28130725 has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 2 lists, listed 34 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 230 words.
Favorite Lists
- The List Who Cried Wolof!
- Schrödinger's cat and other famous scientific props
- Silence is golden
- Infinite Jest
- corpus medicorum
- thegirlnextfloor's list
- A whooshing of turpentine up my nostrils
- sweet tooth fairy
- Miscellaneous
- I love you for your sound
- random assortment
- Names of military aircraft
- Prosie: How I Met My Wife
- I love you for your meaning
- ktrey's wordlist
- I always WAS going to make a list of phrases
- kickassery
- Fight scene words
- wanderstar's Words
- Snarl words
- Gristle and Flesh
- Uncommon Colours
- Chromonyms
- the omnibus
- Morthalion's Words
- Infinite Jest
- LIT - Odyssey - key words and phrases
- miscellanea
- Well-mixed metaphors
- Mythical Beings
- Jorge Luis Borges On Writing
- Words To Remember
- Death Grips Lyrics
- Words for Haikus
- galactic
- Starless
- Eccentric girls' names
- Othernessence
- supernatural creatures according to M.A. Denham
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead
- cool words
- derogatory terms I should use more often
- Words build meanings from origins( etymology )
- Unpleasant
- Quacksalvers et al. Nostrum
- Words For Novel (Part 2)
- Onomatopoetic
- fbharjo's Words
- ...:::bella:::...
- Swishy Burbles
- Para-Palindromes
- They Roll Off The Tongue
- They Stumble Off The Tongue
- Sounding like a superhero
- Big Top
- What David Foster Wallace Circled in His Dictionary
- Eponyms
- Destiny
- American Gladiators
- Thresholds
- Wrongheads
- vespertine libertines
- Send in the clowns
- LIT - Iliad - key words and protagonists
- LIT - Greco-Latin gods and heroes
- Poetrie: Ballade of Good Doctrine to Those of Evil Life
Comments by 28130725
28130725 commented on the list of-the-flood-vHYpI_D7IFU8
July 16, 2020