A list of 105 words by reesetee.
- achateswas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- girwas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- hobbeswas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- mighty manfredwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- pat bradywas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- kid flashwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- buckywas added by skipvia and appears on 4 lists
- arthurwas added by skipvia and appears on 11 lists
- dale ardenwas added by skipvia and appears on just this list
- obelixwas added by skipvia and appears on 3 lists
- olivierwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- despinawas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- suzannewas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- dorinewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- sideshow bobwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- waylon smitherswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- torgowas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- the cheatwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- catowas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- katowas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- smeewas added by reesetee and appears on 9 lists
- artemus gordonwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- mr. snuffleupaguswas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- maya feywas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- della streetwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- paul drakewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- aqualadwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- beakerwas added by reesetee and appears on 28 lists
- andarwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- iagowas added by reesetee and appears on 5 lists
- queequegwas added by reesetee and appears on 6 lists
- wilburwas added by reesetee and appears on 4 lists
- pedrillowas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- panchowas added by reesetee and appears on 5 lists
- buzz aldrinwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- parson abraham adamswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- pyladeswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- passepartoutwas added by reesetee and appears on 5 lists
- desi arnazwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- arielwas added by reesetee and appears on 12 lists
- papagenowas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- george costanzawas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- tattoowas added by reesetee and appears on 41 lists
- enkiduwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- gracie allenwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- rochester van joneswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- andy devinewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- smiley burnettewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- r2-d2was added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- leporellowas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- sally rogerswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- buddy sorrellwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- millie helperwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- patrocluswas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- the skipperwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- maynard g. krebswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- captain hastingswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- garth algarwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- shermanwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- pikachuwas added by reesetee and appears on 9 lists
- babe the blue oxwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- mini-mewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- rhoda morgensternwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- cameron fryewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- pedro sanchezwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- willow rosenbergwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- samwise gamgeewas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- gromitwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- scooby doowas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- jimmy olsenwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- pigletwas added by reesetee and appears on 34 lists
- paul shafferwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- ford prefectwas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- john oateswas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- falstaffwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- lassiewas added by reesetee and appears on 20 lists
- flickawas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- vanna whitewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- festus haggenwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- jerry lewiswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- rico tubbswas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- hermione grangerwas added by reesetee and appears on 3 lists
- trapper john mcintyrewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- spockwas added by reesetee and appears on 8 lists
- tontowas added by reesetee and appears on 8 lists
- jughead joneswas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- jiminy cricketwas added by reesetee and appears on 7 lists
- ethel mertzwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- ed nortonwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- chewbaccawas added by reesetee and appears on 6 lists
- barney rubblewas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- barney fifewas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- boo boowas added by reesetee and appears on 6 lists
- baba looeywas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- archie goodwinwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- natasha fatalewas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- rocket j. squirrelwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- pokeywas added by reesetee and appears on 20 lists
- doctor watsonwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- puckwas added by reesetee and appears on 27 lists
- sancho panzawas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- ed mcmahonwas added by reesetee and appears on just this list
- ron weasleywas added by reesetee and appears on 2 lists
- robinwas added by reesetee and appears on 39 lists
- woodstockwas added by reesetee and appears on 6 lists
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
How do you tell which of Abbott & Costello was the sidekick?
And is the sidekick to Martini the olive or the hangover?
December 14, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
See, those are trick questions, if you ask me! And that's why I didn't add them. :-)
December 14, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
Inspector Rex was the sidekanine but also kind of the star. I'm confuddled.
Does a missed conversion for the extra point count as a sidekick?
December 14, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
That's a tricky one. Wasn't he pretty much the star of the show?
And no, a missed conversion doesn't count. :->
December 14, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
Don't forget Poirot's Captain Hastings, Dobie Gillis's Maynard G. Krebs, Gilligan's The Skipper (or was it the other way around?), Achilles' Patroclus, Lucy's Viv (in the post–I Love Lucy series), Rob Petrie's double sidekick (one for each side?) Buddy & Sally (is that one word: buddyandsally?), Laura Petrie's Millie Helper (note the surname), Don Giovanni's Leporello (just to show I don't only watch '60s TV), Luke Skywalker's C-3PO, C-3PO's R2-D2 (is there a hierarchy of sidekickery?), and I suppose, skirting blasphemy, one could add Jesus's Peter, and God's Gabriel, Moses's Aaron ... well, it's an old tradition...
Great list!
December 15, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Haha! Thanks, rolig! I have to think on some of those. You're right--it's hard to tell sometimes which one's the sidekick, so I suppose I'll need to make some executive Wordie list decisions. But these are great ideas! I've been trying to think of more literary examples but the TV, movie, & cartoon sidekicks just keep popping into my head. ;-)
December 15, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
And then, of course, there's Dubya's Tony Blair ...
December 15, 2007
sionnach commented on the list oh-puck
Papageno, Tamino's sidekick in "The magic flute"?
December 15, 2007
sionnach commented on the list oh-puck
Ariel as sidekick to Prospero?
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
Girlfriend's hint, communicated under the table.
December 15, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks, sionnach! More classic suggestions. It's looking a little too heavy in the pop culture field. :-)
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
I was going to suggest Desi Arnaz (to Lucille Ball) and now I feel silly.
December 15, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Added! Don't feel silly. :-)
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
Indeed, I am silly!
December 15, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Oops. I meant "Don't feel, silly." ;-)
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
Buzz Aldrin. Armstrong got the glory for giant-stepping and I can't even remember the name of the third astronaut :-7
December 15, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Here's a clue that might provide a new item for your list:
"Eh, Cisco!" "Eh, ******!"
A true hero/sidekick relationship, this.
December 15, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
Condoleeza Rice? Yes!!!!! I love cajun cooking!
December 15, 2007
uselessness commented on the list oh-puck
bilby, you're terrible. In a good way, of course. ;-)
December 15, 2007
bilby commented on the list oh-puck
I've always wanted to be an enfant terrible and this is the closest I've got :-))) Seeing as I remain devastatingly unanagrammed I may countenance terrible bilby to fill the void.
"Is this a pregnant pause?" asked bilby expectantly. *waits*
December 15, 2007
minerva commented on the list oh-puck
Well, since there are characters from Mozart's operas listed, what about Pedrillo, sidekick to Belmont in The Abduction from the Seraglio?
December 15, 2007
minerva commented on the list oh-puck
There are also scores of soubrettes in plays and operas who fill the requirements of sidekick.
December 15, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
A literary suggestion: Queequeg (Ishmael's cannibal friend in Moby Dick). Also, I would dispute Mr. Ed's being listed as a sidekick - he was the star! It's Wilbur who was Mr. Ed's sidekick.
December 16, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
For some reason, last night I just started thinking about sidekicks.
Speedy (Green Arrow)
Aqualad (Aquaman, duh)
Beaker (Dr. Bunsen Honeydew)
Barney Fife (Sheriff Taylor)
Andar (Turok, Son of Stone)
Iago (Jafar)
This could get ugly...
December 16, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
Then, from gumshoe lit, there's Archie Goodwin (Nero Wolfe's right-hand man) and Perry Mason's pair, Paul Drake and Della Street.
December 16, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
Oh, I see Archie's there already... Sorry...
December 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Geez, why didn't you guys warn me you were going to be flooding Wordie over the weekend? I'd have made some time.... ;-)
Michael Collins, bilby. He's the poor sap who stayed behind while the other two cavorted on the moon. Skipvia: Pancho, of course. Great idea, as are all your other suggestions--clearly, this list got under your skin (mine too)! Oh, but Barney Fife's already listed.
Minerva: thanks also. One can never have too much Mozart. Rolig, you're right--silly of me. Wilbur added, Mr. Ed rightfully restored to his star status, and other suggestions added as well.
Damn, this list is fun. :-)
December 17, 2007
uselessness commented on the list oh-puck
Hmm, how about Phoenix Wright's sidekick, Maya Fey? Or Big Bird's sidekick, Mr. Snuffleupagus? Or Satan's sidekick, Bill Gates?
December 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Hey, U. Bil Gates isn't Satan's sidekick. He is Satan...
December 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Right. And as we know, he therefore has no place on this list. ;-)
Thanks, u--good ideas. I'd forgotten all about Aloysius Snuffleupagus!
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Help. I can't stop...
Artemus Gordon (James West)
Smee (Captain Hook)
Kato (The Green Hornet)
The Cheat (Strong Bad)
Torgo (The Master, Manos, the Hands of Fate; this one is pretty obscure unless you love cheesy pre-70's scifi/horror flicks, in which case Torgo is much beloved...)
December 18, 2007
rolig commented on the list oh-puck
Wouldn't Smithers by Mr. Burns's sidekick? And of course Sideshow Bob started out as the sidekick of Crusty the Clown, though he later went bad.
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks, guys! I may end up splitting this list into categories, at the rate we're going.
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks for the invitation to add to this list, reesetee. I can't find an obvious way to do so, so here are a few more possibilities until the way becomes clear...
Obelix (Asterix)- these could both go on arby's Fingernails on My Chalkboard list in another context...
Dale Arden (Flash Gordon)
Arthur (The Tick)
Bucky (Captain America, in the old version)
Kid Flash (The Flash)
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Ooh...Pat Brady (Roy Rogers)
December 18, 2007
minerva commented on the list oh-puck
How about Olivier, who was Roland's sidekick?
December 18, 2007
mollusque commented on the list oh-puck
Skipvia, if you're a contributor to but not the creator of the list, you can add to it on the list page. The "add word:" box will be there if you've been listed as a contributor. Fortunately, the words you add will count toward your total, not reesetee's. :-)
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
I guessed that's how it should work, mollusque, but there is no "add words" box available when I open reesette's list. Hmmm...
December 18, 2007
john commented on the list oh-puck
If a list has been successfully converted to a group list, you should see a list of contributors under the name of it, like so. If you don't, you might want to try again, and if it still fails, please email me (john-at-wordie.org) with details -- what list, what collaborators, etc. Thanks.
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks, John. I suspect that, although I have been invited to contribute, the list has not been set up so that I can access it.
Or perhaps it's just reesetee playing mind tricks, or tying to make me look foolish. (I'm perfectly capable of making myself look foolish, thank you very much.)
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Sorry skipvia--wasn't trying to gaslight you. It just didn't take the first time, although you were apparently notified anyway. Try it now and see if it works. I'll refrain from adding your suggestions until you do. :-)
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks, Minerva--another great suggestion.
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
Hey! I can add my own entries to this list now! Many thanks, reesetee.
Although you may come to regret it... ;-)
December 18, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list oh-puck
I know it's completely irrelevant to the list, and was probably a mistyping anyway, but I love that skipvia called reesetee "reesette," and propose adding that name to my list. :)
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Go for it. It makes me sound positively diminutive.
Enjoy, skipvia! I know I can trust you to keep the list as highbrow as it has been thus far. ;-)
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
I don't know about the highbrow thing, reesetee (or reesette?). You may have noticed that most of my entires refer to comic book characters and B-actors from old TV shows. Nary a Papageno nor a Queequeg in the lot.
Maybe you should rethink your invitation...
*hoping he doesn't*
December 18, 2007
skipvia commented on the list oh-puck
C_B; reesetee's name has always confused me since I first misread it as re-settee (perhaps a reupholstered couch of some sort?). Combine that with being a marginal typist and you never know what will come out...
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
I'm not even going to look. I just know I've ended up as a reupholstered couch on c_b's list. :-\
It would have helped if I'd remembered to capitalize where I usually do when I signed up here: ReeseTee. But alas, I've doomed myself to Wordie misreadings.
*sighs dramatically*
December 18, 2007
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Skipvia, for every Queequeg I believe there must be a Sideshow Bob. It's the way of the world. ;-)
December 18, 2007
plethora commented on the list oh-puck
I love this list.
How about Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes, and Gir of Invader Zim.
April 27, 2008
reesetee commented on the list oh-puck
Thanks, plethora! How could we have missed Calvin & Hobbes?
April 28, 2008