Seeing as how the Wordnik database is much larger than Wordie's (albeit in questionable ways), I feel compelled to leave my fingerprints on as much of it as possible. Not even my own prints are necessary, really; This site feels so barren in so many places that dusting as much of it as possible with even the slightest traces of humanity just seems like the ethical thing to do. Comments, pronunciations, whatever. Anything to reduce the cold, spidery feel of it all.
If you don't see it printed, it sounds like a session for men. In my opinion a portmanteau is only a good portmanteau if its meaning is unambiguous in both spoken and written forms. This one clearly fails the uselessness test. ;-)
It's word association. Somebody presents a random word as a question, and "jean dimmock" answers with an equally random response. I'll keep the ball rolling by answering Peering? now:
Wow, this is what happens when I disappear: Things fall apart. I am apparently the last line of defense between you guys and the forces of entropy. ;-)
Obviously, I haven't used Wordie in a while. But I seem to remember comments on user profiles showing up on the home page with all the other comments. Here on Wordnik, they don't appear where I'd expect, in the Zeitgeist stream. Is this a bug or a feature? Profile comments to tend to be of a more personal nature, but it'd still be nice to be notified when I have new ones without manually checking for them. Maybe a little alert in the bar across the top of the page?
If my account was migrated automatically from Wordie, does that necessarily mean I've consented to the Wordnik ToS? If I recall correctly, it was a passive migration; I didn't actively do anything to make it happen. I did reset my password after the move but by that time the deed had already been done...
I actually put my name in there on purpose... maybe I should value my anonymity higher? Although, I use this name on so many web sites, if someone really wants to know who I am it won't be hard to sleuth. Why fight it? ;-)
Best pronunciation ever. I love the whole series. Wishing I had thought of that when I recorded for !!!. (I was going off the band name, which I've heard is pronounced "chk chk chk".)
Seems like a "move this comment to another page..." button above every comment might help. Click it to see a list of probable capitalization/punctuation variants that might be appropriate, and a text box to enter your own if it's not in the list. If you're the original author of the comment, it changes immediately; if you're not, it enters a queue for moderation (to prevent abuse). A similar feature for bracketed words would be nice, for the cases when display text and actual linked word should differ.
It'll take time but with tools like those, eventually diligent users will sort (almost) everything out.
This merge with Wordnik is relevant to my interests. I am poking around again. Qwietly.
Wait, words are case-sensitive now? I have many new things to learn. It is vitally important that the previous link display in capitalized fashion, yet point to a lowercase pagename. Is my first comment in this new place an egregious faux pas? Tune in next week for the thrilling conclusion!
I'm going through some of my old content now, un-borking borked links and such for the benefit of mankind.
The great state of Mississippi can not afford four more years of Pappy O'Daniel. Four more years of cronyism! Nepotism! Rascalism! Of soivice to the interests!
"I don't think I have to explain crunchwaves to people who read Wired. They already know that when you chew something too hard, the vibrations fire up those crunchwaves, which shake the neurons in your brain. Do that too much and those brain cells shake loose and die. I usually gulp my food, and you should, too."
"I showed this to my friend, who's a bacontarian. Yes, bacontarian, as in, will never eat any meat at all including fish, but will totally eat bacon. I have strange friends."
Oh come on, they were loveylovey since the very first episode! Were it not for Federation protocol they would've been all over each other and you know it!
Who, me? ;-) Maybe they can't quite claim the notoriety expected for a list like this, but Floigan Bros. was a great little game and it deserves to be remembered!
Races are a funny thing. Supposedly we all came from one race and evolved into the races we know today based on climate and so forth as we migrated around the world... and now we're homogenizing again. The same for "race music" -- as cultures intermingle, stylistic elements fuse together; most of the music I listen to is a combination of eastern European melody, African rhythm, American lyrics, and Asian energy. Of course, I have eclectic tastes. But I suspect that fusion will become more common and popular in the future. In the 21st century, no art or culture or race is isolated from any other.
Jeesh you guys, I'm back already! I just haven't been interested enough in the topics at hand to join in, mostly. I'm reading it, anyway. Talk about cooler stuff and maybe I'll say more. ;-)
Hmm, as it turns out, there are also a Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 that I hadn't seen before either. The disappointing fourth one reveals that the whole series is just a viral ad campaign for a web site called ZaOza, but it's still funny. They probably shouldn't have let the series run so long.
Who, me? I have been rather absent lately, haven't I? And it comes with this frustrating sort of guilt, that I've missed too much discussion, and I'll never get caught up again, and that little devil anticonscience on my shoulder telling me that I should just leave Wordie altogether, because it's not worth the humiliation of being so far out of the proverbial loop now. Fortunately, that guy is a moron and I never listen to him. I'm back and, while I'll never get caught up, maybe I can jump into the stream right here and just start swimming again.
So I finally just watched Helvetica, and it was great. I laughed, I cried... who would have thought a movie about a font could be so enjoyable? And now I'm so inspired I just want to design something!
I think a lot of people around here are confused about what a palindrome is, and some are confused about what it is not. (See, I made one right there!!)
I've been seeing this word a lot the past couple days. Apparently it refers to someone who makes life miserable for others online in a variety of offensive ways. Now the label is being applied most notably to the famous "Anonymous Hackers" of 4chan, which, if you're not aware, are the most inane and vulgar people on earth, hailing from the most inane and vulgar web site on earth. They see it as their mission to spread shock, stupidity, and frustration everywhere they go. I'm frankly getting tired of reading about these losers (I've seen a lot of articles about them lately) but here's a Wired Magazine link I just found for those who are uninitiated.
My position is that these guys are not really hackers (for the most part). They're just a large number of sentient buttwipes that get a sadistic kick out of harassing people within the system. When 150 of them get together at one time, they don't have to actually hack anything to bring a web site to its knees. I would label them as psychopaths because of their apparent lack of conscience. They are entirely motivated by "the lulz," which basically means they do it for fun, period.
Yes! I've heard great things about this one but didn't know it was available free online. Thanks for the link, I'm downloading it now to watch after work. :-)
Remove this word from your list, and add the right one in its place. A word can never be deleted entirely, just orphaned. But allow me to heartily encourage you to orphan your words whenever possible. You'd be amazed at the pleasure one can derive from doing so.
George Orwell is a hero of mine. I'm always baffled by how everyone seems to know his work, and agree that it's a valuable warning for the future, and yet we continue to spiral into even greater Orwellian messes. How does that happen?
Years ago my church youth group went to see a Christian improv group called Isaac. I guess it was a fitting name. They were actually pretty good, with a show similar to (but cleaner than) Whose Line Is It Anyway. I don't think they're around anymore, which makes me sad, but I still proudly wear my fanmerch t-shirt to this day. It's got moxie.
Or on boxes of frozen food, marked with the "suggested serving" disclaimer because they know there's absolutely no way the stuff will look like that when you eat it...
Um. I have no idea how big one of those is. But the mixer was about four feet wide, maybe, and a foot and a half deep. Lots of tantalizing buttons to push and knobs to twist. :-P
The place to which all loyal Mac users must eventually make their pilgrimage, also known as the NYC Apple Store. As heard in the MacHeads: The Movie trailer.
Once upon a time, I was the assistant producer of a talk radio program. Considering the line of work, this isn't such a weird thing to have on one's desk. ;-)
Fascinating. As an official computer/technology guy, I'm both edge-of-my-seat excited and head-in-the-sand terrified. I want Asimov and Star Trek, not Terminator and The Matrix.
Back when I was in high school I made multi-word messages; the word changed whenever you hit the equals key until a sentence had been spelled out. It took forever to figure out the formulas that would make it happen, but it was worth it. No, I don't remember what the formulas were, and no, I'm not making one up again right now. ;-)
I figured proper names would require another list altogether: Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, Adonai, Immanuel, El Shaddai... somebody else want to make that one? You know, formally? And a list of theological sects would be pretty great too!
Thanks, all. I just copied the list from Wikipedia, so it's possible there was other crazy stuff in there that didn't get tallied. Or that somebody decided to be a joker and sneak "human organs" in there. Who knows? ;-)
I myself have felt remorse at getting rid of old periodicals. When I was a kid I accumulated quite an archive of Highlights for Children magazines and it tore my heart out when Mom and Dad told me the whole lot had to go. Nevermind that I was well into my teens and hadn't looked at them in years... but you can't argue with sentimentality. Nowadays I look at my parents and thank them for saving me from becoming another Collyer brother. :-P
I just noticed a problem with the list search feature. The "search again" form on the results page doesn't work... instead of searching for what I type in the field, it searches for an empty string (and of course returns no matches). So if I want to perform a second search, I have to go back to the main list search page.
Yes, it is friendly, isn't it? I know they say mate in the UK, but to me that's much more stereotypical of Aussies than Brits. Come to think of it, I'm curious about the difference between sod off and jog off. Are they basically the same? I'll add jolly good, which is not the same thing as jolly well but belongs on the list nonetheless. :-)
A way to use up those spare CPU cycles without accomplishing anything productive. Often beautiful, and unless you're still using an old CRT display, utterly pointless.
In other words, today's young people already live in a world where, among their peers, women are better educated than men. As the grandparents die off, every year the country's college-educated population will become more feminized. In a couple of decades, America's educational elite will be as disproportionately female as it once was male.
I bought one and the stupid thing broke as soon as I opened the packaging. Cheapest piece-of-crap "gadget" I've ever had the misfortune to own. I was able to repair it with some tape, but was disgusted to hear my favorite blockbuster novel being read by Fran Drescher! I will encourage all my friends to avoid your products in the future, and I suggest you find better voice artists (and a manufacturer worth a nickel) if you ever want my business again.
The "swindle" sense is the only one I've known for this word. If you get ripped off (perhaps another Americanism? meaning to be scammed) you might say "aww, what a gyp!" Actually I'm not sure that I've seen the word in print, and I assumed it was spelled jip or something like that.
A cavalier swashbuckler with a mullet. I can't decide which is more ridiculous, a mullet hairdo, or a mullet fish. Or both. 17th-century France will never be the same!
Metaphorically speaking? The place from which words are produced, right? (See discussion here, featuring my own apparently hyperactive word-loins, though a word-paternity test would prove otherwise. Maybe.)
I'm the villain who murdered those words' poor parents in cold blood and left them, orphans, in the street to die. Don't expect any mercy from me. I make orphans for pleasure, and ghosts for fun. Thoroughly despicable, I am. ;-)
I've been to Arcadia, Florida. Nothing to write home about, unless you're a great fan of desolation. ;-) One of my favorite video games is an RPG called Skies of Arcadia. I'm currently on my fourth run through it, and though the game's been out for years, it never gets old.
Of course, if the real Big Brother's going to rise, now would be the time to do it, while everyone's distracted. Good thing that's not happening. Uh... hmmmmm.
Yes, that's bizarrely specific choice from a large field of orphans... can't you hear all the others crying, with tears in their puppy-dog eyes, "Pwease adopt us, yarb! We need a mommy and a daddy and a dinner that isn't gruel or cardboard!!"
It's cool. I am that useless. Glad to have you back! The site may not be as fast-paced as others you're used to, but there's a lot of quality discussion here that's worth waiting for. :-)
Looking for a friend? Have you considered audiobooks? Modern audiobooks are excellent companions, especially during these cold winter months.
If you live in the southern hemisphere, the lightweight mi-vox can help you beat the January heat! Imagine, all your favorite surfers' biographies in one small package. You might think an enjoyable audiobook friendship is a thing of the future, but the future is today.
Audiobooks make lovely companions. Perhaps you've heard of Mr. Walter Chestershire of London? Walter has been best mates with his audiobook for nearly a year. He tells us that his experience has been enjoyable and relaxing. The two will be wed in a small ceremony in Essex this July. Now you too can discover lasting love, with an audiobook!
Sonia Marshall of Breckenridge reports that she sometimes spends the evening with three audiobooks at once! It's a sordid affair, to be sure, but an audiobook doesn't become jealous. Sonia says it's the best tryst she's ever had. Don't worry, Sonia, we won't tell. Except for just now. Sorry!
Audiobooks: The Best Friend You Never Had (Or Maybe More).
Gross! I've never heard of post-birth placenta use in any capacity, burial or otherwise. But eating it? Do those people know the function of the placenta? It's like eating, um, kidneys and a bladder, or something.
Fascinating, arcadia. How do you pronounce Dhaero's name? Is it "dairo"? Oh, and Ron Paul's had my vote since he announced his candidacy. You won't have to persuade me there... or my homeschooling family! ;-)
For what it's worth, I have a lot of respect for your "organic mother" approach. My mom employed a lot of the same ideas for me and my brothers, actually (though not the one this page is about). My brothers were born naturally at home, and we were all breast-fed and raised with limitations on media exposure, homeschooled and so on. I can totally relate to your approach, and someday if I'm lucky I'll find a like-minded person to settle down with, myself. ;-)
So it applies to all groups: a ton, a plethora, a multitude, a lot? If you say so, dude, if you say so. But my inner writer, the part of me concerned with sentence flow, doesn't want to agree.
Comparing one person's sensation to another's is a little too subjective to build a case on. I mean, you may be right... but just the same, I'm satisfied and don't feel like I'm falling short in any area. I guess it's one of those "I don't know what I'm missing" things, but from my point of view I'm not missing anything at all.
Regardless, arcadia, you've got me thinking. I don't have any kids yet, and I really can't think of a compelling reason to put them under the knife when I do. It's not something I've thought much about before. I always assumed I would have it done to them, I guess, because it was done to me... but now I probably won't. Not that I have any strong feelings about it either way, still, but why go out of my way to something I don't have a reason for? That's the epitome of uselessness. ;-)
I understand what you're saying! It's one of those procedures that is just traditional, and I don't know why it's done. Of course, that's never a good reason to do anything. I guess my thought process is that I, a circumcised male (it was done when I was an infant), am fully functional; I have no pain or lack of feeling "down there"; I have absolutely no memory of the operation or remorse that it was done; and I'm not crippled in any way. For those reasons, making a big deal out of it just seems silly to me, despite the seemingly horrific nature of the procedure when it occurs. To live a normal adult life, it is of absolutely no consequence whether or not a person has had it done.
Now the female version is another story altogether, and I can't approve of that in any manner.
Which is proper: "There are a bunch of kids in the theater" or "there is a bunch of kids in the theater"? Supposedly, the latter is more grammatically correct, but it just sounds wrong. What's a respectable pedant to do? I guess it all depends on what the definition of "is" is. ;-)
I'm personally glad that WeirdNet can still live on with its definition of choice provided first, and perhaps "better" ones available with a click. At this point I'd kind of hate for its quirkiness to go away!
I really shouldn't even comment here. I know I shouldn't, and yet I'm going to.
I can't speak for females. I can only speak for myself (a male, natch). In any case, I think the word mutilation is needlessly graphic and sensational. It conjures images of ground hamburger meat and unrecognizably butchered carcasses. On the contrary, the procedure is quick, safe, and probably painless (or at least, forgotten in one's adult years if it was done as an infant) and the final product is fully functional and arguably more sanitary than it would have otherwise been. My understanding is that the same cannot be said for the female version, so I'm not even going to go there. But someone had to stand in defense of the menfolk who aren't in the least bit angry that they have been "mutilated." It's not like we had our arms lopped off.
Give me ghosted words or give me death!! Also, if you see a Quiznos on the way over, could you give me a regular Traditional on white too? You're the best.
Sorry we wasn't up to snuffs with your superiorityness, Mr. or Mrs. Being, but I rather like Wordie's relaxitivitous pace (which is even too fast, yea verily!) when I'm trying to keep up whilst at the workywork. Do come back some times.
Just a wild guess, but I'm leaning toward "an uncommon misspelling of the name of a rare disease caused by the inhalation of microscopic silicone dust particles emitted by certain volcanoes." Am I close? ;-)
Hmmm, I'd rather you did knot. It's much more entertaining to just keep using the same terrible pun over and over again. Is it ever knot funny? I think knot.
Vowels and consonants make great couples. Sometimes two consonants can hook up and surprise everyone with a very successful relationship. But W and L? That marriage was doomed from the start. As I recall, they were impossibly drunk when the idea came to them one night, and the very next morning Elvis married them at a drive-thru chapel in Vegas. Also, their kids are ugly.
This ain't even a knot. It's just an excuse to insult hapless arthritic grandmothers. And people who confuse the left-rights of square knot tying. By equating them with hapless arthritic grandmothers.
You know, there should be an official Wordie gathering sometime. That would be pretty amazing. And we can all wear nametags with our Wordienyms, and are NEVER allowed to use our real names.
More commonly, short for "you have to overlook the crude and offensive remark I just made because I followed it with this code word, sucker." Often substituted by an emoticon: ;-)
My parents have a portion of my library at their home in South Carolina, and when I went back to visit for the holidays I was able to retrieve my Mark Twain collection. I love the guy! I need to pore through that stuff again. :-)
So this place is as good as any to say "Merry Christmas!" I'm taking off on vacation through the new year, during which time I may or may not have web access and probably won't be seen (much) around Wordie. May you have a wonderful festive week, and may it be all the more useful without me around. ;-)
I'm a Christian (though it could be said I'm not one of those Christians) and I will most definitely be celebrating Christmas this year. I think the whole "war" thing is pretty stupid, of course. My solution to the "what do I say to people?" issue is not to say anything at all, and I don't advocate that anyone else follow my example because, while practical, it's also very scroogish. A well-wishing of any kind is better than none at all, and I just suck at it this year.
Anyway, I do wonder if there's a growing trend of people intentionally NOT celebrating Christmas as an act of protest or whatever. Historically, the vast majority of people (in America, at least) celebrated Christmas regardless of their beliefs. It was a pretty secular holiday. It's still secular, but I think more and more non-Christians are starting to refuse participation. Possibly as a response to the attempts of evangelicals to "reclaim" the holiday. It's a shame; whatever your beliefs, there's something cool about taking one day out of the year -- ideally more than one, but we've gotta start somewhere -- to generously bless those around us and be blessed in turn. If my observation is correct, it's sad that people would willing pass up such an offer.
Good point. I intentionally added a lot of negative words because the list description seemed to imply it wanted them. I guess by "powerful" I was interpreting it as destructive power. It's not that I was having a "tough day" yesterday, and I hope you're not reading anything into my psyche by those choices. If you want me to add a bunch of positive words for karmic balance, it's not a problem. ;-)
I'm convinced the Hawaiian language only exists to confound non-natives. The islanders themselves probably speak regular English when we're not looking. With a Brooklyn accent.
I don't think it's meant to contain the names of actual people anyone wants (or doesn't want) to go out with. It's just for names that are words, or sound like words. Am I right? 'Cause if I'm not, yeah, it's creepy.
I am shamed to say it's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word haiku these days. It's one of the best things I've ever read. I couldn't not plagiarize it!!
Isn't it literally "fear of thunder"? I seem to remember brontosaurus meaning "thunder lizard" because of the booming sound it probably made when it walked.
Oh never mind. I now see that there is another list to complement this one, and I got confused. My submissions are alive and well on the other list, which is just as well, because I would date those girls. ;-)
The capital I kind of stands out like a proud individual, even calling to mind a torso with (stubby) limbs. Of course, Wordie makes everything lowercase so the effect is slightly lost, though the dot makes a keen neckless head.
I added a few earlier, has someone deleted them? I don't particularly care, but there is something disorienting about adding words to a public list, only to have them disappear.
To clarify re: my suggestions... "blocking" somebody in that example does not mean you'd never see anything by that person, it only means their posts wouldn't show up in your notification page. It's only (hypothetically) offered as one tool among many in an attempt to streamline comment-following, because we're all getting bogged down lately.
Essentially, if the Recent Comments page is moving too fast, this would be a custom page you could use to bring the most relevant/interesting posts to your attention. You'd still be able to see the other stuff, or follow the Recent Comments page as usual. But if you're in a time crunch, such filters could be very helpful in getting caught up. If there are options you don't want to use, you don't have to, but ultimately the choices would be there if you wanted them. Hypothetically.
Oh wait, I've just been alternating 5s and 7s. I guess I thought we were just making haiku fragments. I wish there was a way to rearrange the lines so they actually work in the current order.
I'm not ignoring the post you made on my profile; I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with some good names but I'm not as clever as you might think... I'll post here if/when I come up with something usable. ;-)
I don't have an opinion on the word itself (it's unabashed meh) but I'm not really a fan of approaching language as a science. It is most certainly an art, and should stay that way. :-)
Yeah, the gomboc is a very particular shape: an ugly one. I don't like it. I will attempt to discredit it by saying that while there are some shapes of inherent mathematical significance, the gomboc is not one of them. Because the other shapes' properties are true in any context, practical or theoretical, while the gomboc requires the physical characteristics of Earth (namely, gravity), without which it is just another ugly block.
I hate nuts in my donuts. If the word had to be shortened, why cut out the good part? It should have been doughn. But it would probably annoy Misterpolly. ;-)
Oh gosh, I'm so not used to public lists. We should have a big red banner across the top of the page that says YOU CAN ADD WORDS HERE. Otherwise I'll totally not get the point.
I'd rather not have e-mail notification... I get enough mail as it is, and constant Wordie things would push it over the top. If we are to have any notifications, I would prefer for them to be here on-site, accessible via a nice little link at the top of every page that lights up when it contains something new. And it might be nice to customize what does or doesn't show up there. In other words, how about the following options (for example):
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Of course there would need to be appropriate logic to handle category overlaps and the like. And a list of all my subscriptions/blacklists so that I can add or remove them on one convenient page. On second thought, that's probably a pretty serious feature to program. But it would rock.
Oh, also... I would love some sort of notification feature that says "reesetee has added you as a contributor to name of list" so I'm aware of new additions to my editable repertoire. Such a notification thingy would go well with private messaging, but we've had that conversation before... ;-)
Comments by uselessness
Show previous 200 comments...
uselessness commented on the word completionist
Seeing as how the Wordnik database is much larger than Wordie's (albeit in questionable ways), I feel compelled to leave my fingerprints on as much of it as possible. Not even my own prints are necessary, really; This site feels so barren in so many places that dusting as much of it as possible with even the slightest traces of humanity just seems like the ethical thing to do. Comments, pronunciations, whatever. Anything to reduce the cold, spidery feel of it all.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word juicered
Having had ones contents extracted with a juicer, as a fruit.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word pamplemousse
Revenge of the juicered!
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word belvedire
"Oops! These stairs don't seem to have an end."
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word caput
We need a way to manually merge words together. I don't think automation is going to be a reliable solution.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word BEHOLD
...the power of cheese?
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word mancession
If you don't see it printed, it sounds like a session for men. In my opinion a portmanteau is only a good portmanteau if its meaning is unambiguous in both spoken and written forms. This one clearly fails the uselessness test. ;-)
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word PLOWED
I'm sure it's okay -- it's a certified Quality Porn Link, after all!
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word profile
It's not like there's any info kept in a user's profile that is required. If you don't want to share it, don't type it. Problem solved.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word cake
The old Wordie spirit is still very much lifed.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word pamplemousse
See also: Pomplamoose.
November 19, 2009
uselessness commented on the word gwaumI
Erm, yes. Thank you, Vexamples.
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word Flickr
Like Wordnik, but without all the definitions.
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word jean dimmock
Jason Statham?
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word jean dimmock
It's word association. Somebody presents a random word as a question, and "jean dimmock" answers with an equally random response. I'll keep the ball rolling by answering Peering? now:
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word jean dimmock
Oh, now I see how this game works. I should know better than to blindly jump into epic threads in progress!
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word ghosted
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word jean dimmock
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word profile
Wow, this is what happens when I disappear: Things fall apart. I am apparently the last line of defense between you guys and the forces of entropy. ;-)
November 18, 2009
uselessness commented on the word profile
Obviously, I haven't used Wordie in a while. But I seem to remember comments on user profiles showing up on the home page with all the other comments. Here on Wordnik, they don't appear where I'd expect, in the Zeitgeist stream. Is this a bug or a feature? Profile comments to tend to be of a more personal nature, but it'd still be nice to be notified when I have new ones without manually checking for them. Maybe a little alert in the bar across the top of the page?
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word RT
Short for "retweet." Used on Twitter when reposting someone else's tweet verbatim (or condensed for space) with attribution.
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the user yarb
Hey, thanks! Anything cool and new that I should know about, now that we've been Wordnikized?
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the user jesonmark
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word licet mihi venerari pro deo quemlibet, etiam spongorobertum quadratobracatum
At least you can sing. I recorded my attempts at singing a few phrases earlier today, but I know better than to link to them!
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word tos
If my account was migrated automatically from Wordie, does that necessarily mean I've consented to the Wordnik ToS? If I recall correctly, it was a passive migration; I didn't actively do anything to make it happen. I did reset my password after the move but by that time the deed had already been done...
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the user mollusque
I replied on my profile. Or was I supposed to reply here? I don't remember how these things work!
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the user uselessness
I actually put my name in there on purpose... maybe I should value my anonymity higher? Although, I use this name on so many web sites, if someone really wants to know who I am it won't be hard to sleuth. Why fight it? ;-)
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word licet mihi venerari pro deo quemlibet, etiam spongorobertum quadratobracatum
Prolagus recites this phrase with such passion, how could one not be in awe?
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word !!!!!
Best pronunciation ever. I love the whole series. Wishing I had thought of that when I recorded for !!!. (I was going off the band name, which I've heard is pronounced "chk chk chk".)
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word comments
Seems like a "move this comment to another page..." button above every comment might help. Click it to see a list of probable capitalization/punctuation variants that might be appropriate, and a text box to enter your own if it's not in the list. If you're the original author of the comment, it changes immediately; if you're not, it enters a queue for moderation (to prevent abuse). A similar feature for bracketed words would be nice, for the cases when display text and actual linked word should differ.
It'll take time but with tools like those, eventually diligent users will sort (almost) everything out.
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word SHAZAM!
And now that we're on Wordnik, the whole point is moot.
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word Wordie
This merge with Wordnik is relevant to my interests. I am poking around again. Qwietly.
Wait, words are case-sensitive now? I have many new things to learn. It is vitally important that the previous link display in capitalized fashion, yet point to a lowercase pagename. Is my first comment in this new place an egregious faux pas? Tune in next week for the thrilling conclusion!
I'm going through some of my old content now, un-borking borked links and such for the benefit of mankind.
November 17, 2009
uselessness commented on the word rascalism
The great state of Mississippi can not afford four more years of Pappy O'Daniel. Four more years of cronyism! Nepotism! Rascalism! Of soivice to the interests!
September 26, 2009
uselessness commented on the word crunchwave
Mwa ha ha.
April 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word panpipes
I'll take two!
April 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word crunchwave
Erm. So I am. Maybe.
April 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word crunchwave
"I don't think I have to explain crunchwaves to people who read Wired. They already know that when you chew something too hard, the vibrations fire up those crunchwaves, which shake the neurons in your brain. Do that too much and those brain cells shake loose and die. I usually gulp my food, and you should, too."
-Steve Carell
April 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word bacontarian
"I showed this to my friend, who's a bacontarian. Yes, bacontarian, as in, will never eat any meat at all including fish, but will totally eat bacon. I have strange friends."
March 14, 2008
uselessness commented on the word vo-tech
I'm rather surprised it wasn't already listed. It's shameful, really. ;-)
February 19, 2008
uselessness commented on the word derstood
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word beverly and jean-luc
Oh come on, they were loveylovey since the very first episode! Were it not for Federation protocol they would've been all over each other and you know it!
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word somnichanter
Great neologism, with the added plus of sounding really cool when spoken (presumably with a French accent).
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word hoigle and moigle
Who, me? ;-) Maybe they can't quite claim the notoriety expected for a list like this, but Floigan Bros. was a great little game and it deserves to be remembered!
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word race music
Races are a funny thing. Supposedly we all came from one race and evolved into the races we know today based on climate and so forth as we migrated around the world... and now we're homogenizing again. The same for "race music" -- as cultures intermingle, stylistic elements fuse together; most of the music I listen to is a combination of eastern European melody, African rhythm, American lyrics, and Asian energy. Of course, I have eclectic tastes. But I suspect that fusion will become more common and popular in the future. In the 21st century, no art or culture or race is isolated from any other.
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word race music
I've heard it described as "black music," which is probably worse, but this term is new to me.
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word crick and watson
Jeesh you guys, I'm back already! I just haven't been interested enough in the topics at hand to join in, mostly. I'm reading it, anyway. Talk about cooler stuff and maybe I'll say more. ;-)
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word crick and watson
I've always heard the order reversed, not that either is "proper." Just sayin'.
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word kedotherapy
Got a big test coming up? Didn't study? Have no fear -- someday you're going to die. Maybe it'll be today!
February 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word features
Yes, the comments are even faster now than they were before my hiatus. I'm getting nauseous!
February 14, 2008
uselessness commented on the word parody
Hmm, as it turns out, there are also a Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5 that I hadn't seen before either. The disappointing fourth one reveals that the whole series is just a viral ad campaign for a web site called ZaOza, but it's still funny. They probably shouldn't have let the series run so long.
February 13, 2008
uselessness commented on the word parody
Who, me? I have been rather absent lately, haven't I? And it comes with this frustrating sort of guilt, that I've missed too much discussion, and I'll never get caught up again, and that little devil anticonscience on my shoulder telling me that I should just leave Wordie altogether, because it's not worth the humiliation of being so far out of the proverbial loop now. Fortunately, that guy is a moron and I never listen to him. I'm back and, while I'll never get caught up, maybe I can jump into the stream right here and just start swimming again.
February 13, 2008
uselessness commented on the word parody
The sequel is pretty great too. ;-)
February 12, 2008
uselessness commented on the word guyliner
Razor blades.
February 9, 2008
uselessness commented on the word guyliner
Preferred by nine out of ten emo kids!
February 8, 2008
uselessness commented on the word phantom time hypothesis
Heribert Illig thinks the years AD 614-911 never actually happened. Fascinating stuff, if a little odd. Check out the Wikipedia link.
January 30, 2008
uselessness commented on the word typography
So I finally just watched Helvetica, and it was great. I laughed, I cried... who would have thought a movie about a font could be so enjoyable? And now I'm so inspired I just want to design something!
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word question
Are there Latin prefixes we can use for any of these? Particularly Quiznos? I need a word for that.
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word palindrome
Oh, chiasmus. That's like the word racecar, isn't it? ;-)
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
'Twas deliberate.
I've never made a mistake
(And I never will).
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gallopavonian
Haha! Somebody needs to wash their fowl mouths (er, beaks?) with soap!
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word sealing wax
It's a good thing to talk about, especially with shoes, ships, cabbages, and kings.
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word phosphenes
I just love that my villainous ways are slowly taking over Wordie like a virus. A really, really awesome virus.
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word druseless
*insert appalled and offended remark here*
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word joob
I thought this was just an early form of beatboxing.
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word pixy stix
Now that's just stupid. (But I've got to wonder if it was even remotely "effective.")
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the word features
Can I be actively indifferent? It's decided: I am staunchly, ardently, 100% opposed to having an opinion on the matter.
January 26, 2008
uselessness commented on the user asativum
Another hilarious misunderstanding!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word palindrome
I think a lot of people around here are confused about what a palindrome is, and some are confused about what it is not. (See, I made one right there!!)
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
Hold on there, reesetee.
I sure didn't get it wrong.
I've always said "reesetee."
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word cinnamon bear
You crack me up, Asativum!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word noxema
Curses! A million curses on your refusal to simply let orphans starve in the streets! And on yarb's oh-so-philanthropic agency!!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word palindrome
Oh come on, oroboros, that's not a palindrome!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word griefer
I've been seeing this word a lot the past couple days. Apparently it refers to someone who makes life miserable for others online in a variety of offensive ways. Now the label is being applied most notably to the famous "Anonymous Hackers" of 4chan, which, if you're not aware, are the most inane and vulgar people on earth, hailing from the most inane and vulgar web site on earth. They see it as their mission to spread shock, stupidity, and frustration everywhere they go. I'm frankly getting tired of reading about these losers (I've seen a lot of articles about them lately) but here's a Wired Magazine link I just found for those who are uninitiated.
My position is that these guys are not really hackers (for the most part). They're just a large number of sentient buttwipes that get a sadistic kick out of harassing people within the system. When 150 of them get together at one time, they don't have to actually hack anything to bring a web site to its knees. I would label them as psychopaths because of their apparent lack of conscience. They are entirely motivated by "the lulz," which basically means they do it for fun, period.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word necropolis
Hey everybody! Who wants to live in a cemetery?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word pods
Wait... podpeeple made Wordie?!? Eeeek!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word typography
Yes! I've heard great things about this one but didn't know it was available free online. Thanks for the link, I'm downloading it now to watch after work. :-)
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word pods
I say, fight 'em over there, so we don't have to fight 'em over here! Mangy pods. Who's with me?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word thit
What are you trying to thay?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word infodump
See also: How I Explained Infodumps and Saved Humanity.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word self-reference
See also: This Is Not the Title of This Essay.
You might also be interested in This Is the Title of This Story, Which Is Also Found Several Times in the Story Itself.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word truth
"Although this sentence begins with the word because, it is false."
-Douglas Hofstadter
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word thit
"Thit sentence is not self-referential because 'thit' is not a word."
-Douglas Hofstadter
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the user uselessness
Glad to be of service, Darth Treeseed. ;-)
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word palindrome
Are you thinking of "to be or not to be?" That's a definite palindrome. That Shakespeare sure knew his stuff.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word noxema
Come along, Treeseed, I've been yearning for an apprentice. Together the world shall be ours. Bwahahahaha!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word tootsie roll
Tell her she can just rock, if rolling's too much trouble.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word newspeak
Too true. Humans would be a lot better off without human nature, wouldn't they?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word toll house morsel
Holy Deliciousness, Batman! That sounds incredible!! Alas, I have very little experience with homemade foodstuffs...
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word tootsie roll
Come on, reesetee, let me see your tootsie roll! ;-)
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word noxema
Remove this word from your list, and add the right one in its place. A word can never be deleted entirely, just orphaned. But allow me to heartily encourage you to orphan your words whenever possible. You'd be amazed at the pleasure one can derive from doing so.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word newspeak
George Orwell is a hero of mine. I'm always baffled by how everyone seems to know his work, and agree that it's a valuable warning for the future, and yet we continue to spiral into even greater Orwellian messes. How does that happen?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word toll house morsel
I used to eat these by the fistful. I'm also a fan of butterscotch morsels.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word nigger baby
How ridiculously offensive. And yet, I would love to try them. ;-)
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word tootsie roll
I don't know what you've been told
It ain't the butterfly it's the tootsie roll
A brand new dance so
Grab a partner get on the dance flo'
To the left, to the left, to the right, to the right
To the front, to the front, to the back, to the back
Now slide, slide, slide, slide
Now slide, slide, slide, slide, come on come on
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word coffee nip
Dutch Chocolate Vodka? I never knew such wonders existed! *needs to get out more*
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word noxema
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word palindrome
Ooh, I know a good palindrome too!
Never let a kiss fool you, or a fool kiss you.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word isaac
Years ago my church youth group went to see a Christian improv group called Isaac. I guess it was a fitting name. They were actually pretty good, with a show similar to (but cleaner than) Whose Line Is It Anyway. I don't think they're around anymore, which makes me sad, but I still proudly wear my fanmerch t-shirt to this day. It's got moxie.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word triumph
This is a nice page. FOR ME TO POOP ON!!
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word exeunt
I like the word, but the spelling always makes me think of fleur-de-lis.
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
It's drugs and Wordie;
They go together like, um...
Like desktops and mud?
January 25, 2008
uselessness commented on the word haiku
Especially if
You're unusually fond
Of steroidal dimes.
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word puke bowl
Is it sad that my childhood puke bowl, when I needed one, was also the large family popcorn bowl we shared on movie nights?
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dowsing rods
They'd make an interesting addition to your desktop adornment list, anyway.
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
Say, Asativum,
That Wikipedia link
Made a great haiku.
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the list public-list-still-hungry
It's a mystery to me why the food processing industry even EXISTS. :-P
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gastroporn
Or on boxes of frozen food, marked with the "suggested serving" disclaimer because they know there's absolutely no way the stuff will look like that when you eat it...
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the list public-list-still-hungry
Yum. Reminds me of my list The Sensuous Mystique of Gourmet Cuisine. ;-)
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word noisy cricket
Best gun in the history of film? I think yes. :-P
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word stridulation
Sounds like something from the Bulwer-Lytton contest!
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word 16-channel audio mixer
Um. I have no idea how big one of those is. But the mixer was about four feet wide, maybe, and a foot and a half deep. Lots of tantalizing buttons to push and knobs to twist. :-P
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word macca
The place to which all loyal Mac users must eventually make their pilgrimage, also known as the NYC Apple Store. As heard in the MacHeads: The Movie trailer.
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dowsing rods
I could use some dowsing rods at my desk; beats always hiking over to the water cooler, anyway. ;-) See also: Derren Brown on Dowsing
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
A dime is so small
A nickel is much bigger
Money is a joke
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word powder-puff
Yikes, looks like seanahan's account has been hacked by WeirdNet!!
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word fo'c'sle
I really don't get this one. Is it pronounced "fo-shizzle?"
January 24, 2008
uselessness commented on the word hootenanny
That makes sense. I guess I was equating it more with "party animal" or just "fun guy." :-P
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the list •open-list-what-s-on-em-your-em-work-desk
I'm amused/bemused by the abundance of human body parts (and so-themed paraphernalia).
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word generic happy meal toy from the mid nineties
It was sort of a big communal desk. I sat at it, and so did my coworker. The toy was in the divider section, the no man's land, if you will. ;-)
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mountebank
I have to say, that is my favorite SNL moment of all time.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
What a special coin.
I can see why it was dear.
I wish mine did drugs.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word generic happy meal toy from the mid nineties
It wasn't mine, it was my co-worker's. I never heard an explanation for it.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word 16-channel audio mixer
Once upon a time, I was the assistant producer of a talk radio program. Considering the line of work, this isn't such a weird thing to have on one's desk. ;-)
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word hootenanny
I wonder if this is the root behind the phrase "that guy is a hoot!"?
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word bermuda shorts
The best part about Bermuda shorts is that they're worn with a suit coat and tie...
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word intelligence explosion
See technological singularity.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word technological singularity
Fascinating. As an official computer/technology guy, I'm both edge-of-my-seat excited and head-in-the-sand terrified. I want Asimov and Star Trek, not Terminator and The Matrix.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word awkward starfish
I can't keep up with this stuff. My hand signs are still limited to thumbs up and hang ten.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word stop sign
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word 0.7734
Back when I was in high school I made multi-word messages; the word changed whenever you hit the equals key until a sentence had been spelled out. It took forever to figure out the formulas that would make it happen, but it was worth it. No, I don't remember what the formulas were, and no, I'm not making one up again right now. ;-)
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word freer
More free. See freest.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mother hubbard
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word come-hither
As opposed to the go-thither look my face seems to display all the time.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word curds and whey
Which certainly doesn't make it any more palatable, that's for sure. The stuff is gross.
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the list in-the-name-of-all-that-is-good-and-holy
I figured proper names would require another list altogether: Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, Adonai, Immanuel, El Shaddai... somebody else want to make that one? You know, formally? And a list of theological sects would be pretty great too!
January 23, 2008
uselessness commented on the word courtesy
Fire up the improbability drive!
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word ancient of days
Y'all inspired me. ;-)
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the list from-the-estate-of-the-brothers-collyer
Thanks, all. I just copied the list from Wikipedia, so it's possible there was other crazy stuff in there that didn't get tallied. Or that somebody decided to be a joker and sneak "human organs" in there. Who knows? ;-)
I myself have felt remorse at getting rid of old periodicals. When I was a kid I accumulated quite an archive of Highlights for Children magazines and it tore my heart out when Mom and Dad told me the whole lot had to go. Nevermind that I was well into my teens and hadn't looked at them in years... but you can't argue with sentimentality. Nowadays I look at my parents and thank them for saving me from becoming another Collyer brother. :-P
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mother hubbard
Say what? How does this tie in with the nursery rhyme, exactly?
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word maya
It reminds me of Maya Angelou. Or if I've been playing Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey (of whom I am considerably more of a fan).
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word eidetiker
A person with an eidetic memory.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dictionary
Derren Brown memorized the dictionary.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word bunting
I've always been a fan of Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes, personally.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word love spoon
Where can I find a love spatula for my kitchen-bound S.O.?
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dime
Ice cream for ten cents?
In 2008, you say?
Just where do you live?
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the list the-earthlink-experience
For what it's worth, this list has been FAVORITED!!
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word porsche
Two syllables.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arkansawyer
Future visitors to this page might appreciate an explanation for the joke. Wouldn't want anybody to be left out. Because I'm thoughtful like that.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word bugs
I just noticed a problem with the list search feature. The "search again" form on the results page doesn't work... instead of searching for what I type in the field, it searches for an empty string (and of course returns no matches). So if I want to perform a second search, I have to go back to the main list search page.
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mushroom
Hey now, I never said it was bad. That one happens to be a personal favorite of mine. ;-)
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word snf
How's it different from an ALF?
January 22, 2008
uselessness commented on the word impossible
Haha, where do you "work?" ;-)
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the word wanker
Does the American word "jerk" really come from the same meaning? It's so... tame.
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the user skipvia
That's haXorific! Now I'm all paranoid about people vandalizing my precious, precious profile.
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
Well then. Are you homEschoolEd?
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the list across-the-pond-2
Yes, it is friendly, isn't it? I know they say mate in the UK, but to me that's much more stereotypical of Aussies than Brits. Come to think of it, I'm curious about the difference between sod off and jog off. Are they basically the same? I'll add jolly good, which is not the same thing as jolly well but belongs on the list nonetheless. :-)
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the word screensaver
A way to use up those spare CPU cycles without accomplishing anything productive. Often beautiful, and unless you're still using an old CRT display, utterly pointless.
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arabesque
It's also the name of a pretty screensaver bundled with Mac OS X Leopard.
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arrowsmith
So this is the word from which Steven Tyler's band derives its name?
January 21, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
KindErgartEn? ;-)
January 19, 2008
uselessness commented on the word banjolele
'Tis a cute little banjo.
January 19, 2008
uselessness commented on the word boomerang
After a period of dwindling popularity, the Australian toy is finally making a comeback.
January 19, 2008
uselessness commented on the list inside-out-jokes
Here's lookin' at you, jennarenn.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mushroom
Snake! Snake! Oh, it's a snake...
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word this page intentionally left blank
This comment intentionally left blank.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word dunbar's number
The maximum number of people with whom an individual can maintain stable social relationships. Said to be 150.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
Oh, um, bye. (I bet he's in the Naval AcadEmy...)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
Are you in mEdical school?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
No joke. Besides, we all know brkflzmatorn8247652 is really just trying to sell you his crappy audiobooks, anyway.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
That all depends, of course, on where each welt dwelt. Were they svelte, or below the belt?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list stuff-vegans-consume-instead-of-critters
Oyster mushrooms? Never heard of that before. I guess if I paid more attention to the context here, I could've figured that one out. :-P
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arkansawyer
To the very small ice cream shop, to buy a Minnesota.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
What a blow that would have dealt!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
Apparently, John felt the felt would leave a welt.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arkansawyer
Why did Conneticut? She couldn't escape that feeling of Missouri.
Oh, that was inappropriate.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
Trying... to... parse...
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word black hole
"Black holes are where God divided by zero."
-Steven Wright
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word marketing
Buncha meaningless jargon. The "official" American Marketing Association, eh? Well who appointed them Judge Judy and executioner?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word tchoupitoulas
"Chew pitooluz?"
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word ixnay
Pig Latin for nix.
"Ixnay on the Eadhay of the Avigatornay!"
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word nix
I think I've heard ixnay more often in conversation than this word.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word arkansawyer
What did Delaware? She wore her New Jersey!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word feminized
In other words, today's young people already live in a world where, among their peers, women are better educated than men. As the grandparents die off, every year the country's college-educated population will become more feminized. In a couple of decades, America's educational elite will be as disproportionately female as it once was male.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
I haven't. Is it dreadful?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word recrudescent
Something bad happens: "Oh crud."
Time passes.
Something worse happens: "Oh crud, again."
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word limerick
Good grief! It's sort of limerickesque, but trying to rhyme such an awkward word threw off the meter a bit. Funny though! :-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word unspeak
See also: propaganda.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the user mi-vox
Yo spammer: Your audiobooks SUCK.
I bought one and the stupid thing broke as soon as I opened the packaging. Cheapest piece-of-crap "gadget" I've ever had the misfortune to own. I was able to repair it with some tape, but was disgusted to hear my favorite blockbuster novel being read by Fran Drescher! I will encourage all my friends to avoid your products in the future, and I suggest you find better voice artists (and a manufacturer worth a nickel) if you ever want my business again.
Walter Chestershire
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gyp
The "swindle" sense is the only one I've known for this word. If you get ripped off (perhaps another Americanism? meaning to be scammed) you might say "aww, what a gyp!" Actually I'm not sure that I've seen the word in print, and I assumed it was spelled jip or something like that.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word limerick
I love that one! Thanks for posting it, I had forgotten how it went. :-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word kick in the goolies
No, not the goolies!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word wordie treatment
Spammers will be taken out back and ridiculed, thoroughly.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the user mi-vox
Well, we're talking about audiobooks more and more these days, anyway. ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word word-loins
Which is why I insist that it be a metaphor, and only a metaphor. It's not so bad if you abstract it to pieces.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word spelt
Not to be confused with smelt!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gyp
Derivative of gypsy?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word citjo
Or pending-emigration journalist (pendejo)...
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word neat loaf
Isn't that swell.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list stuff-vegans-consume-instead-of-critters
Oysters are totally aminals!!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word liger
Aren't you supposed to be teaching? ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
Out of curiosity, yarb, where do you find the words for this list?
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word liger
"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word lidar
Acronym for "LIght Detection And Ranging." Whenever I see this word I can't help but think about Napoleon Dynamite's liger.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mulleteer
A cavalier swashbuckler with a mullet. I can't decide which is more ridiculous, a mullet hairdo, or a mullet fish. Or both. 17th-century France will never be the same!
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word muleteer
I first read that as mulleteer.
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
Well, it wasn't that funny. ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word word-loins
Metaphorically speaking? The place from which words are produced, right? (See discussion here, featuring my own apparently hyperactive word-loins, though a word-paternity test would prove otherwise. Maybe.)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word eckyeckyeckyeckypikongzoopboinggoodemzuowlyzhiv
Great site! Except for the RealAudio thing. What is this, 1996? ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
On occasion, but don't tell my wife I call her that! *rimshot*
(Actually I'm not married, but the joke was too good not to say, amirite?)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word eckyeckyeckyeckypikongzoopboinggoodemzuowlyzhiv
So that's how you spell it! I love the little inaudible trailing off at the end...
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
I'm the villain who murdered those words' poor parents in cold blood and left them, orphans, in the street to die. Don't expect any mercy from me. I make orphans for pleasure, and ghosts for fun. Thoroughly despicable, I am. ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the word citjo
What do we call a non-professional journalist who isn't a citizen? An aliejo? An illejo? Or maybe an immijo? ;-)
January 18, 2008
uselessness commented on the list metaphorical-places
I've been to Arcadia, Florida. Nothing to write home about, unless you're a great fan of desolation. ;-) One of my favorite video games is an RPG called Skies of Arcadia. I'm currently on my fourth run through it, and though the game's been out for years, it never gets old.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word whatever floats your boat
Hey, I like it, but whatever burns your toast.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word big brother
Of course, if the real Big Brother's going to rise, now would be the time to do it, while everyone's distracted. Good thing that's not happening. Uh... hmmmmm.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word discipless
That sounds fittingly Motown. :-P
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
Yes, that's bizarrely specific choice from a large field of orphans... can't you hear all the others crying, with tears in their puppy-dog eyes, "Pwease adopt us, yarb! We need a mommy and a daddy and a dinner that isn't gruel or cardboard!!"
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the user zoom
Do you drive a Mazda? ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the user mi-vox
mi-vox, you have a profound effect on my emotions. Well done, sir.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
Ummmm... vo-tEch? ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
It's cool. I am that useless. Glad to have you back! The site may not be as fast-paced as others you're used to, but there's a lot of quality discussion here that's worth waiting for. :-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is man enough
Bill Clinton is the man! Did I use an exclamation point? That should have been a question mark.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gavage
The future of food. Don't put the stuff in your mouth, unless you like the flavor of Tasty Wheat...
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word discipless
A female disciple.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gormless
The first post on this page is the funniest thing I think I've ever read on Wordie. Also, I used to work with a guy named Hap...
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the user mi-vox
Looking for a friend? Have you considered audiobooks? Modern audiobooks are excellent companions, especially during these cold winter months.
If you live in the southern hemisphere, the lightweight mi-vox can help you beat the January heat! Imagine, all your favorite surfers' biographies in one small package. You might think an enjoyable audiobook friendship is a thing of the future, but the future is today.
Audiobooks make lovely companions. Perhaps you've heard of Mr. Walter Chestershire of London? Walter has been best mates with his audiobook for nearly a year. He tells us that his experience has been enjoyable and relaxing. The two will be wed in a small ceremony in Essex this July. Now you too can discover lasting love, with an audiobook!
Sonia Marshall of Breckenridge reports that she sometimes spends the evening with three audiobooks at once! It's a sordid affair, to be sure, but an audiobook doesn't become jealous. Sonia says it's the best tryst she's ever had. Don't worry, Sonia, we won't tell. Except for just now. Sorry!
Audiobooks: The Best Friend You Never Had (Or Maybe More).
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the list p-is-for
*comes back 30 seconds later*
Oh. My. Gosh. Placenta PIZZA? I think I've heard quite enough.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word placentophagy
The devouring of a placenta after childbirth. Discussed here. It really grosses me out!
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the list p-is-for
Gross! I've never heard of post-birth placenta use in any capacity, burial or otherwise. But eating it? Do those people know the function of the placenta? It's like eating, um, kidneys and a bladder, or something.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is man enough
Ell oh ell.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word fing
What fingers do.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word fingers
The parts of the body that fing, obviously.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word uncircumcised
Fascinating, arcadia. How do you pronounce Dhaero's name? Is it "dairo"? Oh, and Ron Paul's had my vote since he announced his candidacy. You won't have to persuade me there... or my homeschooling family! ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word uncircumcised
For what it's worth, I have a lot of respect for your "organic mother" approach. My mom employed a lot of the same ideas for me and my brothers, actually (though not the one this page is about). My brothers were born naturally at home, and we were all breast-fed and raised with limitations on media exposure, homeschooled and so on. I can totally relate to your approach, and someday if I'm lucky I'll find a like-minded person to settle down with, myself. ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is
I guess I fail at Wordieing...
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is
So it applies to all groups: a ton, a plethora, a multitude, a lot? If you say so, dude, if you say so. But my inner writer, the part of me concerned with sentence flow, doesn't want to agree.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word uncircumcised
Comparing one person's sensation to another's is a little too subjective to build a case on. I mean, you may be right... but just the same, I'm satisfied and don't feel like I'm falling short in any area. I guess it's one of those "I don't know what I'm missing" things, but from my point of view I'm not missing anything at all.
Regardless, arcadia, you've got me thinking. I don't have any kids yet, and I really can't think of a compelling reason to put them under the knife when I do. It's not something I've thought much about before. I always assumed I would have it done to them, I guess, because it was done to me... but now I probably won't. Not that I have any strong feelings about it either way, still, but why go out of my way to something I don't have a reason for? That's the epitome of uselessness. ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is
Go ahead and answer, if you're man enough. ;-)
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word uncircumcised
I understand what you're saying! It's one of those procedures that is just traditional, and I don't know why it's done. Of course, that's never a good reason to do anything. I guess my thought process is that I, a circumcised male (it was done when I was an infant), am fully functional; I have no pain or lack of feeling "down there"; I have absolutely no memory of the operation or remorse that it was done; and I'm not crippled in any way. For those reasons, making a big deal out of it just seems silly to me, despite the seemingly horrific nature of the procedure when it occurs. To live a normal adult life, it is of absolutely no consequence whether or not a person has had it done.
Now the female version is another story altogether, and I can't approve of that in any manner.
January 17, 2008
uselessness commented on the word is
Which is proper: "There are a bunch of kids in the theater" or "there is a bunch of kids in the theater"? Supposedly, the latter is more grammatically correct, but it just sounds wrong. What's a respectable pedant to do? I guess it all depends on what the definition of "is" is. ;-)
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word numchucks
That, of course, depends entirely on how hard you hit someone with them, or inversely, how many years they spent in the convent.
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
Ditto that. We must have fallen out of favor with our favorites lists...
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word global parfait
Does it have layers?
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word features
I'm personally glad that WeirdNet can still live on with its definition of choice provided first, and perhaps "better" ones available with a click. At this point I'd kind of hate for its quirkiness to go away!
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word diarrhy
Or perhaps of a person with rambling, narcissistic, nonsensical tirades?
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word cahoots
I just noticed that myself. Nice job, John! As for your question, I think I'm going to have to start saying "in a cahoot" from now on... :-P
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word awkward
It's tragic that I consider myself to be a designer, really. Without software I am nothing.
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word comma
The spirit of the law is greater than the letter of the law, I say. Then again, I'm a kooky libertarian. ;-)
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word hiv
That's a particularly rank form of spam, ain't it?
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word longbow
Are these tears of laughter? Let us pretend that they are. ;-)
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word mediæval
Also a typography nerd: *raises hand*
It's definitely one of the better kinds of nerds to be. ;-)
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the user bilby
That's a beautiful name! Is it related to an existing word, or totally new altogether?
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word drawkward
My scribbly, unskilled sketches.
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the word subinfiniplastifulisticism
The belief that synthetic materials can be helpful in moderation.
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
Aye, it would be nice if more good news was reported, wouldn't it?
January 16, 2008
uselessness commented on the list pretty-words-for-when-things-get-ugly
I've always been a fan of chaos and entropy. Also, ruination? Apocalypse? Scourge?
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the user bilby
o hai jhon
im teh uselessness kitteh
a loyal transkripshunist (just ask him)
i think ur just RACIST
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word chassis
I'm totally using that definition from now on!
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word uncircumcised
I really shouldn't even comment here. I know I shouldn't, and yet I'm going to.
I can't speak for females. I can only speak for myself (a male, natch). In any case, I think the word mutilation is needlessly graphic and sensational. It conjures images of ground hamburger meat and unrecognizably butchered carcasses. On the contrary, the procedure is quick, safe, and probably painless (or at least, forgotten in one's adult years if it was done as an infant) and the final product is fully functional and arguably more sanitary than it would have otherwise been. My understanding is that the same cannot be said for the female version, so I'm not even going to go there. But someone had to stand in defense of the menfolk who aren't in the least bit angry that they have been "mutilated." It's not like we had our arms lopped off.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word debbie and warren
I want my money back!
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list former-ghosts
Yes, if he runs as a third-party candidate, let us hope it will be as a verb. :-P
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the user bilby
Ouch. And I thought my rapid flashlight clicking on-and-off at one end of a fiber optic cable was awkward...
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word omnidextrous
Skilled in the use of not only one's own right and left hands, but other people's as well.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word lexisharpshooter
'Cause lexisharpshooter is a long word? Duh! ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list former-ghosts
Give me ghosted words or give me death!! Also, if you see a Quiznos on the way over, could you give me a regular Traditional on white too? You're the best.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
And I've been functionally gone for like two weeks! Nice to know my reputation wasn't tarnished during my absence... ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the user thesuperiorbeing
Sorry we wasn't up to snuffs with your superiorityness, Mr. or Mrs. Being, but I rather like Wordie's relaxitivitous pace (which is even too fast, yea verily!) when I'm trying to keep up whilst at the workywork. Do come back some times.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word pynchon
It's entitled to its opinion... I guess.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word lexisharpshooter
Just a wild guess, but I'm leaning toward "an uncommon misspelling of the name of a rare disease caused by the inhalation of microscopic silicone dust particles emitted by certain volcanoes." Am I close? ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list former-ghosts
Has the thought ever occurred to you that maybe these words liked their independence?!? ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
Then I shall have to become more stealthy. A lexisharpshooter, if you will, making my mark in only the silentest of manners.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list adoption-agency
This list makes me sad. Do you mean to end my ghosting rampage?
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word apodyopsis
I was just asking... :-P
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list knots
Knot again!!
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word wordienym
Yes, yes, of course that's what yarb meant. "Wordie pseudonym?" Oh come on.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word sheeps and tides
I'm so confused.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list knots
Hmmm, I'd rather you did knot. It's much more entertaining to just keep using the same terrible pun over and over again. Is it ever knot funny? I think knot.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word granny knot
There's a reason I didn't get very far in Boy Scouts! Some people are rope-tying naturals, and others are knot.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list first-list-3
On second thought, I want to wear a nametag that says "reesetee" and really confuse people. Particularly, you know, reesetee.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list first-list-3
Or we could make up all new names just for the gathering, and never speak of them again once it's over. Mass confusion!!
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word abecedarian
Vowels and consonants make great couples. Sometimes two consonants can hook up and surprise everyone with a very successful relationship. But W and L? That marriage was doomed from the start. As I recall, they were impossibly drunk when the idea came to them one night, and the very next morning Elvis married them at a drive-thru chapel in Vegas. Also, their kids are ugly.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word granny knot
This ain't even a knot. It's just an excuse to insult hapless arthritic grandmothers. And people who confuse the left-rights of square knot tying. By equating them with hapless arthritic grandmothers.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list first-list-3
You know, there should be an official Wordie gathering sometime. That would be pretty amazing. And we can all wear nametags with our Wordienyms, and are NEVER allowed to use our real names.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word jk
More commonly, short for "you have to overlook the crude and offensive remark I just made because I followed it with this code word, sucker." Often substituted by an emoticon: ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word ambipresent
1. To be.
2. Not to be.
1. Existing or otherwise.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word to be or not to be
Also the definition of ambipresent.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the list knots
This list is just begging for some terrible puns. But I'm knot going to be the one to make them.
Oh wait... crap.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gossypiboma
Maybe that's why I'm always thirsty!
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word apodyopsis
With telekinesis? That would be cool.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word abecedarian
You take that back! I am most definitely not wlatsome! Ignominious, maybe, but not wlatsome.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word osprey
Ford Prefect must have written that definition.
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word bowery
This is my favorite WeirdNet definition ever. Academic and impartial as always. ;-)
January 15, 2008
uselessness commented on the word wordie
Are you talking about Shandi? I'm in love with that girl. ;-)
January 8, 2008
uselessness commented on the word pork 'n' beans
My eyes! My eyes!!
January 7, 2008
uselessness commented on the list firmament-clogging-rotteness
My parents have a portion of my library at their home in South Carolina, and when I went back to visit for the holidays I was able to retrieve my Mark Twain collection. I love the guy! I need to pore through that stuff again. :-)
January 5, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gift horse
Who says that? These people?
January 5, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gift horse
Eewww, then I'll be sure to avoid looking it anywhere.
January 5, 2008
uselessness commented on the word gift horse
Why not? Does it bite?
January 5, 2008
uselessness commented on the word copremesis
Don't you hate it when that happens?
January 4, 2008
uselessness commented on the word beray
Sounds like fun.
January 4, 2008
uselessness commented on the word module
Is it a uranium pew-36 explosive space modulator?
January 4, 2008
uselessness commented on the word module
As an object-oriented programmer, few things excite me the way modular interface design excites me. ;-)
January 4, 2008
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-vibrate-mode
January 3, 2008
uselessness commented on the list of-or-pertaining-to-a-wife-or-wives
Yes, polygyny is the word you're looking for.
January 3, 2008
uselessness commented on the list excuse-my-french
Love it!
January 3, 2008
uselessness commented on the user uselessness
After eleven years of using this pseudonym around the internet, the first article about me has finally been written.
January 2, 2008
uselessness commented on the word merry christmas
So this place is as good as any to say "Merry Christmas!" I'm taking off on vacation through the new year, during which time I may or may not have web access and probably won't be seen (much) around Wordie. May you have a wonderful festive week, and may it be all the more useful without me around. ;-)
December 22, 2007
uselessness commented on the list place-names-that-are-fun-to-say
Wow, this list is really old! But in the unlikely event it's still being maintained, I have to suggest Ypsilanti. :-)
December 22, 2007
uselessness commented on the list filthy-stinking-rich
Hmm, okay, I'll take it. :-)
December 22, 2007
uselessness commented on the word incandescent bulb
Your ticket to the big house in 2014.
December 22, 2007
uselessness commented on the word scroogish
Like Ebenezer Scrooge. Alternately, like uselessness. Bah! Humbug.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
It appears tomorrow (December 22) is National Haiku Poetry Day. Do with that information as you will. ;-)
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word mce mce mce
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word merry christmas
I'm a Christian (though it could be said I'm not one of those Christians) and I will most definitely be celebrating Christmas this year. I think the whole "war" thing is pretty stupid, of course. My solution to the "what do I say to people?" issue is not to say anything at all, and I don't advocate that anyone else follow my example because, while practical, it's also very scroogish. A well-wishing of any kind is better than none at all, and I just suck at it this year.
Anyway, I do wonder if there's a growing trend of people intentionally NOT celebrating Christmas as an act of protest or whatever. Historically, the vast majority of people (in America, at least) celebrated Christmas regardless of their beliefs. It was a pretty secular holiday. It's still secular, but I think more and more non-Christians are starting to refuse participation. Possibly as a response to the attempts of evangelicals to "reclaim" the holiday. It's a shame; whatever your beliefs, there's something cool about taking one day out of the year -- ideally more than one, but we've gotta start somewhere -- to generously bless those around us and be blessed in turn. If my observation is correct, it's sad that people would willing pass up such an offer.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the list gourds-melons
c_b, did you just link to sprite? How subtle of you.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word the truth is out there
Just beyond the fence, playing in the snow.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the list public-list-two-by-fives
As do I, reesetee, as do I. ;-)
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word orphling
Wow, coffee and a legitimate citation! You really went the extra mile! May this word be unappreciated no longer.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word posthole digger
I got mah Ph.D. right heeeere!!
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word uselessness's ghosts
Great word! Listed!!
Oops. Guess I kinda ruined the moment there. Don'tcha hate that?
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word et al
When I walk backwards, I just end up ssensselesu.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word orphling
For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can help feed this poor ghosted orphling.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the list public-list-two-by-fives
Good point. I intentionally added a lot of negative words because the list description seemed to imply it wanted them. I guess by "powerful" I was interpreting it as destructive power. It's not that I was having a "tough day" yesterday, and I hope you're not reading anything into my psyche by those choices. If you want me to add a bunch of positive words for karmic balance, it's not a problem. ;-)
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word brontophobia
Now there's an image. When dinosaurs roamed leaped around the earth... "Incoming!!"
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word telekinesis
Telekinesis is slower than teleportation. And more painful, if you're being transported from ship to planet. Much, much more painful.
December 21, 2007
uselessness commented on the word akohekohe
You hear that name? The Hawaiians are laughing at us!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word oahu alauahio
I'm convinced the Hawaiian language only exists to confound non-natives. The islanders themselves probably speak regular English when we're not looking. With a Brooklyn accent.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word akikiki
The name of this bird overwhelms me with the desire to punt one.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list girls-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
I don't think it's meant to contain the names of actual people anyone wants (or doesn't want) to go out with. It's just for names that are words, or sound like words. Am I right? 'Cause if I'm not, yeah, it's creepy.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list boys-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
I love that four out of five of the contributors on this list are male. And presumably straight.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word satan
A common name in some parts of the world, pronounced "suh TAHN." And, uh, the devil.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word his steveness
But then I'll lose my commission.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
I am shamed to say it's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word haiku these days. It's one of the best things I've ever read. I couldn't not plagiarize it!!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word coffin dodger
I love it!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word bookcrossing
See also: litter. ;-)
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word wikipedia
Surely that problem can be remedied. Doesn't anyone around here contribute to that site?
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word brontophobia
Isn't it literally "fear of thunder"? I seem to remember brontosaurus meaning "thunder lizard" because of the booming sound it probably made when it walked.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word coolabah
Heaven forbid it'd be ghosted. ;-)
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word snurge
Finally, my hobby has a name!!
...uh, I mean reesetee's hobby. Yeah.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list girls-i-would-go-out-with
John! BURN!!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list girls-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
Oh never mind. I now see that there is another list to complement this one, and I got confused. My submissions are alive and well on the other list, which is just as well, because I would date those girls. ;-)
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word b1n
Are you kidding? Over at Flickr I can get at least two ȴs for that!!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word b1n
How much can I get for this old Я?
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
The capital I kind of stands out like a proud individual, even calling to mind a torso with (stubby) limbs. Of course, Wordie makes everything lowercase so the effect is slightly lost, though the dot makes a keen neckless head.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list girls-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
Yeesh, I was being totally hypothetical! Now you make me feel all stalkerish and stuff. At least I'm not an axe-murderer... *eyes bilby suspiciously*
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word b1n
Finally! A place for all that <r@p!
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list take-me-to-your-whosit
Take me to your kahuna.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word titanic
JACK: I'll hold on forever, Rose!
(JACK lets go)
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list girls-i-wouldn-t-go-out-with
I added a few earlier, has someone deleted them? I don't particularly care, but there is something disorienting about adding words to a public list, only to have them disappear.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word features
To clarify re: my suggestions... "blocking" somebody in that example does not mean you'd never see anything by that person, it only means their posts wouldn't show up in your notification page. It's only (hypothetically) offered as one tool among many in an attempt to streamline comment-following, because we're all getting bogged down lately.
Essentially, if the Recent Comments page is moving too fast, this would be a custom page you could use to bring the most relevant/interesting posts to your attention. You'd still be able to see the other stuff, or follow the Recent Comments page as usual. But if you're in a time crunch, such filters could be very helpful in getting caught up. If there are options you don't want to use, you don't have to, but ultimately the choices would be there if you wanted them. Hypothetically.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list winners-don-t-use-drugs
Haha! Okay, you've convinced me. But it seems that the correct (or at least more common) spelling is Enterovioform.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list winners-don-t-use-drugs
Okay, now you're making stuff up. You've gotta be.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list winners-don-t-use-drugs
Okay, I changed it to one X. With either spelling the word still suXXorz though. ;-) Also added abilify, which is just plain strange.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word his steveness
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word his steveness
The Honorable Steve Jobs.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the word jobsworth
I'm rather surprised this has nothing to do with His Steveness.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list the-visual-matches-the-meaning
Hmm, how about word? ;-)
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list public-list-haiku-together
Oh wait, I've just been alternating 5s and 7s. I guess I thought we were just making haiku fragments. I wish there was a way to rearrange the lines so they actually work in the current order.
December 20, 2007
uselessness commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
Oops, don't forget to close your tag (with a slash) or everything after it will be in italics, too!
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the user arcadia
I'm not ignoring the post you made on my profile; I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with some good names but I'm not as clever as you might think... I'll post here if/when I come up with something usable. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
That is, <i>fudge</i> -- it's okay John, we know you try. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list winners-don-t-use-drugs
Never heard of that one before. I already hate it. Perfect for this list, though. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word aeroplane blonde
I wish I hadn't read that.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word tjalk
Works for me. :-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list picture-this-on-your-marquee
I love these! Are they real or madeupical?
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list people-i-have-done-it-with
Wow, that's terrible. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word sinecure
I get paid to make ghosts on Wordie. It requires a great deal of care.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list quiz-time-4
David Blaine is the poor man's Derren Brown.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list winners-don-t-use-drugs
Thanks, I added them all! :-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word lexome
I don't have an opinion on the word itself (it's unabashed meh) but I'm not really a fan of approaching language as a science. It is most certainly an art, and should stay that way. :-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word bitch
Isn't "riding bitch" a verb? Like, "I had to ride bitch in Jack's Miata"?
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word gomboc
Yeah, the gomboc is a very particular shape: an ugly one. I don't like it. I will attempt to discredit it by saying that while there are some shapes of inherent mathematical significance, the gomboc is not one of them. Because the other shapes' properties are true in any context, practical or theoretical, while the gomboc requires the physical characteristics of Earth (namely, gravity), without which it is just another ugly block.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word wordkeeper
Are you the keymaster?
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word panchreston
See also: Occam's razor. And, uh, my profile.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word freedom good
Freedom good.
Slavery bad.
Hulk angry.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word bitch
I like WeirdNet's definition of it, too.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word vitiligo
A disease that turns black people into white people. See this article.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word donut
I hate nuts in my donuts. If the word had to be shortened, why cut out the good part? It should have been doughn. But it would probably annoy Misterpolly. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list what-the-cat-said
Oh gosh, I'm so not used to public lists. We should have a big red banner across the top of the page that says YOU CAN ADD WORDS HERE. Otherwise I'll totally not get the point.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word smutty-breast
Worst. Bird name. Ever.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word free gift
Wow. That's craziful.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list master-of-your-domain
Wait, I get it! The -dom suffix is short for domain! Why did I never realize that before? Oh, sorry for the outburst, carry on...
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word unique
" stay in your seat and finish your dinner. The grownups are trying to talk."
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word tjalk
Pronounced like chalk, I wonder?
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word ghostmaster
My title, according to reesetee on listmaster.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word listmaster
Ghostmaster, eh? I dig.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word ergo
Wouldn't bother me a mite. This word is chock full of hot airgo.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list what-the-cat-said
Great list idea! What about the standard meow? I'm assuming it's standard where you're at, but then again I'm just an uncultured American. ;-)
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the list josswords
This list is shiny!
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word annus horribilis
¿It's not Alejandro? Clearly, you were dealing with Gringo Spanish.
December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word features
I'd rather not have e-mail notification... I get enough mail as it is, and constant Wordie things would push it over the top. If we are to have any notifications, I would prefer for them to be here on-site, accessible via a nice little link at the top of every page that lights up when it contains something new. And it might be nice to customize what does or doesn't show up there. In other words, how about the following options (for example):
- Subscribe to this list's comments
- Subscribe to this word's comments
- Subscribe to this tag's comments
- Subscribe to this profile's comments
- Subscribe to comments by this user
- Subscribe to comments on this user's lists
- Subscribe to comments on words with this tag
- Never show me comments on this list
- Never show me comments on this word
- Never show me comments on this tag
- Never show me comments on this profile
- Never show me comments by this user
- Never show me comments on this user's lists
- Never show me comments on words with this tag
Of course there would need to be appropriate logic to handle category overlaps and the like. And a list of all my subscriptions/blacklists so that I can add or remove them on one convenient page. On second thought, that's probably a pretty serious feature to program. But it would rock.December 19, 2007
uselessness commented on the word the cheat
Oh, but you should.
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word listmaster
I think they make a Listerine for that.
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word bugs
Hmmm... when I try to see someone's tags, I am instead taken to my first list. Odd.
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word listkeeper
A gender-neutral listmaster. With no less mastery, of course.
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word listmaster
Or listkeeper?
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word the cheat
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word oopsigamy
I thought I was marrying Elaine Marley and instead I got...
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word polar bear
See uncanny valley. The more realistic they get, the freakier they become.
December 18, 2007
uselessness commented on the word features
Oh, also... I would love some sort of notification feature that says "reesetee has added you as a contributor to name of list" so I'm aware of new additions to my editable repertoire. Such a notification thingy would go well with private messaging, but we've had that conversation before... ;-)
December 18, 2007
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