I had a pantograph, many, many years ago. I used it to enlarge clip art for various projects. After the personal computer and Illustrator, etc... came along, I sold it to a teacher at a yard sale. A very handy *little* device. Didn't Thos. Jefferson use one for making copies of documents?
Today, my Dad demonstrated his resolve to increase world literacy - even in his nearly comatose state - by answering the nurse's question: "Do you know where you're at?" with "Yes, behind the at." Taught him well by his Mum in Beaver, PA. God bless the both of them.
I got it - but to my way of seeing things, the pez candy is coming out of the character's neck -- and that always seemed more than a little creepy to me. Kind-a Dr. Phibes-y.
*wonders why there isn't a choice of English in the fun "translate to" feature...*
h - I had to read this several times to understand that you didn't mean that your corgi was biting into the neck of your pet rabbit. He wasn't...was he??
I'm reading a bio of Lorenzo De'Medici and am curious as to the practice (at least in this book) of spelling the name "Medici" regardelss if it's being used to describe one Medici, two or more Medici, and/or something belonging to the or a Medici. Anyone??
Very interesting article. I think that if you are worried that a sommelier has drunk a bit of your very expensive wine, it's probably because you couldn't afford it in the first place... I've forwarded to my brother, a sommelier. I'm curious to hear his take on the subject.
But isn't the tartness the reason for using a lemon? I do like the 1/2 a cup of juice yield, however. *must find this much ad-meyer-ed lemon for a tasting*
Awww. Pleth, when and if you you first employ yours as 'working boobs,' I have every confidence that you not only will perceive it as 'battle' you may even postulate about it, eloquently, of course, on wordnik! They don't call it "latching on" for nothing....
Wait...is this list supposed to be about what I hate about YOU or ME? 'Cause, I don't even know YOU and I don't' hate anything about ME. Maybe I could list everything I hate about THIS LIST..? What I hate abut this list is that it is soooo negative. I have stretch marks and my ****'s aren't perky anymore either -- but I don't hate that about me. And neither should you (ya, know, about you -- or me either...). Make lemonade, eb...
Yes! I tried to comment on the Icelandic word for boobs hours ago but it got hung up (no pun intended) with that irritating circular dots thing...and I just gave up! *bobbingar* *snort*
r - well, that is a good place to start, isn't it?! Thanks! I hope to begin pronunciating my way through it --and more-- very soon. I just need a plan for capturing a few quiet moments each morning to myself...
I agree, pro. It's awfully ugly and unclear. If you want a word to be recognized as an acronym -- and not a misspelled, madeupical or foreign word - you must use either all caps or periods after each letter.... no??
Before plastic wrap and tin foil (and God knows, before fancy plastic containers made just for left-overs) my Grandmother would whelve a bowl over a plate of left-overs to keep them fresh in the fridge. Sometimes, so do I.
Yes. Mr dontcry used to tease me about my grandfather's ever sprawling "Winchester tool shed." Grandpa just kept on adding and adding to it. Unlike Mrs. Winchester, however, my Grandpa used mostly found materials for construction.
The back bumper of my Datsun "fell off" when I went to Europe for the summer and my brother drove my "dottie" while I was gone. That was the beginning of the end for old dottie.
1973 Datsun 710, red. Took it from Slippery Rock State College, PA to Key West, FL, laden with 5 co-eds, for spring break, 1978. Got a really bad sunburn. Learned how to pitch a tent, how to hustle pool, and how to live out of a car.
wordies: I needed a break from grieving after having lost my brother last week. I came to wordnik, clicked on 'never put your bananas in the refrigerator' and got just what I needed. Thank you. You are just what I needed. Carry on. I'll be back. *blows kisses*
Thanks for sharing, andrew. I am *involved* with mr dontcry, a manuscript I may or may not finish reading, a 2006 Shiraz, and half a turkey & Swiss on a nice whole grain roll.
Later I'll be involved with, again, mr dontcry, (goes without saying, really) my heavenly bed, a down quilt, the remote, and possibly a quick peek at my book club book.
I struggled with that age-old question: to get a colon tat or semicolon tat? Who hasn't, right? I became so snarfled I just never decided. Of course, I knew exactly where to put the colon tat, but the semicolon...tough call.
ru - the snowed-in-chocolate-candy-eating-wall-bouncing fest is on hold for lent... *wah* It's been replaced by a yoga-posing-step-aerobics-tennis-ball-bouncing fest. ;-)
I dunno, maybe it was the recipe. I was intrigued with the shape and color of this vegetable when I saw it in a Latin market. I sliced it, like a pear, and sautéd it in olive oil with garlic, red pepper, salt, sugar and vinegar. The texture was crispy -- but like almost-raw potato crispy and the spiciness didn't seem to go with it at all... kinda yucky all the way around. I'm thinking that a purée will be the best bet for this little green gourd.
I like "stripe-y." "You know how, if you sit on the chaise at the pool without a towel, when you get up the backs of your legs are all stripe-y? Yeah, I hate that."
When my daughter was little - 3 or 4 - she used to say "I'm so psych-ded" when she meant "I'm so excited." It was so cute! We still say it sometimes. Note: she quit saying it like that loooong before middle school...
Sorry, Erin. My pronunciations stopped showing up on my profile page about a month ago and I'm having trouble on an on-going basis both listing and listening to them. But I think you are as cute as a button, and I know you and your team will get it right! I believe in you!
He mentions at the end of the video that he, in addition to being nearly blind, has tinnitus. Maybe that explains his slight trouble with the letter "R"...
I thoroughly enjoyed the video, by the way. My grandmother experienced those hallucinations at the end of her life. She went blind from macular degeneration.
How about taking more than your share of the good crunchy stuff off the top of a casserole before passing it...huh? That's a high crime in my book. Maybe we could call it scalping the casserole.
This is interesting. Earlier, I put half a round of left-over brie on the counter to warm up a bit for my little pre-dinner happy hour. When I returned to the kitchen a few minutes ago, my daughter's boyfriend had hacked it up like some kind of animal. Seriously? It looks like the dog got hold of it. What's worse, he gouged out all the middle part. I'd like to give his 'brie' a good pointing!
gangerh - you're right, I didn't notice that before. My last several pronunciations - like Gangerh Management - aren't listed. Sheesh... *can't wait to pronunciate sheesh but afraid to anger Mike*
*whispers* I'm here...I got you message. Trying to act natural and not make eye contact with Mike. I think he suspects something. When he's not looking, I'll try to slip over to the porch...
That's funny, I just finished reading a chapter all about ketchup in a book I'm browsing, "What the Dog Saw." I learned a lot about ketchup -- but nothing I remember about ketchup chocolates!
Well, it looks as if he certainly had a wart or mole above his right eyebrow. He also had a little soul patch, which I will assume to be the "and all" in this head shot.
No, wait: I'm looking at a portrait of him on his mount. His steed seems to be smirking at the "Lord Protector," who is sporting a bit of a paunch and is holding what appears to me to be a thread of a crop in his pudgy little hand which is resting on his hip. His foot is in poor form in the stirrup. I guess the artists of the day took him at his word.
I was just a victim of in-your-face schadenfreude by my Jewish neighbor on facebook! I'd call her on it but she's so nice that I think I'd actually be guilty of schadenfreude if I did... I think I'll just blame facebook and get on with it.
bilby: Har! Love that video. I used to make a "sh, sh, sh" sound that was pretty effective as well. I was told it was similar to a sound the baby heard in the womb. I'm guessing this works for the same reason.
I just started a book last night with the intention of finishing it before school starts on Monday. I doubt that I'll finish it before midnight tonight - unless I read non-stop today (I wish...). I'll make a point to note how I feel after the ball drops.
I agree with tel -- the spacing isn't appropriate for matching up the pronouncer with the pronunciation. Sorry to be negative. Here's a laugh to balance things out: :-o
I know. Sometimes I can't remember the names of people I haven't met and it irritates the hell out of me ;-)
Here's a funny story about remembering (let's see if I remember how it goes):
My grandfather, who was at the time, about 90 years old, came out of the kitchen shaking his head. My aunt (with whom he lived) asked him what was wrong. He said,
"I put the bread in that contraption in the kitchen...you know, with the slots (and he makes a motion with his hands going down like karate chops) and then the bread pops up (and he makes two fists with thumbs up and he whistles, twice) -- what's that called?"
My aunt said: "You mean the toaster, Daddy?"
My grandfather walked away from her saying, "Toaster....toaster....toaster."
My aunt then asked: What are you doing Dad?" To which my grandfather replied: "I heard on the TV that if you repeat a word three times, you'll always remember it."
And he always did.
So, there you have it. Solution to your memory problem, t.
Wow. Bilby, a Snuggie is a blanket you wear. It's for people who can't figure out how to wrap a blanket around themselves without trapping their own arms...
PU, because I often work on publications/promotions that are prepared many months in advance of their actual release date, I'm usually a good 6 months ahead of the times. I've been known to put Christmas music on and turn the a/c way down in July to get in the 'mood' to write for the up-coming season... It's all just a state of mind, dude. Flex it!
I'm thinking that Mr. Funk's intention was to honor words with the most beautiful definitions or sentiments of the time - not the words with the most beautiful pronunciations. Either way, I disagree with his list.
I do not wave or fry them. I just put them in the toaster oven on what I think is a reasonable amount of time for just-buttery-crispness, then invariably, they burn...
A glacier just slid off my roof, hit the cellar door and shook the entire house to the rafters. I thought those wingnuts on my roof were supposed to stop that from happening...
Whichbe - it sounds like you are riding up on a horse just before -- and away just after -- your pronunciations here. Gives them something of a Monty Python flair!
I don't know what has happened, but wordnik isn't working for me anymore. Nothing updates, my list additions don't show up, I don't think anyone will even be able to read this...but I'm sending it out any way... It's no fun now.
I think there is, should be, a difference between controlling the environment in a classroom (or office or subway car, etc.) and controlling the people in those venues. I think nearly everyone appreciates a safe, pleasant atmosphere but almost no one appreciates being controlled... I like the sort of old-fashioned idea of reward and punishment being a group activity (when the group is homogenous, such as a class at school) - in that the group is only as good or bad as the best or worst of them. This encourages a group to police itself and the leader can take on the role of moderator.
When I logged on this morning it was still stuck on the same spot. I hit F5 and it updated. I wonder why it got stuck -- never happened before. How do you clear a cache? (That sounds like the set-up for a joke!) I use a PC, Vista, explorer...
What couch? Is John in therapy? He probably has latent wordie issues. I hope this kad can help him -- although, she seems confused about who she really is...
mr dontcry has a 1971 Nova in My Garage. He has formed a band of friends, the "Nova Knights" for "Nova Night" - each Friday night in My Garage. They are supposed to be working on rebuilding the old rustbucket -- I mean the classic car... I get the feeling that I will never be able to park My Car in My Garage... *wah*
We've always said boinking, not bonking for sex. If you hit someone on the head, say with a rubber mallet, à la whack-a-mole, that would be bonking. Remember Little Bunny Foo-Foo?
Whaaa??? Oh! Har! I mean, sarting, ahem, yes is the technical term for how to begin when beginning with tomatoes. Yes, it's a very technical cooking term I wouldn't expect most of you to know....
Uselessness: First of all, it sounds like your sauce is way too runny. You are sarting with whole tomatoes, aren't you? Let it cook down a bit more, okay? Also, don't rinse the pasta. That startch helps the sauce to cling. Next, using the bottom-most tine of your fork, select a couple two-three strands; lift them up (your fork should be at about eye level) to separate them from the pack; lower your fork(at an angle so they don't slip off) to a corner of your plate or bowl; press the tips of all tines down and at an angle; twirl; lift a bit to inspect for hangers-down; if spotted, twirl another half turn or so; move your mouth over the plate; open wide and insert the entire fork (excluding the handle). You have to move quickly, right? Also, try to focus on your twirling until you've got it down pat. No more typing while twirling. You're not ready.
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the bartender gives him the drink the neutron asks, "How much?" The bartender says: "No charge for you."
mr dontcry suggested that I list this word. He comes up with a good one every now and then. Perhaps I should reward him with another delcious treat from down under. Oh, clean up your minds! I mean Australia! You know, marmite...? (shhhh)
You should not have been diving with all that food in your belly, 'nach. Also, I'm thinking the pools at the Radisson probably are not even deep enough to dive safely.
I tasted a grapple today. It's an apple that tastes a bit like a concord grape. Actually, I found that it smells more like a grape than it tastes like one. Very delicious though.
I just noticed that the very large word is now purple. I rather liked the blue...
I'm not sure how to say this -- but in wordie, I could scan the front page and pick out the comments I made, or my name or words I had commented on -- by color. On this Zeitgeist list, the word and the wordie are always the same color -- which makes quick scanning impossible... Sorry if this is redundant. More sorrier if it is incomprehensible...
I remember when we moved to Oklahoma when I was in 5th grade, our neighbor referred to her dog's poo as "duke." She called it "dog duke." I had never heard that expression before -- or since.
I don't like the "nikkers" ending because it sounds like a popular slang of "niggers" and I don't like that word. It hurts my feelings. Wordniks is my vote -- if we can't just be wordies on wordnik.
wordies - the_bear just had a cub... She probably has (gasp) more pressing things to tend to just now. She'll join in. Give her time to adjust to all this -- change -- . All right, then?
dontcry's Comments
Comments by dontcry
Show previous 200 comments...
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Wow. Thanks rt and rz! I got an email about a month ago with that string of quotes in it... not sure why or from whom...
July 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word horse pistol
Hospital, according to my Dad.
July 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pantograph
I had a pantograph, many, many years ago. I used it to enlarge clip art for various projects. After the personal computer and Illustrator, etc... came along, I sold it to a teacher at a yard sale. A very handy *little* device. Didn't Thos. Jefferson use one for making copies of documents?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sophie Tucker
Ernie - get off my back.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Sophie Tucker
Soph...you got no tits and a tight box.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Baby Rose Marie
Didn't she grow up to play on the Dick Van Dyke Show? Always with the little barrett in the hair?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pseudophallic
*not biting*
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bear repeating
Thats' what I thought...
You am what you am...but sometimes, just bearly.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word boobook
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pseudoaphid
*wishes the aphids who winter-over in her house were pseudo...*
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bear repeating
Did you just double bear dare your own self, r?
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word behind the at
Today, my Dad demonstrated his resolve to increase world literacy - even in his nearly comatose state - by answering the nurse's question: "Do you know where you're at?" with "Yes, behind the at." Taught him well by his Mum in Beaver, PA. God bless the both of them.
July 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lambda
That's a big one...
July 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gaposis
I think it should be the diagnosis for a person wearing too much khaki and chambray.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word great big dogs fight animals
Used for remembering the notes G, B, D, F and A on the lines of the bass clef.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word per cagare occorre fare grandi stronzi
I got it - but to my way of seeing things, the pez candy is coming out of the character's neck -- and that always seemed more than a little creepy to me. Kind-a Dr. Phibes-y.
July 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Medici
Ahhh. I didn't know that. He also uses 'medicean' a lot. Thanks!
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word per cagare occorre fare grandi stronzi
*wonders why there isn't a choice of English in the fun "translate to" feature...*
h - I had to read this several times to understand that you didn't mean that your corgi was biting into the neck of your pet rabbit. He wasn't...was he??
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word unslatternly
High praise...
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Candwich
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Medici
I'm reading a bio of Lorenzo De'Medici and am curious as to the practice (at least in this book) of spelling the name "Medici" regardelss if it's being used to describe one Medici, two or more Medici, and/or something belonging to the or a Medici. Anyone??
July 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tastevin
According to my very funny brother - sung to the tune "The First Cut is the Deepest:" "The first sip is the sweetest..."
July 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word tastevin
Very interesting article. I think that if you are worried that a sommelier has drunk a bit of your very expensive wine, it's probably because you couldn't afford it in the first place... I've forwarded to my brother, a sommelier. I'm curious to hear his take on the subject.
July 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Candwich
July 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word agiotage
*wonders how this word is related to espionage?*
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word camp robber
That's funny, those also are *some* of the nicknames we gave my Uncle John....
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the user janejetson
Jaaane, his wife! *chopsticks-like tune*
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word BILLY MAYS MEMORIAL CAPS LOCK DAY
July 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the list usb-flash-thumb-memory-drive-key-disk-sticks
Stick it on a stick and drop it by my office. I say it all the time.
June 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Cheesemania
I thought I had a cheese list....and where are the crackers...?
June 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hi-you
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
"and the sun paints white houses by various arts of love and hate, thy sire saw the light that shone" - anybody recognize this??
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hi-you
June 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word oboyerite
I wonder if this is pronounced: Oh boy you're right!
June 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meyer lemon
But isn't the tartness the reason for using a lemon? I do like the 1/2 a cup of juice yield, however. *must find this much ad-meyer-ed lemon for a tasting*
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word longer than the embrace of two Great Gippsland earthworms on a face-licking holiday at Phillip Island
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Air NZ gets into bed with Virgin
That can't have been very satisfying.
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meyer lemon
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word longer than the embrace of two Great Gippsland earthworms on a face-licking holiday at Phillip Island
June 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word humbrella
I might need a bumbrella if my bottom gets any bigger.
June 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everything-i-hate-about-me
Awww. Pleth, when and if you you first employ yours as 'working boobs,' I have every confidence that you not only will perceive it as 'battle' you may even postulate about it, eloquently, of course, on wordnik! They don't call it "latching on" for nothing....
June 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everything-i-hate-about-me
Wait...is this list supposed to be about what I hate about YOU or ME? 'Cause, I don't even know YOU and I don't' hate anything about ME. Maybe I could list everything I hate about THIS LIST..? What I hate abut this list is that it is soooo negative. I have stretch marks and my ****'s aren't perky anymore either -- but I don't hate that about me. And neither should you (ya, know, about you -- or me either...). Make lemonade, eb...
June 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word nuclear
u - *snort*
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bruschetta
Can't wait to get into the office tomorow to do mine! I do a mean 'bruschetta!'
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the user camdrollins
Spiced Ham.
June 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the list how-i-met-your-mother--now-a-major-wordnik-list
I don't know how to!
June 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
Yes! I tried to comment on the Icelandic word for boobs hours ago but it got hung up (no pun intended) with that irritating circular dots thing...and I just gave up! *bobbingar* *snort*
June 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
Just discovered the "translate to" feature. There goes another day of productive work...
June 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word my boobs aren't perky
June 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
r - well, that is a good place to start, isn't it?! Thanks! I hope to begin pronunciating my way through it --and more-- very soon. I just need a plan for capturing a few quiet moments each morning to myself...
June 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word keep your butt out of the pot
Hmmm. Butts, heads, pot....donkeys???? I need to make more time for my wordie...
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word keep your butt out of the pot
Hmmm. Butts, heads, pot.... I need to make more time for my wordie...
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word CRUD
I agree, pro. It's awfully ugly and unclear. If you want a word to be recognized as an acronym -- and not a misspelled, madeupical or foreign word - you must use either all caps or periods after each letter.... no??
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
May 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Needs to make a list of words to pronunciate.
May 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word jagg-off
*needs to pronunciate*
May 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
hee hee
May 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Really needs to catch up on pronunciating....
Needs to catch breath first...
May 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*pants some more*
*stops panting for a sec*
Pants?? We don't need no stinking pants!
*continues to pant*
May 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
"hold" the gown closed...
May 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-that-occur-to-you-as-you-sit-in-the-doctors-office-wearing-a-paper-gown
*uses most irritating, whining voice*
Why, why, why can't I correct the typo on my last entry??? I can't deleeeeeeeeeeeet it and make it right! *stomps foot*
May 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word no estrogen, sorry
This needs pronunciating.
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
r - that suggestion is teh alsome *runs off to make another list* *pants*
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word every potential wordie list is an existing wordie list
I thought of a list as I was sitting in my doctor's office wearing a paper 'gown' today. Maybe I'll see if it exists... *runs off to make list*
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word whelve
Before plastic wrap and tin foil (and God knows, before fancy plastic containers made just for left-overs) my Grandmother would whelve a bowl over a plate of left-overs to keep them fresh in the fridge. Sometimes, so do I.
May 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user john
John's tag: *snort*
May 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Fritos
Munch, munch, munch a bunch of Friiiitoooos...corn chips!
May 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word marmite
*gasp* pleth! Where've you been???
May 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word meth lab of democracy
He slays me!
April 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word stickering
snickering: to apply snickers. Apply directly into mouth for best results.
April 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word malophile
"Where the fuck are the mallomars?"
- George Carlin
April 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantrophobe
I keep the cilantro in the shower - where it belongs.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word take our survey
"Freak not"
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word mad props
Well, la-dee-dah.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantrophobe
Totally soap.
April 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word mad props
There's a wordie blog....? Did I know this?
April 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cilantro
Totally soap.
April 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word banana boat
April 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word LBJ orders some pants
bilby - maybe he thought me might need to defend himself...
March 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
*applauds wildly*
March 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Winchester Mystery House
Yes. Mr dontcry used to tease me about my grandfather's ever sprawling "Winchester tool shed." Grandpa just kept on adding and adding to it. Unlike Mrs. Winchester, however, my Grandpa used mostly found materials for construction.
March 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*wah* Couldn't view skip's profile.... *feels ordinary*
March 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the list sportie-cricket
Underarm bowl...?
March 19, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fruit fly sperm
March 19, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pentagram
What about ta? Yes, no?
March 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
The back bumper of my Datsun "fell off" when I went to Europe for the summer and my brother drove my "dottie" while I was gone. That was the beginning of the end for old dottie.
March 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list entertainment
Horse feathers..?
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word snake
Or pagans ;-)
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the list first-car
1973 Datsun 710, red. Took it from Slippery Rock State College, PA to Key West, FL, laden with 5 co-eds, for spring break, 1978. Got a really bad sunburn. Learned how to pitch a tent, how to hustle pool, and how to live out of a car.
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
Okay. I guess I need to make a list. I'll try, but I might need some back-up...
March 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Button Cookies
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word first cars
1973 Datsun 710, red.
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Button Cookies
*really wants an example of Button Cookies*
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word courtesying
I think they are two different things.
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the list the-pogues
"Pretty sure it was a great show."
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
Interesting! Shouldn't the first word be a one-word sentence--for the decimal?
March 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
Ha! Yes, all pies were rounded off.
March 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pi Day
It was Pie Sunday (the second Sunday of each month) at my church today -- 3.14.10! Even I got that one!
March 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hottest-guys-names
George Clooney.
March 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
*feels so much love*
March 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
wordies: I needed a break from grieving after having lost my brother last week. I came to wordnik, clicked on 'never put your bananas in the refrigerator' and got just what I needed. Thank you. You are just what I needed. Carry on. I'll be back. *blows kisses*
March 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
March 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word vajazzling
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word vajazzling
Personally, I find the porch light to be just perfect, thank you very much.
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user andrewchang22
"crocheted water bottles" ! Chapeau, bilby!
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user andrewchang22
Thanks for sharing, andrew. I am *involved* with mr dontcry, a manuscript I may or may not finish reading, a 2006 Shiraz, and half a turkey & Swiss on a nice whole grain roll.
Later I'll be involved with, again, mr dontcry, (goes without saying, really) my heavenly bed, a down quilt, the remote, and possibly a quick peek at my book club book.
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the list hats-off
Would "The Cone of Silence" count?
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mob
*puts out the good china*
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
But is it simpler than teaching dontcry how to change her browser settings? Hmmm?? *dons pointy cap - sits on stool*
On second thought, I could just wear my sunglasses. *undons pointy cap* *kicks stool to the curb* *dons sunglasses - looks cool*
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mob
March 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
The blue is a bit hard on the eyes -- especially early in the morning! Maybe tone done the brightness a hair??
March 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
My blues seem bluer and my pinks seem, well, pinker! Is it just moi?
March 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word uneccessary
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Moms
Oh, yarb-o...you make me laugh! I'm here, bilby, just as busy as a porch swing on a hot summer's night...
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word blooperang
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word corinthian
Makes me think of soft leather car seats.
February 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word phpects
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the user bilby
*covers ears*
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the list things-people-might-attempt-to-juggle
I used to be able to juggle three tennis balls. Now I can juggle my car keys, my agenda book, my umbrella, and my purse. *wah*
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
Baloney. That's a red herring.
February 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word missliebig
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word noel coward on peter o'toole
HAR! *sides hurt from laughing*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word birched
The green branch from any tree would make a fine switch in my day...
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the user frogapplause
*applauds* Did that help??
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the list new-esp-good
We be the woooord
We be madeupicaaaal
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word slalom
*note to self: always say it like this: sla-LOM*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word dontcry's tattoos
I struggled with that age-old question: to get a colon tat or semicolon tat? Who hasn't, right? I became so snarfled I just never decided. Of course, I knew exactly where to put the colon tat, but the semicolon...tough call.
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lock
*searches for key*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word snarfled a fargle
*makes a note to use this phrase daily*
February 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
ru - the snowed-in-chocolate-candy-eating-wall-bouncing fest is on hold for lent... *wah* It's been replaced by a yoga-posing-step-aerobics-tennis-ball-bouncing fest. ;-)
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word murder
I suggest a "cacophony" of crows.
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word thank you humphrey you may retire
February 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iroquoisy
We should be seeing them soon...
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word semicolon
How is it I've missed this page all this time?
*gets a vonnegut tat*
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word delio
Since "You have yourself a deal" is a pretty standard phrase around these parts, I'd say that's what she was going for -- with a twist.
February 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peerage
Would "steerage" be: really horny??
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peerage
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*polishes finger cymbals*
*calls "shotgun"*
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*licks the walls*
*gets a papaya tat*
*thumbs to the Pole*
February 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list my-kitchen-cabinets
*adds a nice porch*
February 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets yoko tat*
February 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*rim shot*
February 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the user ftsophie
Trying to pronounce your 'name.' Is the "f" silent? ;-)
February 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
pu - anywhere you like!
February 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word does miley cyrus have a tattoo
I thought mollusque was a he, also. Miley should get a dontcry tat. They're all the rage.
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets styoo-pid tat*
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Me too -- but on the plus side, my comments are now back to automatically updating! No more F5-ing each time.
February 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Quixotic
Yes, we have no Quixotic.
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word quixotically
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the user chicabanda
Hoosier Daddy? *snort*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the user john
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Cappucinno(Brown with white)
*hands bilby a tissue*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*almost gets a solveig tat*
February 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word phantom of heilbronn
Creepy. I used to live in Heilbronn...
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I'm pretty sure I told you not to, rt! Those wombats are dangerous! *is exasperated* *eats more chocolate* *becomes silly with chocolate glee*
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Having a ridiculously decadent chocolate-candy-eating fest on the snowed-in porch! *bounces off the walls*
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the list lost-for-word
I just call it a pointing finger dingbat.
February 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ultimate frisbee
We were playing it in college in the mid-seventies...in the snow.
February 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mount_weary
I'm on the Pooped Deck.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word TelePalmter
Yeah, 'cause that's totally different. *barf*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the list ria
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I thought I told you not to drive? *taps foot*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word larf
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word going Dutch
No, they go Flemish.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*gets reunion tour tat*
*sets up drums*
*passes out*
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I may be crazy, but you may be right, bear.
February 10, 2010
dontcry commented on the list palinisms
Larf? *snort*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fruitful ambiguity
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word English suntan
*gets bumper tat-ed*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word going Dutch
This is a first-rate phrase!
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word White Russian
A delicious beverage!
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word French letter
*whispers* a condom
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Philadelphia heartburn
AKA: a wedgie
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*finishes drum solo*
*sets drums on fire*
*gets a cupcake tat*
February 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the list b-rice-is-nice-b
Hitler was a vegetarian. Just saying. That's what I've heard.
February 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*breaks into frenzied drum solo*
February 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word a john simon compendium
*scared that john simon will find a photo of me...*
February 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word scaramouche
Is that the wind I hear??
February 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the list origin-unknown
Hee, hee!
February 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word yarbanas
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the user paulhamilton
Paul Spamilton
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the list everyones-a-critic
Would that be sionnach on wordnik? ;-)
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
*runs off to get Ibsen tat*
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word william faulkner on ernest hemingway
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ernest hemingway on william faulkner
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
I relish a good game of five-card umbrage. Who's in?
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Pass the peanuts.
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
I'll take one umbrage, please.
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Fermi paradox
Maybe they fail to sense our life force.
Maybe they have and got our service.
Maaaaaaybe they're just not that into us...
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word almost Solveig
Oooooh.... can I play the drums? My inner Tommy Lee has been dying to come out!!
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gavotte
She did, Pro. Didn't she, didn't she, didn't she?
February 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word foufou
Hey... this is our nickname for our dog, Founder! We found her, you know.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ned
Didn't they use the term "Teds" in England when the Beatles were coming of age? I think I remember that from the Lennon bio I read a while back.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word sweater cream
But what does it mean??
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Read 'em and weep. A royal umbrage.
*smirks and twirls invisible mustache*
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
My umbrage is hot.
February 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word umbrage
Vegas takes umbrage???
Wha.... gimme ten on umbrage to win.
February 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bacteria
Maybe, "we are not amuse-ed." ?
February 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the user sionnach
February 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word crushing on
No. The kids in my son's middle school use it as well -- on the other side of the country.
February 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the user sionnach
February 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Moms
Maybe as in: "All Moms are nice. A group of Moms stormed the daycare center. Moms against drunk drivers..." ?
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word warren beatty
He's a real looker!
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iroquoisy
Aren't I? Aren't I?
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iroquoisy
It's TOTALLY about me.
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Converse's
Word of the day in action: "I stole my brother's Converse's laces 'cause I needed them for my science project."
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word prinking
I must confess. I am fond of the occasional prink and yaff. I am a lady, afterall.
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word prinking
Well, when I go a prinking and a yaffling (which, of course, I'm fond of), I want nothing to do with hogpens, or men, for that matter. So there.
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word forgotten media
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word You probably think this song is about you
I'm pretty sure it is.
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word navel fluff
Why, why, why did I click on the link?
January 31, 2010
dontcry commented on the word 42
Aaaacckk! She'll be *gulp* 43 on April 15th. Get busy.
January 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word moist towelette
Ummm.....nope. I got nothin'.
January 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word amabyr
Or, amalittleteapot...
January 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word 7457
What would you get if you ordered Chinese takeout in Hungary? *ponders*
January 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iPad
I've seen that. It's Hi-larious!
January 30, 2010
dontcry commented on the user ruzuzu
The get kangaroo-boos?
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iPad
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word iPad
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word stripe-ed
I don't like the ice-cream touching my cake -- or pie.
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the list to-parryphrase-the-porkmeister-as-it-were
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the user frogapplause
I love your lame blog -- except now I have to chase down a copy of "Jim's Journal!" Thanks a lot, frog... ;-)
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word chayote
I dunno, maybe it was the recipe. I was intrigued with the shape and color of this vegetable when I saw it in a Latin market. I sliced it, like a pear, and sautéd it in olive oil with garlic, red pepper, salt, sugar and vinegar. The texture was crispy -- but like almost-raw potato crispy and the spiciness didn't seem to go with it at all... kinda yucky all the way around. I'm thinking that a purée will be the best bet for this little green gourd.
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word chayote
Made this tonight. Not a fan.
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzusfeetaresmelli
The anticipation is killing me... *bites knuckle*
January 29, 2010
dontcry commented on the word yougle
January 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word stripe-ed
I like "stripe-y." "You know how, if you sit on the chaise at the pool without a towel, when you get up the backs of your legs are all stripe-y? Yeah, I hate that."
January 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the user warriormilk
Tastes like Spam.
January 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ruzuzusfeetaresmelli
*wishes Pro would pronunciate this*
January 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pongsome
January 28, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rain man
January 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Could we add a "take this arby and shove it" option?
ps arby kiss this...
January 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word U2 in the air
Yeah...it could have been a Tibetan monk cleverly disguised as a hooker.
January 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
But sometimes those lists later become "open" - right? Or am I thinking of the wrong type of list...?
January 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word U2 in the air
I don't think we should measure good deeds. Even the smallest entertainment of angles unaware is a little blessing.
January 27, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Arsesmart
Where you can get your arses at wholesale prices.
January 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pennsylvania Regionalisms
See that is does, ruzuzu. Yinz dont' want to get in hawt water with me.
January 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word lepadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiotyromelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptokephaliokinklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetragalopterygon
katakechym if you can!
January 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
Ruzuzu - what a voice! Lovely!
January 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word significant linguistic content dream
Veddy interestink!
January 26, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Himself in the altogether
Just takeout and coffee? I don't think I'll be altogether satisfied with that...
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cenosillicaphobia
I have that.
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pantsful
Ahhhh. Like, "my closet ispantsful with so many sizes that do not fit" ?
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word parturitated
This sounds like a mild UTI symptom.
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Like-ded
When my daughter was little - 3 or 4 - she used to say "I'm so psych-ded" when she meant "I'm so excited." It was so cute! We still say it sometimes. Note: she quit saying it like that loooong before middle school...
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Sorry, Erin. My pronunciations stopped showing up on my profile page about a month ago and I'm having trouble on an on-going basis both listing and listening to them. But I think you are as cute as a button, and I know you and your team will get it right! I believe in you!
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Himself in the altogether
So, altogether, we've got naked guys with takeout and maybe some coffee? Perfect!
January 25, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ginormous
I don't remember anything about 1984...it's a complete blank.
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word yellow nectarine
Well, many more of us could live next door...
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word passacaglia
Oh, when I came here I expected to see that Pro had listed as a type of pasta! Musical fake-out!
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the list sweet-tooth-fairy
Awwww! *"knows" a famous person!*
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word hallucinations
He mentions at the end of the video that he, in addition to being nearly blind, has tinnitus. Maybe that explains his slight trouble with the letter "R"...
I thoroughly enjoyed the video, by the way. My grandmother experienced those hallucinations at the end of her life. She went blind from macular degeneration.
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rightful
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rightful
I got that, it's the travis post that eludes me!
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word arrhythmia
I travel the world and the seven seas...
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pennsylvania Regionalisms
Yes. Are you from Pennsylvania?
January 24, 2010
dontcry commented on the user bilby
*raises hand* I'll beg for a bowl full of syrup!
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word which building has Elvis left
Are you're telling me that there is a building that still has some Elvis in it??
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Dodrantal
Is that what the kids are calling it thesedays?
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
I could eat...
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the list italian-bread-varieties
I could listen to you pronounce bread all day! *swoons*
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word schiacciata pala
Delightful! After 2 days of slience from Mike this is the first sound I hear -- Pro's beautiful voice! Yay!
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pantsful
Is this similar to pantsload?
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rightful
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pointing the brie
I vote for "Foodie Faux Pas." Hi-larious! Bogarting is straight out!
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word arrhythmia
Sweet dreams are not made of these...
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pointing the brie
How about taking more than your share of the good crunchy stuff off the top of a casserole before passing it...huh? That's a high crime in my book. Maybe we could call it scalping the casserole.
January 23, 2010
dontcry commented on the word fickle
The pronunciator (aka Mike) is very fickle.
January 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bone on bone
Has a brand new appreciation not only for what this means, but for what it feels like as well. Ouch.
January 22, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Himself in the altogether
Altogether now....
January 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
hernesheir: awesome additions! Can't wait to start pronunciating them!
January 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cucumber
We are the world,
We are cucumbers....
January 21, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Himself in the altogether
reesetee - let's get back to that running into naked guys idea...
January 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word goat
I like that the goat roper is named "Beardsley"!
January 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Himself in the altogether
January 20, 2010
dontcry commented on the word pointing the brie
This is interesting. Earlier, I put half a round of left-over brie on the counter to warm up a bit for my little pre-dinner happy hour. When I returned to the kitchen a few minutes ago, my daughter's boyfriend had hacked it up like some kind of animal. Seriously? It looks like the dog got hold of it. What's worse, he gouged out all the middle part. I'd like to give his 'brie' a good pointing!
January 19, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Officially not speaking to Mike.
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list david-s-books-about-words-and-language
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the list lost-for-word
Yes! I'll have to pronunciate for the full effect.
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word asgina ageli
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Welcome to the club.
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gulls and buoys
I'm not good at making lists.
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gulls and buoys
There is a list, PU. I've got it all right here *taps head with finger tip*
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gulls and buoys
I'm a mite peckish right now.
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word asgina ageli
Yes it does!
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peck
also see peckable
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gulls and buoys
Also, gulls tend to peck, if I'm not mistaken...
January 18, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
gangerh - you're right, I didn't notice that before. My last several pronunciations - like Gangerh Management - aren't listed. Sheesh... *can't wait to pronunciate sheesh but afraid to anger Mike*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Mike is not responding to MMR. *goes to bed*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Mike is not responding. *performs MRR*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I'm baaaaaack - again, but probably only temporarily. *reaches for Mike*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
Ovaries? Extra ribs? Intuition?
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Bueller! Thanks for the good laugh, bear.
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user valium34q
Shame on you.
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word porch
Nuttin' Just rockin'.
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word neb
In Pittsburgh, the slang term for someone who is nosey is "nebby" or a "neb-nose."
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gangerhkinesis
*whispers* I'm here...I got you message. Trying to act natural and not make eye contact with Mike. I think he suspects something. When he's not looking, I'll try to slip over to the porch...
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word contrapedation
What's the possible solution?
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
*takes a bow*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user 100000670125292
Thanks...I'm techno-challenged!
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word i are broken at wordnik
Again... I'm beginning to see a pattern here: pronunciate, get broken, get un-broken, pronunciate, get broken...
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
Ability to ask for directions? *licks chocolate off fingers* *flounces off*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I am? *checks self* Hey! I AM back! Yay! *runs for fabulous microphone to do more pronunciating*
January 17, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
Periods? Babies? Glass ceilings? There's a list in there somewhere...
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the user 100000670125292
Don't forget my favorite: Psychedelicatessen.
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word all my eye and betty martin
Possibly related to smack my ass and call me judy?
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word w-i-f-e
Could this be a relative of PossibleUnderscore: UnnecessaryDash?
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word i are broken at wordnik
can anybody hear me...? anybody?
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I pronunciated! I pronunciated!
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Bork, bork, bork. Bye-bye.
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Vegemite, Marmite, or Bovril
Marmite: *hork*
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gangerhkinesis
I just made the most excellent gangerhkinesis pronunciation...and it didn't take. *sniff*
January 16, 2010
dontcry commented on the user 100000670125292
HAR! *needs to hear this on pronunciator so bad...*
January 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
alright already...
January 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word man cave
We call it the garage.
January 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word runcible spoon
January 15, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bilbybuns
I cast my vote for bilbybuns. Twice.
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word stupid-sounding
Me too neither....wah.
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word mookarectomy
Botched colonoscopy? *yikes*
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user thtownse
Before you decide, maybe you should consult the pan flute flow chart. It was around here somewhere....
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bilbytortes
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Wah. I pronunciated gangerhkinesis and once again it won't post.
*hangs up fabulous new microphone*
*contemplates aiming a torspeedo at it*
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user thtownse
Well, what would be the other??? No, no... let me guess: the pan flute?
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the user brad01stanton
Brad Spamton
January 14, 2010
dontcry commented on the word gangerhkinesis
Hold on troops, I'm launching the torspeedos in 3, 2, 1...
January 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word bearthday
4. Bea Arthur's birthday.
January 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ketchup couverture
That's funny, I just finished reading a chapter all about ketchup in a book I'm browsing, "What the Dog Saw." I learned a lot about ketchup -- but nothing I remember about ketchup chocolates!
January 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the list lost-for-word
do, do, do, do
do, do, do, do
January 13, 2010
dontcry commented on the word all-edges brownie pan
O. M. G. This is perfection!
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the list triads
Love this list! How about nanny, nanny, boo-boo?
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word full-swing
I know. I kicked the randoming habit a while back. Not as much fun. Harder to be smarmy.
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
Ahhhh. So, what does peck mean in Tagalong?
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Well, now my pronunciations are not being posted....
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word sargasm
2. = HAR!
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word deem
Imagine the conversation about a female patient in Scotland...
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
Tagalog? Is that some kind of game you play with trees?
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the word don't wanna
I have to go out and visit some clients -- but I don't wanna. It's soooooo cold and that's got me feeling very un-cliently. Wah.
January 12, 2010
dontcry commented on the user feedback
I can't open any of my lists...
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user sionnach
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Great... "Who Let the Dogs Out" earworm, courtesy of mr dontcry.
*gets the marmite*
Who, who, who, who?
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word munch
I call them nums. It's like a cross between kissing and biting. You cover your teeth with your lips and num, num, num.
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word catering
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user sionnach
It's dry, then?
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word wind anxiety
*orders a case*
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the user mrb0rg
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word peckable
"I love you
A bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck
And a kiss on the neck!"
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word get my goat
January 11, 2010
dontcry commented on the word no man is an island
Good one, yarbo.
Man is an island.
January 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Slovenian brassiere
January 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word get my goat
January 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word get my goat
I like to use it like this: I need some milk. Somebody go get my goat.
January 9, 2010
dontcry commented on the word underwires
A must needs for me, anyway.
January 8, 2010
dontcry commented on the word racist
Hey! That color job doesn't come cheap, pal!
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word must needs
Shoes: They are "must needs."
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word features
Yes! Yes, we need that back!
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rhinoceroses
*blows kisses to yarb*
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rhinoceroses
rhinoceroses? An infection you get after a botched nose job?
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Pilgrim
Oh, har! You're on a roll today, o!
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word rabbit
Still one of my favorite jokes!
January 7, 2010
dontcry commented on the word derstand
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word you tailgate I jambrake
I'm not familiar with jambraking. Is that when you just use the...toe??
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Why, yes I am! Do you have a wish? *pats self down for wand*
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the list what-is-a-reesetee-anyhow
*feels nervous, but is not sure why...*
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
Wordsters? I like it!! I feel so....hip!
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word blanket hog
We accuse: "cover hog!" There's a lot of attempted cover-hogging going on around here lately.
January 6, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ought
Before being caught, ought fought for naught,'twas thought.
January 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word ought
January 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word derstand
Overstand is the opposite of Understand. derstand is what you don't understand.
January 5, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
It's the "k".
January 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the user theairinthebranches
C'est dommage.
January 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Awwww... thanks, r! *still wishes for a stronger voice...*
January 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word cheese
OMG! This is so much fun! I think I'm hooked... I suck at it, but I'm hooked!
January 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word who needs U
U funny!
January 4, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
I have no use for the Twitter feed junk.
I like the comment box at the top.
Lots of missing definitions.
I like pronunciations - but don't like the sound of my voice...
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
Yes, John IS the bomb. Love it when passions become gigs. Mine just did as well... Still and all, missing wordie like a hometown.
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word warts and all
Well, it looks as if he certainly had a wart or mole above his right eyebrow. He also had a little soul patch, which I will assume to be the "and all" in this head shot.
No, wait: I'm looking at a portrait of him on his mount. His steed seems to be smirking at the "Lord Protector," who is sporting a bit of a paunch and is holding what appears to me to be a thread of a crop in his pudgy little hand which is resting on his hip. His foot is in poor form in the stirrup. I guess the artists of the day took him at his word.
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word warts and all
Did he have a lot of warts -- and all (whatever that includes)? Did he pay?
*dashes off to google him*
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word I miss wordie
me too...
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Polish
Often, editing is more like repair than polish.
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word schadenfreude
I was just a victim of in-your-face schadenfreude by my Jewish neighbor on facebook! I'd call her on it but she's so nice that I think I'd actually be guilty of schadenfreude if I did... I think I'll just blame facebook and get on with it.
January 3, 2010
dontcry commented on the word sangfroid
*sings* "Here comes Sangfroid, here comes Sangfroid, right down Sangfroid Lane!"
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word henceforth wishes to be called sangfroid the sanguine
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word urawaza
bilby: Har! Love that video. I used to make a "sh, sh, sh" sound that was pretty effective as well. I was told it was similar to a sound the baby heard in the womb. I'm guessing this works for the same reason.
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Z
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word obamatron
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
January 2, 2010
dontcry commented on the list books-torn-asunder-by-new-year’s-eve
I feel fine -- no trauma. Gonna go back to reading now.
January 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word 2010
A wish for peace in the new year for all my wordies, near and far.
January 1, 2010
dontcry commented on the word Common Object Art
Sounds like you both need to lay off the grappa Fanta!
December 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
I just started a book last night with the intention of finishing it before school starts on Monday. I doubt that I'll finish it before midnight tonight - unless I read non-stop today (I wish...). I'll make a point to note how I feel after the ball drops.
December 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chaise percée
This book might prove to be a terrific weight-loss aide for me...
December 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peep
Can't wait for the opportunity to use 'peep this, playa'! Bah, ha, ha!
December 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word some kind of tropical plant i have to remember to bring in before the frost
I feel your pain.
December 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bratworst
Would you settle for a bratwurst?
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
I agree with tel -- the spacing isn't appropriate for matching up the pronouncer with the pronunciation. Sorry to be negative. Here's a laugh to balance things out: :-o
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-people--2009
I suffered through this film just the other night. I was not amused.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
*wonders what the limit on the number of pronunciations will be*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Hmmm... I'd have to be standing on my roof for it to be effective. Maybe I could salt the birds...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word returning movies
Ditto - but it doesn't terrify me. Mild angina, at best.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Nicolas Sarkozy
Now it just sounds like one of those blanket-wrap-things for Chirstmas.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Sarkozy
This sounds like one of those blanket-wrap-things...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I know. Sometimes I can't remember the names of people I haven't met and it irritates the hell out of me ;-)
Here's a funny story about remembering (let's see if I remember how it goes):
My grandfather, who was at the time, about 90 years old, came out of the kitchen shaking his head. My aunt (with whom he lived) asked him what was wrong. He said,
"I put the bread in that contraption in the kitchen...you know, with the slots (and he makes a motion with his hands going down like karate chops) and then the bread pops up (and he makes two fists with thumbs up and he whistles, twice) -- what's that called?"
My aunt said: "You mean the toaster, Daddy?"
My grandfather walked away from her saying, "Toaster....toaster....toaster."
My aunt then asked: What are you doing Dad?" To which my grandfather replied: "I heard on the TV that if you repeat a word three times, you'll always remember it."
And he always did.
So, there you have it. Solution to your memory problem, t.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word some kind of tropical plant i have to remember to bring in before the frost
I'm gonna need a moment.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word some kind of tropical plant i have to remember to bring in before the frost
Ooops... too late.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Common Object Art
It certainly would have a kick to it! *wonders if there's a market for grappa Fanta in Italy* PRO!!!!!
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cleavaginous
yarb - I think you can pick up a pair at the nearest hardware store. *snort*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Common Object Art
Make mine a grape Fanta.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Haaaayyyyy... salt might be the trick to the ice floe problem...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snugWow
Or crumbs.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
See skulldiggery.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word skulldiggery
See clowndigger.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
We hardley knew ye.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I was just thinking: you know how you hate it when you can't remember something you should? I can't remember the last time that happened to me.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
Har! Hey... *runs to get microphone*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I'm sorry, have we met?
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I'm sorry, what was the subject?
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
We need more nom-nom nominations...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
Not remembering is far worse than not knowing.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
I dig clowns. They're far-out.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
which - I like to do that as well. It's like making your own soft-serve. I only do it with plain ice creams, though -- not with chunky ones.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word deworming
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snugWow
Wow. Bilby, a Snuggie is a blanket you wear. It's for people who can't figure out how to wrap a blanket around themselves without trapping their own arms...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list unique-words-and-acronyms-used-in-the-vietnam-war
Lifer, short...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
PU, because I often work on publications/promotions that are prepared many months in advance of their actual release date, I'm usually a good 6 months ahead of the times. I've been known to put Christmas music on and turn the a/c way down in July to get in the 'mood' to write for the up-coming season... It's all just a state of mind, dude. Flex it!
December 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Here's what I'm saying to those wingnuts on my roof: You're fired!
December 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
*runs to check*
Nope. Just some silver paint chips, sticks, leaves, and bird poop.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list wilfred-j--funks--ten-most-beautiful-words-in-the-english-language--1932--1933
I'm thinking that Mr. Funk's intention was to honor words with the most beautiful definitions or sentiments of the time - not the words with the most beautiful pronunciations. Either way, I disagree with his list.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
Sorry, no. My books have always been a place for me to go to escape from day-to-day realities of time and place.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
Hmmm... Seriously?
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list second-semester-vocab-for-ap-literature
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I do not wave or fry them. I just put them in the toaster oven on what I think is a reasonable amount of time for just-buttery-crispness, then invariably, they burn...
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
I had myself one!
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
Not it.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
A glacier just slid off my roof, hit the cellar door and shook the entire house to the rafters. I thought those wingnuts on my roof were supposed to stop that from happening...
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
I'll get the ball rolling. I nominate spaghetti.
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the user susanmarieanderson
I love your enthusiasm!
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hyphen
Underscores look more like jimmies to me.
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the user grantbarrett
I can do the shopping, I just can't post 'em...somewhere in my pictures folder is Oolong in a Leaning Tower of Pisa hat...
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
What nuts?
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
There's only one rule for flippin' nuts: There are no rules.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Why, why, why do I always burn my croissant?
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
I-scream, you-scream, we all-scream for ice-cream!
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
I've heard of duck pins, but penguin pins?? That's flippin' nuts!
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
This "guy" had a list or his name had something to do with superfluous hyphenating....he/she was funny-serious about it.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
There was a wordie who had issues with hyphens, as I remember. It was pretty funny. Can't remember who, though...
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word satchel of deception
I loved that show! The writing was excellent.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dotnose
Whichbe - it sounds like you are riding up on a horse just before -- and away just after -- your pronunciations here. Gives them something of a Monty Python flair!
December 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list chickens
December 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hyneman
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
Very interesting, ptero! Did not know that. I like the, gulp, Sinatra version best!
I would sat that's a song rather than a carol -- but I'm not sure why.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word poach
I perfectly poached egg is delightful.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
I don't find this line patronizing at all. I much prefer a 'merry little Christmas' to, well, almost any other kind.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
December 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shoecabbage
Is this like shoeflypie?
December 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the list bilbys-future-nicknames
December 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word car-jacking
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pisghetti
My kids said "sketties" when they were littles.
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Me neither, too...since yesterday.
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wallaby crop circles
"Who's the narc?" HAR!
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word eco-conscious cadaver
A cadaver that is conscious? Wow. The un-dead have reached a whole new level of...un-deadness.
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word frick and frack
Yes, we say frick and frack. Sometimes we say "Mutt & Jeff" also.
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the user teamsoft12
Very poor spamming technique. *porch judge holds up scorecard with big fat goose egg*
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Thanks, Milo. Give me a ring.
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word like, you know, okay
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oaktag board
Wow! I haven't heard anyone use oaktag in what's got to be 30 years! Are people still using it? And gator board?
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
As an education major, a parent and a PTA President (in that order) I have one thing to say: I love teachers!
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the user orange123
Better weight loss plan: let your ex go and be rid of 200 pounds permanently.
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater
I stole this from Steve Martin, of course.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Cooking For Unhappy Hottentots - Let Me Show You How
This seriously needs a pronunciation...
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I don't know what has happened, but wordnik isn't working for me anymore. Nothing updates, my list additions don't show up, I don't think anyone will even be able to read this...but I'm sending it out any way... It's no fun now.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word faskinating
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gangtelope
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word halo halo
Then it becomes horko horko.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word white on rice
Like palooka on pasta.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word [anything] - gate
Don't feel bad for the Watergate, use. They do quite well.
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Maybe Grant was referring to brown rice...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
I think there is, should be, a difference between controlling the environment in a classroom (or office or subway car, etc.) and controlling the people in those venues. I think nearly everyone appreciates a safe, pleasant atmosphere but almost no one appreciates being controlled... I like the sort of old-fashioned idea of reward and punishment being a group activity (when the group is homogenous, such as a class at school) - in that the group is only as good or bad as the best or worst of them. This encourages a group to police itself and the leader can take on the role of moderator.
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Tigergate
try to find it on the list...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peanut butter toast
try to find it on my list...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Mr. Pronunciation
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list mr--pronunciations-bad-day
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Thanks, pleth! I'll give it a try. *scared...*
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Well, now I have to "F5" all the time in order to see updated comments...
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Wordnik
So is my gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater!
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
When I logged on this morning it was still stuck on the same spot. I hit F5 and it updated. I wonder why it got stuck -- never happened before. How do you clear a cache? (That sounds like the set-up for a joke!) I use a PC, Vista, explorer...
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
I read this about 10 hours ago as the top comment and it still is.
"11 minutes ago, on eddma23's profile , eddma23 said
“ sewing equipments
birds…” more… "
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Zeitgeist is not updating today 12-10-09.
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user abraxaszugzwang
Pretty please...?
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word whistling
I'm a pretty decent whistler, but I'm still waiting for my microphone... *checks porch again*
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I have faith in you, pleth!
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Whew! I was afraid we lost you in the move. I miss your fresh and clever contributions!
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tappening
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Bowtrol Colon Cleanse Review,Bowtrol Colon Review
Not if you can't get it past your stomach...
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sedan
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-stupid-day
Bamboo. Definintely bamboo.
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word axadent
Sounds like a denture product...
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user zaggan
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user grantbarrett
I can get you a photo of Oolong balancing the Leaning Tower of Pisa on his head if you want...
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the user plethora
pleth -- where are you????
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the user hostmonster
It's like a giant "under-the-bed."
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the list things-the-world-is-concerned-about-according-to-google
You had me at *snort*
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
whichbe, I accept! Thank you. *runs to porch to await delivery* *clears throat*
December 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
What couch? Is John in therapy? He probably has latent wordie issues. I hope this kad can help him -- although, she seems confused about who she really is...
December 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
I'll make this easy for you: don't eat ramen.
December 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ciao bella!
Pro - you have the cutest voice!
December 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
I REALLY need a microphone! You've all done it so well, but I want to add my pronunciation... wah! *goes to porch to pout* *and swing* *and rock*
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
With paprika 'course!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word nova
mr dontcry has a 1971 Nova in My Garage. He has formed a band of friends, the "Nova Knights" for "Nova Night" - each Friday night in My Garage. They are supposed to be working on rebuilding the old rustbucket -- I mean the classic car... I get the feeling that I will never be able to park My Car in My Garage... *wah*
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
It's sarted and ready to go!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Can someone please pass the sauce...
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word caramel
"car a mull" is straight out.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
I'll take a prolager please. Pass the nuts.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chad
He's bad news, that Chad.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
That short spaghetti would be the twirling challenge of all time!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bonking
You're right -- It IS bopped!
*bonks self on head*
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegemite virgin
Nutella: neat
Whiskey: hork
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bonking
We've always said boinking, not bonking for sex. If you hit someone on the head, say with a rubber mallet, à la whack-a-mole, that would be bonking. Remember Little Bunny Foo-Foo?
Little Bunny Foo-Foo
Walking through the for - est
Picking up the field mice
And bonking them on the head.
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Could be that switching thing is what's getting you into trouble. That's not for amateurs, u. You're something of a hotdog, aren't you?
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Whaaa??? Oh! Har! I mean, sarting, ahem, yes is the technical term for how to begin when beginning with tomatoes. Yes, it's a very technical cooking term I wouldn't expect most of you to know....
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
c_b, awwww! I'm touched!
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
I agree. I have no use for Twitter feed.
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the user chinaware
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Wow... Kinda rough around the edges quaint-looking until you get to picture "04." Then it looks like a dump...
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Uselessness: First of all, it sounds like your sauce is way too runny. You are sarting with whole tomatoes, aren't you? Let it cook down a bit more, okay? Also, don't rinse the pasta. That startch helps the sauce to cling. Next, using the bottom-most tine of your fork, select a couple two-three strands; lift them up (your fork should be at about eye level) to separate them from the pack; lower your fork(at an angle so they don't slip off) to a corner of your plate or bowl; press the tips of all tines down and at an angle; twirl; lift a bit to inspect for hangers-down; if spotted, twirl another half turn or so; move your mouth over the plate; open wide and insert the entire fork (excluding the handle). You have to move quickly, right? Also, try to focus on your twirling until you've got it down pat. No more typing while twirling. You're not ready.
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
Thanks for the list tip!
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the bartender gives him the drink the neutron asks, "How much?" The bartender says: "No charge for you."
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
*makes popcorn*
*gets front row seat*
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Haaaaay... Who you callin' hoi polloi? I'm takin' sum umbrage to that my friend!
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word va j-j visor
But what iiiiis it? Something to keep out the sun? 'Cause I think that's totally unnecessary...
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bootlegger
I have a good "A....walks into a bar" joke. Where should I post it?? *too lazy to look for the list*
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word haggis
Love a's pronunciation! Almost makes it sound edible!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Back at ya!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word afghan
How did the crocheted blanket become known as an afghan?
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Is there a pod in your backyard? ;-)
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pinkie
The painting of the girl in pink Pinkie by Thomas Lawrence. We had Pinkie and Blue Boy in the bedroom hallway of my childhood home.
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegemite virgin
A PLT is very nice as well. Peanut butter, lettuce and tomato on toast. YUM! Also a fan of pb and nanner on toast!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Never cut the spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine, etc. Learn to twirl. Millions of Italian children can do it and so can you! You funny, Pro!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word rule of the tablecloth
I have a rule of the tablecloth as well: When I dine out, it must be at a table with a tablecloth on it. Bureaucrats are optional.
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word automobilia
mr dontcry suggested that I list this word. He comes up with a good one every now and then. Perhaps I should reward him with another delcious treat from down under. Oh, clean up your minds! I mean Australia! You know, marmite...? (shhhh)
December 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the da vinci cod
December 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word silence
bilby -- HAR!
November 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word YOW
This is what the cartoon cat says when the cartoon mouse hits him on the foot with a hammer.
November 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word like a hunky going back to the old country
We say this, and I know what I mean by it when I say it, but I don't know the origin of this phrase. Discuss.
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word choo choo train
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
ptero, HA!
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user gray_90
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneezled
Feeling it right now...
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word madeupical
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-starting-with-pro
Always will be #1 in my book!
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pie crust
Pie crusts made and chilling. Off to bed. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pie crust
Must make the pie crusts now...
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ooaa
Send your dollars to: getdontcryamicrophone.porch
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i lick my cheese
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word harvest mouse
Shine on, shine on harvest mouse....
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
Awww... How's baby?
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
The song.
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
This is all I know about Indiana: Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana...
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
You should not have been diving with all that food in your belly, 'nach. Also, I'm thinking the pools at the Radisson probably are not even deep enough to dive safely.
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the list annoying-american-pronunciations
*needs a microphone real bad*
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ***SPAM***
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tamale
Robert Johnson: King of the Mississippi Delta Blues
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word scot's broom
I'm planning to plant some it around my garage. It likes a lot of sun, right?
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you babliaminy, you unfeathered cremitoried quean, you cullisance of scabiosity
Someone needs to "Pronunciations" this...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word grapple
my comment was not posted...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word grapple
I tasted a grapple today. It's an apple that tastes a bit like a concord grape. Actually, I found that it smells more like a grape than it tastes like one. Very delicious though.
I just noticed that the very large word is now purple. I rather liked the blue...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word untypical
Not typically.
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oh dear
"Oh deer" -- around heer.
November 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
I lurves picnics on The Porch!
November 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
(It's "Who's on first." No "base.")
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
I'm not sure how to say this -- but in wordie, I could scan the front page and pick out the comments I made, or my name or words I had commented on -- by color. On this Zeitgeist list, the word and the wordie are always the same color -- which makes quick scanning impossible... Sorry if this is redundant. More sorrier if it is incomprehensible...
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the list specific-excrement
I remember when we moved to Oklahoma when I was in 5th grade, our neighbor referred to her dog's poo as "duke." She called it "dog duke." I had never heard that expression before -- or since.
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
I don't like the "nikkers" ending because it sounds like a popular slang of "niggers" and I don't like that word. It hurts my feelings. Wordniks is my vote -- if we can't just be wordies on wordnik.
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Orrore! Orrore! Ho visto un ramarro marrone! Arriva correndo il ramarro marrone!
Pro! You did it! That's GOT to be a record!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word elelator
Yes! Anyone who ever has taken a ride on a lift with a toddler knows that phrase!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Es grünt so grün, wenn Spaniens Blüten blühen
Squirrel Nutkin is my most favoritest Beatrix Potter character of all time! *squeal*
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shove it
Soon, it will be shovel it!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word !!!!!
LAUGHED OUT LOUD at Pro's pronunciation of this! The pronunciations are my favorite thing about wordnik!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dark-sided
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word perro salchicha
Oooh.. I like that one, 'nach! Verrry zexy!
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
you funny, john.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word king of the johngle
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snort
All of those, so called, pronunciations, are incorrect, by the way.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peter piper
Well done, frog! *applaudes*
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
wordies - the_bear just had a cub... She probably has (gasp) more pressing things to tend to just now. She'll join in. Give her time to adjust to all this -- change -- . All right, then?
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word contingency flans
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word schadenfreude
...snort it.
November 19, 2009
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