I agree with tel -- the spacing isn't appropriate for matching up the pronouncer with the pronunciation. Sorry to be negative. Here's a laugh to balance things out: :-o
I know. Sometimes I can't remember the names of people I haven't met and it irritates the hell out of me ;-)
Here's a funny story about remembering (let's see if I remember how it goes):
My grandfather, who was at the time, about 90 years old, came out of the kitchen shaking his head. My aunt (with whom he lived) asked him what was wrong. He said,
"I put the bread in that contraption in the kitchen...you know, with the slots (and he makes a motion with his hands going down like karate chops) and then the bread pops up (and he makes two fists with thumbs up and he whistles, twice) -- what's that called?"
My aunt said: "You mean the toaster, Daddy?"
My grandfather walked away from her saying, "Toaster....toaster....toaster."
My aunt then asked: What are you doing Dad?" To which my grandfather replied: "I heard on the TV that if you repeat a word three times, you'll always remember it."
And he always did.
So, there you have it. Solution to your memory problem, t.
Wow. Bilby, a Snuggie is a blanket you wear. It's for people who can't figure out how to wrap a blanket around themselves without trapping their own arms...
PU, because I often work on publications/promotions that are prepared many months in advance of their actual release date, I'm usually a good 6 months ahead of the times. I've been known to put Christmas music on and turn the a/c way down in July to get in the 'mood' to write for the up-coming season... It's all just a state of mind, dude. Flex it!
I'm thinking that Mr. Funk's intention was to honor words with the most beautiful definitions or sentiments of the time - not the words with the most beautiful pronunciations. Either way, I disagree with his list.
I do not wave or fry them. I just put them in the toaster oven on what I think is a reasonable amount of time for just-buttery-crispness, then invariably, they burn...
A glacier just slid off my roof, hit the cellar door and shook the entire house to the rafters. I thought those wingnuts on my roof were supposed to stop that from happening...
Whichbe - it sounds like you are riding up on a horse just before -- and away just after -- your pronunciations here. Gives them something of a Monty Python flair!
I don't know what has happened, but wordnik isn't working for me anymore. Nothing updates, my list additions don't show up, I don't think anyone will even be able to read this...but I'm sending it out any way... It's no fun now.
I think there is, should be, a difference between controlling the environment in a classroom (or office or subway car, etc.) and controlling the people in those venues. I think nearly everyone appreciates a safe, pleasant atmosphere but almost no one appreciates being controlled... I like the sort of old-fashioned idea of reward and punishment being a group activity (when the group is homogenous, such as a class at school) - in that the group is only as good or bad as the best or worst of them. This encourages a group to police itself and the leader can take on the role of moderator.
When I logged on this morning it was still stuck on the same spot. I hit F5 and it updated. I wonder why it got stuck -- never happened before. How do you clear a cache? (That sounds like the set-up for a joke!) I use a PC, Vista, explorer...
What couch? Is John in therapy? He probably has latent wordie issues. I hope this kad can help him -- although, she seems confused about who she really is...
mr dontcry has a 1971 Nova in My Garage. He has formed a band of friends, the "Nova Knights" for "Nova Night" - each Friday night in My Garage. They are supposed to be working on rebuilding the old rustbucket -- I mean the classic car... I get the feeling that I will never be able to park My Car in My Garage... *wah*
We've always said boinking, not bonking for sex. If you hit someone on the head, say with a rubber mallet, à la whack-a-mole, that would be bonking. Remember Little Bunny Foo-Foo?
Whaaa??? Oh! Har! I mean, sarting, ahem, yes is the technical term for how to begin when beginning with tomatoes. Yes, it's a very technical cooking term I wouldn't expect most of you to know....
Uselessness: First of all, it sounds like your sauce is way too runny. You are sarting with whole tomatoes, aren't you? Let it cook down a bit more, okay? Also, don't rinse the pasta. That startch helps the sauce to cling. Next, using the bottom-most tine of your fork, select a couple two-three strands; lift them up (your fork should be at about eye level) to separate them from the pack; lower your fork(at an angle so they don't slip off) to a corner of your plate or bowl; press the tips of all tines down and at an angle; twirl; lift a bit to inspect for hangers-down; if spotted, twirl another half turn or so; move your mouth over the plate; open wide and insert the entire fork (excluding the handle). You have to move quickly, right? Also, try to focus on your twirling until you've got it down pat. No more typing while twirling. You're not ready.
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the bartender gives him the drink the neutron asks, "How much?" The bartender says: "No charge for you."
mr dontcry suggested that I list this word. He comes up with a good one every now and then. Perhaps I should reward him with another delcious treat from down under. Oh, clean up your minds! I mean Australia! You know, marmite...? (shhhh)
You should not have been diving with all that food in your belly, 'nach. Also, I'm thinking the pools at the Radisson probably are not even deep enough to dive safely.
I tasted a grapple today. It's an apple that tastes a bit like a concord grape. Actually, I found that it smells more like a grape than it tastes like one. Very delicious though.
I just noticed that the very large word is now purple. I rather liked the blue...
I'm not sure how to say this -- but in wordie, I could scan the front page and pick out the comments I made, or my name or words I had commented on -- by color. On this Zeitgeist list, the word and the wordie are always the same color -- which makes quick scanning impossible... Sorry if this is redundant. More sorrier if it is incomprehensible...
I remember when we moved to Oklahoma when I was in 5th grade, our neighbor referred to her dog's poo as "duke." She called it "dog duke." I had never heard that expression before -- or since.
I don't like the "nikkers" ending because it sounds like a popular slang of "niggers" and I don't like that word. It hurts my feelings. Wordniks is my vote -- if we can't just be wordies on wordnik.
wordies - the_bear just had a cub... She probably has (gasp) more pressing things to tend to just now. She'll join in. Give her time to adjust to all this -- change -- . All right, then?
Again, on the Christmas Pudding recipe. I wonder what spices to mix? Why so cryptic, BBC?? I just want to make this thing so I can set it on fire. I love being able to set food on fire -- on purpose!
This is funny. I just "random worded" this word. I think kids today (kids I know, anyway) have overused the word random to the point where I don't think they even know what it means anymore!
I like that! I'm going to spread the word. mr dontcry has a plethora of saws in 'my garage' that could use some playing! I wonder what the spelling would be for the sound a played saw makes?
The last time I was in Venice -- must have been around 1980 -- we all drank bottled water (we also drank it when I lived in Germany in the early '70's). Bottled water was the ONLY water we drank -- although it was not the bottled water we know today. THESE bottles were large glass ones for serving more than one person at a time. They delivered it by the case to our villa in Vicenza and our haus in Heilbronn.
Ahhh... So there is a word for the noises my son's been making lately. Can't wait for the eyeball-rolling & mumblement that will take place when I lay this on him after school today! *snort*
A kind of beaver found in most of North America --except Florida -- according to the Free Online Dictionary. Can I presume that Florida is home to only old world beavers? Is it a culture thing?
*loves* It gives a certain legitimacy to the current state of my office, my kitchen, my purse, my car... They're not cluttered, they're currently in a state of disorderedness.
DayMoon: No. I always know when the "next time I'm going to get laid is." It's the next time I look at mr dontcry and smile...
hernesheir: Funny you should ask, really. Today, on the way to church for my son's weekly confirmation class, I was pondering heaven (I do that a lot) and, as usual, the whole concept of 'firmament' came to mind. And, as usual, I tried and tried to imagine it. Is it like the "Swedish Sleep System" that conforms to each (heavenly) body? Or is it more like a really firm cloud? Or maybe like cotton candy...I think I always come to the conclusion that it's kind of a cross between a gas and that beautiful gossamer-like hair on the head of our Christmas Angel who sits atop our tree each year. Hmmm.
I now have a whole new appreciation for the word. Thanks rolig! As a producer of pamphlets, brochures, fliers, & what-have-you, for many years now, I'm happy to learn of its romantic side!
Ha! It's been a while since I've been to Alex. Used to work there. I just remember my favorite Old Town restaurant, Landini Brothers. Yum! Wonder if it's still there...?
It wasn't cheesey at all. A bit pricey, actually.
*is tempted to call the cheesetique and ask for some Venezuelan Beaver Cheese*
As I was drying my hair this morning I suddenly began pondering why we call a cold "a cold" but when we get the flu, it's "the flu."
Then I wondered why I always seem to think of these things while I'm drying my hair... Do you think it has anything to do with the application of heat to my head? Maybe it's just boredom from performing a tedious task...
Actually, now that I think about it, a squeaker would be an improvement. At least it would add "fun" value to the endless chewing it takes it get it down...
Ha! Would that is was, then at least it would still actually be bacon. This is more like ham jerky...or a really tough, very small piece of bologna...like a Barbie ham slice... or a chew toy for a small dog, without the squeaker.
I'm actually getting pretty good at it. It's an art, really, keeping those whites from floating all over the place and not breaking the yolk. *considers new career on the brunch line at The Hilton* *not really*
This is a common term in Western, PA. It applies to the "white bread" group of folks. For instance, my Father, who is Dutch/Scotch, is a cake-eater. My Mother, who is Syrian/Serbian, is not.
I have a friend who lives in a townhouse with a small patio area. He has it filled with containers and grows tons of veggies -- enough peppers to make dozens of jars of his hot pepper jelly!
Thanks for the recipe, moll! I like it better than the ones I've seen calling for marshmallow fluff...;(
Hmmm. I have both a persimmon tree and a black walnut tree. I think the gods are telling me to make some persimmon fudge! *waits impatiently for persimmons & walnuts to ripen...*
It would me a lot to me. I'm willing to do my part. I don't how many wordies there are -- but I'm guessing that one word per ought to do it. *takes kerchief off, puts thinking cap on*
*un-dons gay apparel. dons kerchief. opens shutters. prepares sash for a throw up. checks bed for springiness. settles down. waits for visions of dancing crispy bacon.*
A series of gagging, horking and snorting noises are not necessary when I announce that I am making oatmeal for myself for breakfast and ask if anyone else would like some. A simple 'no thanks' will suffice.
John - I saw that yesterday and laughed out loud. I wanted to comment but had to run off to do stupid non-wordie stuff. *digs toe into dirt and kicks it up*
I don't know. Verge sounds more like something you'd find on the side of the road than the side of the road itself. Like "Euuwww, did you see that pile of verge back there?"
The term is more like: 'suffer fools gladly' and it means an intolerance for ignorance, stupidity, foolishness, etc...
From the Bible, Corinthians.
Edit: I sould have said "not" to suffer fools gladly. To actually suffer them gladly is more at being magnaminous or tolerant of those less bright than ones self.
It IS a wonderland beyond the cellar door. It's dark and musty, the floor is all pebbles and dirt, the walls are stone and always a bit wet. It's ruled by snakes and mice (who are constantly at war) with toads coming and going with the seasons. When the boiler fires up sounds like the end of days... There is a hidden trap door in the main house which leads to that netherworld as well. It's got a few tales to tell I'll bet ya.
No, it's real. Apparently, after naming 4 different kinds of rashes/diseases kids could get, this was the best they could do for number 5. If I'm remembering correctly, a pregnant woman should avoid contact with a child with fifth's disease. Easier said than done if that child happens to be one of hers...
I always had heard it as out the wazoo. Like, "He's got money out the wazoo." Which, if wazoo is what I think it is, sounds painful -- but also rather handy. Kinda like your own, very personal, ATM.
I speak a little Sewdish_Chef. Loosely translated, it means: "If you eat the organs, you must eat them with relish or don't bother eating them at all. Lutefisk, on the other hand, must never be eaten with relish but rather with some lingonberry jelly -- or jam, if jelly is not available. Period."
That was about 8 years ago, so I think the worst is over. Foutunately, Founder (we 'found her') quickly lost her taste for the inedible when she was given a reliable meal twice a day.
When we first got her, my dog ate a Barbie and a ball point pen in one sitting. We found her at a dumpster, so naturally she was dismayed at our horror when she horked up a teeny, tiny, perfectly manicured hand and a little spring.
I gotta go with corndog type. Now, if the dogs were stuck -- I mean displayed -- in, say, a Baked Alaska, and the pots were filled with chocolate sauce, then I'd have to say funnel-cake type.
Flush? Calling me "flush" would be like calling The Titanic a boat. I could have put out forest fires last night with the sweat that dripped off my face in just 20 minutes. I'm like a new super hero: Hot Flash Gordon. When I walk into a room the temperature jumps up 20 degrees. Hypothermia? Just give me a hug. All better. I'm not making this up.
For a long time, the Wye Oak was a famous and very, very old oak tree in Maryland. It survived from sometime in the 1500's until a storm took it down in 2002.
You're the biggest bunch of smart people I know. How do I explain to a a 13 year-old boy why it is essential to attend the funeral for one of his friends? When I tried to explain how it might comfort the parents, he walked out of the room, holding his ears. *help...words of wisdom needed here... trying not to cry...probably will...hates that*
There are a lot of definitions for this word. I just happened to notice that two are missing:
Treat: What the termite guy does when he comes to your house the first time to discourage termites from eating your home. Involves spraying a liquid substance around the foundation of your house.
Treat: What the termite guy does when he comes to your house the second time to discourage you from calling him again. Involves spraying several rooms of your home with what ultimately will look like machine gun fire, thus causing said rooms to resemble any of a number of scences from The Godfather -- pick your favorite: the tollbooth, the revolving door, the elevator, the barber shop, the massage parlor, etc..(OR, the car in the last scene from Bonnie & Clyde).
Is there a 'new' south? Is it a place more south than the previous south? Or is this like the 'new' math? Or is it more like 'New' Zealand? Is there a 'Zealand?' Or an 'Old Zealand?' 'Cause I've never heard of either one.
I have nothing to say about this word. I'm waiting for a peach flip to come out of the oven so I can take off to a Fathers' Day cookout. I decided to random word to kill time. This is the BEST use of a baker's waiting time -- EVER!
I don't know.. It's not like a hard "r" that Americans use when they say "Prego" as in the jar sauce. It's almost as if there is a hint of a "d" or "th" sound just before the "r." I can't describe it -- but I can say it! If only wordie had a "hearie" function. But, of course, even if it did, I would not be able to figure out how to use it...
I promise to try to remain open-minded about the "mites" until they've been properly prepared for me by pleth. Apparently you can't just crack open a jar of Marmite, slather it on a cracker and pop it into your piehole.
I worked in DC for many years -- Georgetown and downtown (K street). I've also toured DC a lot. I've never lived there (I live about 30 or so miles from there), but have visited many friends who do live there. As mass transit systems go, the Metro is a pretty nice one. My take: love touring and eating there. Loved working -- in Georgetown. Wouldn't want to live there, unless I could live in Rock Creek Park! Like most big cities, DC can be very pretty. It also can be pretty ugly and dangerous.
The next time I have the opportunity to use the phrase "rapier wit" I'm going to insert pappenheimer in place of rapier! *snort* It will probably happen to Mr dontcry tonight! Let's hope he's not a grump and says something witty...I may have to set him up...
Oh! Howl! John reminds me why it is NEVER a good idea to neglect my Wordie duties. And this entire thread reminds me how I got hooked in the first place. Yinz are great!
Sometimes, when I've gone round and round on a subject with one of my kids, and there's no end in sight, I'll just say Boutros Boutros-Ghali accompanied by a shoulder shrug, screwed up mouth and eyebrow raise. That usually takes care of it.
I think: "I'm not half the man I used to be" means he's somewhat diminished from his past self -- is disappointed in himself about something.
I think "not half bad" is a bit of a back-handed compliment. It means you're better than I thought, but there's room for improvement. I don't think it means very good or great.
Me too! I just bought 3 more hummingbird feeders and another Yankee Flipper, to the tune of $100. 10 lb bags of niger, sunflower and all purpose bird seeds! We loves our birds!
*changes resolve, yet again, to include all foods except the non-existent white chocolate -- as a protest against accepting white chocolate as a member of the chocolate family of chocolates*
I guess if classy is used as a substitute for classist, then it could have a negative connotation. Otherwise, it is my experience that classy, while possibly going out of style as an adjective, is good! Other oldies, but goodies:
"Pacing: You may or may not feel the impulses -- usually they are not detectable.
Defibrillation: The shock feels like a kick in the chest but only lasts for a moment. Some patients describe the sensation as feeling like a shock from an electrical outlet. Most times, you will be awake when the shock is delivered, but on occasion, you may lose consciousness before the therapy is delivered."
I've always heard it, and used it as baptism by fire. Meaning hitting the ground running -- or starting off on something under the worst possible conditions...
No, no, no, no, no. That's wrong. Tuesday should have waaay more listings than Monday. Why, Sunday and Monday are totally at the bottom of the IWWH,Ev. It's a toss-up as to which one is less interesting.
However, the today, yesterday and tomorrow IWWH,Ev is correct. Tomorrow is slightly more interesting than today and both are way more interesting than yesterday. The only question that remains is where do, the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow fit in. Hmmm???
I take fake umbrage at your hard line of questioning about my perfectly appropriate and self-explanatory usage of "so forth" in the Interesting Week Words Hierarchy, English version (IWWH Ev). Sheesh!
Mr. dontcry used to swaddle our babies so tight you could slice cheese with them. He would, were he a wordie, take umbrage with loose, amateurish swaddling.
Um... I still "moro" sometimes just as I'm drifting off to sleep. I get the sensation that I'm abut to fall off the bed... Can I take that "6 months OR MORE..." part literally?
Susan Boyle: God bless her! And God bless you, 'nach, for sharing her with me/us all. What a treat! I'll bet she's the life of every party she attends!
Last (and least): I've never seen Simon "Scowl" smile like that in all the too many years I've seen his mug on tv!
Ha! We always call it "East Bumfuck." It's just a surprise funny when you spring it on someone. I think it's especially funny because it starts with 'bum' and ends with 'fuck.' Kind of like the sweet and sour of jokes!
In response to this convo(thanks, Bonnie)I have just taken humongous humbrage (probably much more than I need). That's right, I am an hysterical humbrage hoarder.
John T. Graham -- Very clear. So...you get it! Not everybody does at first. I didn't. No surprise there, of course! Come sit with me on the porch, young man. Check out some of our lists. I have a feeling you'll be staying a while.
I don't either, gangerh... I don't remember adding it. It looks like I need to round up the usual suspects. SOMEbody is going to get the wordie treatment...
Just in case I'm the first person ever to die from fear of being on camera, I just want the record to show that I TOLD YOU SO! And, no, I don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to make a record of it. Thank you.
Oh. That would explain, I guess, the nasty double spurs just behind the knees. I'd love to see someone mount a horse in that get up! Maybe they were lowered into the saddle...
I find it really interesting that almost without exception, around the world, the word for coffee starts with the "k" sound.
Makes me wonder if other common "food" stuff (like milk, bread, meat, etc.) is the same -- not the "k" sound, of course, but a common sound. My extremely limited knowledge of languages tells me, no.
I'd like to communicate with spiders, just once, and preferably by phone or email. I'd like to ask them if they really ARE more afraid of me than I am of them -- 'cause I don't think they are. I don't even think it's a close call.
What about those really, really flat sponges that absorb tons of water without leaking? You could stash a couple of those puppies in your pants and away you go!
John, it does me too! That's what I love about the title. It plays on those two words we all are so familiar with. I think that if I were in the market for a book on how to work through my grief, I'd pick this one off the shelf before one titled "Working Through Your Grief: 20 Easy Steps" (I totally made that up) or something like that. Personally, I don't do grief "good" at all. I very much prefer Charlie Brown's version!
I hate to be difficult, but you're both wrong. The worst song ever in the history of sound and ears is "Jackie Blue" by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. The people responsible for writing it, recording it, distributing it, and playing it on the radio should be taken into custody and tried for crimes against humanity.
I always think of turnkey and thumbscrew together. That is, whenever I hear turnkey I then think of thumbscrew and vice-versa. Then I almost always remember that actor who had kind of bulging eyes (not Marty Feldman) who wore, in at least one movie, a sackcloth garb, had kind of a Beatles haircut and was somebody's turnkey, thumbscrew, or sidekick. What was his name...?
Cracking a "wordie-insider" joke and laughing at it before realizing that you're the only one at the party who gets it -- then continuing to enjoy it anyway.
"Very sorry to knock you up, Watson," said he, "but it's the common lot this morning. Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up, she retorted upon me, and I on you."
Now, when young ladies wander about the metropolis at this hour of the morning, and knock sleepy people up...I presume it is something very pressing which they have to communicate."
I only remember hearing shanked used when describing a prison stabbing -- usually with a shiv. That's what I heard, anyway. I mean, I have never actually been to prison. Really.
Well, I can't speak for everyone, Kostya, but I certainly will try to take myself a little more seriously. Thanks for setting us straight. I don't know how we managed to have any fun before you arrived.
One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to Norm.Here's how it went:
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
Each year on Super Bowl Sunday, our church puts out a huge soup kettle in the narthex. Everyone brings their extra change to feed the kettle. The money raised goes to a local soup kitchen or food pantry.
Pleth -- morning? Oh, oh! What are you having? Coffee? Tea? Cocoa? Toast? Are you reading the Sunday paper? Mine's not here yet. Anything I should know? Can you pass the jam?
My favorite-to-watch sports events are the triple crown races. A couple of minutes of edge-of-your-seat-action, then back to the mint juleps, shrimp cocktails and what-have-yous. Perfect sporting events!
This is a seed company where I come from!! Although, now that I think of it, sprouting, planting, weeding, harvesting, canning... that IS a workout! Ha! I wonder if the Burpee folks have thought of this as a side product. "The Burpee Workout: Have the body of a farmer in 30 days -- AND a nice salad to boot!"
dontcry's Comments
Comments by dontcry
Show previous 200 comments...
dontcry commented on the user feedback
I agree with tel -- the spacing isn't appropriate for matching up the pronouncer with the pronunciation. Sorry to be negative. Here's a laugh to balance things out: :-o
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-people--2009
I suffered through this film just the other night. I was not amused.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
*wonders what the limit on the number of pronunciations will be*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Hmmm... I'd have to be standing on my roof for it to be effective. Maybe I could salt the birds...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word returning movies
Ditto - but it doesn't terrify me. Mild angina, at best.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Nicolas Sarkozy
Now it just sounds like one of those blanket-wrap-things for Chirstmas.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Sarkozy
This sounds like one of those blanket-wrap-things...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I know. Sometimes I can't remember the names of people I haven't met and it irritates the hell out of me ;-)
Here's a funny story about remembering (let's see if I remember how it goes):
My grandfather, who was at the time, about 90 years old, came out of the kitchen shaking his head. My aunt (with whom he lived) asked him what was wrong. He said,
"I put the bread in that contraption in the kitchen...you know, with the slots (and he makes a motion with his hands going down like karate chops) and then the bread pops up (and he makes two fists with thumbs up and he whistles, twice) -- what's that called?"
My aunt said: "You mean the toaster, Daddy?"
My grandfather walked away from her saying, "Toaster....toaster....toaster."
My aunt then asked: What are you doing Dad?" To which my grandfather replied: "I heard on the TV that if you repeat a word three times, you'll always remember it."
And he always did.
So, there you have it. Solution to your memory problem, t.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word some kind of tropical plant i have to remember to bring in before the frost
I'm gonna need a moment.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word some kind of tropical plant i have to remember to bring in before the frost
Ooops... too late.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Common Object Art
It certainly would have a kick to it! *wonders if there's a market for grappa Fanta in Italy* PRO!!!!!
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cleavaginous
yarb - I think you can pick up a pair at the nearest hardware store. *snort*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Common Object Art
Make mine a grape Fanta.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Haaaayyyyy... salt might be the trick to the ice floe problem...
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snugWow
Or crumbs.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
See skulldiggery.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word skulldiggery
See clowndigger.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
We hardley knew ye.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I was just thinking: you know how you hate it when you can't remember something you should? I can't remember the last time that happened to me.
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
Har! Hey... *runs to get microphone*
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I'm sorry, have we met?
December 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
I'm sorry, what was the subject?
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
We need more nom-nom nominations...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not knowing or remembering stuff I think ought to know or remember
Not remembering is far worse than not knowing.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clowndigger
I dig clowns. They're far-out.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
which - I like to do that as well. It's like making your own soft-serve. I only do it with plain ice creams, though -- not with chunky ones.
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word deworming
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snugWow
Wow. Bilby, a Snuggie is a blanket you wear. It's for people who can't figure out how to wrap a blanket around themselves without trapping their own arms...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list unique-words-and-acronyms-used-in-the-vietnam-war
Lifer, short...
December 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
PU, because I often work on publications/promotions that are prepared many months in advance of their actual release date, I'm usually a good 6 months ahead of the times. I've been known to put Christmas music on and turn the a/c way down in July to get in the 'mood' to write for the up-coming season... It's all just a state of mind, dude. Flex it!
December 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
Here's what I'm saying to those wingnuts on my roof: You're fired!
December 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
*runs to check*
Nope. Just some silver paint chips, sticks, leaves, and bird poop.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list wilfred-j--funks--ten-most-beautiful-words-in-the-english-language--1932--1933
I'm thinking that Mr. Funk's intention was to honor words with the most beautiful definitions or sentiments of the time - not the words with the most beautiful pronunciations. Either way, I disagree with his list.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
Sorry, no. My books have always been a place for me to go to escape from day-to-day realities of time and place.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word books split over the new year
Hmmm... Seriously?
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list second-semester-vocab-for-ap-literature
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I do not wave or fry them. I just put them in the toaster oven on what I think is a reasonable amount of time for just-buttery-crispness, then invariably, they burn...
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
I had myself one!
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
Not it.
December 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word those wingnuts on my roof
A glacier just slid off my roof, hit the cellar door and shook the entire house to the rafters. I thought those wingnuts on my roof were supposed to stop that from happening...
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woty09
I'll get the ball rolling. I nominate spaghetti.
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the user susanmarieanderson
I love your enthusiasm!
December 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hyphen
Underscores look more like jimmies to me.
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the user grantbarrett
I can do the shopping, I just can't post 'em...somewhere in my pictures folder is Oolong in a Leaning Tower of Pisa hat...
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
What nuts?
December 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
There's only one rule for flippin' nuts: There are no rules.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Why, why, why do I always burn my croissant?
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
I-scream, you-scream, we all-scream for ice-cream!
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Opus the Penguin
I've heard of duck pins, but penguin pins?? That's flippin' nuts!
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
This "guy" had a list or his name had something to do with superfluous hyphenating....he/she was funny-serious about it.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice-cream
There was a wordie who had issues with hyphens, as I remember. It was pretty funny. Can't remember who, though...
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word satchel of deception
I loved that show! The writing was excellent.
December 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dotnose
Whichbe - it sounds like you are riding up on a horse just before -- and away just after -- your pronunciations here. Gives them something of a Monty Python flair!
December 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list chickens
December 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hyneman
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
Very interesting, ptero! Did not know that. I like the, gulp, Sinatra version best!
I would sat that's a song rather than a carol -- but I'm not sure why.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word poach
I perfectly poached egg is delightful.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word have yourself a merry little christmas
I don't find this line patronizing at all. I much prefer a 'merry little Christmas' to, well, almost any other kind.
December 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
December 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shoecabbage
Is this like shoeflypie?
December 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the list bilbys-future-nicknames
December 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word car-jacking
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pisghetti
My kids said "sketties" when they were littles.
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Me neither, too...since yesterday.
December 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wallaby crop circles
"Who's the narc?" HAR!
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word eco-conscious cadaver
A cadaver that is conscious? Wow. The un-dead have reached a whole new level of...un-deadness.
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word frick and frack
Yes, we say frick and frack. Sometimes we say "Mutt & Jeff" also.
December 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the user teamsoft12
Very poor spamming technique. *porch judge holds up scorecard with big fat goose egg*
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Thanks, Milo. Give me a ring.
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word like, you know, okay
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oaktag board
Wow! I haven't heard anyone use oaktag in what's got to be 30 years! Are people still using it? And gator board?
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
As an education major, a parent and a PTA President (in that order) I have one thing to say: I love teachers!
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the user orange123
Better weight loss plan: let your ex go and be rid of 200 pounds permanently.
December 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater
I stole this from Steve Martin, of course.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Cooking For Unhappy Hottentots - Let Me Show You How
This seriously needs a pronunciation...
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I don't know what has happened, but wordnik isn't working for me anymore. Nothing updates, my list additions don't show up, I don't think anyone will even be able to read this...but I'm sending it out any way... It's no fun now.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word faskinating
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gangtelope
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word halo halo
Then it becomes horko horko.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word white on rice
Like palooka on pasta.
December 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word [anything] - gate
Don't feel bad for the Watergate, use. They do quite well.
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Maybe Grant was referring to brown rice...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
I think there is, should be, a difference between controlling the environment in a classroom (or office or subway car, etc.) and controlling the people in those venues. I think nearly everyone appreciates a safe, pleasant atmosphere but almost no one appreciates being controlled... I like the sort of old-fashioned idea of reward and punishment being a group activity (when the group is homogenous, such as a class at school) - in that the group is only as good or bad as the best or worst of them. This encourages a group to police itself and the leader can take on the role of moderator.
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Tigergate
try to find it on the list...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peanut butter toast
try to find it on my list...
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Mr. Pronunciation
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list mr--pronunciations-bad-day
December 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Thanks, pleth! I'll give it a try. *scared...*
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Well, now I have to "F5" all the time in order to see updated comments...
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Wordnik
So is my gasoline-powered turtleneck sweater!
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
When I logged on this morning it was still stuck on the same spot. I hit F5 and it updated. I wonder why it got stuck -- never happened before. How do you clear a cache? (That sounds like the set-up for a joke!) I use a PC, Vista, explorer...
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
I read this about 10 hours ago as the top comment and it still is.
"11 minutes ago, on eddma23's profile , eddma23 said
“ sewing equipments
birds…” more… "
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
Zeitgeist is not updating today 12-10-09.
December 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user abraxaszugzwang
Pretty please...?
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word whistling
I'm a pretty decent whistler, but I'm still waiting for my microphone... *checks porch again*
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I have faith in you, pleth!
December 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Whew! I was afraid we lost you in the move. I miss your fresh and clever contributions!
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tappening
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Bowtrol Colon Cleanse Review,Bowtrol Colon Review
Not if you can't get it past your stomach...
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sedan
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-stupid-day
Bamboo. Definintely bamboo.
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word axadent
Sounds like a denture product...
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user zaggan
December 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user grantbarrett
I can get you a photo of Oolong balancing the Leaning Tower of Pisa on his head if you want...
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the user plethora
pleth -- where are you????
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the user hostmonster
It's like a giant "under-the-bed."
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the list things-the-world-is-concerned-about-according-to-google
You had me at *snort*
December 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
whichbe, I accept! Thank you. *runs to porch to await delivery* *clears throat*
December 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
What couch? Is John in therapy? He probably has latent wordie issues. I hope this kad can help him -- although, she seems confused about who she really is...
December 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
I'll make this easy for you: don't eat ramen.
December 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ciao bella!
Pro - you have the cutest voice!
December 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're something of a hotdog, aren't you
I REALLY need a microphone! You've all done it so well, but I want to add my pronunciation... wah! *goes to porch to pout* *and swing* *and rock*
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
With paprika 'course!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word nova
mr dontcry has a 1971 Nova in My Garage. He has formed a band of friends, the "Nova Knights" for "Nova Night" - each Friday night in My Garage. They are supposed to be working on rebuilding the old rustbucket -- I mean the classic car... I get the feeling that I will never be able to park My Car in My Garage... *wah*
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
It's sarted and ready to go!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Can someone please pass the sauce...
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word caramel
"car a mull" is straight out.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horse-coursing
I'll take a prolager please. Pass the nuts.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chad
He's bad news, that Chad.
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
That short spaghetti would be the twirling challenge of all time!
December 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bonking
You're right -- It IS bopped!
*bonks self on head*
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegemite virgin
Nutella: neat
Whiskey: hork
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bonking
We've always said boinking, not bonking for sex. If you hit someone on the head, say with a rubber mallet, à la whack-a-mole, that would be bonking. Remember Little Bunny Foo-Foo?
Little Bunny Foo-Foo
Walking through the for - est
Picking up the field mice
And bonking them on the head.
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Could be that switching thing is what's getting you into trouble. That's not for amateurs, u. You're something of a hotdog, aren't you?
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Whaaa??? Oh! Har! I mean, sarting, ahem, yes is the technical term for how to begin when beginning with tomatoes. Yes, it's a very technical cooking term I wouldn't expect most of you to know....
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
c_b, awwww! I'm touched!
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
I agree. I have no use for Twitter feed.
December 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the user chinaware
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Wow... Kinda rough around the edges quaint-looking until you get to picture "04." Then it looks like a dump...
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Uselessness: First of all, it sounds like your sauce is way too runny. You are sarting with whole tomatoes, aren't you? Let it cook down a bit more, okay? Also, don't rinse the pasta. That startch helps the sauce to cling. Next, using the bottom-most tine of your fork, select a couple two-three strands; lift them up (your fork should be at about eye level) to separate them from the pack; lower your fork(at an angle so they don't slip off) to a corner of your plate or bowl; press the tips of all tines down and at an angle; twirl; lift a bit to inspect for hangers-down; if spotted, twirl another half turn or so; move your mouth over the plate; open wide and insert the entire fork (excluding the handle). You have to move quickly, right? Also, try to focus on your twirling until you've got it down pat. No more typing while twirling. You're not ready.
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
Thanks for the list tip!
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list a-_____-walks-into-a-bar
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the bartender gives him the drink the neutron asks, "How much?" The bartender says: "No charge for you."
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
*makes popcorn*
*gets front row seat*
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Haaaaay... Who you callin' hoi polloi? I'm takin' sum umbrage to that my friend!
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word va j-j visor
But what iiiiis it? Something to keep out the sun? 'Cause I think that's totally unnecessary...
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bootlegger
I have a good "A....walks into a bar" joke. Where should I post it?? *too lazy to look for the list*
December 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word haggis
Love a's pronunciation! Almost makes it sound edible!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Back at ya!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word afghan
How did the crocheted blanket become known as an afghan?
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list funny-place-names-in-the-garden-state
Is there a pod in your backyard? ;-)
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pinkie
The painting of the girl in pink Pinkie by Thomas Lawrence. We had Pinkie and Blue Boy in the bedroom hallway of my childhood home.
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegemite virgin
A PLT is very nice as well. Peanut butter, lettuce and tomato on toast. YUM! Also a fan of pb and nanner on toast!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spaghetti
Never cut the spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine, etc. Learn to twirl. Millions of Italian children can do it and so can you! You funny, Pro!
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word rule of the tablecloth
I have a rule of the tablecloth as well: When I dine out, it must be at a table with a tablecloth on it. Bureaucrats are optional.
December 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word automobilia
mr dontcry suggested that I list this word. He comes up with a good one every now and then. Perhaps I should reward him with another delcious treat from down under. Oh, clean up your minds! I mean Australia! You know, marmite...? (shhhh)
December 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the da vinci cod
December 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word silence
bilby -- HAR!
November 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word YOW
This is what the cartoon cat says when the cartoon mouse hits him on the foot with a hammer.
November 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word like a hunky going back to the old country
We say this, and I know what I mean by it when I say it, but I don't know the origin of this phrase. Discuss.
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word choo choo train
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user feedback
ptero, HA!
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user gray_90
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneezled
Feeling it right now...
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word madeupical
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-starting-with-pro
Always will be #1 in my book!
November 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pie crust
Pie crusts made and chilling. Off to bed. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pie crust
Must make the pie crusts now...
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ooaa
Send your dollars to: getdontcryamicrophone.porch
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i lick my cheese
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word harvest mouse
Shine on, shine on harvest mouse....
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
Awww... How's baby?
November 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
The song.
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
This is all I know about Indiana: Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana...
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jackknife
You should not have been diving with all that food in your belly, 'nach. Also, I'm thinking the pools at the Radisson probably are not even deep enough to dive safely.
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the list annoying-american-pronunciations
*needs a microphone real bad*
November 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ***SPAM***
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tamale
Robert Johnson: King of the Mississippi Delta Blues
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word scot's broom
I'm planning to plant some it around my garage. It likes a lot of sun, right?
November 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you babliaminy, you unfeathered cremitoried quean, you cullisance of scabiosity
Someone needs to "Pronunciations" this...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word grapple
my comment was not posted...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word grapple
I tasted a grapple today. It's an apple that tastes a bit like a concord grape. Actually, I found that it smells more like a grape than it tastes like one. Very delicious though.
I just noticed that the very large word is now purple. I rather liked the blue...
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word untypical
Not typically.
November 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oh dear
"Oh deer" -- around heer.
November 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
I lurves picnics on The Porch!
November 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
(It's "Who's on first." No "base.")
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
I'm not sure how to say this -- but in wordie, I could scan the front page and pick out the comments I made, or my name or words I had commented on -- by color. On this Zeitgeist list, the word and the wordie are always the same color -- which makes quick scanning impossible... Sorry if this is redundant. More sorrier if it is incomprehensible...
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the list specific-excrement
I remember when we moved to Oklahoma when I was in 5th grade, our neighbor referred to her dog's poo as "duke." She called it "dog duke." I had never heard that expression before -- or since.
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikkers
I don't like the "nikkers" ending because it sounds like a popular slang of "niggers" and I don't like that word. It hurts my feelings. Wordniks is my vote -- if we can't just be wordies on wordnik.
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Orrore! Orrore! Ho visto un ramarro marrone! Arriva correndo il ramarro marrone!
Pro! You did it! That's GOT to be a record!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word elelator
Yes! Anyone who ever has taken a ride on a lift with a toddler knows that phrase!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Es grünt so grün, wenn Spaniens Blüten blühen
Squirrel Nutkin is my most favoritest Beatrix Potter character of all time! *squeal*
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shove it
Soon, it will be shovel it!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word !!!!!
LAUGHED OUT LOUD at Pro's pronunciation of this! The pronunciations are my favorite thing about wordnik!
November 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dark-sided
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word perro salchicha
Oooh.. I like that one, 'nach! Verrry zexy!
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
you funny, john.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word king of the johngle
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snort
All of those, so called, pronunciations, are incorrect, by the way.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peter piper
Well done, frog! *applaudes*
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chained_bear
wordies - the_bear just had a cub... She probably has (gasp) more pressing things to tend to just now. She'll join in. Give her time to adjust to all this -- change -- . All right, then?
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word contingency flans
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word schadenfreude
...snort it.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snort
Ah, ha, ha! Would that I could, Pro! We don't have the voice recording technology yet on The Porch! Stay tuned! And thanks for the props!
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Christmas Pudding
Brandy? Check. Matches? Check.
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mixed spice
Again, on the Christmas Pudding recipe. I wonder what spices to mix? Why so cryptic, BBC?? I just want to make this thing so I can set it on fire. I love being able to set food on fire -- on purpose!
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mixed peel
What is this? It's called for in a Christmas Pudding recipe I found on the BBC Good Food site. It sounds Mmmmmmm!
November 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ln÷oæΣï
What are you all smoking --and can I have some? ;-)
November 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cake
*takes some umbrage over the Lenin wiener cake*
November 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cake
A Lenin wiener? That's NOT a cake.
November 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word casino
November 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fragrance
Good one!
November 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word The Wisdom of Our Ancestors
HAR! Thoroughly enjoyed this - thanks for sharing!
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tomato garden piracy
For discreet tomatoes. Arrr!
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word aliquid in aere erat ea nocte, stellae illustres erant, fernande
It DOES sound like an ABBA song! LOL and very nice, Pro!
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word PUSSYCAT
I love you. Yes I do!
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word my own private idaho potato
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word SHAZAM!
I'm favoriting just for the pronunciation by uselessness!
November 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word suggestions
The place is shaping up nicely! Feels a bit more like home. *thinks about opening up a porch*
November 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word adolf hitler
Those parents should be locked up with the 'boy in balloon fake-out' parents.
November 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word illustrated sweet tooth fairy
Very exciting!
November 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
This is tops!
November 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
pro - you're just another victim of the shrinking economy?
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word Sue Pine
*rim shot* ...and that's why we keep comin' back!
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ☃
Awwww.. I want one!
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word overused
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
pro - that was news to me. thanks. fixed! (i think)
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word overused
This is funny. I just "random worded" this word. I think kids today (kids I know, anyway) have overused the word random to the point where I don't think they even know what it means anymore!
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
This is my favorite place, so far. It's got lots of people I know.
November 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word money pit
November 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
pro - why don't you make us all a nice tiramisu? That would be lovely right about now!
November 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
wordies: breathe.
November 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
Things are really starting to shape up here. I'm feeling a little bit more at home. Thanks, John!
November 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word comments
rolig (snort)
November 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word communed
November 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fireplace fender bender
November 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 101 uses for an old farm tractor
There's a farm machines museum down the road from my house. Big surprise...
November 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fireplace fender bender
I've always been amused by the word fireplace -- the place where the fire goes. How perfectly descriptive! More words should be like that:
shoe: footplace
sink: waterplace
bank: moneyplace
November 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sawist
I like that! I'm going to spread the word. mr dontcry has a plethora of saws in 'my garage' that could use some playing! I wonder what the spelling would be for the sound a played saw makes?
November 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shman
November 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word venetian blind alley
The last time I was in Venice -- must have been around 1980 -- we all drank bottled water (we also drank it when I lived in Germany in the early '70's). Bottled water was the ONLY water we drank -- although it was not the bottled water we know today. THESE bottles were large glass ones for serving more than one person at a time. They delivered it by the case to our villa in Vicenza and our haus in Heilbronn.
November 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word smizing
November 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word kipple
Such as....?
November 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day
Page 63.
November 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 1950s vintage porch glider
November 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bellini
THANK you. Sheesh. What Does a Girl have to Do to get a Drink around Here?!
November 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bellini
*dangle, Dangle...*
November 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 1950s vintage porch glider
November 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bellini
Hmm... I'll need another taste before I weigh in on this debate.
*holds up and dangles empty wine glass by stem*
November 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word computer
*blink, blink*
November 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day
October 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mumblement
Ahhh... So there is a word for the noises my son's been making lately. Can't wait for the eyeball-rolling & mumblement that will take place when I lay this on him after school today! *snort*
October 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Wah! Stuck at 10 lbs...
*feels re-energized now that bilby's watching*
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dogloo
Oh! Before I clicked on the link I was expecting to see a doggie potty!
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word new world beaver
A kind of beaver found in most of North America --except Florida -- according to the Free Online Dictionary. Can I presume that Florida is home to only old world beavers? Is it a culture thing?
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bugs
Me too also. On the F5 vs Home.
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word world war i
The war that rages within...?
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word disorderedness
sorry...can't seem to edit the disordered brackets...
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word disorderedness
*loves* It gives a certain legitimacy to the current state of my office, my kitchen, my purse, my car... They're not cluttered, they're currently in a state of disorderedness.
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word barndoor
What not to bother closing after the horse has left the building.
October 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word down boy shorts
Well, they do sound soft and their ability to repell water would be unmatched in the shorts world... But the tickle factor could be a problem.
October 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tangor
Bangor? I 'ardly knew 'er!
October 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cremnophobia
I don't think that being afraid of being on the edge of a cliff qualifies as a phobia. No siree.
October 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word it sucks to be me
October 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word elixir
October 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word prefenestrate
No need, bilby. I a huge precrastinator.
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word equipoise
Sounds to me like one of the points a judge would rate in an equestrian event.
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word marisol
Sea and sun?
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word it sucks to be me
THAT sucks...
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word defenestration priming
See prefenestrate.
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word prefenestrate
When you throw something out a small window, pick it up, and then throw it out a larger window.
Also known as defenestration priming.
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word it sucks to be me
A Dyson?
October 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word artifice
This makes me think of snorifice. *snort*
October 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word conchotome
me too!
October 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word thirty-twelve
October 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word thirty-twelve
I'm about to be forty-twelve...
*crys a little*
October 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word conchotome
October 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordie
My name is dontcry and I am a wordie.
October 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word stochastic
Funny, this came up when I was 'randoming.'
October 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word police find man dead to death in motel
Reminds me of Raid: "Kills bugs dead."
October 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cold tofurkey
Wild tofurkey?
October 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word muffie-furnace
October 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word madeupical
*puts shades on*
October 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word madeupical
Um... it's really white in here...
October 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fankles
I thought that was cankles...?
October 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word overdue
It's undue -- or -- predue. However you prefer it.
October 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unwed father
Hmmm... a heaping bowl of steaming prewed. I bet nobody would marry you after eating that! *ducks*
October 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word interview without coffee
They probably say "coffee" because interview without tea would be unspeakably cruel.
October 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unwed father
October 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lagerfeld can bite my fat white momma ass
Bite me, Karl.
October 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pied piping
Can you guys pipe down? We trying to be quiet over here....
October 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word nasty
motmelts hates this word. ;-)
October 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dontpiaza curry
October 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dontpiaza curry
October 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word norway rat
Kinda like calling mice "white-footed" when their feet clearly are pink...?
October 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quiet
October 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pop-tart
Pop-Tart makes me think of that Warhol piece of Marilyn Monroe. Every time I hear it. Sorry.
October 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crappiethon
October 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word challenge
Just to be clear: we are looking for wolf barf -- NOT barfed wolf. Right?
October 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word least resistance
Who's funny?
We are.
October 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word least resistance
October 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crappiethon
Aren't all wordie words dumb? ;-)
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word least resistance
Then, that made me think of "leashed resistance." That's the path my dog takes.
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word least resistance
This made me think of "leased resistance" and what that would mean...
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word inadquacy
Feeling you have when someone else is disappointed in you.
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list •-crappie-food
Maybe the mix was made in the USA, south of the Mason-Dixon Line. "It's made from dried corn, honey."
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quiet
Oh, HAR! Just saw VO's teeny tiny comment from last year!
*pipes down*
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quiet
Maybe we're hunting wabbits...shh.
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list lost-for-word
If I caused someone else to be disappointed in me, I would have feelings of guilt or inadquacy.
October 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word stink bug
October 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word stink bug
We have stink bug infestation at our house right now. It's getting bad...
October 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bumbershoot
We say bumbershoot -- well, mostly my parents do, who are from Western PA.
October 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 42
October 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegemite
*senses another promising surprise attack opportunity on mr dontcry's tastebuds* *mwa*
October 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bubble-wrapped children
I see blue cheese chicken wrap.
September 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sleep like a crew of hedgepigs in an ivy-tuft
Hee, hee!
September 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sleep like a crew of hedgepigs in an ivy-tuft
September 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 15 pistachios
*hates the ADPQ*
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 15 pistachios
Okay - now I'm getting pissed. I just bought a bag of pistachios -- at a premium, I might add - and a good 10% of them are empty... Not cool.
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word last day of school 2010
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word public speaking
*falls to pieces*
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word robert's rules
Bite me, Robert
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word know-it-alls (not really)
*double hork*
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word general membership meetings
September 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-porches
Awesome porches 'heir! My porches are in desperate need of some paint... next spring, I promise!
September 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-porches
Good guess, 'nach -- but milos has outed himself! I think this is a day for the wordie history books!
September 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-porches
I KNOW! Cool, right? Can you guess who it was? We think a wordie union on the porch would be fab! (my word, not his).
September 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-porches
Do I detect a note of sarcasm, gang...?
September 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-porches
I had my first wordie visitor to the porch!
September 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word peggy babcock
September 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the list talk-like-a-pittsburgh-pirate-day
Arrr! I'm a Pittsburgh Paahrit. I terrorize dem folks on the Mon n'at.
September 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word talk like a pirate day
Arrrrr! Where's me eye patch? Which one-a yinz (I'm a Pittsburgh Pirate) snatched it? *walks in circles*
September 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Arrr! Good Mornin' maties!
September 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word noli me tangere
September 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chillax
That's redundant.
September 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word first time word hearing
Ever wonder why it seems that when you've just heard a new word for the very first time -- suddenly you are hearing it everywhere?
September 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the list ever-wonder
DayMoon: No. I always know when the "next time I'm going to get laid is." It's the next time I look at mr dontcry and smile...
hernesheir: Funny you should ask, really. Today, on the way to church for my son's weekly confirmation class, I was pondering heaven (I do that a lot) and, as usual, the whole concept of 'firmament' came to mind. And, as usual, I tried and tried to imagine it. Is it like the "Swedish Sleep System" that conforms to each (heavenly) body? Or is it more like a really firm cloud? Or maybe like cotton candy...I think I always come to the conclusion that it's kind of a cross between a gas and that beautiful gossamer-like hair on the head of our Christmas Angel who sits atop our tree each year. Hmmm.
September 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word elegant stinkhorn
A mushroom that looks like a red...um. Well, you can look it up.
September 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pamphlet
I now have a whole new appreciation for the word. Thanks rolig! As a producer of pamphlets, brochures, fliers, & what-have-you, for many years now, I'm happy to learn of its romantic side!
September 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word one shize fits all
LOL! Shize! Bah, ha, ha!
September 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesery
Yay! Actually, 'nach, I think the safest way to procure cheese from the Venezuelan beaver is with a ten-foot pole. Hee, hee.
(Had a 'procedure' today and took a vicodin a while ago...feeling kinda loopy. This could turn out to be quite an amusing Tuesday night!)
September 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pirates
Yo, ho, ho...
September 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pinkie-bobo
I did, I did! I'm techno! Woo-hoo!
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pinkie-bobo
see pinkie
Did I do that right?
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word people of size
Overweight people.
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word full firehose
Ahhh, wordie!
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word zeitgeist page
*looks up zeitgeist*
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesery
Ha! It's been a while since I've been to Alex. Used to work there. I just remember my favorite Old Town restaurant, Landini Brothers. Yum! Wonder if it's still there...?
It wasn't cheesey at all. A bit pricey, actually.
*is tempted to call the cheesetique and ask for some Venezuelan Beaver Cheese*
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list the-list-of-good-breakfasts
*tips hat*
September 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word burnt toast and a slab of old cheddar
There we go!
September 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the flu, a cold
September 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the flu, a cold
As I was drying my hair this morning I suddenly began pondering why we call a cold "a cold" but when we get the flu, it's "the flu."
Then I wondered why I always seem to think of these things while I'm drying my hair... Do you think it has anything to do with the application of heat to my head? Maybe it's just boredom from performing a tedious task...
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikie suggestion box
I second bear's nomination. It's beautiful, 'nach!
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word canadian bacon
Actually, now that I think about it, a squeaker would be an improvement. At least it would add "fun" value to the endless chewing it takes it get it down...
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word canadian bacon
Ha! Would that is was, then at least it would still actually be bacon. This is more like ham jerky...or a really tough, very small piece of bologna...like a Barbie ham slice... or a chew toy for a small dog, without the squeaker.
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word de-caf
tell me...
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sugar free jello
oh how the mighty have fallen...
September 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word celery stalks with low fat cheese inside
Ha! Finally, my own stalker! Must be all the weight I'm losing...
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word canadian bacon
*feels sorry for Canadians* *still*
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 15 pistachios
Sometimes I have 16 or 17, thumbing my nose at the pistachio counters. Mwaa.
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word celery stalks with low fat cheese inside
Hey, cow...who's laughing now, eh?
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word poached eggs
I'm actually getting pretty good at it. It's an art, really, keeping those whites from floating all over the place and not breaking the yolk. *considers new career on the brunch line at The Hilton* *not really*
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list my-diet
*feels sorry for Canadians*
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word charbet
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnikie suggestion box
Road Trip! I think it's interesting that John is moving west, literally, as he takes his wordie in a new direction as well. Poetic, actually.
In my "broken technology" language, can't we just have a wordie tab, or whatever, on the wordnik homepage that keeps our beloved homepage as is?
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word burnt toast and a slab of old cheddar
'dunno...maybe with some 'Illchester instead...(wink, wink, nudge, nudge)?
September 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word burnt toast and a slab of old cheddar
we don't get much call for that around here...
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the list the-list-of-good-breakfasts
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cake-eater
This is a common term in Western, PA. It applies to the "white bread" group of folks. For instance, my Father, who is Dutch/Scotch, is a cake-eater. My Mother, who is Syrian/Serbian, is not.
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pteris
See woodwardia
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word woodwardia
I stole this from wordnik for ptero!
The most important of the larger species are woodwardia, aspidium, asplenium, and, above all, the common pteris. — The Yosemite
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
M..m..m..move the porch?! Ack!
*breaks diet* *eats plethora's forbidden fufluns* *is also down with cake*
September 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
*rocking furiously on the porch*
Are fingernails low-carb? *hopes so*
September 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the list prayerware--2
*takes a bow*
September 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the list prayerware--2
Do you have a stylish hair shirt in an extra-bad? *snort*
September 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordnik
wait...what? Oh, crap. I just started a diet and now this?
September 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word samite
This makes me think of a marmite sammie!
September 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fuck-off
here we go again...
September 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word je ne sais quoi
I do not know what this is all about...
September 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word black walnuts
I have a friend who lives in a townhouse with a small patio area. He has it filled with containers and grows tons of veggies -- enough peppers to make dozens of jars of his hot pepper jelly!
Thanks for the recipe, moll! I like it better than the ones I've seen calling for marshmallow fluff...;(
September 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word black walnuts
Ummm, I need the recipe...
September 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word black walnuts
Hmmm. I have both a persimmon tree and a black walnut tree. I think the gods are telling me to make some persimmon fudge! *waits impatiently for persimmons & walnuts to ripen...*
September 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
Only seven more hours(EST)of the best holiday - ever!
September 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word frigga
Sounds like bacon to me. Mmm.
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unique words
Woo-hoo! *nom, nom*
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
Mmmmmm. Nom, nom, nom.
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word to the top of the porch
Ha! My part for International Bacon Day/wordie large number of unique words someting-or-other....*yawn*
*re-dons kerchief. snores*
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unique words
It would me a lot to me. I'm willing to do my part. I don't how many wordies there are -- but I'm guessing that one word per ought to do it. *takes kerchief off, puts thinking cap on*
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
*un-dons gay apparel. dons kerchief. opens shutters. prepares sash for a throw up. checks bed for springiness. settles down. waits for visions of dancing crispy bacon.*
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
I have a colon that would make a good argument against that last one, Sir Bacon.
*dons something gay and continues outfitting the porch with the traditional Bacon Day trappings*
*sings* Oh frying pan, oh frying pan...
September 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
Today is Bacon Day Eve! *prepares for tomorrow's festivities by laying out skillet, paper towels, lettuce and tomato...*
September 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word waldo
When I lived in PA, I dated a guy named Wally for a while. Really.
September 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word redacted
September 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word beer can chicken
It will change your life.
September 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word international bacon day
Mmmmm. Bacon.
September 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word კ�?რ სტ�?ნდ�?რტ ბ�?ნკი
Ha! Cake for you, my dear. To me it looks like the links & charms of a pretty necklace that have come apart!
September 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pickle jar effect
I made my own pickles for the first time this year -- and when it was time to eat them, I opened the jar all by myself...
September 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
*sings* "Oo-oh say can you Seeitoldyouitwasntflatistaaaan..."
September 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dogs eye and dead horse
*is suddenly fearful of Australian dogs...*
August 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word abbiamo rotto il vetro, ora sono cazzi amari!
August 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list some-of-my-stuff
this didn't work...
August 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list some-of-my-stuff
i see you
eating your cake
stabbing me
over and over
and over
with your white
plastic fork
until i lie in crumbles
at your feet
and you walk away
not entirely satisfied
i slip away...
old wounds heal
with practiced accuracy
you order up
some more dessert
August 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word any last words
Rat farts!
August 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the united states of america
August 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word phony umbrage
I could do a hop, skip, and a jump of umbrage if anyone wants to join me..
August 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list trade-names
Frisbee? Did anyone say that yet? *too lazy to look*
August 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the beaver last night
*takes a bow*
August 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list ward-i-m-worried-about-the-beaver
We like: "Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night?"
August 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chinglish
p-tish! I'm here all week -- try the veal.
August 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word self massage
August 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ducats
August 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chinglish
I'll bet that will cost a lot of money and then they'll call that "Cha-Chinglish."
And then the mafia will want a piece of the action and that will be called "Ba-da-binglish."
And then...
August 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word xkcd
Great...now I'm hooked on xkcd. It's just a matter of time before mr dontcry calls an intervention team. But in the meantime... *SNORT*
August 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the list •-words-and-phrases-that-i-would-love-to-have-on-a-wordie-t-shirt
Oooh, make one for me too!
August 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ღ
August 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word underarm
Apparently NOT cricket. At all!
*having fun watching cricket for the first time!*
*became an instant fan*
*totally confused*
August 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vagina
vagina envy...?
August 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word stultifying glurgebucket
August 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal
That's a start...
August 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the list people-commonly-known-by-their-first-names
Pro - Fabio Lanzoni, the Italian model -- with the hair...
August 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal
A series of gagging, horking and snorting noises are not necessary when I announce that I am making oatmeal for myself for breakfast and ask if anyone else would like some. A simple 'no thanks' will suffice.
*takes bowl of oatmeal & paper to porch*
*plots another marmite surprise*
August 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bunny hugging
I hugged my bunny this morning and gave her some basil from my garden! Mmmmm! Don't have a bilby, frog, pterodactyl or bear... Oh, my!
August 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word side of the road
you guuuuys....
August 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the diving comedy
August 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word galileo
bear - very interesting. I learned. Good.
August 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pubic
John - I saw that yesterday and laughed out loud. I wanted to comment but had to run off to do stupid non-wordie stuff. *digs toe into dirt and kicks it up*
August 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word side of the road
I don't know. Verge sounds more like something you'd find on the side of the road than the side of the road itself. Like "Euuwww, did you see that pile of verge back there?"
August 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word side of the road
August 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word side of the road
Here are the top five things I see on the side of the road:
#5 - Trash
#4 - Dead animals
#3 - Shirts
#2 - Chairs
#1 - Shoes
Can someone please explain this to me?
August 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word key lime pie
August 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word poirot
Wordie is my little 'eye-opener' each day! *hiccup*
August 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snooze button
Nobody is listing 'clock satisfaction.' Why don't you?
August 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word poirot
August 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fools not suffered gladly
The term is more like: 'suffer fools gladly' and it means an intolerance for ignorance, stupidity, foolishness, etc...
From the Bible, Corinthians.
Edit: I sould have said "not" to suffer fools gladly. To actually suffer them gladly is more at being magnaminous or tolerant of those less bright than ones self.
August 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellar door
It IS a wonderland beyond the cellar door. It's dark and musty, the floor is all pebbles and dirt, the walls are stone and always a bit wet. It's ruled by snakes and mice (who are constantly at war) with toads coming and going with the seasons. When the boiler fires up sounds like the end of days... There is a hidden trap door in the main house which leads to that netherworld as well. It's got a few tales to tell I'll bet ya.
August 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellar door
Sorry yarb, it's not for sale. But you can visit it - and what lies beyond - anytime! It's just on the other side of the house from the porch.
August 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list slam-fodder
Gayle Danley is one. Seen here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=102903673
She's awesome.
PS: This is not spam.
August 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word irreconcilable goods
Also, save the liver...
August 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellar door
Oh, it's hefty alright. Pretty ghastly as well with peeling paint, rusty hinges, and a bit of wood rot on one side.
August 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellar door
yarb - Have I got a cellar door for you!
August 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word about
Whew. Returns to porch with lemonade and Ritz crackers.
August 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
Take a drive along the Shenandoah Mountains in Virginia.
August 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word san bedarnedifiknow
Funny grandpa!
August 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facial expression
visage, aspect,countenance,look...
August 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the user sionnach
August 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word respite
*clicks heels*
There's no place like wordie.
August 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shmozzle
Or a quiet hope for good fortune.
August 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word halfrican american
Bob's your uncle.
August 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word patina
The Incredible Mr. Limpet was a movie where a man turns into a fish! We looked forward to seeing it on tv each year! Ahhhh.
August 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ambagitory
August 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bubi
From space, the island looks like an excellent golf hole.
August 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cooked twice
August 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the list ruby-reserved-words
I'm surprised that 'slippers' wasn't reserved. Or 'Tuesday.'
Or 'Dee.'
August 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word illitterati
August 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fifth disease
No, it's real. Apparently, after naming 4 different kinds of rashes/diseases kids could get, this was the best they could do for number 5. If I'm remembering correctly, a pregnant woman should avoid contact with a child with fifth's disease. Easier said than done if that child happens to be one of hers...
August 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word topo gigio
I get an ad for Confucius Institute...."Teach you pure Chinese."
Topo would find that funeeeeee.
August 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ᢇ
Ali Gali A, or as I like to call it, 'the dachshund.'
August 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word topo gigio
August 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ruby on rails
Whoooops! Came here by mistake. *sneaks out*
August 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sea cockroach
I picture a 'Chesapeake Roach' with lots of Old Bay on it.
August 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bitchard
Ohhh, ohhh! I love this song!
*joins in*
Don't try to understand 'em,
Just rope and throw and grab 'em,
Soon we'll be living high and wiiiide.
August 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cartpoke
An elderly cart, with one bad wheel, would just roll in circles. The corners of a faded sales flier in his belly flip up and down in the breeze.
August 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word white culture
White flour...HAR!
August 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jean dimmock
hard water stains
August 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oosik
Beaver Cleaver! *snort* *cringe* *snort*
August 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word adelops
Sounds like a ditzy rabbit to me...
August 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word douche-cock
I don't like this word...
July 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list •open-list-you-re-invited-to-a-mandatory-picnic
Are you sure it's not a "heavenly" thunderstorm?
July 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word nomonym
Isn't that the onomatopoeia for eating something delicious -- and kinda sticky...??
July 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mozzers
St. Patrick?
July 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word go sarah go
*bows deeply in front of mrs skipvia*
I'm not worthy!
July 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word digitabulist
July 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word phalcon
Do they ever work in....Malta?
July 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word table tennis ball
Perfect, if I'm not mistaken...
July 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word radioactive phone chess
PU, you are not alone. Come sit with me on the porch.
July 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sic
"Mommy, I feel sic...hooooork."
July 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word initialism
I thought is was a form of government practiced by lawyers. "Initial here, and here, and here and....
July 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the list let-s-play
Cat's Cradle.
July 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the list let-s-play
King of the Hill.
July 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the list let-s-play
Chutes and Ladders.
Jacob's Ladder.
July 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mozzers
I need to get back to making pasta... I would totally go out with a guy who made his own pasta, delicate or rough.
July 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mozzers
Ahh. A band. Now I'm down with this page... *really?*
July 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mozzers
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word reintarnation
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word discomania
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word massif
I loves me some Massif.
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word safety pants
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the list nasa
dark side of the moon?
screw the pooch?
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word doggage
A plethora of dogs.
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dogturage
I have one of these today. We are dog-sitting -- plus my dog -- and every step I take, I'm surrounded by doggage.
July 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wordiepants
Taaake my pants and we're haaalf way there...
July 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word faithful shepard
He was a Rocket Man.
July 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word perfection
July 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word luncheon
*plans to mention this caper at the luncheon tomorrow*
July 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word luncheon
*runs off to parlor to stash it*
July 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word luncheon
*sneaks a bit of phony umbrage out between aliens, weiners and rotten tomatoes*
July 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word luncheon
Ahhhh. Wiener jokes on wordie first thing this morning. It's going to be a good day!
July 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word up the wazoo
I always had heard it as out the wazoo. Like, "He's got money out the wazoo." Which, if wazoo is what I think it is, sounds painful -- but also rather handy. Kinda like your own, very personal, ATM.
July 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-from-table-talk-s-five-words-contest
Day-amn! Are you allowed a dictionary?? Scratch paper??
July 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word damson
July 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word a shrink of violets
A sachet of perfumiers?
A sashay of models?
July 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the list moon-unit-diva-thin-muffin-and-fifi-trixibelle
If I have another child...(hey, it could happen), I'm going to name her/him: Merciless Wordie! Mwa!
July 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word anchor
July 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word late blight
July 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mr leopold bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls.
I speak a little Sewdish_Chef. Loosely translated, it means: "If you eat the organs, you must eat them with relish or don't bother eating them at all. Lutefisk, on the other hand, must never be eaten with relish but rather with some lingonberry jelly -- or jam, if jelly is not available. Period."
July 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word long john silver
I'll take a Tim Curry - to go.
July 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mr leopold bloom ate with relish the inner organs of beasts and fowls.
Relish on organs... How pedestrian. I suppose he also puts ketchup on their eggs.
July 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
I think we need to deal with these creepy singing hills before we can worry about Maria...
July 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crew
He was clean off the porch!
July 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word couscoussier
I just laughed out loud! Thanks, yarb!
July 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quelquefois
Okay. Just order the "sometimes -- hold the gras." But it's not as funny...
July 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quelquefois
This made me think of quelquefoisgras. *snort*
July 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
*dons dirndl, begins singing to lure hills away*
"You are aliiiiiiive with the sound of muuuuuuuuusic, la,la,la,la."
July 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word a natural enlargement of spammers
*spraying snort!*
July 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
July 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crappin-muggie
Crappin-muggie pefectly describes the weather around here in July and August.
July 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
Right. Got it. Music = not creepy. Alive hills = creepy.
July 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
Yeah, it's a little creepy.
July 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cherry bomb
"There needs to be a cherry bomb in this toilet."
- Keith Moon
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word übermensch
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word there needs to be
Perhaps the cherry is the needy one...
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word work like a dog
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the list monsieur-prolagus-s-holiday
Ahhh, Vienna. The hills are alive, you know.
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the thrill of the inedible
That was about 8 years ago, so I think the worst is over. Foutunately, Founder (we 'found her') quickly lost her taste for the inedible when she was given a reliable meal twice a day.
July 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the thrill of the inedible
When we first got her, my dog ate a Barbie and a ball point pen in one sitting. We found her at a dumpster, so naturally she was dismayed at our horror when she horked up a teeny, tiny, perfectly manicured hand and a little spring.
July 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
I dropped some dilithium in the '70s. Wild.
July 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the user brianna102
Have you got anything without spam?
July 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word glame
Mr. Ed?
July 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word glame
Mamie Eisenhower?
July 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bear underpass
July 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word barometz
Ooooh...when his face turns red, right?
July 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word barometz
I don't get it...
July 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word barometz
I give up... how do you tell when a crab is lying?
July 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pomfret
Sounds like potato angst.
July 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word radar love
Kitchen slang for "microwave it."
- Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
July 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lame duck
There's a lipstick-wearing duck joke in there somewhere...
July 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word a bed of clams
This is what you sleep on when you use your mattress as a bank.
July 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cow-high and pig-tight
See anchored in sot's bay
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word anchored in sot's bay
Yes,c_b. I first saw this type of fence in Gettysburg and have ever since associated them with battlegrounds. "Cow-high and pig-tight." *snort*
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list three-is-compoundy
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
Ever hear the George Carlin bit where he replaces the word kill with the word fuck? It's a fuckin' hoot!
*can't type this mornin'*
Okay, I'm all fucked out.
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word defuck
To fix what's been fucked up.
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bated breath
You must see baited breath. It's reely funny!
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word alarmist
We had one of these in my freshman dorm. She alarmed us night after night, with the fire alarm, for weeks on end before finally getting caught.
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wood-drake
Hate the wood-drake.
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word water-vole
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 2,547
Funny, that's how I calculate my age...my weight...my height, etc. I just pick a number that sounds better.
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
You can't -- but you might be able to defuck it. Hello?
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you
I agree with you, g!
July 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word golf clubs, 3 sets
4 sets, now.
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
Correction: wordies are fucking friendly.
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bagelhead
Lemonade, skip! Fab!
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
No, auntdracula, I think that's "What the fuck?"
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bagelhead
no thanks
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bagelhead
*wishes I hadn't clicked on that...*
July 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word needs more cowbell
I've got a fever...
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word melchisedek fritter
I think I saw this on the brunch list at i-hop...
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
Maybe defuck is better. I think that's the technical term for what the Geek Squad guy did to our new tv -- after it got all fucked up. He defucked it.
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bacon of fine typing
Mmmmm. Ahhh.
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word xer
*wonders what alphabet generation I'm a member of*
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unfuck
You can not unfuck. Just as you can't unring a bell. You can try to make amends. That's about the best you can do.
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word macvin
Does he speak of macbier also?
grappa: yuk
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ritual sacrifice
I gotta go with corndog type. Now, if the dogs were stuck -- I mean displayed -- in, say, a Baked Alaska, and the pots were filled with chocolate sauce, then I'd have to say funnel-cake type.
pleth *snort*
July 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word phantom fat
I see a lot of phantom sense of humor - people who think they are *still* funny, but tragically, are not.
June 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellophane
I think she's praying that someone will loosen her pigtails. Maybe someone with long, pink fingernails.
June 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellophane
Yikes! That IS scary!
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dog-powered sewing machine
strev - did you mean "...leaps and hounds?"
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word adam's needle
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wye
I know. But ours is not to wonder Wye...
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word set phasers to bitch slap
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
June 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word set phasers to bitch slap
June 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word man cave
June 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word drink anything so long as it burns on the way down
Shocking, I know... we have so little in common.
June 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word drink anything so long as it burns on the way down
I love Margo Channing...
June 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hot flash
Flush? Calling me "flush" would be like calling The Titanic a boat. I could have put out forest fires last night with the sweat that dripped off my face in just 20 minutes. I'm like a new super hero: Hot Flash Gordon. When I walk into a room the temperature jumps up 20 degrees. Hypothermia? Just give me a hug. All better. I'm not making this up.
June 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list the-teen-years
Nobody would be foolish enough to "lump" you in with anything, pleth. You are one of a kind!
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wye
Oh yes, the porch is close. You can almost see EC from the porch!
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hot flash
Turns an otherwise normal, middle-aged (ugh) woman into the human sprinkler system. *yay...*
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wye
W. Howard County
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wye
For a long time, the Wye Oak was a famous and very, very old oak tree in Maryland. It survived from sometime in the 1500's until a storm took it down in 2002.
June 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sea grape
I saw sea grapes for the first time a couple of years ago on the shore at a beach in Punta Cana.
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
You're the biggest bunch of smart people I know. How do I explain to a a 13 year-old boy why it is essential to attend the funeral for one of his friends? When I tried to explain how it might comfort the parents, he walked out of the room, holding his ears. *help...words of wisdom needed here... trying not to cry...probably will...hates that*
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word michael jackson
Wow. Out of the blue. That's the hardest. Prayers to his family.
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vegan rage
You don't sound happy...
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word open-list
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the list •-m-a-r-g-a-r-i-n-e
What's the deal with the little box?
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word vesicatory
June 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gastrosexual
I'm mildly disturbed by it. And a little bit hungry...
June 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word penis fencing
June 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word penis fencing
I don't think that particular type of fencing would be approved by very many homeowner's associations. Maybe Invisible Penis Fencing would fly...
*tries to get image of flying penises out of head*
*head, snort*
June 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
*Uses vegan fufluns to fill holes in stone foundation.*
June 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
Mmmmm! I love what the meranguine does for my skin!
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
Lighten up.
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word treat
There are a lot of definitions for this word. I just happened to notice that two are missing:
Treat: What the termite guy does when he comes to your house the first time to discourage termites from eating your home. Involves spraying a liquid substance around the foundation of your house.
Treat: What the termite guy does when he comes to your house the second time to discourage you from calling him again. Involves spraying several rooms of your home with what ultimately will look like machine gun fire, thus causing said rooms to resemble any of a number of scences from The Godfather -- pick your favorite: the tollbooth, the revolving door, the elevator, the barber shop, the massage parlor, etc..(OR, the car in the last scene from Bonnie & Clyde).
You're welcome.
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
"Put on the gown and I'll be right back." *hint: you are NOT going to the prom or the ball or your wedding.*
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
*hint: not remotely related to 'speculate' -- more at "spectator"*
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
Candida? *hint: not made of candy*
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word •
A Period.
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
No attempt at seriosity here. It's just damn funny!
*used to be a vegetarian and therefore is exepmt from accusations of vege-bashing*
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hezbollah-like
"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn."
Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 42
June 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word euridice
June 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word old south
The Netherlands?!
*puts Zealand on list of places to visit in the Fatherland*
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ballsomore
I can't believe I said that...
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the dutch twins - perkins
WHAT?? I came up twice in a row on random word?! AND my oven timer is telling me my peach flip is done.
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spleef of greens salad with poppyseed dressing (vegan)
Hey...I came up in random word -- while I was random wording! *waves pennant* *checks flip*
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bangers and mash
I actually KNOW this! Yes! They pop in the pan!
*peach flips do not pop*
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word angevin
I like their pears.
*wonders how a pear flip would taste...*
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word old south
Is there a 'new' south? Is it a place more south than the previous south? Or is this like the 'new' math? Or is it more like 'New' Zealand? Is there a 'Zealand?' Or an 'Old Zealand?' 'Cause I've never heard of either one.
*peach flip only has about 15 minutes left...*
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word stout (kuro biiru aisu)
I have nothing to say about this word. I'm waiting for a peach flip to come out of the oven so I can take off to a Fathers' Day cookout. I decided to random word to kill time. This is the BEST use of a baker's waiting time -- EVER!
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the user john
Happy Father's Day, father of wordie!
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 42
Awww, I didn't get her anything.
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word eurythmics
I love her.
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word atlantic monthly
But that should make you happy - as a curmudgeon, it gives you something to curmudge about! Quick! un-un-subscribe!
June 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word preggo
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word וְ�?ָהַבְתָּ, �?ֵת יְהוָה �?ֱלֹהֶיךָ, בְּכָל-לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל-נַפְשְ�?ךָ, וּבְכָל-מְ�?ֹדֶךָ.
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word preggo
I don't know.. It's not like a hard "r" that Americans use when they say "Prego" as in the jar sauce. It's almost as if there is a hint of a "d" or "th" sound just before the "r." I can't describe it -- but I can say it! If only wordie had a "hearie" function. But, of course, even if it did, I would not be able to figure out how to use it...
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-you-hope-you-won-t-hear-in-your-doctor-s-office-even-though-they-sound-pleasant-enough
"When was the last time you ate?"
*hint: they are not going to feed you*
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word preggo
When I lived in Italy and you said "Thank You" or "grazie" to someone, they often replied "prego" with sort of a rolling "r." No?
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word squirrel covers
Mr dontcry prefers gopher covers on his woods, a la Caddy Shack!
*I'm all right...*
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word וְ�?ָהַבְתָּ, �?ֵת יְהוָה �?ֱלֹהֶיךָ, בְּכָל-לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל-נַפְשְ�?ךָ, וּבְכָל-מְ�?ֹדֶךָ.
Wait...what does Vonnegut say??? Don't leave me hanging. I consider myself a big fan of Vonnegut. Pray, enlighten.
June 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word no vegemite or marmite, promise
I promise to try to remain open-minded about the "mites" until they've been properly prepared for me by pleth. Apparently you can't just crack open a jar of Marmite, slather it on a cracker and pop it into your piehole.
I'll wait by the porch swing...
June 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chesapeake bay
Got Bo?
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word no vegemite or marmite, promise
Ack! There's another "mite?"
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word better sushi than japan
I am liking it so far. Just a few chapters into it though - but I like the way he writes. I'll let you know when I've finished.
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you can visit washington dc if you want, that stinking rat-hole
I worked in DC for many years -- Georgetown and downtown (K street). I've also toured DC a lot. I've never lived there (I live about 30 or so miles from there), but have visited many friends who do live there. As mass transit systems go, the Metro is a pretty nice one. My take: love touring and eating there. Loved working -- in Georgetown. Wouldn't want to live there, unless I could live in Rock Creek Park! Like most big cities, DC can be very pretty. It also can be pretty ugly and dangerous.
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chesapeake bay
Are you talking about Natty Bo, ro?
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word better sushi than japan
I'm reading 'Kitchen Confidential' right now. We're eating in tonight...
*i like cali rolls...*
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moose head
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list bio
My worms can do a little dance...
June 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the list bio
I can do a little dance.
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word brisket beater
Sounds like a tool in Julia Child's kitchen.
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word timberdoodle
This should be what it's called when you carve into a tree trunk.
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gummy bear market
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pappenheimer
The next time I have the opportunity to use the phrase "rapier wit" I'm going to insert pappenheimer in place of rapier! *snort* It will probably happen to Mr dontcry tonight! Let's hope he's not a grump and says something witty...I may have to set him up...
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word overmellow
yeah baby...
June 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
*glances at empty porch swing...*
June 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bush-hogging
Awesome! HOURS, not bush-hogging.
June 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
June 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word titmouse
Hmm... Do I really want to go there?
June 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word decellularize
I decellularized my son when his grades dropped last quarter. No more cell phone...
June 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dial m for murder
An axed Sesame Street skit?
June 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tit-sucking ass-monger
*maw agape*
June 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word maw
*maw agape*
June 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gondor calls for aid
I believe rt is working on an ark. Perhaps he could float about the seas, replenishing the bacon supplies of hungry beacon-builders...
June 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word streets full of water. please advise
June 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word d-day cup
June 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word slow down
You've got to make the morning last.
June 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word precrastinate
I love this word....
June 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cashback
Cashback does sound like an old black and white film noir word. Kinda like dame or doll or moll...
May 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word self deception
"But I don't want ANY spam!"
May 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word self deception
"THAT'S got spam in it!"
May 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word a baa fetched finny ring roll romp
I like it -- a lot!
May 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word darjeeling
Ah, yes! A nice spot of tea on the Porch. Where are those damn cookies???
May 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the whining strategy
Did I hear someone say "cookie"? I don't have a cookie... *wah*
May 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word self deception
"Have you got anything without spam?"
May 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word old awareness month
May is "Older Americans Month" according to AARP.
May 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word darjeeling
Always sounds like a term of endearment to me.
May 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bleeding edge
May 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word whom
Also, I'm a fan of whom. It clears things up.
May 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word whom
Oh! Howl! John reminds me why it is NEVER a good idea to neglect my Wordie duties. And this entire thread reminds me how I got hooked in the first place. Yinz are great!
Go Stillerz!
May 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word porn cops
To my slightly dyslexic eye, this, at first glance, looked like a breakfast cereal...
*makes a quick pantry check*
May 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the user john
Oh, by the way, I'm on the porch swing. No hurry.
May 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the user john
I'd like a splash of whatever you have in red...
May 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Run like a girl! Whoo-hoo!
May 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word admire
Wow... I've been out for a while. What the hell is going on??
*runs off to porch with book and wine in hand*
May 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word memory
I forget something old every day...
May 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word apple shampoo
Banana shampoo? Yes. No. *snort*
May 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fabless
Ohhhh! I love this word! I'm going to use it to describe anything and everything that isn't fabulous!
May 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word molotov cocktail
May 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word park(ing) day
Or... a Par King Day! Played my best round ever! Woo-hoo!
May 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word breech aversion
May 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wifebeater
Wow! Cool. I never knew that either.
May 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word boutros boutros ghali
Sometimes, when I've gone round and round on a subject with one of my kids, and there's no end in sight, I'll just say Boutros Boutros-Ghali accompanied by a shoulder shrug, screwed up mouth and eyebrow raise. That usually takes care of it.
May 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word breech aversion
May 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word breech aversion
The porch IS my cubicle!
*hops on porch swing for some serious thinking*
May 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word breech aversion
*surprised how comfy mollusque's pants are*
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words--4
Is that an echo I hear?
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word carafe
Well, great! Now it's cold.
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national candied orange peel day
It's Christmas already?!
*licks sugar off fingers*
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chop-chop
I say this all the time -- but I'm not sure why. I mean, I know what I mean by it -- hurry up -- but I don't know why I say "chop-chop" instead.
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word not half
I think: "I'm not half the man I used to be" means he's somewhat diminished from his past self -- is disappointed in himself about something.
I think "not half bad" is a bit of a back-handed compliment. It means you're better than I thought, but there's room for improvement. I don't think it means very good or great.
"Half-assed" on the other hand....
May 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word powdered water
It's H2 --just add the O.
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sandwich generation month
*getting pretty hungry waiting for that sammie to generate...*
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national accordion awareness month
*sings: I don't want her, you can have her, she's too fat for meee*
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national sarcastics awareness month
Oh, right, gangerh. You'd NEEEEVER go national...
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list weird-names-for-common-things
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sandwich generation month
*could really go for a sammie right now*
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national accordion awareness month
*misses Bobbie Vinton*
*cheers up with Too Fat Polka*
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word carafe
*stares blankly into empty glass*
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moses
For nobody's toeses are posies of roses
May 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national accordion awareness month
*swings partner*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word carafe
My glass is empty. May you pour, please?
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list awesome-words-part-1-less-common
Maybe it's b-chick on a bad trip free associating?
Talking DOES take some time. I'll nap now.
Pizza is saucy. Wine gives me cold...respit.
Birth hurts.
Today at work the client said no money
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list meta-squared
Tomorrow and tomorrow and....
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list awesome-words-part-1-less-common
I get the impression that alan is free-associating -- as an art form.
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national bird feeding month
Me too! I just bought 3 more hummingbird feeders and another Yankee Flipper, to the tune of $100. 10 lb bags of niger, sunflower and all purpose bird seeds! We loves our birds!
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word carafe
Ca - raf (emphasize "ca")
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national sarcastics awareness month
Like you're aware.
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal month
rt is correct: White Chocolate does not exist.
*changes resolve, yet again, to include all foods except the non-existent white chocolate -- as a protest against accepting white chocolate as a member of the chocolate family of chocolates*
*really means it*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national accordion awareness month
*stops doing the hustle and breaks into the beer barrel polka*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word national accordion awareness month
*browns onions and sautés pierogies*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chachalaca
*starts the hustle*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cell phone courtesy month
My cell phone is extremely courteous, every month, thank you very much.
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word california dried plum digestive health month
I think we stopped calling them prunes during The Word "Prunes" Hurts Dried Plums' Feelings Thereby Causing Them Digestive Ill-Health Awareness Month. But I could have my Months mixed up...
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word california dried plum digestive health month
Joke around all you want, but I, for one, am very concerned about the digestive health of dried plums, now that it has been brought to my attention.
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the list thai-restaurants-i-ve-seen
Thai one on.
Thai a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree.
Thai me a river
Thaid up
Thaid down
Thai Cobb
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chachalaca
*gets down*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hyperbowl
She probably meant hyperbowlie with a little smiley face dotting the i. I'm such a b...
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word puerperal fever
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word celibacy awareness month
*thinks this is definitely better than vow of celibacy month*
May 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal month
*changes resolve, again, to include left-over Chinese take-out - and a nice pino grigio*
May 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the list new-and-unholy-coinage
I guess if classy is used as a substitute for classist, then it could have a negative connotation. Otherwise, it is my experience that classy, while possibly going out of style as an adjective, is good! Other oldies, but goodies:
The cat's meow
Creme de la creme
Far out....
May 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wolverine
Well then, Pro, I must be a wolverine!
May 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal month
*changes resolve to include oatmeal cookies and chocolate*
April 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word oatmeal month
*resolves to eat oatmeal exclusively in an even more twisted sort of hunger strike*
April 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word implantable cardioverter defibrillator
"Pacing: You may or may not feel the impulses -- usually they are not detectable.
Defibrillation: The shock feels like a kick in the chest but only lasts for a moment. Some patients describe the sensation as feeling like a shock from an electrical outlet. Most times, you will be awake when the shock is delivered, but on occasion, you may lose consciousness before the therapy is delivered."
-Web MD
April 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word yarbeing a little shit
This conversation is yarbaric!
Yarbeing just awful!
That's all I got.
April 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list awesome-words-part-1-less-common
Sounds like a bad trip, man.
April 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the user geezerease
Ha! I love your screen name! It sounds like an infomercial product for old men!
"New Geezer Ease helps you get those rotten kids off your lawn without ever having to leave the comfort of your Barcolounger!"
April 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word waesuck
The Ravens? They waesuck!
April 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cleft
He sounds peckish.
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word rick
That was scary...
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word banana slug
We have no large latex banana slugs todaaaaaay!
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cellmate
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word speech
John's a slack bastard
*just repeating the error message*
*hides under porch*
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word banana slug
Mighty Hermaphrodite!
April 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word baptism of fire
I've always heard it, and used it as baptism by fire. Meaning hitting the ground running -- or starting off on something under the worst possible conditions...
April 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word features
April 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word procrastistan
I can't wait to check it out, you know, later...
April 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wednesday
Mr dontcry wanted me not to forget Beerday -- with an honorable mention to "o'beer-thirty."
I took a little fake umbrage to that. Then I forgave him and we took a spin with Toonces.
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wednesday
No, no, no, no, no. That's wrong. Tuesday should have waaay more listings than Monday. Why, Sunday and Monday are totally at the bottom of the IWWH,Ev. It's a toss-up as to which one is less interesting.
However, the today, yesterday and tomorrow IWWH,Ev is correct. Tomorrow is slightly more interesting than today and both are way more interesting than yesterday. The only question that remains is where do, the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow fit in. Hmmm???
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ursus horribilus
I know...I'm bad. Do you think I need to be punished?
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wednesday
I take fake umbrage at your hard line of questioning about my perfectly appropriate and self-explanatory usage of "so forth" in the Interesting Week Words Hierarchy, English version (IWWH Ev). Sheesh!
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ursus horribilus
"I'll do Ewan if you do Nicole."
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word procrastination
If it's May already you might as well wait until summer is over -- it's such a busy time anyway.
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wednesday
I think it's because Wednesday is the most interesting day, as a word. Tuesday is the second most interesting one, and so forth.
April 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fockle ny ghaa
I'm using this tonight at the little league game after the second terrible call by the ump...should come right on the heels of the first one.
*actually looking forward to a game for a change!*
April 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dapingfangornis
I'm using this at the little league game tonight after the first terrible call by the ump. I shouldn't have to wait too long...
April 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
April 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
Yes, yes, soft cheeses, of course. We're not monsters!
*tries to wipe freshly cut, soft cheese, from corner of mouth but ends up wacking self in face instead*
*takes umbrage, then wacks self in face with it as well*
Where the HELL are those mitts?
Give me ten on Toonces.
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list jukebox-the-verbal-arms
There are too many really good ones. We need categories...
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list jukebox-the-verbal-arms
Oh! I didn't miss it, I just forgot about it, said the author of hail, hail the gangerh's all here! Duh...
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the list jukebox-the-verbal-arms
HAR! How'd I miss this list?
*reading ballot*
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bilby, it's cold outside
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word how much is that dontcry in the window
Arf, arf!
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word douchebaguette
When I think of a douchebaguette (starting about 2 minutes ago) I picture a young douchebag in training.
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word my epileptic rabbit wants to drive you home!
What a great blast from the past! I'm going to drop a Toonces reference in conversation tonight and see if Mr. dontcry picks up on it. *hee hee*
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word by hook and by crook
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
Mr. dontcry used to swaddle our babies so tight you could slice cheese with them. He would, were he a wordie, take umbrage with loose, amateurish swaddling.
April 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mollipilose
Nancy Pelosi.
That's all I've got...too tired to make a joke.
April 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moll-heron
There's a Bonnie & Clyde joke in there somewhere.
April 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word borehole
HA! This is right up there with padded face hole.
"Shut yer borehole, Fred. Yer puttin' everyone ta sleep."
April 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bible tripe
Mr dontcry says "Bring it on!" After surviving the Marmite incident, he feels invincible! He'll wash it down with a Rolling Rock of Ages.
April 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word moro reflex
Um... I still "moro" sometimes just as I'm drifting off to sleep. I get the sensation that I'm abut to fall off the bed... Can I take that "6 months OR MORE..." part literally?
*where are those damn mitts?*
April 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fagottini
Agnolotti???? Heaven! There's a place in Old Town Alexandria, VA - Landini Brothers - who make an Agnolotti...
*needs a moment to compose herself*
April 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word somyeon
Sounds like a phrase you'd hear in Western PA.
April 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word blanco
So his wife was a bitch?
April 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lanzallamas
April 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word amazon rank
OH! HA!! How Emily Latella of you, 'nach!! Bah, ha, ha and *snort*
"What's wrong with violins on tv?"
April 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mossbacked
I guess he had a knack for fitting and joining. Probably got himself all twisted up.
April 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hodsman
Hmmmm. I wonder what his views on knicks are...
April 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lemur
April 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word geezer
I like to shorten geezer to geez. Seems friendlier.
"The gas pedal is on the RIGHT, geez."
April 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list 10-worst-words-of-the-millennium-by-jonjonz
Maybe the other seven are shy.
April 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i dreamed a dream
Susan Boyle: God bless her! And God bless you, 'nach, for sharing her with me/us all. What a treat! I'll bet she's the life of every party she attends!
Last (and least): I've never seen Simon "Scowl" smile like that in all the too many years I've seen his mug on tv!
April 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pea green
dontcry jr is going to love that one! Thanks, skip!
April 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mullock
Heaping mullock, Batman!
April 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cry for help
April 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bumfuck nowhere
Ha! We always call it "East Bumfuck." It's just a surprise funny when you spring it on someone. I think it's especially funny because it starts with 'bum' and ends with 'fuck.' Kind of like the sweet and sour of jokes!
*also hopes no 12-year-olds are reading this*
April 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word nabob
In response to this convo(thanks, Bonnie)I have just taken humongous humbrage (probably much more than I need). That's right, I am an hysterical humbrage hoarder.
April 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word up to par
Funny how sub-par isn't a good thing -- unless you are golfing.
April 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cummingtonite
April 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list fairylike
I don't know what they tasted like then. I only know what they don't taste like now. And they don't taste like celery. That's preposterous!
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Or maybe John T Graham. I might blame him...
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I'm blaming Facebook.
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the list johntgraham-s-list
I have a complaint.
I do.
It's really awful too.
Don't make me tell you, 'cause I will.
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the list fairylike
No they don't.
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Ummm, I just had to log in. Me. How come wordie didn't remember me? Wordie always remembers me...
*feeling forgotten*
April 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Pro........where are you?
April 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word über nerd vs alpha geek
I think I'd rather dine alone. But if I needed my computer to be fixed or my taxes done -- it would be a toss-up!
April 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the list johntgraham-s-list
April 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the list johntgraham-s-list
John T. Graham -- Very clear. So...you get it! Not everybody does at first. I didn't. No surprise there, of course! Come sit with me on the porch, young man. Check out some of our lists. I have a feeling you'll be staying a while.
April 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word god's green earth
April 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word meat curtains
I'm so weak.
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 42
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word disgruntled employee benefits
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word disgruntled employee benefits
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word meat curtains
Nope. Not gonna click on it.
*dying of curiosity*
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
Real life. Yep, yep. Uh huh. That's what wordie is.
April 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jewishish
Love it!
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ponzipalooza
It makes me laugh! Should be the title of Medoff's autobiography.
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word why do you hate freedom
I've under heard of Overheard. I must have had my heard in the sand...
*off to overhear stuff*
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word final meal requests
I can see it now: Paula Deen's Death Row Cookbook.
Does anyone else find the fact that "extra crispy" was requested so often...um...kinda funny? Just me?
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word disgruntled employee benefits
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word you're welcome...
I don't either, gangerh... I don't remember adding it. It looks like I need to round up the usual suspects. SOMEbody is going to get the wordie treatment...
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crogglement
Sorry, I meant The Harp That Once or Twice page.... croggle I actually got!
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word metaphorest
He's even wronger.
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word what in the name of gandhi's swimfins are you talking about
Me too!
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
Sorry, DeFace?
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word crogglement
That's hysterical! What the hell is it??
April 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word intense
Patient: I'm a wig-wam. I'm a tee-pee.
Doctor: Relax. You're two tents.
April 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word april floo
Ahhhh. My first laugh out loud for the day! Thanks!
April 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pianistan
*holds up lit lighter*
April 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word samovar
I have a nice samovar on the porch. It only serves iced tea, though. No flames, with all that wicker, you know...
March 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word roseanneroseannadannistan
March 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word wellheresanothernicemessyouvegottenmeintostan
March 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word standbyyourmanistan
March 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word giorgioarmanistan
March 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Just in case I'm the first person ever to die from fear of being on camera, I just want the record to show that I TOLD YOU SO! And, no, I don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to make a record of it. Thank you.
March 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the word metaphor
And "Pop goes the weasel."
March 29, 2009
dontcry commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
Thanks for all your additions, 'nach! My personal favorite: princealbertinacanistan. I'm gonna live on that all day!
This is now an open list!
March 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list afghanistanbananastan
*feels all warm inside*
March 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list animal-identity-crisis
Great minds...
March 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word facebook
Stupid Facebook....
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i will marry a beautiful wife this time
Letting the days go by, bilby.
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word norwegian
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word plagurize
To terrorize with the plague?
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sit-down
...so he's not going to finish us off, just strike us a bit?
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the list things-you-might-hear-on-a-mormon-sunday
How about "knock-knock" or "ding-dong?"
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word emergency yodel button
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I'm completely refreshed!
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word mad toll
Angry mad or crazy mad?
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word kafka
March 25, 2009
dontcry commented on the word victorian hair receiver
You smoothie!
March 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word victorian hair receiver
It's got to be a better job than deconstructing them, eh?
March 24, 2009
dontcry commented on the word liquidity
March 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word quik quixote
That's priceless!
March 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesed off
*impressed by pleth's knowledge of cheese deilvery schedules*
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word solleret
Ah... pre-mounted horses. Well that certainly does clear that one up, doesn't it?
Let's celebrate with a bit of Red Leicester, eh?
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word come by
Come by -ah. *snort*
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sighthound
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesed off
You're right ptero. That was beautiful! Chapeau my leathery-eared one! A wag of the finger to us all for letting it slip by un-kudosed.
Allow me to buy you a nice piece of cheese as amends.
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word solleret
Oh. That would explain, I guess, the nasty double spurs just behind the knees. I'd love to see someone mount a horse in that get up! Maybe they were lowered into the saddle...
*getting all Monty-Python-silly* *snort*
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word solleret
The way the ends of the toes point down, how did they walk without falling on their faces?
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesed off
Carré de l'Est?
March 21, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesed off
March 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sighthound
*wonders what greyhounds...hound*
March 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cheesed off
Japanese Sage Derby...?
March 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word constantinople
This word always make me think of Bette Midler singing the Istanbul (Not Constantinople) song! Such a catchy tune!
March 20, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ᴕ
I'm using it to dry my mittens.
March 19, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cracker
"shave thingy?" What d'I miss?
March 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pants status
March 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word opossum
I think Eve might have been the very first... animal communicator,that is, not opossum!
March 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
*waves white flag*
*laughs ass off!*
March 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word fufluns
Looks like 3 rowdy little wordies need a time out! ;-)
*cleans up frosting*
March 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sportula
Sounds like a cross between a spork and a spatula.
March 12, 2009
dontcry commented on the word roo hullabaloo
I saw that story on the television yesterday. How frightening. It looks as though they could knock a person out with those massive tails.
March 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the list how-am-i-bored-let-me-count-the-ways
I've been bored to tears, but not recently.
March 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snurken
March 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word white chocolate
I do not like white choc-o-late.
I don't like it an awful lot.
I would not eat it on a dare.
I would rather eat a chair.
I would not eat it with a spoon.
I would not eat it, macaroon.
March 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the list coffee-house
I find it really interesting that almost without exception, around the world, the word for coffee starts with the "k" sound.
Makes me wonder if other common "food" stuff (like milk, bread, meat, etc.) is the same -- not the "k" sound, of course, but a common sound. My extremely limited knowledge of languages tells me, no.
March 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i bought some shoes. they make me some trouble
Ah... and what about those flip-flops? You never know whose side they're on. Troublesome.
March 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the list quiz-time-8-special-groundhog-edition
*dons pointy paper hat, mounts stool, sits in corner*
March 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the word i bought some shoes. they make me some trouble
Pssst: Keep an eye on Mary Jane. She's not as innocent as she looks.
March 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dime
just discovered page
loving haiku posted here
cinquain's still my fave
March 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word black-eyed susan
State flower of Maryland.
March 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list quiz-time-8-special-groundhog-edition
1 = trunk ?
March 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list lifeforms-with-which-id-like-to-communicate
I'd like to communicate with spiders, just once, and preferably by phone or email. I'd like to ask them if they really ARE more afraid of me than I am of them -- 'cause I don't think they are. I don't even think it's a close call.
*needs to stop thinking about spiders now*
March 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word meme
I don't use it all the time -- just as often as appropriate. I find it quite handy.
March 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the list quiz-time-8-special-groundhog-edition
I WANT to play -- I'm just not smart enuf... (seriously, I'm not)
March 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word green bullets
March 5, 2009
dontcry commented on the word we've got to get a reading on those pants, up or down!
"You pants me."
March 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word toptional
I use this to describe the beaches where tops are optional.
March 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bacci set
It's a game of bocce we bought years ago at some flea market. Funny, eh?
March 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word brutus
Hey, listen, we come to bury Frank, not to pants him.
March 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the list gil-blas
March 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the list gil-blas
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word titanism
I've just made that definition better for you:
"Titanism: defiance of and revolt against pants or artistic conventions. That's me: SupremeGenius!"
You're welcome!(also not personal)
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pants
HAR! A really productive *snort* Bah!
This is just the ticket for getting through PTA meetings with my sanity intact! Yay!
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word culture vulture
No, I meant the antonym of bookish is dullard. Sorry.
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word culture vulture
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the list gil-blas
I'm a sniffer.
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lavatory
Totally fake. They are flat, like cardboard but plump up like crazy when absorbing liquid.
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lavatory
Orrrrrrr....ShamWow! A whole new market. Goody.
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lavatory
What about those really, really flat sponges that absorb tons of water without leaking? You could stash a couple of those puppies in your pants and away you go!
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word una paloma blanca
I have heard the song before but I'd never seen the "video." Wow. As we say in the south, bless their hearts.
March 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word astrogate
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word astrogate
Thinking of a Jetsons reference...too wrung out to complete joke...needs Rosie now....
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word good grief
John, it does me too! That's what I love about the title. It plays on those two words we all are so familiar with. I think that if I were in the market for a book on how to work through my grief, I'd pick this one off the shelf before one titled "Working Through Your Grief: 20 Easy Steps" (I totally made that up) or something like that. Personally, I don't do grief "good" at all. I very much prefer Charlie Brown's version!
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word blizzard
So...technically, we could have a blizzard during a nasty windstorm at night in July?
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word me and you and a dog named boo
I hate to be difficult, but you're both wrong. The worst song ever in the history of sound and ears is "Jackie Blue" by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. The people responsible for writing it, recording it, distributing it, and playing it on the radio should be taken into custody and tried for crimes against humanity.
I'm sorry, but somebody had to say it.
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word misnomer
A titmouse is a bird.
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word me and you and a dog named boo
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word good grief
It always hurts -- especially so when they just up and leave. I'm sorry for your grief.
There's another book of the same title, different author, available from Chevron Publishing.
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word good grief
Also the name of a book that helps people work through the grieving process.
March 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word febuary
Feb-roo-ary, Feb-roo-ary, Feb-roo-ary, Feb-roo-ary.
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneezeonal allergies
On second thought, sneezonal allergies might be better...
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sneezeonal allergies
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word unperfectability
*sings, to the world*
That's what you are.....
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word circumcredance
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word febuary
Hamburger University! *snort*
March 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the user mroatmeal
You lower my cholesterol. Thanks.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cat burglar
"...the sheikh said gangsters hurled a feral cat into the centre of the crowd..." - Reuters
Damn! That's what I call a fur ball.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word febuary
Little known fact: Don McLean's real name is actually "Don McLearn" -- he just doesn't pronounce the "r."
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the wordie that roared
I know. I'm stupid. Read the LIST dc....
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word the wordie that roared
Wouldn't it be "The wordie who roared"?
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gallimaufry
In shells or shelled?
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word snortfest
Snarfillicate my snackrabbit causes one.
It just happened again.
*towels off hands, keyboard, screen...*
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list looseygooseys-list
I know, but when I saw "Snarfillicate my snackrabbit!" I thought of Yosemite Sam saying it and, well, you know...snortfest!
*runs off to see if anybody has listed "snortfest"*
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word circumcredance
I'm down with that.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Seems to be here all alone today. Going off to vacuum. Really.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word marionberry
Often covered in a white, powdery substance.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word persnicrimony
What does it meeeeeeeeeeeeean? Did that sound persnicrimonious?
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word drupe
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lavatory
Somehow, the phrase "pissing in the wind" comes to mind -- I just can't seem to work it into a joke... (re: rt's post)
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word febuary
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. But I always would have to agree that it should be.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the list looseygooseys-list
'nach - I actually snorted so loud I spit on myself! I think I also may have damaged some nasal passages!Thanks. I mean that!
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ice tea
I think that Clouseau would always articulate the "d" in "ice-ed tea." In fact, he has a lisaunce to do so.
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word circumcredance
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word antefluance
bilby *snort*
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word dictionary
And I was just going to do a quick wordie check and start cleaning my house.... Hmmmmm. Where to begin? I think I'll start with l*:slacker.
BTW: Look at the word of the day today on OneLook!
February 28, 2009
dontcry commented on the word pony league
Now we are.
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word coach
Dad is.
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word attend pubs that keep the shorter oxford dictionary
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word antefluance
Sooooooooooo, now we're luuuuring puir wee kiddies into pubs arrrrrre weeeeee?
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word foible
Only from an upshot angle.
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word turnkey
I always think of turnkey and thumbscrew together. That is, whenever I hear turnkey I then think of thumbscrew and vice-versa. Then I almost always remember that actor who had kind of bulging eyes (not Marty Feldman) who wore, in at least one movie, a sackcloth garb, had kind of a Beatles haircut and was somebody's turnkey, thumbscrew, or sidekick. What was his name...?
February 27, 2009
dontcry commented on the word rufkm
*shows up late for party*
Um, is there any umbrage left? I just want a taste. WHAT? It's ALL GONE!? rufkm?????
February 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
Cracking a "wordie-insider" joke and laughing at it before realizing that you're the only one at the party who gets it -- then continuing to enjoy it anyway.
February 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word marionberry
The marionberry is a favorite berry of night owls.
February 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the word butta la pasta
Whaaaaaaaat? No.
February 26, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
#26: I cheated!
February 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word newt
February 23, 2009
dontcry commented on the word newt
"She turned me into a newt."
-Monty Python's Holy Grail
February 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word protea
Looks like an artichoke.
February 22, 2009
dontcry commented on the word thespian
....aaaaaaaaaaand scene.
*takes a bow*
February 18, 2009
dontcry commented on the word knocker-up
"Very sorry to knock you up, Watson," said he, "but it's the common lot this morning. Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up, she retorted upon me, and I on you."
Now, when young ladies wander about the metropolis at this hour of the morning, and knock sleepy people up...I presume it is something very pressing which they have to communicate."
-The Adventure of the Speckled Band, Doyle
February 17, 2009
dontcry commented on the word trim tab
This word makes me miss my boats. Wah!
Ready about!
Watch yer boom-stop!
February 16, 2009
dontcry commented on the word cyanotic
Maybe what they had was in-blue-enza.
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word horrid
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word th℮y
Oh, it's nice and quiet here. Nice. And quiet.
*crawls into hammock*
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shanked
As far as the golf usage -- I'm a hooker...
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word shanked
I only remember hearing shanked used when describing a prison stabbing -- usually with a shiv. That's what I heard, anyway. I mean, I have never actually been to prison. Really.
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the user bilby
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I left for the bottom of your page yesterday ;-)
O....M....G! That little league Improve clip was hysterical! Thank you! Mr. dontcry and dontcry jr. are going to pee themselves! Thanks, bilby!
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word journal of supercritical fluids
Have you ever seen a glass of Pinot Noir turn it's 'nose' up at a Merlot? Sooooo judgemental. Sad.
February 14, 2009
dontcry commented on the word non-linear
*thinks Kostya might just be a b*
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word non-linear
Still bored, Pro?
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word non-linear
Well, I can't speak for everyone, Kostya, but I certainly will try to take myself a little more seriously. Thanks for setting us straight. I don't know how we managed to have any fun before you arrived.
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word non-linear
whichbe, *snort*
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word they
On cupcakes: Maybe they're frosted with icing....or iced with frosting?
On they: always plural (I always thought they wore hats)
On tags: I'm keeping all of my tags. I'm never going to use them again, but I'm not giving them up. I'm a hoarder -- but no longer a horker.
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the word made devastated
"We made devastated with a few of the guests, then took our seats for a short ceremony by a hire-gun pastor."
Last Known Position (Man Swallows Goldfish While Sleepwalking, Chokes to Death) - James Mathews
February 13, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
Maybe it was Bon Knee....
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word clifford sensible
This 'word' made me think of this:
One afternoon at Cheers, Cliff Clavin was explaining the Buffalo Theory to Norm.Here's how it went:
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spinthariscopes
I just bit my tongue trying to pronounce this word...
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word prissy
This IS random!
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the list englishfolkfans-list
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the user Prolagus
Where's Bonnie when you really need her? She's such a b.
February 11, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 晶
Everything from IKEA
February 10, 2009
dontcry commented on the word spend a penny
"Waterloo!" *snort*
February 9, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Wooooorrrrdddiiie sooooo sloooowwwwww tooooniiiiiiiight....
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word flapdragon
Ouch! A game played in Hell, presumably.
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hieromonk
Everyvhere a monk, monk.
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lumberjuice
Lumberjack sweat?
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word subprime
It's baaaa-ack...
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word canister
Canister? I hardly knew 'er!
February 8, 2009
dontcry commented on the word l as in salmon
February 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the word jester
Jester who?
February 7, 2009
dontcry commented on the list inanimate-objects-with-christian-names
plumb bob
daisy dukes
February 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word hoopty
An old, beat-up, but still running, car.
February 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word generation y
What will we call the generation after generation z?
February 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the word colder that a witch's tit
What it is today.
February 6, 2009
dontcry commented on the list samme-s-words
Samme, I didn't see an pig latin words. I don't know if that helps...
February 4, 2009
dontcry commented on the word tahl
The terrible thing you swing at a Steeler game.
February 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Yes indeedy! Just now getting the feeling back in my towel--I mean tahl arm! Here we go!
February 3, 2009
dontcry commented on the word gamine
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word aposiopesis
Sould be spelled: apauseopieces if you ask me, dontcry.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word sockdolager
What happened to J, M?
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word bolognese sauce over fettucine with parmesan
It's one of Dontcry's favorite things -- especially with extra C!
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Pleth - sorry you're so hot. Know who else is hot??? The Steelers.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word superbowl
That's why we call it the Super Bowl.
It's bigger than a cup.
Go Steelers.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word ladybird
You know what's NOT a bird? A Steeler. Go.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word new caledonian bumpy gecko
My bad. Go Steelers.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the word souper bowl sunday
Each year on Super Bowl Sunday, our church puts out a huge soup kettle in the narthex. Everyone brings their extra change to feed the kettle. The money raised goes to a local soup kitchen or food pantry.
Go Steelers.
February 2, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Ooops! Silly me!
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Pleth -- morning? Oh, oh! What are you having? Coffee? Tea? Cocoa? Toast? Are you reading the Sunday paper? Mine's not here yet. Anything I should know? Can you pass the jam?
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
I have to get up early to make my sauerkraut, pierogies and kielbasa for the game tomorrow.
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Apparently, I'm the only wordie pathetic enough to be home on a Saturday night.
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the user dontcry
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word go steelers
Go Steelers!
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word penguin
The Penguins are a hockey team from Pittsburgh.
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the list slo-fem-nouns-with-sg-nom-ending-ø-gen-í
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word claret
They weren't so think as you drunk they were....
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word salvation armani
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word flame
The plural of which the Cardinals will go down in.
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word new caledonian bumpy gecko
Kinda makes you appreciate the polish of "The Wiggles." Kinda...
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word superbowl
My favorite-to-watch sports events are the triple crown races. A couple of minutes of edge-of-your-seat-action, then back to the mint juleps, shrimp cocktails and what-have-yous. Perfect sporting events!
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word superbowl
Go Steelers.
February 1, 2009
dontcry commented on the word lucubrations
This word always reminds me of Luca Brasi. Great...now I have a Godfather jones. *runs to check tv schedule*
January 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word superbowl
Go Steelers.
January 31, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 4711
Maybe... If so, they got it right faster than the Formula 409 folks!
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word izzard
Eddie -- are you kidding? ;-)
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the user vortexlip
Welcome, vortexlip! You are brave and kind.
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word 4711
*Mmmmmmmmmm,Chanel No. 5!*
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word burpee
This is a seed company where I come from!! Although, now that I think of it, sprouting, planting, weeding, harvesting, canning... that IS a workout! Ha! I wonder if the Burpee folks have thought of this as a side product. "The Burpee Workout: Have the body of a farmer in 30 days -- AND a nice salad to boot!"
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word chairmaster
Like a stairmaster, except you sit on it.
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the list show-me-whatcha-workin-with
January 30, 2009
dontcry commented on the word retweet
Not to be confused with wetweet, which is what Tweety Bird says as he hastens back to his cage, narrowly escaping the unfortunate claws of Sylvester.
January 29, 2009
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