I just learned this word today. A family builds a finished basement, pops a roof on it, and moves in, hoping to build the rest of the house in the future.
I saw a roach on my stove tonight, so I grabbed what I thought was a can of Raid. It turns out that Resolve also comes in red cans. So, I was chasing this roach around thinking, "DIE, ROACH, DIE", and it wouldn't die. So I finally killed it by sheer blunt force, but I doused our stove in carpet cleaner in the process. Bad day to be that roach.
Alas. I wish we celebrated TLAPD in the spring. I need to teach r-controlled vowels about that time (ar, ir, ur, etc.) and it would be so useful to have them say cAAARRRRGH and mARRRRch. Six-year olds are still working on consonants in September. :-/
When I had just arrive at my current job, I was told that there were supplies wait for me in the copy room. My Korean coworker jumped out of the box and yelled "supplies"! Everyone else thought that it was funny.
Are these all real punchlines? I'd like to hear some of those jokes.
Does anybody else click on a word to write a comment and then see that they wrote the exact same comment four years ago? Glad to know that I'm the same person.
(e.g. I still think of this list as the seven stages of wordie addiction.)
Hey, do you remember the password to Wordplay? I think we must have made it with your e-mail, b/c none of the password recovery e-mails are showing up in my inbox?
sionnach, you were spot-on. uselessness and I tried to get real-time games off the ground with this. Apparently, it's hard to get adults with full-time jobs in different time zones to play at the same time. I'm not sure if I even remember the password anymore.
Well said. The gold star system can be overused. I tend to use reading, writing, and learning games as my rewards of choice. That being said, it is important to note that the adult world also runs on extrinsic motivation to some extent. As much as I enjoy teaching, I write report cards, go to meetings, and participate in "compulsory volunteer opportunities" for my paycheck.
Every ten years or so, education seems to think that we need to teach kids THIS interpersonal skill in isolation. RESPECT! SELF-ESTEEM! etc. Well, what we don't think of is what that entire generation will look like 30 years later. The self-esteem generation has plenty of self-esteem, but that's created new problems. Like people feeling entitled to lots of stuff they can't afford. I look around my classroom and worry that I'm raising a new generation of dysfunction. We just won't be able to pinpoint how for another 20 years.
This is spam. You can choose to stop it and write something interesting, or you can choose to get shut down like my favorite Anne Taylor location. Your choice.
If all of your postings are pointing to a product, then it is spam. I'm guessing you have less than a day left, but if you cut the learn to cook list and stick to discussing words, life, etc. *without linking to your website*, you might not get deleted.
"Gradually, though, I began to wonder whether even this was the last word. Rewards and punishments are instruments for controlling people, and the real problem, I began to suspect, was the belief that the teacher should be in control of the classroom. If all these discipline programs disappeared tomorrow, a new one would pop up like the next Kleenex in the box if teachers were determined (or pressured) to remain in control and needed methods for making sure that happened." - What to Look for in a Classroom, by Alfie Kohn
"In 2002, Stuart Drummond campaigned for the office of Mayor of Hartlepool in the costume of the local football team's mascot, 'H'Angus the Monkey'. He narrowly won. His election slogan had been "free bananas for schoolchildren", a promise he was unable to keep. Despite this, he stood again three years later and won with a landslide victory."
Had to quote it for wordieternity. It's just too good.
I think that this is hilarious. As somebody who doesn't care for zucchini, I can imagine the horror of finding a basket on your porch. Why can't radishes be that prolific? So much tastier than zucchini!
Oh, believe me. Some people NEED those dates. Some ancient Egyptian mummies were actually embalmed in Worcestershire sauce, but that doesn't mean that it can't go bad. :P
I can comment on some lists, but not others. It tells me that I need to log in, and then I log in, and then it asks me to log in in an endless loop. Please help!
I find that there's a process. There's that moment when you can hear the soft mechanical sound of your alarm clock preparing to wake you up. You have a choice. Bounce out of bed or hit snooze? It's a monumental decision to make at 6am. I often take the middle road. Turn the light on after the first snooze, but bury my head under the pillow. That usually helps speed things up. Unless I feel like bouncing out of bed. Some mornings are made for bouncing.
See, I am glad that other people practice woga, because I do not. I need other people's words (and brilliant definitions of pressure) to keep me going. :)
I know. I teach classless American brats. Thus, we are growing mold, not mould. I'm sure our fungi would be all the more lush next-door to the Emerald Isle.
You people! Having fun while I'm slaving over report cards! Don't you *know* that there is an official ban on phony umbrage, bad puns, and the wordie treatment until I can turn them in at 2pm tomorrow??? I demand that you rereload this page, as well as english reasearch papersans phony umbrage. Don't make me come up there!!!
Somebody called for the Wordie Historian? Here is c_b's first comment. Clearly, I don't want to do work. :P In the future, just change the numbers in the URL to match the person's comment count. Takes 2 seconds. :) Oh, and c_b don't delete it! It's part of wordieternity!
Dara Torres is a U.S. olympic swimmer who won silver in Bejing at the age of 41. I forget if it was the 50 or the 100 free, but it was a *very* close race for the gold.
edit: Surprisingly, c_b and I agree on the pronunciation of Norfolk.
As long as a Starbucks is open somewhere in the New Dominion, it's not an emergency and the left-over pizza can go to the teenage boy with the hollow leg.
I initially heard about Kiva from a guy who worked for a different microloan nonprofit in DC. It's encouraging to see the # of repaid loans vs. the # of defaulted loans. The overwhelming majority of these folks make good, which is more than the average American can say.
c_b, I think all those cupcakes to the head have addled your brains. Celery is the best, the brightest, the most perfect way to convey soft Laughing Cow cheeses to the mouth.
Comments by jennarenn
jennarenn commented on the word mauve
I just learned that mauve is pronounced with a long o sound and I hate everything.
October 25, 2024
jennarenn commented on the word goose poop zamboni
That’s the most amazing thing I’ve heard today.
June 26, 2024
jennarenn commented on the user natalie_portmanteaux
I love your love of the portmanteau. You should collect them in a list!
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the user fridaycandour
Wordnik says hi.
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the user niraj041
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the word the mad & the plaid
Who are you talking about then, madmouth?
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the word doid
lightbird25, where did you learn this? When I looked it up, another dictionary said it was a type of moth.
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the word hope house
I just learned this word today. A family builds a finished basement, pops a roof on it, and moves in, hoping to build the rest of the house in the future.
March 18, 2023
jennarenn commented on the word tufthunter
I always thought the song went:
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
I have missed this. :)
April 27, 2018
jennarenn commented on the list flightless-birds
The inclusion of the chicken just *makes* this list.
April 27, 2018
jennarenn commented on the word overmorrow
How can we stage a resurrection of this word?
May 22, 2013
jennarenn commented on the word milquetoast
Gosh, I love wordie. Every time I come back, I learn somethng new. :)
January 27, 2013
jennarenn commented on the word heebie jeebie
Is there another listing for the heebee jeebies? I find it surprising that it's only been listed once.
June 24, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word jaunish
LOVE when I learn a new word on wordnik. :)
March 8, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list ice-creams-i-have-loved
Some of the rejected flavors were so sad. I would have eaten licorice ice cream. :-/
February 20, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word a separate peace
I remember it was *a thing* to have upperclassmen spoil the ending sophomores studying this in class.
January 20, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list jukebox-the-verbal-arms
I agree. It took me forever to find woty07 lists. Do we still do woty?
January 20, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word roach
Huh? So by not killing the roaches, he was prolonging their stint as a roach?
January 20, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word daguerreotype
Modern daguerreotypes are so gorgeous!
January 20, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word roach
I saw a roach on my stove tonight, so I grabbed what I thought was a can of Raid. It turns out that Resolve also comes in red cans. So, I was chasing this roach around thinking, "DIE, ROACH, DIE", and it wouldn't die. So I finally killed it by sheer blunt force, but I doused our stove in carpet cleaner in the process. Bad day to be that roach.
January 19, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word travesty
Very observant, ptero. I rarely read the definitions of familiar words.
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list i-m-getting-smarter
jennarenn added 5 words and bilby added 40. I *love* open lists. :)
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word size stick
Oh, so I didn't make this up? Sad. Need to move this word to a different list.
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list how-to-talk-like-a-pirate
Alas. I wish we celebrated TLAPD in the spring. I need to teach r-controlled vowels about that time (ar, ir, ur, etc.) and it would be so useful to have them say cAAARRRRGH and mARRRRch. Six-year olds are still working on consonants in September. :-/
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word lists
You're so sweet. I"ll keep the good ones. :)
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the user erinmckean
Thanks Erin! I'm afraid I let go of the wffrogs e-mail years ago. I can't believe I've been on wordie that long. :-/
January 18, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word lists
Can we delete lists? I'd like to prune out some of my old ones.
January 17, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word cookie
My friend Cookie is delightful.
January 17, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word pfeffernusse
My family recipe calls for 12 cups of flour. Yum!
January 17, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list punch-lines
When I had just arrive at my current job, I was told that there were supplies wait for me in the copy room. My Korean coworker jumped out of the box and yelled "supplies"! Everyone else thought that it was funny.
Are these all real punchlines? I'd like to hear some of those jokes.
January 17, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list ice-ice-baby--1
I wish I'd thought of this list. Extra points for the title.
Word to your mother.
January 17, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list chit-chat
Just made this list open, so you can help me keep it up to date.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list conversations
This is now an open list so y'all can help keep it up to date.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list the-several-stages-of-wordie-addiction
Does anybody else click on a word to write a comment and then see that they wrote the exact same comment four years ago? Glad to know that I'm the same person.
(e.g. I still think of this list as the seven stages of wordie addiction.)
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-you-haven-t-lived
Have a fit and fall in it, have the last word, have the last laugh, etc.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-you-haven-t-lived
I love stuffies. uselessness came up with the concept.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the user uselessness
You're right. I totally forgot to migrate the account over. Bummer. :-/
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word bling
This word needs to die. It particularly offends me when my very white, very uncool mother uses the word.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-you-haven-t-lived
My fault for asking.
January 16, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list a-few-of-my-favorite-things-2
May I humbly suggest retroactive?
:) Jen
January 15, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list •things-that-get-way-more-fun-when-you-add-a-g-to-them
Glove it!
January 15, 2012
jennarenn commented on the user uselessness
Hey, do you remember the password to Wordplay? I think we must have made it with your e-mail, b/c none of the password recovery e-mails are showing up in my inbox?
:) Jen
January 15, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list alphabet-soup-round-1
sionnach, you were spot-on. uselessness and I tried to get real-time games off the ground with this. Apparently, it's hard to get adults with full-time jobs in different time zones to play at the same time. I'm not sure if I even remember the password anymore.
January 14, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list sounding-like-a-superhero
My conversations list is sadly out of date. Need to make it public....
January 14, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list shakespeare-adaptations
I had forgotten this list. Another reason to love Wordie. :)
January 14, 2012
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-you-haven-t-lived
what is a chub-on?
January 14, 2012
jennarenn commented on the word jealous
That distinction is great! Just looked it up, and God is referred to as jealous in the Bible, but never envious. Very cool. :)
November 19, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word naked mole rat
Hee. I love that one of the visuals is the book I mentioned. :)
October 29, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word occupy Wordnik
Could somebody explain? I haven't around recently.
October 29, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word full reserve
Can they make my bank account do that???
April 3, 2011
jennarenn commented on the user feedback
The new falling words on the homepage is so pretty. Well done.
April 3, 2011
jennarenn commented on the user jennarenn
I joined Wordie in the early days. None of these sill pronunciations, teaching us how to actually use these words in real life. :)
March 3, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word till
How do you know that till came first? Link, please. :)
March 3, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word Zeitgeist
The real question is, can I navigate through this "community" like the old Wordie?
March 3, 2011
jennarenn commented on the word shyster
I'm so glad to know that there's an alternate spelling! I've always seen it spelled with the ei instead of the y. Thought I was going crazy....
February 28, 2010
jennarenn commented on the word cheez whiz
It also tastes nothing like peanut butter.
January 16, 2010
jennarenn commented on the word all my eye and betty martin
Poor Betty. What does this one mean?
January 16, 2010
jennarenn commented on the word w-i-f-e
Seems like a silly and time-consuming way to spell "wife". Thoughts?
January 16, 2010
jennarenn commented on the list brit-speak-4-yanks
sr, it would be cool if you explained some of these. For example, a comment explaining sleeping policeman would be helpful. Thanks!
January 16, 2010
jennarenn commented on the list lord-of-the-rings-plurals
December 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list sheffield-dialect
rogerb, would you consider creating a pronunciation of gennel for us? Thanks!
December 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word bacon
I may cry happy diamond tears....
December 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word rhinoceroses
Cow tipping is a nighttime sport out in the sticks. The cows don't really care for it.
December 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word oops
Love, love, love u's pronunciation.
December 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word Meredith
Love it as a last name and a girl's name. It's just not an ideal first name for a boy.
December 28, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word Kennesaw Mountain
It must have been tough to grow up named after a civil war battle. Just sayin'.
December 28, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word Kennesaw Mountain
As in Kennesaw Mountain Landis.
December 28, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word Meredith
I love this name for a girl. Not so much for a guy.
December 28, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word good
Overpaid? I'll take that. :)
December 17, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word Hedwig
December 14, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word gangtelope
Really spelled gantelope, for those of you who are as clueless as I am. :)
December 14, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word naked mole rat
You must read the Mo Williams book, "Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed". Too cute.
December 14, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
Well said. The gold star system can be overused. I tend to use reading, writing, and learning games as my rewards of choice. That being said, it is important to note that the adult world also runs on extrinsic motivation to some extent. As much as I enjoy teaching, I write report cards, go to meetings, and participate in "compulsory volunteer opportunities" for my paycheck.
December 14, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word gangtelope
I beg to differ. I've always pronounced this word 'squid'. 'Gauntlet' is waaaaaay off-base.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word moro reflex
R: I'm sneaky like that.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word to the top of the porch
There was an international Bacon Day???
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
Pro: Sadly, no.
Every ten years or so, education seems to think that we need to teach kids THIS interpersonal skill in isolation. RESPECT! SELF-ESTEEM! etc. Well, what we don't think of is what that entire generation will look like 30 years later. The self-esteem generation has plenty of self-esteem, but that's created new problems. Like people feeling entitled to lots of stuff they can't afford. I look around my classroom and worry that I'm raising a new generation of dysfunction. We just won't be able to pinpoint how for another 20 years.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word wallaby crop circles
My favorite comment said, "I want to know who sold out the wallabies? Who's the narc? My guess is the platypus, he is such an odd duck."
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word how to shoplift without getting caught
Oh this makes me sad.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word what are these strawberries doing on my nipples i need them for the fruit salad
Love the phrase "oh my stars and garters". HATE the title of this book.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list racehorse-names
Wasn't there are horse named Real Quiet a few years ago? Am I making that up?
By the way, I love that you've included The Black. I'd completely forgotten that series. :)
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user bodyboards
Hi Bodyboards,
This is spam. You can choose to stop it and write something interesting, or you can choose to get shut down like my favorite Anne Taylor location. Your choice.
:) Jen
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list places-to-avoid
Funny, lots of unfortunate things seem to happen in California, but folks keep pouring in.
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user fans
Hi fans,
If all of your postings are pointing to a product, then it is spam. I'm guessing you have less than a day left, but if you cut the learn to cook list and stick to discussing words, life, etc. *without linking to your website*, you might not get deleted.
:) Jen
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list mr--pronunciations-bad-day
Love it!
December 13, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word white on rice
I love coming back to a word only to see that I've already commented on it. I will vouch for the existence of rice. :)
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user feedback
I've always heard the phrase, "like white on rice". Huh
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word What to look for in a classroom
"Gradually, though, I began to wonder whether even this was the last word. Rewards and punishments are instruments for controlling people, and the real problem, I began to suspect, was the belief that the teacher should be in control of the classroom. If all these discipline programs disappeared tomorrow, a new one would pop up like the next Kleenex in the box if teachers were determined (or pressured) to remain in control and needed methods for making sure that happened." - What to Look for in a Classroom, by Alfie Kohn
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word cross-lots
Love this word! Wish I lived in a neighborhood so I could use it.
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word fangirling
This word reminds me of the Beatles. I'd like to put it in an envelope and mail it back in time. :)
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user bodyboarding80
Seriously! The dude hasn't tagged, like, anything!
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list words-you-were-amazed-to-hear-in-a-song
Just when I think we've listed everything....
December 12, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word art cart
Also called the chart cart. Place where teachers keep posters while not in use.
December 1, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list abominations-in-the-eyes-of-the-lord
White chocolate is a MIRACLE. I'm in love with the stuff. So much better than dark. *ducks the anticipated cupcakes*
December 1, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word moro reflex
I want to thank Pro for clearing up sionnach's comment. Heaven forbid we layabouts miss any inside joke. :)
December 1, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list quilt-designs
Fantastic list!
November 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word vroom
This word makes me think of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.
November 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day
See, you guys are missing the point. Zucchini is *not* good food.
November 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word it's lick-your-plate-clean monday!
Just as long as it's not zucchini season....
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word 1950s vintage porch glider
They also need bad floral cushions. You can't have a proper glider without those yellow and/or green cushions.
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day
Do people thrust them upon their unsuspecting neighbors?
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word hartlepool monkey trial
"In 2002, Stuart Drummond campaigned for the office of Mayor of Hartlepool in the costume of the local football team's mascot, 'H'Angus the Monkey'. He narrowly won. His election slogan had been "free bananas for schoolchildren", a promise he was unable to keep. Despite this, he stood again three years later and won with a landslide victory."
Had to quote it for wordieternity. It's just too good.
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word 1950s vintage porch glider
I love gliders.
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word 2 person grave site with excellent view
You'll have all the time in the world to enjoy it!
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word pretent
How do you pronounce that in one syllable? My tongue can't hack it.
November 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word once upon a time
Same kid just spelled this as, "Wensu ponu time". <3 <3 <3
November 1, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word spellbind
Looks like English to me. ;)
October 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word computer
Just had a kid spell this "cume pooter". So cute. :)
October 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word wookieepedia
Some people have too much time on their hands.
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word judo is just like table-tennis
in table tennis people get *hurt*.
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list tunie-the-world-is-just-awesome-discovery-channel
I was wondering how giant squid ended up in a tunie....
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word sneak some zucchini onto your neighbor's porch day
I think that this is hilarious. As somebody who doesn't care for zucchini, I can imagine the horror of finding a basket on your porch. Why can't radishes be that prolific? So much tastier than zucchini!
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word bisque
Your brain is solid stuff floating in a liquid. You want to make one? ;)
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list gramograms-words-that-sound-like-letters
This is exactly the kind of stuff I read all day. :)
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word <:≡
Oh, I haven't seen this one! I love it!
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word ichor
likeflannel, you made me smile. :)
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word "use by" dates
Oh, believe me. Some people NEED those dates. Some ancient Egyptian mummies were actually embalmed in Worcestershire sauce, but that doesn't mean that it can't go bad. :P
October 30, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word facebooking
Wow, that would make my life SO much better. c_b, WHY haven't you sent me a creepy little plant lately? I feel unloved.
October 29, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list it-s-short-for-elizabeth
I was just about to comment, but I beat myself to it by a year. Still love the name and the list.
October 27, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word facebooking
Really, is there anything else to do on facebook besides stalk people, or post information so they can stalk you?
October 27, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word memorialise
I have always wondered about how they handled that.
October 27, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user john
Hey John,
I can comment on some lists, but not others. It tells me that I need to log in, and then I log in, and then it asks me to log in in an endless loop. Please help!
October 26, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list ice-creams-i-have-loved
Actually, I forgot to put slip in an Edy's Flavor: French Silk.
October 26, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word intellect
Help. Would you say "active intellect"? If not, what would you say? I'm at a loss, probably because it's late. :-/
May 29, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word spaghetti and meatballs
Anybody else ever pronounce it "bsketti"?
May 27, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word great big sea
See also: made of awesome.
May 27, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user chained_bear
Dude! If words were dollars....
May 19, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word whom
Doesn't Thou go before the verb and doesn't Thee go after?
For Thou, Oh Lord, art high...etc.
May 19, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list guano
These are the same kids that can spell Sponge Bob and High School Musical.
April 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word its
*Amazingly*, this word is not interchangeable with it's.
April 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word it's
Not to be confused with its.
April 3, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word blipper
March 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word passeriform
Sorry, I've been moonlighting as an elementary teacher. Didn't you hire someone in my absence?
March 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word iceberg profiling kit
I'd forgotten how much I love good conversations. :)
March 31, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word the giving tree
I'm so relieved that I'm not the only hater. I've always felt a little guilty....
March 21, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word bourgeoisie
Oh my! Oh me!
February 10, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word hoopty
I'd forgotten this word. Mmmmmm. :)
February 7, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word they
Sung to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.
There is no a in they.
There is no a in they.
Cross out the a and put in an e,
There is no a in they.
February 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word me
Poor kids spell this word as me or mee. Rich kids spell this word as mii. ARGH!!!
February 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word we
Rich kids now spell this word as wii. Drives me insane.
February 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the list stuffie-i-m-taken
Ha! I was just to comment about how much I love stuffies. Then I realized, it's my list. :) Jen
February 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word tantalize
rolig, why is this on your surprisingly eponymous list?
February 4, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user dontcry
dc: See any good football games lately?
February 2, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word lingonberry
c_b beat me to the punch. I was a big fan of out loud on toast with lingonberry butter.
January 24, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word mistagging
Wow. I think I might just love tags. :) Especially these ones.
January 24, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user chained_bear
Oh c_b, I am so sorry. I'm sure your tags are delightful.
January 24, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word golf
Being good at something and making tons of money ususally helps increase one's enjoyment of the activity. I can see why Tiger would like it.
January 24, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word bizzare
Sounds like a teacher thing to do. :)
January 21, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word risklet
Sounds like wristlet.
January 20, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user chained_bear
11,000+ tags? People use tags? mollusque, I'm impressed.
January 20, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word 158 whiskey balls
Well, it helped that I was already on the floor when I was reading said story.
January 19, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word swiss army knife
Does the fact that the Swiss sell small weapons strike anybody else as funny? Seriously, do you think they've ever used these in an actual conflict?
January 17, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word ficus
Ah, the ficus. My mom used to kill one every couple of years.
January 17, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word popcorn ball with cinnamon red-hots
Who can blame the dog? Those sound amazing. Wanna share the recipe?
January 17, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word 158 whiskey balls
This is my first official ROFL. I actually rolled.
January 17, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user bilby
Hey bilby,
Thanks for your comment on my Talk Like a Pirate list. Just found it!
:) Jen
January 16, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word dirty-white-collar
January 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the user emperornorton
My first thought when I saw your username was penguin. Welcome to wordie!
January 6, 2009
jennarenn commented on the word wordie word of the year 2008
Oh, fun. Are we doing Lists of the Year as well?
December 23, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list cold-comfort-farm
Ah, you've plunged into the Stages of Wordie Addiction. Anybody remember whose list that is?
December 23, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 1999
I'm surprised that you didn't quote Prince.
They say two thousand zero zero
Party's over we're out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
November 17, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word kiltsman
Authentic kilts are awesome. Utility kilts, not so much.
November 16, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word unfuckwithable
When I first read this, I missed the prefix. Funny how those four letters stand out. Would have been a very different word. :)
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word seamouse
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word snooze button
I find that there's a process. There's that moment when you can hear the soft mechanical sound of your alarm clock preparing to wake you up. You have a choice. Bounce out of bed or hit snooze? It's a monumental decision to make at 6am. I often take the middle road. Turn the light on after the first snooze, but bury my head under the pillow. That usually helps speed things up. Unless I feel like bouncing out of bed. Some mornings are made for bouncing.
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 13
Next thing you know (Thirteen), by Matthew West.
2nd & 3rd verses:
Well I wish I could say I always stayed right there
And I did until my freshman year
But the world was pulling me along way from thirteen
And You were calling but I didn’t hear
Still I knew there was something more
So one day my knees hit the dorm room floor
I said “If You’re there and if You really care
Come and talk to me like I was thirteen�?
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 1
"One is the loneliest number...."
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word lawyer
I think I pronounce it "loy-er".
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the user gangerh
See, I am glad that other people practice woga, because I do not. I need other people's words (and brilliant definitions of pressure) to keep me going. :)
November 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the user bilby
Three tags? I dunno bil...that's getting up there.
November 5, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word who cooks for you, who cooks for you all
My favorite bird call.
November 5, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word english reasearch paper
I once worked in one of those very shops. Miserable summer. Please tip your scoopers, especially on free cone days.
November 5, 2008
jennarenn commented on the user super-thegirlnextfloor
Love your username!
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word mold
I know. I teach classless American brats. Thus, we are growing mold, not mould. I'm sure our fungi would be all the more lush next-door to the Emerald Isle.
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word wet bread
Oh! Oh! I made wet bread last week. It's now growing a nice crop of mold on it. The things I do for science....
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word marathon of phony umbrage taking
You people! Having fun while I'm slaving over report cards! Don't you *know* that there is an official ban on phony umbrage, bad puns, and the wordie treatment until I can turn them in at 2pm tomorrow??? I demand that you rereload this page, as well as english reasearch paper sans phony umbrage. Don't make me come up there!!!
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word mold
See mold.
See mold mold.
Mold, mold, mold!
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word frass
No frass this year. I've been demoted to mold.
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word english reasearch paper
Thank you, John. I was going to run through the list of commonly confused words, but that was far more elegant. :)
edit: Actually Pro, if you were going to share, I would like to know.
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word english reasearch paper
Did you know that it's is the contraction for it is, and its is the possessive form of it?
It's crowded in this art gallery.
That's a pretty painting. I like its colors.
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word english research
Hee. I kept trying to add this to my "conversations for the ages" list. One little problem...it's not my list. :D
November 4, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word arrrrrugula
I needed wordie today. This is why. :)
November 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 14aa41
People don't really use this, do they?
November 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word falafel
Finally had falafel tonight. Doesn't qualify as fried goodness in my book. :(
October 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word punctilio
Crud. Thanks c_b. I feel like my slip is showing.
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word fernando poo
I'm sure that the natives of Fernando Poo are *thrilled* that this page pops up fifth on Google.
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word clown control to mao zedong
Wow. I must live under a rock.
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word chuck norris
Chuck Norris knows what rhymes with purple.
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word punctilio
Oh, and then you click the arrow to see the previous hundred comments. Here is my first comment. I like seeing what I was talking about back then. :)
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word clown control to mao zedong
Sorry, I'm not a huge music fan. What is the title of the song?
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word punctilio
Somebody called for the Wordie Historian? Here is c_b's first comment. Clearly, I don't want to do work. :P In the future, just change the numbers in the URL to match the person's comment count. Takes 2 seconds. :) Oh, and c_b don't delete it! It's part of wordieternity!
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word chuck norris
Chuck Norris didn't wet the bed as a child. The bed wet itself out of fear.
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list •-wordies-talk-about-themselves
Oh, I lied. Different list idea, although I like yours better. :)
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word clown control to mao zedong
October 22, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word merch
Here you go bilby:
*does the jennarenn dance*
October 19, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word t-shirt
Whoa. I want one.
October 19, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word backforwords
This profile is sadly empty.
October 18, 2008
jennarenn commented on the user backforwords
Love this username. :)
October 18, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list backforwords-s-list
Which words did you come back for, exactly?
October 18, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word ain't nothin' but a big steak
This can only be sung at the top of your lungs.
October 18, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 401,000
Hahahaha. Excellent!
October 14, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word worries
Sorry Pro. uselessness.
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word jean dimmock
Boiled eggs.
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list a-few-of-my-favorite-things-2
c_b, I think I see a typo. You misspelled "bacon" 24 different ways. ;)
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list these-are-a-few-of-my-favorite-things
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
my paycheck
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word high-low
In education, it's a book that's interesting to older students who don't read very well. It's short for high-interest, low-reading level.
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word worries
u did, of course.
October 13, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word dictionary
dictionary.com now has *free* auditory pronunciation. I'm not too dismayed to learn that I've been mispronouncing the s-word.
October 11, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list •-wordies-talk-about-themselves
I've been meaning to do this for some time. Thanks for keeping house, Pro. :)
October 9, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word waterfall
One really ought to stick to the rivers and the lakes that one is used to.
October 9, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word cephalopods in a blanket
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word saint squithin's day
Hmmm. Sounds useless.
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word your words, literally
*big, watery eyes*
Pro, you're going to ask a teacher for money? When you're raking in all that cash from your soulless corporate job at WordiePRO?
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word a body of double-entendres
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word your words, literally
*tugs on sleeve*
You didn't tell us which wooooorrrrd.
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list •-wordie-pro
c_b: The 500 most recent lists and the Most Wordied words are typically what you want to be there. Didn't you* write this site?
*With extensive help from reestee
**and this dude John. Wonder what his deal is.
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word jean dimmock
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word fuck
Dara Torres is a U.S. olympic swimmer who won silver in Bejing at the age of 41. I forget if it was the 50 or the 100 free, but it was a *very* close race for the gold.
edit: Surprisingly, c_b and I agree on the pronunciation of Norfolk.
October 1, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word criss-cross applesauce
As an early childhood educator, I use this term almost daily. My apologies to the rest of the world for the offense.
September 29, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word superette
What, exactly, is a "superette"?
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word retort unloader
THE list: What is a reestee?
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word cold pizza for breakfast
As long as a Starbucks is open somewhere in the New Dominion, it's not an emergency and the left-over pizza can go to the teenage boy with the hollow leg.
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list the-beerhunter
I'm sure that u would be honored.
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word woebegone
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word cold pizza for breakfast
Leftover pizza is vile in general. I always send my extra pizza home with somebody else.
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word microloan
I initially heard about Kiva from a guy who worked for a different microloan nonprofit in DC. It's encouraging to see the # of repaid loans vs. the # of defaulted loans. The overwhelming majority of these folks make good, which is more than the average American can say.
September 27, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word comparing apples and windows
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list cliche_of_craps-s-list
Grrr. I don't like how the commas look on the third entry. Any suggestions?
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list cliche_of_craps-s-list
Pro, aren't you an old hand at this? ;)
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word dryer
It is cute, even though it reminds me a bit of a cell phone ring. I don't think it's a classic melody, but it makes me smile.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word lisa
Yup. I also know a Elizabeth who goes by Lisa.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list it-s-short-for-elizabeth
*This* is why I love this name. The little girl in question has zillions of nicnames to choose from. Margaret is another fave for the same reason.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list cliche_of_craps-s-list
I'm sad to say that while I'm a fan of this username, I can't list it.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word dryer
My new dryer doesn't buzz at me when it's done. Instead, it sings a cute little melody.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word stoke
Yo mama.
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word features
What are knobs?
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word 7457
s/h/it? Brilliant!
September 25, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word enlisted
But we have *you*.
September 19, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list how-to-talk-like-a-pirate
ARRRRRRGH!!! I miss me wordie.
September 19, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list affectionate-names-you-call-your-kids
Could this be kids I teach? How about names my parents called me as a kid?
August 26, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list affectionate-names-you-call-your-kids
Could this be kids I teach? How about names my parents called me as a kid?
August 26, 2008
jennarenn commented on the list towns-with-sizeable-albino-squirrel-populations
How did they determine the size of the squirrel populations?
August 26, 2008
jennarenn commented on the user monsterpopple
Hi monsterpopple. If you leave your list open, others can post on it. Is that what you wanted?
:) jennarenn
July 30, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word booty and beauty
aka booty and booty
July 30, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word chebacco
How would you write down Chewy's lines?
July 30, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word zelena zelena
Oh no! Oh no!!! ennarenn has been decapitalated!
*runs around with her j cut off*
July 30, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word zelena zelena
c_b, I think all those cupcakes to the head have addled your brains. Celery is the best, the brightest, the most perfect way to convey soft Laughing Cow cheeses to the mouth.
July 29, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word mattock
Wordie seems to be well-represented in VA. :D
July 29, 2008
jennarenn commented on the word features
I would love that feature as well!
July 29, 2008
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