakwas added by chained_bear and appears on 46 lists
- who's-a-goo'-girlwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- who's-a-goo'-boywas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- bitchwas added by chained_bear and appears on 76 lists
- miss lugubriouswas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- weiner dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- boss dogwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- wankerdogwas added by chained_bear and appears on 2 lists
- galumphing idiotwas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- frankenpuppywas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
- jerkwas added by chained_bear and appears on 69 lists
- el pero negrowas added by chained_bear and appears on just this list
reesetee commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Bean boy?
February 23, 2007
uselessness commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
These are awesome. Now, forgive me for correcting you... after all, you know your dogs' names better than I could ever hope to. But shouldn't perro have two Rs? Unless you called this unfortunate puppy "the black interjection." Hmm, actually that's kind of ominous...
February 23, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Well, OK, so we don't speak Spanish. But that's how *we* spell it. And he *is* gifted at interjecting himself all over the place--like in front of my face when I'm watching TV, or between one of us and the other dog to get some petting.
I forgot about bean dog. For the edification of other Wordies, this was because he broke into a grocery bag full of about twelve pounds of dried beans, and ate a bunch of them. Then, for the next few days, he... well. You get the idea.
February 23, 2007
asativum commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Er... sorry to ask, c_b, but what happened then?
October 15, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
You mean, what happened that I added new words? Nothing, I just was going through old lists and adding stuff. Our doggie nicknames seem to change frequently and I hadn't added any in a while.
Sorry for such a pedestrian answer.
October 15, 2008
reesetee commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
I think Asativum may be referring to the bean dog incident.
October 15, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Oh! Oh! Sorry. Yes, that makes sense. Sorry, Asativum...
Well, what happened next was...
Well you see, when you eat dehydrated food, it... um... inside your digestive tract it absorbs moisture, see? And...
My dog pooped out solid, well-formed, rehydrated chick peas for about three days. They looked remarkably... They were whole. It was probably the second- or third-most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. (We pick up after our dogs, unlike others in the neighborhood, so it wasn't as if I could avoid seeing it.)
The most disgusting thing, before you ask, had nothing to do with my dogs. Or with any human, actually.
October 15, 2008
dontcry commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
I'm sorry, but I have to know: why did you have 12 pounds of dried beans?
October 15, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Big grocery trip. We bought a lot because they were on special, and I hadn't had a chance to put them in canisters or containers in the pantry yet, so they were in bags still.
This is way less interesting with the backstory included.
October 15, 2008
dontcry commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Ahhh. Still, quite a lot of garbanzo! Hummus for hundreds!
October 16, 2008
reesetee commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Lots of soup to freeze for the winter. :-)
October 16, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
There were about 8 different kinds of beans, actually. His favorite, to judge by the carnage strewn across the floors of three rooms, was the ceci beans.
We should have taken photos, now that I think about it.
October 16, 2008
asativum commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Wow. Rehydrated garbanzos, hm? You missed a real business opportunity, c_b. In case it happens again, I'll remind you of kopi luwak. You can pay me a royalty (but not in-kind if that's OK).
October 17, 2008
reesetee commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
October 18, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
I should have clarified... I mean we should have taken photos of the Carnage of the Beans, not of... you know.... the Kopi-Luwak kind of carnage.
October 18, 2008
dontcry commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
I'll give you a topic: I want to make chili tomorrow but the only beans I have are a can of garbanzo beans, a can of green beans and a can of baked beans. I don't want to go the the store. Can I swing it??? I'm leaning towards the garbanzo beans... Talk amongst yourselves.
October 18, 2008
mollusque commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
October 18, 2008
asativum commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Plus, baked beans would seem to be a natural fit. Just put 'em in toward the end, since they're cooked, and cut back on other sweet ingredients...
October 18, 2008
bilby commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Beany McBeanington seems to fit.
October 18, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
I make chili with chick peas all the time.
October 19, 2008
asativum commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Well, now you can use Crappubeano®.
October 19, 2008
dontcry commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Thanks! I think I'm going to go with the garbanzos --although I'm tempted to use the baked because it might be easier to "sell" to my son. Hmmmm. No, garbanzo it is. More substance.
October 19, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list nicknames-for-my-dogs
Perhaps this conversation might feel more at home on the garbanzo page? I'd hate for anyone to miss it.
October 19, 2008