I'm definitely with AZ on we're pregnant. Seanahan, just because you infer that Fitzgerald thought most women are dishonest doesn't mean he implied it. And I can think of many, many ways for a married woman to be dishonest besides unfaithfulness. Do you merely jest?
Ah, uselessness, I should certainly have looked for a list like this. I don't think I could ever match The No-No List so I'll just stop after pianist and hopefully people will visit yours. But you should certainly consider peanuts, since it got me in a fair bit of trouble with an environmental group when suggestings names for our financially adopted elephant.
Pamelad: tired and emotional strike me as just ways people react to drinking more than things they'd call being drunk. But I like paralytic.
Sionnach: Thanks especially for knackered. I kept wanting it for the list, but thinking only of knickered, which I suppose may happen with enough drink...
Actually, I had chaetophobia as fear of hair, though it's obvious there are frequently duplicate names for one fear I can't imagine anyone having. I will take chirophobia though. Thanks.
but because it's "in the middle of a bunch of stuff" I'm going with amid For some reason, among has connotations of similarity across the group in my head, and being not stuff, I'd prefer to be amid it.
Some of us do understand it but still loathe it. I take the harsh route, and fail any paper containing net speak. No questions. No revisions. Just an F. I do warn them, of course.
I'm afraid, jennarenn, I have to side with seanahan on this one. preggers sounds too much like prego to me, which I've also heard used as a euphemism for pregnant. And I can't think of much worse than being pregnant and being called low grade spaghetti sauce.
about bastard? I often think of it being applied to men rather than women. Although perhaps in view of pamelad's comment, it's perjorative because of the mother's actions.
I am in love with this list. From the title (Bruce Campbellhuzzah!) to the words, er phrases I guess, to the comments. Though I admit to reading HP because I 1)wanted to see what all the fuss was about and 2)wanted to make sure I didn't lose students by having no idea about them (seriously, HP's been used in three of my 24 college freshmen students' papers so far). I also admit to reading LotR at least once a year. I started them in 7th grade then gave up, but picked them up again when the hype about the movies began.
I suppose it's not terribly Boston-related, but my friend from Bahstin says beer and bear both as beeyah, which makes parties at houses in the woods of the Pacific Northwest an interesting excursion.
prose poetry isn't the same as prosey poetry. One means the poet has chosen to do away with lineation; the other means the poet's not practicing the economy with words common to poetry.
I like this word for its similarity to fussbudget but it's much more scathing nature. It also reminds me of Cake's Fashion Nugget which predominantly features the word fuck.
It would be interesting to try and discern which of these were nouns first and which verbs . . . without cheating and using a history of etymology, of course.
I agree tookus is a more sensible spelling, but then I really thought badonkadonk was spelled padunkadunk. There's some rule of slang spellings I've not quite grasped.
Great list! I can see them using dinosaur names too, like brontosaur or tyrannosaur. Jabberwocky? Ooh, ooh, the Chevy Grendel! For some reason I can only seem to associate SUVs with slavering monsters.
I may have spelled this wrong. I can't seem to find a correct spelling. I first saw this on my grandmother's shelf in the form of a ginghamed jar filled with puckered stocking-ends of various flesh-tones made to resemble posteriors. It was labeled, as I recall, "Pickled Dupas"
Amusingly, I'd thought of maracas and castinets before, and got distracted by other instruments they conjured in my head. Bones seems more like slang to me, though. Again, thanks for the suggestions.
Jennarenn, when I look at the "add word" portion of the page, to the right of the box I see "sort: alpha / order added. Just click alpha and hey, presto!
Creative suggestions. I get so caught up in all the formal instruments, I forget about the more impromptu variety.
By the way, is it unkosher for me to go searching the webs for exotic instrument names? These I knew from experience. I'm still learning my wordie etiquette.
Comments by notanotherjazzpoet
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list mary-you-re-i-what-i
I'm definitely with AZ on we're pregnant. Seanahan, just because you infer that Fitzgerald thought most women are dishonest doesn't mean he implied it. And I can think of many, many ways for a married woman to be dishonest besides unfaithfulness. Do you merely jest?
March 6, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list public-pronouncements
Ah, uselessness, I should certainly have looked for a list like this. I don't think I could ever match The No-No List so I'll just stop after pianist and hopefully people will visit yours. But you should certainly consider peanuts, since it got me in a fair bit of trouble with an environmental group when suggestings names for our financially adopted elephant.
Good heavens, I think I need a poem called Financially Adopted Elephant now.
March 6, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list there-s-a-glass-of-punch-below-your-feet-and-an-angel-at-your-head
Pamelad: tired and emotional strike me as just ways people react to drinking more than things they'd call being drunk. But I like paralytic.
Sionnach: Thanks especially for knackered. I kept wanting it for the list, but thinking only of knickered, which I suppose may happen with enough drink...
March 3, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list public-pronouncements
Good heavens...I know I had more words in mind when I started this. Hopefully they'll come to me.
March 3, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list the-cryptkeeper
crypt is a damn cool word. And so's this list. cryptorchid seems such an unlikely word for its meaning.
March 3, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list democracie-know-your-surroundings
I still vote amid
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list jumbo-shrimp
I can't think of a good addition, but I dig the list.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list fun-phobias
Actually, I had chaetophobia as fear of hair, though it's obvious there are frequently duplicate names for one fear I can't imagine anyone having. I will take chirophobia though. Thanks.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word metrophobia
I think the first time I get to teach a poetry workshop, I shall call it metrophobia.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
This is so fantastically cruel, naming the fear of long words like that. For shame, you phobia namers, for shame.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list there-s-a-glass-of-punch-below-your-feet-and-an-angel-at-your-head
Thanks cb and company.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list democracie-know-your-surroundings
but because it's "in the middle of a bunch of stuff" I'm going with amid For some reason, among has connotations of similarity across the group in my head, and being not stuff, I'd prefer to be amid it.
February 28, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list mary-you-re-i-what-i
Good call.
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word the rabbit died
This one made no sense to me. But apparently, it goes something like this: http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/pregnancytests/a/rabbittest.htm
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list kawaii-headdesk
Some of us do understand it but still loathe it. I take the harsh route, and fail any paper containing net speak. No questions. No revisions. Just an F. I do warn them, of course.
I've not seen a u in place of you yet.
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list phobiariffic
Although, now I think I have a new list idea...
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list phobiariffic
I'm afraid, jennarenn, I have to side with seanahan on this one. preggers sounds too much like prego to me, which I've also heard used as a euphemism for pregnant. And I can't think of much worse than being pregnant and being called low grade spaghetti sauce.
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list it-s-a-man-s-world
about bastard? I often think of it being applied to men rather than women. Although perhaps in view of pamelad's comment, it's perjorative because of the mother's actions.
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list klaatu-barada-n-necktie-nickel-klaatu-barada-nahagablaga
And just so I'm not gushing here's another from Macbeth: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air."
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list klaatu-barada-n-necktie-nickel-klaatu-barada-nahagablaga
I am in love with this list. From the title (Bruce Campbell huzzah!) to the words, er phrases I guess, to the comments. Though I admit to reading HP because I 1)wanted to see what all the fuss was about and 2)wanted to make sure I didn't lose students by having no idea about them (seriously, HP's been used in three of my 24 college freshmen students' papers so far). I also admit to reading LotR at least once a year. I started them in 7th grade then gave up, but picked them up again when the hype about the movies began.
February 26, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list from-the-mouths-of-babes
Sounds fun. I'll have to hit the local bookstores and see what I can find.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list pahdon-me-i-fahted
I suppose it's not terribly Boston-related, but my friend from Bahstin says beer and bear both as beeyah, which makes parties at houses in the woods of the Pacific Northwest an interesting excursion.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list a-singularitiesa
Nice list. I think orally they're normally pluralized, right?
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word condom
As in, "My Grandma just bought a condom in the city!" It's not an entirely unreasonable abbreviation for condominium.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word bones
I called chicken (as in the prepared poultry, not the living creature) bones as a kid. It is obvious why, right?
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list cloud-words
I'd not heard of them. Seems it's a much more appealing term for altocumulus standing lenticularis.
I have to admit, I'm not particularly meteorologically inclined. I just love the sound of some of these words and wanted a proper home for scud.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word prosey
prose poetry isn't the same as prosey poetry. One means the poet has chosen to do away with lineation; the other means the poet's not practicing the economy with words common to poetry.
That's only my opinion, though.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word prosey
a criticism. To a prose writer, not so much.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word parlor
it better have happened in a shop, you see
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word concert
concert is not the same as show
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list cafeteria-catholic
I didn't make the connection at all. But then again, I'm neither Catholic nor Zen.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list shopping-list-for-stop-action
Searching for claymation on YouTube can be great fun.
Which reminds me...there are some things missing from this list...
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list cafeteria-catholic
about penguin as a church word. Fun list though. Love flying buttresses. Can you have a buttress that does not fly? Is that where penguins come in?
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word tinsnips
Useful not only in meter, but in wrangling hardware cloth too.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list she-s-beautiful
Looks like a Valentine's Day list to me! Hope the lucky lady enjoys it. ;o)
February 14, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list kinds-of-people
Nice list. Maybe Luddite, as I'm often called for not owning a cell phone.
February 14, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list who-am-i
I suppose I should have checked the title. I didn't even know it was a movie. HA
February 12, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list bad-guys
Bad guys get such great names! Nice list!
February 12, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word fucknugget
I like this word for its similarity to fussbudget but it's much more scathing nature. It also reminds me of Cake's Fashion Nugget which predominantly features the word fuck.
February 12, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list wunderkammer-s-words
These are some great words, wonderkammer!
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list lovely-colors
Indeed, nice list. How about veridian? There are so many beautiful names for colors.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list verbed-2
It would be interesting to try and discern which of these were nouns first and which verbs . . . without cheating and using a history of etymology, of course.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list there-s-a-glass-of-punch-below-your-feet-and-an-angel-at-your-head
shitcanned and legless...heehee
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list there-s-a-glass-of-punch-below-your-feet-and-an-angel-at-your-head
Thanks everyone! I was hoping someone might come 'round and help me out. I knew there were more out there, but I was completely blanking.
chained_bear: after seeing The Pogues list I couldn't resist the quote when I thought to do a drinking list.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word dickhead
Thank you!
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word office
I hereby declare that office remains on my Verbed! list only as an example of the travesty of modern advertising's fascination with faux neologisms.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list verbed-2
I'm guessing "to office" speaks to a populace unfamiliar with Wordie and disinclined to be familiar should they somehow make its acquaintance.
Also, I'm a huge Bucky fan.
And finally, excellent Calvin & Hobbes quote! I've quite enjoyed the splashes of them lighting up the recent comments and citations feature.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list verbed-2
Thanks cb. I am curious how one does office though...
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word feed
My defense for feed as noun: From a local bar "Come to Thursday's steak feed!"
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list verbed-2
So, are we voting that the un-favorites be added, or not? I certainly don't want to go grating on anyone's...er, eyes I suppose.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word dickhead
I had to forgo (can one say "I forwent"?) my first impulse for a definition, as I shouldn't like to paint an overly crude picture.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word dickhead
I think it might be more metaphorical. The person thinks as well as a dick (thus, not much).
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list you-broke-it
Most of these words make me think of my first car, not yo-yos.
Nice list!
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list bellicose-backsides
I've always heard it with a regular "s" sound rather than an "sh," but I'd say the second "u" falls somewhere in schwa territory.
February 9, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the user abraxaszugzwang
Your list titles are priceless!
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list bellicose-backsides
I agree tookus is a more sensible spelling, but then I really thought badonkadonk was spelled padunkadunk. There's some rule of slang spellings I've not quite grasped.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list oons-once-of-more-than-one-syllable
Does it have to be "oon" as the final syllable? Does schooner count?
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list name-suggestions-for-even-bigger-suvs-and-trucks
Great list! I can see them using dinosaur names too, like brontosaur or tyrannosaur. Jabberwocky? Ooh, ooh, the Chevy Grendel! For some reason I can only seem to associate SUVs with slavering monsters.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list really-cool-three-letter-words
How about adz? Or koi?
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list bellicose-backsides
Why do so many of these words start with "b"?
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word dupa
I may have spelled this wrong. I can't seem to find a correct spelling. I first saw this on my grandmother's shelf in the form of a ginghamed jar filled with puckered stocking-ends of various flesh-tones made to resemble posteriors. It was labeled, as I recall, "Pickled Dupas"
Any help here on the spelling?
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list favorite-words-that-arent-really-words
How about badonkadonk? Who could resist?
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list why-can-t-people-pronounce-these-properly
This whole list gives me the heebie jeebies (which, interestingly enough, ninjawords doesn't recognize).
I'm racking my brain trying to think of the myriad mistakes freshmen composition students make. Updates forthcoming with the newest batch of papers.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the word kazoo
Did you know that Eden, NY is home to the only metal kazoo factory in North America? http://www.edenkazoo.com/history.php
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Amusingly, I'd thought of maracas and castinets before, and got distracted by other instruments they conjured in my head. Bones seems more like slang to me, though. Again, thanks for the suggestions.
Jennarenn, when I look at the "add word" portion of the page, to the right of the box I see "sort: alpha / order added. Just click alpha and hey, presto!
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Ah, but what about people who select "alhpa" order rather than "order added"?
Of course I jest. I very much appreciate the advice.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Creative suggestions. I get so caught up in all the formal instruments, I forget about the more impromptu variety.
By the way, is it unkosher for me to go searching the webs for exotic instrument names? These I knew from experience. I'm still learning my wordie etiquette.
February 8, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list musical-instruments
Good suggestions. Thanks. I'm enjoying reading through your numerous and amusing lists.
February 7, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list the-pogues
We're talking Shane MacGowan era, right?
February 7, 2007