gulyasrobi has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 385 lists, listed 140467 words, written 323 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
Comments for gulyasrobi
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
thanks for contributing on my 'solutions' list
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
ok, if you'll create a blank open list for example 'SEDE - military naval' i'll add some there. that way its uniform. thank you.
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
Hi marky, thank you for your likes. You're welcome to add some naval terms if you are familiar with the subject matter, I would appreciate it a lot.
marky commented on the user gulyasrobi
seems you're missing naval terms in your SEDE lists?
foijsoijsdoif commented on the user gulyasrobi
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kalayzich commented on the user gulyasrobi
Dear Uglyasrobin,
Thankyou for the deep concern you have for my lists.
Actions speak louder than words.I have removed all unimaginative lists.
How true that lexicographers are thieves/kidnappers.Until the next
wordhiccupnik ....keep collocating
gulyasrobi commented on the user gulyasrobi
From now, you can order your lists (alphabetically, by creation date).
Thank you (3x), Wordnik!
It was a nice surprise when I sat down to work, this morning.
ruzuzu commented on the user gulyasrobi
I like your comments about words that mean one thing in English and another in Hungarian (especially hat, eleven, and eke).
djoci commented on the user gulyasrobi
Hát az nem egy rossz munka :) Én még mindig angol szakos vagyok, MA-s, jövőre végzek (ha minden jól megy). De hogy utána mi lesz, az még kérdéses.
djoci commented on the user gulyasrobi
Ha csak nem vagy te is angol szakos az ELTE-n, akkor nem vagyok biztos abban, hogy ismerjük egymást. Ettől függetlenül köszi az üdvözlést :) Még csak ismerkedem a Wordnikkel, úgyhogy lehet, hogy majd hozzád fordulok 1-2 kérdéssel.
bilby commented on the user gulyasrobi
On an old version of the site - and saying that is making me feel very old - there was a way to see which words had been listed most times. The two clear winners were defenestrate and schadenfreude.
Prolagus commented on the user gulyasrobi
It happens to everyone! Including a lot of us old Wordies. Hope you like it here!
fbharjo commented on the user gulyasrobi
It is definitely wordnikteriously mysterious! (and full of awe-wonder!)?
fbharjo commented on the user gulyasrobi
Great lists!
How did you list so many words (46907) so quickly ?... and where are these words since most of them are not on your lists?
ruzuzu commented on the user gulyasrobi
You have some fascinating lists, gulyasrobi. Welcome to Wordnik!
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- Action Verbs
- animal sound verbs
- Axioms of Bad Cinema
- Let's Go To the Movies
- Film
- Wine Tasters' Notes
- WF - nominal compounds (figurative)
- EN - eesily missspellable wirds
- EN - newSPEAK
- COLL - some OF everything
- Realia from Everywhere
- UK Usage - Find US Equivalent
- POL - what the people want
- EN - archaic words
- HU Realia
- Rare Words - A
- FUN - Jeeves and Wooster - Jeeves
- Politically Correct Terms
- TECH - linkerati
- AGRI - milk sector
- HU Brands
- ECON - market abuse
- EN - xenophobic terms
- ENVI - Seveso
- WF - Word Formation Words
- T:PSYCHO - misinterpretations
- POL - What is Barack talking about?
- WF - Words from Proper Names
- WF - Gates (!)
- EN-HU - important words for a HU interpreter
- EMPL - pension systems in Europe
- INTA - GSP product categories
- AGRI - types of agricultural land
- AGRI - sustainable agriculture
- Single Letters with Meaning
- INTERP - terminology management tools
- REGI - urban development
- MUSIC - metal
- JURI - general terms
- EN - coloured collocations
- AFET - abbreviations
- WF - weird sniglets
- AFET - Middle East
- POL - cool collocations (Noun+Prep+Noun)
- EU - Parliament vocabulary
- ECON - financial crisis
- EN - pronunciation fun
- CULT - Cedefop
- CULT - protection of young persons
- EU - European history
- ENVI - Collocations MNOPQ
- CULT - sports
- EN - abbreviations for chatters
- ECON - banking and stock trading
- Something is wrong here
- POL - legislation
- UK Realia
- JURI - courtroom speak
- TECH - business collocations
- EN - cool expressions
- INTERP - verbal blunders
- COLL - time
- JURI - crimes and offences
- Siamese Twins - X and/or Y
- COLL - International...
- EN - high brow
- EN - Old Western Slang
- COLL - Federal...
- EN - The Englishes of the world
- JURI - customs glossary
- HU Towns in Romania
- AGRI - animal husbandry
- EU - ALL things EUROPEAN
- RELI - biblical phrases
- AGRI - wine sector
- ECON - macroeconomic indicators
- INTERP - addressing the audience
- EN - academic vocabulary
- ENVI - Collocations ABC
- EU - abbreviations
- EU - Commission vocabulary
- ENVI - Collocations DEFG
- POL - scandalous (words and collocations)
- EN - 3-letter words of the pattern CVC
- POL - cool collocations (Noun+Noun)
- SEDE - weapons
- ECON - economic policy instruments
- JURI - matters of succession
- AFET - diplomacy
- CONT - general terms
- COLL - Global...
- EN - unverbs
- Names for Names
- HU Proper
- Nationalities (Demonyms)
- WF - adjectives for easterners
- HU History
- DEVE - Agenda for Change
- Orwellian Purism
- DEVE - Policy Coherence for Development
- AGRI - sugar sector
- MUSIC - dance styles
- AFET - EU enlargement
- LIBE - grounds for discrimination
- AGRI - crops/fruits/vegetables
- POL - executive
- INTERP - exposed, fragile, sensitive, vulnerable
- CULT - digital divide
- INTERP - speeches can be...
- LIBE - Citizens' Europe
- CULT - intellectual property rights
- CULT - abbreviations
- REGI - abbreviations
- POL - cool compounds
- EU - Court vocabulary
- ECON - abbreviations
- ITRE - abbreviations
- ITRE - energy - fossil
- POL - US political issues
- ENVI - Collocations TUVWXYZ
- WF - daffynitions
- POL - cool collocations (Adj+Noun)
- ITRE - communication technology
- AFCO - constitution vocabulary
- EN-HU - fun and challenge to translate
- Tangible
- EU - agencies
- EU - Council vocabulary
- WF - Lores (!)
- INTA - generalised tariff preferences
- HU Nuclear Scientists
- ENVI - Collocations RS
- AGRI - abbreviations
- W - FIAT
- CULT - commercials
- DEVE - abbreviations
- PECH - fishing technology
- AGRI - plant health
- ECON - general customs terms
- INTERP - committees
- SCIE - neurology
- EN - parents' babble
- POL - What is Tony talking about?
- COLL - tourism
- COLL - World...
- FUN - Jeeves and Wooster - Wooster
- HU Culture
- AFET - Kosovo
- TRAN - air travel
- DEVE - Trade Agreements
- HU Geography
- CULT - European cinema heritage
- BUDG - abbreviations
- POL - partisan
- PETI - general terms
- US - realia
- AFET - proper names
- ENVI - Collocations HIJKL
- POL - cool collocations (Verb+...)
- BUDG - general terms
- POL - opposition
- EU - Latin in the EU
- INTERP - types of speeches
- CULT - media policy
- INTERP - languages
- EN - overused words
- REGI - general terms
- WF - Fy it!
- ENVI - climate change
- EU - treaties
- POL - issues
- ITRE - energy - nuclear
- WORDNIK - interesting tags
- INTERP - types of documents
- INTERP - terminology management terms
- EU Buzz - noun+of+noun collocations
- EN - funny (single) words
- WF - niks
- EU Buzz - verb+noun collocations
- EN - 3-letter words of the pattern VCV
- LIT - Iliad - key words and protagonists
- PECH - abbreviations
- POL - people in power
- DROI - general terms
- INTERP - people and posts
- EN-HU - homographs
- TECH - tools
- ECON - stock markets
- ENVI - general
- MUSIC - progressive rock
- HU Towns in Slovakia
- COLL - Adv Adj
- WF - alternative segmentation
- EN - autological words and phrases
- WF - nonce words and hapax legomena
- LIT - the 100 most common words of the Communist Manifesto
- POL - scandalous (single words only)
- EN - redundancies, tautologies and pleonasms
- EN - bureaucratese
- WF - esey
- EU Buzz - collocations
- EU Buzz - word+and+word collocations
- POL - What is Mitt talking about?
- ENVI - abbreviations
- PECH - marine species
- CONT - abbreviations
- ITRE - energy - general terms
- AGRI - animal health
- EN - doing business from sweet home
- WF - list of EN back-formations
- LIT - stylistic schemes & rhetorical devices
- WF - all types of word formation
- EU Buzz - noun+noun collocations
- CULI - wine-tasting adjectives
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+noun collocations
- POL - collocations with "election"
- HIST - European
- EU Buzz - past participle + noun collocations
- TECH - digital photography
- EU Buzz - adj+noun collocations
- EN - Anglish
- BIOL - the brain
- WF - 100 most common NN phrase nouns
- LIT - telltale collocations from the Communist Manifesto
- FUN - animated characters of the Anglo-Saxon world
- EN - "The Bible" in Anglish
- EU Buzz - mathematics
- US - Congress vocabulary
- COLL - killer bug OR bug killer
- INTERP - sexist language
- EU Buzz - present participle + noun collocations
- RELI - branches of theology
- LIT - Ulysses - key words and phrases
- ENVI - non-commercial movement of pet animals
- ENVI - water protection
- EN - intensifiers
- EU Buzz - colour collocations
- TECH - metals and alloys
- EN - "business" collocations
- RELI - Christian doctrines
- TRAN - abbreviations
- JURI - clauses
- RELI - the 7 deadly sins
- EN - eloquence in public speaking
- TECH - web application frameworks
- POL - campaign tokenisms
- TECH - furniture
- RELI - virtues of the true Christian
- RELI - properties of the Christian God
- EU Buzz - adjective+noun+noun collocations
- WF - nominal compounds (concrete)
- EU Buzz - single words (1+2+3)
- SCIE - publications
- INTERP - types of exercises
- SPOR - equipment
- AGRI - milk products
- INTERP - titles
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+noun+noun collocations
- UK - slang
- AFET - diplomacy - noun+noun collocations
- TECH - department store terms
- US - national anthem vocabulary
- CHEM - names of metal ions
- EN - longest (>15 char) words
- RELI - words you immediately associate with the Bible
- WORDNIK - words found in "Wordnik"
- POL - mathematics
- FUN - changing colours
- FUN - infixation in English
- EU Buzz - ALL words and expressions
- SPOR - Olympic glossary
- REGI - cohesion policy
- AGRI - apiculture
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+adj+noun collocations
- POL - elections
- AGRI - horse breeding
- EU Buzz - noun+prep+art+noun collocations
- RELI - words with Biblical connotations
- POL - presidential debates
- LIT - Greco-Latin gods and heroes
- SCIE - mathematics
- PECH - general terms
- CHEM - acids
- TECH - Steve Jobs
- SEDE - principles and indicators
- AFET - world events - 2012 - 4th quartal
- LIBE - abbreviations
- SEDE - military organizations
- FUN - bogus definitions
- EU Buzz - governing principles of the EU
- EN - pseudo-English words
- US - What is Bill talking about - Sep 2012?
- MUSIC - jazz
- WF - palindromes
- RELI - Biblical collocations
- TECH - food processing
- FUN - World of Warcraft terminology
- SEDE - military policy and diplomacy
- NEWS - top stories - 08-10-2012
- SEDE - people and ranks
- EMPL - Globalisation Fund
- SEDE - technology+material+support
- SEDE - armies and units
- EU - Eurovoc - politics
- WF - retronyms
- BUSI - collocations
- EU - Eurovoc - international relations
- EU Buzz - Lisbon Treaty
- SCIE - graph theory
- EN - trendy lifestyle words
- FUN - Beatles song titles
- INTERP - challenges
- RELI - Books of the Bible
- SCIE - Be the first...
- EN - fine scholarly language
- EN - compound adjectives ending in "-ed"
- EU - Proper
- EN - rare verbs
- SCIE - noun-noun collocations
- EN - US buzzwords of 2012
- EU - Eurovoc - European Communities
- EMPL - youth unemployment
- CULT - Europe for Citizens
- TRAN - road transport
- SEDE - abbreviations
- EU Buzz - 100 most active collocation constituents
- AGRI - food prices
- AFET - ACP countries
- FUN - gestures
- SEDE - air combat
- EMPL - concession contracts
- SEDE - terrorism
- SEDE - planning
- EMPL - abbreviations
- IMCO - EU nomenclature
- MYTH - spooky creatures
- WF - compound adjectives ending in "-ing"
- HIST - 56 was 56 years ago
- SCIE - natural language processing
- EU - What was Joao talking about in 2011?
- LIT - Odyssey - key words and phrases
- JURI - patent law
- TRAN - automobile technology advancements
- CHEM - early chemistry terms
- SEDE - designated areas
- SEDE - military operations
- SEDE - types of warfare
- SEDE - intelligence and communication
- SEDE+TRAN - military transport
- SCIE - EU nomenclature
- TRAN - air traffic control
- LIBE - rights
- AFCO - fundamental rights
- CHEM - psychotropic substances
- EN - confusables
- EN - compound body adjectives
- EN - compound adjectives
- RELI - Genesis
- INTA - abbreviations
- ENVI - drinking water
- ENVI - emission trading (ETS)
- SCIE - game theory
- EN - Glasgow stop list
- PHIL - vocabulary of thinking
- WF - like
- SCIE - statistics
- EN - rare adverbs
- EN - baby talk
- POL - HU political issues
- SPOR - chess
- FUN - fictional animals
- TRAN - general terms
- FUN - fish can be...
- TRAN - rail transport
- EU Buzz - EN words misused by the EU
- US - war on terror
- TRAN - waterborne transport
- PECH - marine zoologists
- SCIE - psychology of humor collocations
- DEVE - development statistics - collocations
Comments by gulyasrobi
gulyasrobi commented on the word cottonmouth
HU = szajszarazsag
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word chin music
HU = duma (blabber), soder (gravel)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word brownnoser
HU = benyali alak, seggnyalo (ass licker)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word brain fart
HU = rovidzarlat (short circuit)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word barefaced lie
HU = szemenszedett hazugsag (a lie picked eye by eye)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ass munch
HU = szarrago (shit muncher)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word cherry boy
HU = ujonc (newbie), kopasz (bald)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word cash cow
HU = fejos tehen (milking cow)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word schlimazl
HU = balfacan
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word lack nunchi
DE = Elephant im Porzellanladen
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word intellectual heavy lifting
HU = komoly agytorna (serious brain exercise)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word cherry picking
HU = mazsolazgatas
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word blame shift
HU = egymasra mutogatas (pointing at each other)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word big cheese
DE = grosses Tier, HU = fejes, gore
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word bad hair day
He is having a bad hair day = (in HU) rossz napja van, bal lábbal kelt, ma minden összejött neki
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word a wise head on young shoulders
HU = okostojas (clever egg)
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word backpfeifengesicht
Origin: DE, also used in EN. HU = tenyerbe maszo arc/kep/pofa
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list w---fiat
Attribution of value to something based on faith (frequently ordered from above by an authority). American currency = fiat currency, Gold = fiat commodity, judicial/legislative fiat = arbitrary legislation, royal/authorial fiat = diktat without explanation
July 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---fy-it
Please add only verbs ending in "-fy" that you do NOT find in Wordnik (using the "*fy" string in the search box)
July 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list wf---fy-it
-fy is an increasingly popular suffix. Put to the end of proper (mostly brand) names or already existing neologisms it opens up a whole new world of new words. I´m sure you know a few more... Please feel free to add the one that springs to your mind.
July 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word axehole
Just found in the Urban Dictionary an apparently missing word from Wordnik.
Axehole = A person who uses an obscene amount of Axe body spray. Ha-ha.
July 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word WebCorp Live
July 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user isabelpayno
Hi Isabel,
Welcome on Wordnik.
Nice to see you here. Thanks for the new entries you added to'>
July 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Victatorship
The current form of democracy in Hungary referring to Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The term was coined in 2011.
June 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list regi---urban-development
Anyone interested in putting these concepts on a mind map with logical operators? Urban planning calls for flow charting and mind mapping!
June 21, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Europai összekapcsolodasi eszköz
June 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
June 20, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list red
How about...
terra cotta
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word DIX
English - German customizable on-line dictionary.
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list 3-letter-words-of-the-pattern-cvc
You are welcome to contribute
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Leo
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Wordreference
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Deutsches Terminologie Portal
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Intelliwebsearch
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word CHStoll Lookup
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user feedback
Well roared, Marky. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
June 17, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word plymouth
To relate an amusing story to someone without remembering that it was they who told it to you in the first place.
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word shoeburyness
The vague uncomfortable feeling you get when sitting on a seat which is still warm from somebody else's bottom.
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word paradox
Daffynition: Two doctors. (pair-of-docs)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word isolate
Daffynition: Me not on time. (I-(am)-so-late)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word innuendoes
Daffynition: Italian suppositories. (in-you-end-os)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word information
Daffynition: how geese fly (in-formation)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word impolite
Daffynition: A flaming goblin. (imp-alight)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word fortunate
Daffynition: Consumption of an expensive meal. (fortune-ate)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word dilate
Daffynition: live long (die-late)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word devastation
Daffynition: Where people wait for buses. (the-bus-station)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word decadent
Daffynition: Possessing only ten teeth. (deca-dent)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word dandelion
Daffynition: A fashionably dressed big cat (dandy-lion)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word buccaneer
Daffynition: too much to pay for corn (a-buck-an-ear)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word avoidable
Daffynition: What a bullfighter tries to do. (avoid-a-bull)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word apéritif
Daffynition: A set of dentures. (a-pair-of-teeth)
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user erinmckean
I would love to learn (and possibly I am not the only one) how many of my uploaded entries were entirely new to Wordnik (my net contribution). Is there a way to find it out?
The general statistics on the Community main page doesn't seem to be refreshed, at all. It would look better from a PR point of view for Wordnik, if it did. Has it been forgotten?
I may be the only one who uploads masses of collocations (do you need them?) but there had been tens of thousands collocations on Wordnik even before I started mass upload. It would be great to see in the statistics how many words (in the strict sense) and how many word combinations Wordnik has. Surely, it is not too difficult to keep URLs with and without the "%20" tag separate. Please make them appear separately if there is a way.
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list 3-letter-words-of-the-pattern-cvc
There are possibly many more of these but the number is limited. It would be great to collect them all and see if each can be generated by changing just one letter in another. Please add more if you can.
June 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word prewordnikian
Adjective referring to the era before Wordnik started.
June 15, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list a-r-a-words
I have added a few more for your pleasure.
June 14, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word troika
The "troika" (in the context of financial crisis) means
the ECB, the IMF and the EU
June 13, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word scoping exercise
Egy targyalas elott a varhato vitas pontok elozetes felmerese.
June 11, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list envi---collocations-mnopq--1
An extract from the "Zold Tolmacs" project, a HU-EN environmental dictionary compiled by Robert Gulyas in 2000.
June 10, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word amber box
All domestic support measures considered to distort production and trade, e.g. price supports or subsidies related to production quantities.
June 9, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word blue box measures
blue box measures = direct payments under production-limiting programmes
June 8, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user djoci
Csak voltam (sok éve) angol(-német) szakos az ELTÉ-n, most az Europai Parlamentben tolmacsolok. Hajrá ELTE!
June 8, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word mudaraba
June 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list this-is-america
Thanks, ruzuzu.
June 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list single-letters-with-meaning
A = bloodgroup, Ampère
C = 100 (Roman numeral, programming language, coal, Celsius)
D = 500 (Roman numeral)
I = the centre of the Universe
O = oxygen, bloodgroup
P = parking
R = radiation exposure, radius
T = terra, ton, time
June 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user djoci
Szia, djoci!
Gazdagitsuk egyutt az angol nyelvet!
Lehet, hogy ismerjuk egymast?
Ha van kerdesed a Wordnik-kel kapcsolatban (jo otlet, de sok meg benne a bug), szivesen segitek:
June 7, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Stockholm Programme
June 5, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word EU Code of Conduct
EU Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in
Development Policy
June 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list the-chaos-of-english-pronunciation
All the words listed - of the poem
'The Chaos'
by Gerard Nolst Trenité
Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
(Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
Cloven, oven, how and low,
Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
Solar, mica, war and far;
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
Blood and flood are not like food,
Nor is mould like should and would.
Viscous, viscount, load and broad,
Toward, to forward, to reward.
And your pronunciation’s OK
When you correctly say croquet,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
And enamour rhyme with hammer.
River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb,
Doll and roll and some and home.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
Souls but foul, haunt but aunt,
Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant,
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger,
And then singer, ginger, linger,
Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Query does not rhyme with very,
Nor does fury sound like bury.
Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
Though the differences seem little,
We say actual but victual.
Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
Fe0ffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
Mint, pint, senate and sedate;
Dull, bull, and George ate late.
Scenic, Arabic, Pacific,
Science, conscience, scientific.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven.
We say hallowed, but allowed,
People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
Mark the differences, moreover,
Between mover, cover, clover;
Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
Chalice, but police and lice;
Camel, constable, unstable,
Principle, disciple, label.
Petal, panel, and canal,
Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
Senator, spectator, mayor.
Tour, but our and succour, four.
Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Sea, idea, Korea, area,
Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion and battalion.
Sally with ally, yea, ye,
Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
Say aver, but ever, fever,
Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
Heron, granary, canary.
Crevice and device and aerie.
Face, but preface, not efface.
Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Large, but target, gin, give, verging,
Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging.
Ear, but earn and wear and tear
Do not rhyme with here but ere.
Seven is right, but so is even,
Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen,
Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk,
Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
Pronunciation (think of Psyche!)
Is a paling stout and spikey?
Won’t it make you lose your wits,
Writing groats and saying grits?
It’s a dark abyss or tunnel:
Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,
Islington and Isle of Wight,
Housewife, verdict and indict.
Finally, which rhymes with enough,
Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is to GIVE IT UP!!!
June 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user leaden
Thanks for Bilbygate. I have added it to "Gates".
June 4, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list gates
Ever since a New York Times columnist split the word 'Watergate' journalists looking for hype names for scandals keep implicitly suggesting that Nixon had a problem with Waters. Probably the most active nonsense suffix of all times.
June 2, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list politically-correct
It's fun to find the politically incorrect equivalents.
June 2, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word Eataly
Eataly is a slow food chain founded in Piemonte selling excellent regional (bio)food products in atmospheric stores that serve as eateries, as well.
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word muscleflexing
Újmagyarul: "izmozás"
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list european-proper
Az ECSC az utolso taggelt elem.
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user feedback
Please enable the alphabetical listing of lists. It shouldn't be such a difficult coding issue. I have the feeling that I am not the only user with more than 100 lists. Over a certain number it is very clumsy to find a certain list if they are listed chronologically, only.
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user feedback
PLEASE STEAL this function from Quizlet:
When creating Quizlet sets (Wordnik = lists) users are allowed to import data (for example words and THEIR DEFINITIONS) by one click by pasting their home-owned lists (any separator character is allowed) into a box. The system separates the data records into distinct "word" and "definition" columns automatically.
By allowing this kind of input Wordnik would be ready to accept word - definition lists, where uploaded definitions would be automatically chanelled to a new "user definitions" section on word pages.
Is Wordnik meant to be a consultable dictionary for all or just a flashy tool to fish rare words for a few? I very much miss the definitions for words that do not show up in the indexed official dictionaries. The restriction "user definition" would make it clear that it has to be taken with a pinch of salt but would give about hundreds of thousands words at least a clue.
With 7 billion entries you cannot expect people to put definitions into the comment box each time, manually.
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user feedback
Instead of:
was added by XY and appears on 4 other lists and has 1 comment
added: XY, lists: 4, comments: 1
saves 30 characters
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user feedback
Thank you for adding the "was added by user XY" information with each term. If the aesthetics of lines is an issue, I recommend abbreviating the default texts a bit. Each character gained will prevent thousands if not ten thousands of entries from rolling over.
May 31, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
May 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list of-imitative-origin
Would "Shoo!" and "Yahoo!" qualify?
May 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list unverbs
Thanks, bilby.
May 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list unverbs
Members of the virtual community have developed new ways to say goodbye to each other (unlike, unlove, unfollow, unsubscribe, etc.) Can you think of other topical Unverbs?
May 30, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list outcasts
What an idea! I love it.
May 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list joe-the-plumber
And another here: (Promise Nothing). The two lists are like question and answer: unrealistic expectations of people on the one hand / hollow promises by politicians on the other. I collected them while interpreting for EU institutions.
May 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list joe-the-plumber
Hi, I love your collection. I have a somewhat similar list here: (What the People Want)
May 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list a-fork-or-split
How about bifurcation?
May 29, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word balderdash
Wow! Balderdash is featuring on 100 (hundred) lists! Could be the most popular English word of all times?
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word linkerati
Linkerati are the targets of linkbait or link bait.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word link bait
One of the best link baits is a thematic glossary placed on your site, actually.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word unlove
Or to remove the "love" tag from a term/list on for that matter.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list hyblends
I love your list. I will never unlove (!) it. This list is an opposite to which lists the ones that have already made it.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list unverbs
Thanks fbharjo.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list fruits-of-linguistic-invention
I love this list and all the words it contains.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list blunders
Speakers (all 7 billion of us) make them all the time. There are hundreds of ways to get it wrong. Add more if you like.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list englishes
Thought this word had no plural? Think again. And add more, if you like.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list dirty-words-2
Cool list. I love it.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list what-is-tony-talking-about
Always wanted to know what's on the mind of international decision makes? Easy. Take their speeches, extract their collocations and you will see. Besides, most of these collocations are quite topical.
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list jeeves-and-wooster---wooster
Do you adore 'Jeeves and Wooster'? Then you'll adore this list too (feel free to add more terms). There is also another JW list with "Jeevesisms".
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list unverbs
Funnily, 'un-VERBs' are much less common as stand-alone units than in suffixed derivatives (unbelievable - but *unbelieve, unexpectedly - but *unexpect, uninsured - but *uninsure, etc.) Can you find more unVerbs that can make it all alone?
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word littleBits
A revolutionary new toy: electronic Lego pieces
May 27, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user Prolagus
Thanks, I should have checked.
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word webzine
How do you pronounce this word? (I am not a native speaker of English)
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word zipper clause
A clause that obliges parties to keep silent on an agreement
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word brollability
The probability of rain
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word oralisation
The act of reading out a written text by making it sound as if it was a spoken utterance (by adding redundancies, hesitations, repetitions and by replacing words typically used in writing by more common ones) for the purpose of being interpreted by trainee interpreters or by interpreters sitting for an exam.
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word blue shift
"The International Energy Agency’s Blue Shift scenario assumes that the demand for private mobility is reduced by a combination of the following:
Better urban planning
Infrastructure improvements
Better public transit systems such as BRT, light rail and inter-city high-speed rail systems
Policy measures that encourage use of these modes"
May 23, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user ruzuzu
Hi ruzuzu.
It took me a while to find this reply box.
Thank you for the welcome message.
Please feel free to comment on my lists or add words to them.
May 22, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the user fbharjo
I am a new user and it took me a while to find this box where I can reply to your comment.
I do upload a lot of words but the quoted number is a mistake. I did upload a huge file with over 25000 terms but as it didn't work out well (the file uploaded but remained uneditable and undeleteable) I had to ask Erin to delete it for me. The deletion did not reflect in the count, though. I have the impression that Wordnik is a great idea but there are too many bugs and inconveniences here still. The coding team is either too small or not competent enough. E.g. Why can't I reply to your comments directly? Why did I have to search for hours for this very commetn box?
May 22, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word interpretese
The type of language that you have to listen to via your earphones during a conference.
May 22, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word unanimity
When taking decisions on some issues, the Council of the European Union has to be in unanimous agreement – i.e. all countries have to agree. Any disagreement, even by one single country, will block the decision. This would make progress very difficult in a Union of 27 countries, so the unanimity rule now applies only in particularly sensitive areas such as asylum, taxation and the common foreign and security policy. In most fields, decisions are now taken by qualified majority voting.
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word transparency
The term 'transparency' is often used to mean openness in the way the EU institutions work. The EU institutions are committed to greater openness. They are taking steps to improve public access to information, and they are working to produce clearer and more readable documents. This includes better drafting of laws and, ultimately, a single, simpler and shorter treaty.
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word European semester
The ‘European Semester’ is the way EU countries work together on economic policy. It is so called because it is a procedure that takes about six months. It is done in the first half of every year, and started in 2011. After a first debate on how the economy is faring, each EU country presents its plans for its state budget and policies designed to create economic growth, and then guidelines are decided.
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word rendezvous clause
Sometimes, when EU leaders are discussing an important legal document, they cannot reach agreement on a particular issue. So they may decide to come back to this subject at a later date. Their decision is made official by putting it in writing and including it as a clause in the legal text they are discussing. This type of clause is sometimes known as a ’rendezvous clause’.
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word open method of coordination
In many policy areas (for example education and training, pensions and health care, immigration and asylum), EU governments set their own national policies rather than having an EU-wide policy laid down in law. However, it makes sense for governments to share information, adopt best practice (see above) and bring their national policies into line. This way of learning from one another is called the 'open method of coordination'.
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word non-paper
This means an off-the-record or unofficial document – a paper that has not been through a formal adoption procedure (the use is not restricted to the EU).
May 19, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the list agri--1
Terms - Agriculture and Rural Development Committee - European Parliament
May 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word absorption capacity
Absorption capacity - usually means the ability of a country or organisation to receive aid and use it effectively. Developing countries often lack this capacity. For example, a country may receive enough money to enable all its children to attend primary school – but owing to a lack of teachers, lack of schools or a poor administrative system, it is impossible to spend this money in the short term. Work must first be done to train teachers, build schools and improve the efficiency of the system – thus raising the country's 'absorption capacity'.
May 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word goldplatiing
See also: overkill
May 18, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word EMCI
European Masters in Conference Interpreting (
May 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word karácsony
Christmas in Hungarian
May 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word HUTERM
HUTERM is a yahoo discussion group of Hungarian linguists and other experts involved in creating and using new Hungarian terms for concepts coined and evolving during EU policy making. HUTERM ( is also a website dedicated to linguistic and lexicographic issues arising in this discussion.
May 16, 2012
gulyasrobi commented on the word ENVI
ENVI is the in-house abbreviation of the European Parliament's Environment and Consumer Protection committee. All committees in the EP have four-letter abbreviations.
May 16, 2012
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